Macro to insert a cross reference based on selection - vba

I currently work for a company which uses a set house-style for its documents. This includes multi-levelled numbered headings built in to our Word template. I.e.
Heading 1
1.1 Heading 2
1.1.1 Heading 3
A large part of our current task involves adding in cross references to other parts in the document. This can be quite time consuming when the doc runs to several hundred pages with around 10 references on each page.
What I was wondering was if a macro could be set up to add a x-ref based on whatever is highlighted by the cursor. I.e. if you had a sentence that read "please refer to clause 3.2" you could highlight the "3.2" part, run the macro and have the x-ref linked to heading 3.2 be inserted.
Not sure if this is even possible but would be grateful for any advice.

This code will - conditionally - do what you want.
Sub InsertCrossRef()
Dim RefList As Variant
Dim LookUp As String
Dim Ref As String
Dim s As Integer, t As Integer
Dim i As Integer
On Error GoTo ErrExit
With Selection.Range
' discard leading blank spaces
Do While (Asc(.Text) = 32) And (.End > .Start)
.MoveStart wdCharacter
' discard trailing blank spaces, full stops and CRs
Do While ((Asc(Right(.Text, 1)) = 46) Or _
(Asc(Right(.Text, 1)) = 32) Or _
(Asc(Right(.Text, 1)) = 11) Or _
(Asc(Right(.Text, 1)) = 13)) And _
(.End > .Start)
.MoveEnd wdCharacter, -1
If Len(.Text) = 0 Then
MsgBox "Please select a reference.", _
vbExclamation, "Invalid selection"
Exit Sub
End If
LookUp = .Text
End With
On Error GoTo 0
With ActiveDocument
' Use WdRefTypeHeading to retrieve Headings
RefList = .GetCrossReferenceItems(wdRefTypeNumberedItem)
For i = UBound(RefList) To 1 Step -1
Ref = Trim(RefList(i))
If InStr(1, Ref, LookUp, vbTextCompare) = 1 Then
s = InStr(2, Ref, " ")
t = InStr(2, Ref, Chr(9))
If (s = 0) Or (t = 0) Then
s = IIf(s > 0, s, t)
s = IIf(s < t, s, t)
End If
If LookUp = Left(Ref, s - 1) Then Exit For
End If
Next i
If i Then
Selection.InsertCrossReference ReferenceType:="Numbered item", _
ReferenceKind:=wdNumberFullContext, _
ReferenceItem:=CStr(i), _
InsertAsHyperlink:=True, _
IncludePosition:=False, _
SeparateNumbers:=False, _
SeparatorString:=" "
MsgBox "A cross reference to """ & LookUp & """ couldn't be set" & vbCr & _
"because a paragraph with that number couldn't" & vbCr & _
"be found in the document.", _
vbInformation, "Invalid cross reference"
End If
End With
End Sub
Here are the conditions:-
There are "Numbered Items" and "Headings" in a document. You asked for Headings. I did Numbered Items because I don't have that style on my PC. However, on my PC "Headings" are numbered items. If the code doesn't work on your documents, exchange wdRefTypeNumberedItem for wdRefTypeHeading at the marked line in the code.
I presumed a numbering format like "1" "1.1", "1.1.1". If you have anything different, perhaps "1." "1.1.", "1.1.1.", the code will need to be tweaked. The key points are that the code will look for either a space or a tab following the number. If it is followed by a period or closing bracket or a dash it won't work. Also, if you happen to select "1.2." (with the final full stop) in the text the code will ignore the full stop and look for a reference "1.2". Note that the code is insensitive to casual mistakes in the selection. It will remove any leading or trailing spaces as well as accidentally included carriage returns or paragraph marks - and full stops.
The code will replace the selection you make with its own (identical) text. This may cause existing formatting to change. In fact the inserted Reference Field takes the text from the target. I didn't quite figure out which format it applies, the target's or the one being replaced. I didn't deal with this problem, if it is one.
Please take a look at the properties of the cross reference the code inserts. You will see that InsertAsHyperlink is True. You can set it to False, if you prefer. IncludePosition is False. If you set this property to True you would see "above" or "below" added to the number the code replaces.

Yes it is totally possible...
I'll give you (an example of) the key elements:
' Check if a reference exists
If instr(lcase(selection.Sentences(1).Text), "refer to clause") then
' Figure out the reference number...
(see here:
' Get a list of available references
refList = ActiveDocument.GetCrossReferenceItems(wdRefTypeNumberedItem)
' Add the reference
selection.InsertCrossReference(wdRefTypeNumberedItem ,wdNumberFullContext, xxxxxx...


