SQL: How to make a replace on the field '' - sql

I have a very but tricky question for you guys. So, listen I have a field with spaces and numbers in one of my table columns. The key part is transform the content in a decimal field. The drawback is basically that for some rows I could get something like:
' 1584.00 '
' 156546'
'545.00 '
' '
So, to clean up my column, I have done a LTRIM and RTRIM so spaces gone. So now for a couple of records where the record were just spaces the new content is ''. Finally I need to convert this result to a decimal.
Issue: The thing is that for field that contend just the spaces the new result is '' and I'm not able to apply a REPLACE on this because it's a blank and the code below doesn't work:
-- Final current verison
SELECT CAST(COALESCE(REPLACE(REPLACE([Gross_Weight],' ','0'),',',''),'0') AS DECIMAL(13,3))
How could I figure it out?
thanks so much

This has the side-effect that you will also turn NULL values into 0, which you might not want. If that's a problem then a simple CASE statement should do the trick:
Obviously you'll also have to incorporate any other manipulations that you're already doing.

No need for replace, just concatenate a zero to your column, like
SELECT RTRIM('0' + LTRIM(column))

I presume your data is in a table.
Lets call this table 'DATA' and the column 'VALUE'
Then you might use the below query
To select the value do the below
select case ltrim(rtrim([Gross_Weight])) when ''
ELSE ltrim(rtrim([Gross_Weight])) END
Let me know if i get the requirement wrong.


Can't remove Trailing spaces in the rows

I have column with data like:
The data type is varchar and I can't change it to int (data managed in this datatype always).
I have some rows with trailing spaces like:
' 2222928'
' 3213331'
I need to remove that trailing space from start. I have tried SUBSTRING() or TRIM()/RTRIM()/LTRIM(), but didn't worked any of those.
select (rtrim(ltrim(doc_id))) from bpm.sales where len(doc_id) = 8
select left(doc_id,2) from bpm.sales where len(doc_id) = 8
select charindex(' ',doc_id) from bpm.sales where len(doc_id) = 8
Also, when I am trying to search the data like:
select doc_id from bpm.sales where doc_id = ' 2269203'
I am geting nothing where it exist in the column. With CHARINDEX() I got 0.
Can someone explain me this behaviour and suggest a solution?
You can get rid of everything up to the first character you do want:
select stuff(doc_id, 1, patindex('%[^0-9a-zA-Z]%', doc_id) - 1, '')

SQL Server CASE statement with multiple THEN clauses

I have seen several similar questions but none cover what I need. I need to put another THEN statement after the first one. My column contains int's. When it returns NULL I need it to display a blank space, but when I try the below code, I just get '0'.
ELSE Column1
If I try to put a sting after THEN then it tells me that it cannot convert it from int. I need to convert it to varchar and then change its output to a blank space afterwards, such as:
THEN CONVERT(varchar(10), Column1)
ELSE Column1
Is there a way of doing this?
A case expression returns a single value -- with a given type. If you want a string result, then you need to be sure that all paths in the case return strings:
This is more simply written using COALESCE():
COALESCE(CAST(Column1 as VARCHAR(255)), '')
You cannot display an integer as a "blank" (other than using a NULL value).

Removing Leading Zeros Part 2

SQL Server 2012
I have 3 columns in my table that will be using a function. '[usr].[Udf_OverPunch]'. and substring.
Here is my code:
[usr].[Udf_OverPunch](SUBSTRING(col001, 184, 11)) as REPORTED_GAP_DISCOUNT_PREVIOUS_AMOUNT
This function works appropriately for what I need it to do. It is basically converting symbols or letters to a designated number based on a data dictionary.
The problem I am having is that there are leading zeros. I just asked a questions about leading zeroes but it won't allow me to do it with the function columns because of the symbols cannot be converted to int.
This is what I am using to get rid of leading zeros (but leave one zero) in my code for the other columns:
cast(cast(SUBSTRING(col001, 217, 6) as int) as varchar(25)) as PREVIOUS_REPORTING_PERIOD
This works well at turning a value of '000000' to just one '0' or a value of '000060' to '60' but will not work with the function because of the symbol or letter (when trying to convert to int).
As I mentioned, I have 3 columns which produce values that look something like this when the function is not being used:
My goal here is to use the function while also removing the leading zeros (unless they are all zeros then keep one zero).
This is what I attempted that isn't working because the value contains a character that isn't an integer:
[usr].[Udf_OverPunch]cast(cast(SUBSTRING(col001, 184, 6) as int) as varchar(25)) as REPORTED_GAP_DISCOUNT_PREVIOUS_AMOUNT,
Please let me know if you have any ideas or need more information. :)
select case when col like '%[^0]%' then substring(col,patindex('%[^0]%',col),len(col)) when col like '%0%' then '0' else col end
from tab
select case when col like '%[^0]%' then right(col,len(ltrim(replace(col,'0',' ')))) when col like '%0%' then '0' else col end
from tab
I am handling such replacement with T-SQL CLR function that allows replacement using regular expressions. So, the solution will be like this:
[dbo].[fn_Utils_RegexReplace] ([value], '^0{1,}(?=.)', '')
You need to create such function because there are no regular expression support in T-SQL (build-in).
How to create regex replace function in T-SQL?
For example:
try this,
declare #i varchar(50)='0000019753}'--'0000019753'
select case when ISNUMERIC(#i)=1 then
cast(cast(#i as bigint) as varchar(50)) else #i end
[usr].[Udf_OverPunch]( case when ISNUMERIC(col001)=1 then
cast(cast(col001 as bigint) as varchar(50)) else col001 end)

