Testing broadcast API without connecting to page - chatfuel

i have a bot which is in test mode, so still not connected to a page. is it possible to test the broadcast API?
right now i'm getting "Bad Data: Bot page not found", but i'm hoping that i did something wrong.

All you have to do is to create a page and make it unpublished and you will be able to see the results


is this wrong result return with YouTube Data Api v3 or Is this my mistake. This is big problem to me

I subscribed to this YouTube Channel which has channel id "UCvqhk1yFhKxl_Nz9pCsKuJw"
The total link of that channel is - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvqhk1yFhKxl_Nz9pCsKuJw
Then I checked whether my subscription exists by using google developer page- https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs/subscriptions/list
under "check whether a subscription exists"
but for only above channel it returns empty result. for another channel ids its working properly.
what is this problem.i am android developer and i see this behavior on my android project.i work hard for find this error. but ultimately i see this error for this channel id only.I implemented this error using google developer page for your simplicity.
please help me...

How Can I login Twitch via Selenium

I am trying twitch bot like a stay hydrated bot but Twitch login system have an google captcha and my bot can't login twitch I tried manually login but even i choose pictures correctly google captcha say "it was wrong try again"
Well, i think you're going to have trouble making a robot do something you can't, i'm guaranteeing the fact you cannot get past a reCaptcha is most likely user error.
Twitch Developer Documentation
You're not going to get past Google Captcha with an automation script as they're designed to stop exactly that. Also it's a really crummy way of creating a view bot, im assuming you actually are trying to do that, because if you were actually trying to make a chatbox, you'd know that twitch have things built in to support things like this, so they don't have to try and get around a reCaptcha.

direct message sync issue with twitter API

I am using the twitter api to get all direct messages
while testing I tried to delete a message from the twitter website and then tried to reload my app's direct message page (get via api) - the dm I deleted was still showing in my app but it wasn't on the account I was using on the website.
I'm not sure whats going on here, any help is appreciated
You usually should give a second after an update/delete operation on Twitter. If you do, I would say that something is going wrong with your code.

way to alert me the developer of an error in my iPhone app

I have this iPhone that loads a different part of a website based on what button you click. AKA it links to a sport website and the first page contains all the sports the site offers as buttons. I have code to check if the website is valid/up and if it’s not to display an error message. Is there a way in the code to like alert me somehow, like an email maybe, of such an error such as an invalid url? Like for example if the website removes a sport w/o my knowledge and a user goes to open the link and receives that error, can the app send an email to me (not from the users account, but like a background account maybe) that can alert me of such an error. Or maybe somehow have me access then NSLog of an error that i give?
There is something called TestFlight App that I use to log errors like that. You can read up on it here
Hope it helps!
You could create a Parse integrated app.
Alternatively, if you have access to a web server you could create a simple script that you could POST to in the app to let you know of any problems.
Since the user has connectivity on the internet, try creating a web service and use POST with some meaningful data.
If you don't develop server side as well find a web server that offers such a service.

Do any Google Voice APIs still work?

I am interested in writing a simple CLI program that will send an SMS using Google Voice.
There are several scripts and an API or two available, but I have run into an issue that none of them seem to work any longer; as they mostly rely on parsing returned web pages.
Is anyone familiar with a current API that works so that I can send an SMS on Google Voice?
Looks like Google Voice changed the login procedure, and it now expects you to pass back a cookie. This issue for the Python wrapper sums it up: http://code.google.com/p/pygooglevoice/issues/detail?id=60
UPDATE AND FIX: Actually all that needs to happen is to change the login URL in your code:
Old URL - https://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLoginAuth?service=grandcentral
New URL - https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin?service=grandcentral