What does a hyperlink range.start and range.end refer to?

I'm trying to manipulate some text from a MS Word document that includes hyperlinks. However, I'm tripping up at understanding exactly what Range.Start and Range.End are returning.
I banged a few random words into an empty document, and added some hyperlinks. Then wrote the following macro...
Sub ExtractHyperlinks()
Dim rHyperlink As Range
Dim rEverything As Range
Dim wdHyperlink As Hyperlink
For Each wdHyperlink In ActiveDocument.Hyperlinks
Set rHyperlink = wdHyperlink.Range
Set rEverything = ActiveDocument.Range
rEverything.TextRetrievalMode.IncludeFieldCodes = True
Debug.Print "#" & Mid(rEverything.Text, rHyperlink.Start, rHyperlink.End - rHyperlink.Start) & "#" & vbCrLf
End Sub
However, the output between the #s does not quite match up with the hyperlinks, and is more than a character or two out. So if the .Start and .End do not return char positions, what do they return?
This is a bit of a simplification but it's because rEverything counts everything before the hyperlink, then all the characters in the hyperlink field code (including 1 character for each of the opening and closing field code braces), then all the characters in the hyperlink field result, then all the characters after the field.
However, the character count in the range (e.g. rEverything.Characters.Count or len(rEverything)) only includes the field result if TextRetrievalMode.IncludeFieldCodes is set to False and only includes the field code if TextRetrievalMode.IncludeFieldCodes is set to True.
So the character count is always smaller than the range.End-range.Start.
In this case if you change your Debug expression to something like
Debug.Print "#" & Mid(rEverything.Text, rHyperlink.Start, rHyperlink.End - rHyperlink.Start - (rEverything.End - rEverything.Start - 1 - Len(rEverything))) & "#" & vbCrLf
you may see results more along the lines you expect.
Another way to visualise what is going on is as follows:
Create a very short document with a piece of text followed by a short hyperlink field with short result, followed by a piece of text. Put the following code in a module:
Sub Select1()
Dim i as long
With ActiveDocument
For i = .Range.Start to .Range.End
End With
End Sub
Insert a breakpoint on the "Next" line.
Then run the code once with the field codes displayed and once with the field results displayed. You should see the progress of the selection "pause" either at the beginning or the end of the field, as the Select keeps "selecting" something that you cannot actually see.
Range.Start returns the character position from the beginning of the document to the start of the range; Range.End to the end of the range.
BUT everything visible as characters are not the only things that get counted, and therein lies the problem.
Examples of "hidden" things that are counted, but not visible:
"control characters" associated with content controls
"control characters" associated with fields (which also means hyperlinks), which can be seen if field result is toggled to field code display using Alt+F9
table structures (ANSI 07 and ANSI 13)
text with the font formatting "hidden"
For this reason, using Range.Start and Range.End to get a "real" position in the document is neither reliable nor recommended. The properties are useful, for example, to set the position of one range relative to the position of another.
You can get a somewhat more accurate result using the Range.TextRetrievalMode boolean properties IncludeHiddenText and IncludeFieldCodes. But these don't affect the structural elements involved with content controls and tables.
Thank you both so much for pointing out this approach was doomed but that I could still use .Start/.End for relative positions. What I was ultimately trying to do was turn a passed paragraph into HTML, with the hyperlinks.
I'll post what worked here in case anyone else has a use for it.
Function ExtractHyperlinks(rParagraph As Range) As String
Dim rHyperlink As Range
Dim wdHyperlink As Hyperlink
Dim iCaretHold As Integer, iCaretMove As Integer, rCaret As Range
Dim s As String
iCaretHold = 1
iCaretMove = 1
For Each wdHyperlink In rParagraph.Hyperlinks
Set rHyperlink = wdHyperlink.Range
Set rCaret = ActiveDocument.Range(rParagraph.Characters(iCaretMove).Start, rParagraph.Characters(iCaretMove).End)
If RangeContains(rHyperlink, rCaret) Then
s = s & Mid(rParagraph.Text, iCaretHold, iCaretMove - iCaretHold) & "" & IIf(wdHyperlink.TextToDisplay <> "", wdHyperlink.TextToDisplay, wdHyperlink.Address) & ""
iCaretHold = iCaretMove + Len(wdHyperlink.TextToDisplay)
iCaretMove = iCaretHold
Exit Do
iCaretMove = iCaretMove + 1
End If
Loop Until iCaretMove > Len(rParagraph.Text)
If iCaretMove < Len(rParagraph.Text) Then
s = s & Mid(rParagraph.Text, iCaretMove)
End If
ExtractHyperlinks = "<p>" & s & "</p>"
End Function
Function RangeContains(rParent As Range, rChild As Range) As Boolean
If rChild.Start >= rParent.Start And rChild.End <= rParent.End Then
RangeContains = True
RangeContains = False
End If
End Function

