i have a bot which is in test mode, so still not connected to a page. is it possible to test the broadcast API?
right now i'm getting "Bad Data: Bot page not found", but i'm hoping that i did something wrong.
All you have to do is to create a page and make it unpublished and you will be able to see the results
I subscribed to this YouTube Channel which has channel id "UCvqhk1yFhKxl_Nz9pCsKuJw"
The total link of that channel is - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvqhk1yFhKxl_Nz9pCsKuJw
Then I checked whether my subscription exists by using google developer page- https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs/subscriptions/list
under "check whether a subscription exists"
but for only above channel it returns empty result. for another channel ids its working properly.
what is this problem.i am android developer and i see this behavior on my android project.i work hard for find this error. but ultimately i see this error for this channel id only.I implemented this error using google developer page for your simplicity.
please help me...
I am trying twitch bot like a stay hydrated bot but Twitch login system have an google captcha and my bot can't login twitch I tried manually login but even i choose pictures correctly google captcha say "it was wrong try again"
Well, i think you're going to have trouble making a robot do something you can't, i'm guaranteeing the fact you cannot get past a reCaptcha is most likely user error.
Twitch Developer Documentation
You're not going to get past Google Captcha with an automation script as they're designed to stop exactly that. Also it's a really crummy way of creating a view bot, im assuming you actually are trying to do that, because if you were actually trying to make a chatbox, you'd know that twitch have things built in to support things like this, so they don't have to try and get around a reCaptcha.
I am using the twitter api to get all direct messages
while testing I tried to delete a message from the twitter website and then tried to reload my app's direct message page (get via api) - the dm I deleted was still showing in my app but it wasn't on the account I was using on the website.
I'm not sure whats going on here, any help is appreciated
You usually should give a second after an update/delete operation on Twitter. If you do, I would say that something is going wrong with your code.
I have this iPhone that loads a different part of a website based on what button you click. AKA it links to a sport website and the first page contains all the sports the site offers as buttons. I have code to check if the website is valid/up and if it’s not to display an error message. Is there a way in the code to like alert me somehow, like an email maybe, of such an error such as an invalid url? Like for example if the website removes a sport w/o my knowledge and a user goes to open the link and receives that error, can the app send an email to me (not from the users account, but like a background account maybe) that can alert me of such an error. Or maybe somehow have me access then NSLog of an error that i give?
There is something called TestFlight App that I use to log errors like that. You can read up on it here
Hope it helps!
You could create a Parse integrated app.
Alternatively, if you have access to a web server you could create a simple script that you could POST to in the app to let you know of any problems.
Since the user has connectivity on the internet, try creating a web service and use POST with some meaningful data.
If you don't develop server side as well find a web server that offers such a service.
I am interested in writing a simple CLI program that will send an SMS using Google Voice.
There are several scripts and an API or two available, but I have run into an issue that none of them seem to work any longer; as they mostly rely on parsing returned web pages.
Is anyone familiar with a current API that works so that I can send an SMS on Google Voice?
Looks like Google Voice changed the login procedure, and it now expects you to pass back a cookie. This issue for the Python wrapper sums it up: http://code.google.com/p/pygooglevoice/issues/detail?id=60
UPDATE AND FIX: Actually all that needs to happen is to change the login URL in your code:
Old URL - https://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLoginAuth?service=grandcentral
New URL - https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin?service=grandcentral