IntelliJ ultimate 2017 SQL syntax highlighting - intellij-idea

I have IntelliJ 2017.3 Ultimate and I would like to turn on SQL syntax highlighting. I have tried:
File -> Settings -> Languages and frameworks -> Template Data Languges -> <plus> -> <mark sql directory> -> Languge to MySQL -> apply
File -> Settings -> Languages and frameworks -> SQL Dialects -> Global/Project SQL Dialect and <plus> to point to the sql directory.
It still doesn't highlight syntax error f.e. FRGN KEY isn't underscored as error.
Where exactly I can mark directory as a folder that holds MySQL files ?


Is there any way to ignore these SQL warnings on DataGrip?

I use DataGrip as an IDE for Google BigQuery. DataGrip has a warning pane that warns about items that are frivolous. An example below, "Unable to resolve column 'DAYS_DIFF_CURRENT_ETA', this is occurring because I capitalized the word when I was selecting it.
The query runs fine, however I would prefer to only see warnings where my query may not execute due to an error in how I wrote it.
See the screenshot:
This can be disabled here: File | Settings | Editor | Inspections -> SQL -> Unresolved reference.

Visual Studio - Keyboard-Shortcut: How do I select a line by shortcut

How do I select a line by shortcut?
My goal is e.g. to surround a specific code snippet with something like try/catch block:
Select line Key -> Shift+F10 -> s -> s -> t -> r -> y -> enter -> baammm.
I found I could do HOME and then shift+END, but the HOME and END button are far away. According to Visual Studio Shortcut Description (unstated to which version this is referencing to) it says Ctrl + L.
In my case (freshly downloaded VS without any changes made in any settings) Ctrl+L (i.e. Ctrl+Shift+l) is deleting the line, which is NOT selecting it. Ctrl+l is then deleting the line keeping its contents in the cache which is very basically Ctrl+x
According to Mr_Green in that similar question) it is Ctrl+E then U, which doesn't work either.
And then I found this:
Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Keyboard
Here I would think to find something like "Edit.SelectLine", but it's not there.

How do I stop PyCharm from autocompleting class methods?

When I type:
def method(, PyCharm jumps in with def method(self):. I would like to disable this behaviour.
The option is located at:
Settings > Editor > Smart Keys > Insert Self...
EDIT: As of pycharm 2017.1 it's under File -> Settings -> Editor -> General -> Smart Keys
Go to File > Settings (or Ctrl+Alt+S) > [IDE Settings] > Editor > Code Completion.
The "Autopopup code completion" setting will determine if the popup opens automatically. Below it, the "Insert selected variant by typing dot, space, etc." is likely the setting you want to turn off.
In PyCharm 2017.1
File -> Settings -> Editor -> General -> Smart Keys -> "Insert 'self' when defining a method"

IntelliJ IDEA 13 highlighting of SQL statement

IntelliJ IDEA 13 includes new improvement Statement highlighting in Database Console:
How to change color of highlighting ?
You have to go to: Setting -> Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> General -> Injected language fragment -> Background

Show line numbers in Visual SlickEdit

Does anyone know how I can show line numbers in Visual SlickEdit? I can do this on a per file basis by doing View->Line Numbers, but I'd like to just set it as a mode in the editor and not have to do it for every file I open.
Do you want it for a specific file type?
You can do it for each language or all-languages
Here you would select either 'All Languages' or a specific language (I just tried the 'all')
then you would select 'Line Numbers' on the right pane.
I've got SlickEdit 2007 (12.x), and AFAIK there's not a way to toggle line numbers for all files at once, but if you're only interested in a few different file types, you can turn on display of line numbers on a per-extension basis in the Display Line Numbers checkbox of the General tab of Tools > Options > File Extension Setup for each extension.
I'm using SlickEdit 2013 (v18.0.1.2 32-bit)
Tools -> Options -> Languages -> All Languages -> view
mark the check box line numbers
For SlickEdit Version (Windows)
Tools -> Options -> File Extension Setup -> General (Tab)
You will see, Display line numbers check box
For SlickEdit 2012 (v17.0.2.0 64bit) (Linux)
Tools -> Options -> Languages -> Languages -> View
You will see, Line numbers check box