SQL- Remove Trailing space and add it to the beginning of the Name

Was working on SQL-EX.ru exercises.
There is one question for DML that I could not do, but I cannot proceed to the next one, until this one is done.
the question itself: All the trailing spaces in the name column of the Battles table remove and add them at the beginning of the name.
My code:
Update Battles
set name=concat(' ',(LTRIM(RTRIM(name))))
The system does not let it go through, I understand that I am using ' ' for the concat, whereas I need to use the stuff that got trimmed. And I have no idea how...
Any help would be very much appreciated
Try Something Like:-
set name = lpad(trim(name), length(trim(name))+4, ' ')
Here use TRIM to remove space from both side. use LPAD to add something on left side with n (4) chars
I'm not familiar with SQL-EX.ru, but if it's Oracle compatible and you can use regular expressions (or you are at that point in the training) here's a way. Maybe it'll give you an idea at least. The first part is just setup and uses a WITH clause to create a table (like a temp table in memory, actually called a Common Table Expression or CTE) called battles containing a name column with 2 rows. Each name column datum has a different number of spaces at the end. Next select from that column using a regular expression that uses 2 "remembered" groups surrounded by parentheses, the first containing the string up to until but not including the first space, the second containing 0 or more space characters anchored to the end of the line. Replace that with the 2nd group (the spaces) first, followed by the first group (the first part of the string). This is surrounded by square brackets just to prove in the output the same spaces were moved to the front of the string.
SQL> with battles(name) as (
select 'test2 ' from dual union
select 'test1 ' from dual
select '[' || regexp_replace(name, '(.*?)([ ]*)$', '\2\1') || ']' fixed
from battles;
[ test1]
[ test2]
I hope this solution can be applied to your problem or at least give you some ideas.
Try this:
set name = case when len(name) > len(rtrim(name))
then replicate(' ', len(name) - len(rtrim(name))) + rtrim(name)
else name
update battles
set name = case when (len(name+'a')-1) > len(rtrim(name))
replicate(' ',
(len(name+'a')-1) - len(rtrim(name))) + rtrim(name)
else name
Len() doesn't count trailing spaces. So using (len(name+'a')-1).
Simplest answer:
UPDATE Battles
But only works because name is VARCHAR.
More generic is to do:
UPDATE Battles
SET name = SPACE(len(name+'x')-1-len(RTRIM(name))) + RTRIM(name)
simple example below ... enjoy :)
update battles set name =
Space( DATALENGTH(name) - DATALENGTH(rtrim(name))) + rtrim(name)
where date in ( select date from battles)

SQL strip text and convert to integer

In my database (SQL 2005) I have a field which holds a comment but in the comment I have an id and I would like to strip out just the id, and IF possible convert it to an int:
activation successful of id 1010101
The line above is the exact structure of the data in the db field.
And no I don't want to do this in the code of the application, I actually don't want to touch it, just in case you were wondering ;-)
This should do the trick:
SELECT SUBSTRING(column, PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', column), 999)
FROM table
Based on your sample data, this that there is only one occurence of an integer in the string and that it is at the end.
I don't have a means to test it at the moment, but:
select convert(int, substring(fieldName, len('activation successful of id '), len(fieldName) - len('activation successful of id '))) from tableName
Would you be open to writing a bit of code? One option, create a CLR User Defined function, then use Regex. You can find more details here. This will handle complex strings.
If your above line is always formatted as 'activation successful of id #######', with your number at the end of the field, then:
declare #myColumn varchar(100)
set #myColumn = 'activation successful of id 1010102'
#myColumn as [OriginalColumn]
, CONVERT(int, REVERSE(LEFT(REVERSE(#myColumn), CHARINDEX(' ', REVERSE(#myColumn))))) as [DesiredColumn]
Will give you:
OriginalColumn DesiredColumn
---------------------------------------- -------------
activation successful of id 1010102 1010102
(1 row(s) affected)
select cast(right(column_name,charindex(' ',reverse(column_name))) as int)
-- Test table, you will probably use some query
DECLARE #testTable TABLE(comment VARCHAR(255))
INSERT INTO #testTable(comment)
VALUES ('activation successful of id 1010101')
-- Use Charindex to find "id " then isolate the numeric part
-- Finally check to make sure the number is numeric before converting
select right(comment, len(comment) - charindex('id ', comment)-2) as justnumber
from #testtable) TT
I would also add that this approach is more set based and hence more efficient for a bunch of data values. But it is super easy to do it just for one value as a variable. Instead of using the column comment you can use a variable like #chvComment.
If the comment string is EXACTLY like that you can use replace.
select replace(comment_col, 'activation successful of id ', '') as id from ....
It almost certainly won't be though - what about unsuccessful Activations?
You might end up with nested replace statements
select replace(replace(comment_col, 'activation not successful of id ', ''), 'activation successful of id ', '') as id from ....
[sorry can't tell from this edit screen if that's entirely valid sql]
That starts to get messy; you might consider creating a function and putting the replace statements in that.
If this is a one off job, it won't really matter. You could also use a regex, but that's quite slow (and in any case mean you now have 2 problems).