Word VBA: how to select found text rather than where the cursor is positioned

This is probably simple but I can't get it to work.
I need to search through my document, find words that contain the string 'alog' and add 'ue'. For example, 'catalogs' --> 'catalogues'.
The above works fine but I can't get the next bit to work: if a found string already has 'ue' after the 'log' I don't want to add another 'ue'.
The subroutine accessed from the macro is below. I've tried adding the following lines into the 'while execute' part, but 'selection' always turns out to be the word where the cursor happens to be.
With Selection
.Expand unit:=wdWord
End With
How do I i) select the content of the found range and ii) expand that new selection by two characters to see if those two characters are 'ue' ?
Many thanks.
Sub do_replace2(old_text As String, new_text As String, Count_changes As Integer)
' Replaces 'log' with 'logue'
' Ignores paragraphs in styles beginning with 'Question'
Dim rg As Range
Set rg = ActiveDocument.Range
With rg.Find
.Text = old_text
While .Execute
If Left(rg.Paragraphs(1).Style, 8) <> "Question" Then
rg.Text = new_text
With ActiveDocument.Comments.Add(rg, "Changed from '" & old_text & "'")
.Initial = "-logs"
.Author = "-logs"
End With
Count_changes = Count_changes + 1
End If
rg.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
End With
End Sub
I'm not quite sure I follow the first part of your question "How do I select the content of the found range". The rg variable already contains the search result. If you want to select it, just use rg.Select. This might be useful in debugging (so you can see where the Range is when you're stepping through the code), but there isn't really any other reason to use the Selection object in the code from your question. You can just use the Range object instead.
As to part 2 of your question "How do I ... expand that new selection by two characters", all you need to do is add 2 to the .End property of the Range. Since you're only using this for a test (and because the .Find method can be dodgy), test this on a copy of rg:
With rg.Find
.Text = old_text
While .Execute
If Left(rg.Paragraphs(1).Style, 8) <> "Question" Then
Dim test As Range
Set test = rg.Duplicate 'copy the found Range.
test.Collapse wdCollapseEnd 'move to the end of it.
test.End = test.End + 2 'expand to the next 2 characters.
If test.Text <> "ue" Then 'see if it's "ue".
rg.Text = new_text
With ActiveDocument.Comments.Add(rg, "Changed from '" & old_text & "'")
.Initial = "-logs"
.Author = "-logs"
End With
Count_changes = Count_changes + 1
End If
End If
rg.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
End With

Excel-VBA: creating dynamic hyperlinks to google

I have an excel sheet [Microsoft Office 2010] where the user can select a certain commodity & category, after which a list of suppliers linked to that commodity & category are printed on the sheet. I now want to print out hyperlinks next to this list of suppliers that perform a google search using the supplier as search term. This is the code I got right now: It checks whether the cells in column 6 are empty or not, if not that means a supplier name is printed in the cell. I then want a hyperlink to be printed in the column next to it that links to a google search using the suppliername as search term.
EDIT: code below works. Issue was in the if statement - isEmpty did not work for string value, but vbNullString fixed the issue.
Previous issueL
The printed links lead to the general google home page, with no search terms. I believe the reason why the links are leading to general google pages is because the actual cell values (which are used as search term) are not read properly. The code line "If Not IsEmpty(cellSupplierListed) Then" always runs, even when the cells have no suppliername in there.. I'm not sure why.
Also: Let's say there are 5 suppliers listed and the code reads over 300 rows (hard coded in code above), then still 300 links are printed out, while only 5 should have been printed out. (as only 5 of the 300 rows have values). Those 5 suppliers are printed out by previous code in the same sub and do indeed show up on the excel sheet. It just appears that the code below is not reading blank cells as being blank cells or non-blank cells as non-blank cells.
Dim cellSupplierListed As String
Dim csl As Integer
Dim h As Integer
h = 0
For csl = 1 To 300 'needs to be updated if more than 300 suppliers are listed
cellSupplierListed = Cells(9 + csl, 4).Value
If cellSupplierListed = vbNullString Then
Exit For
h = h + 1
Range("G" & (9 + h)).Hyperlinks.Add Range("G" & (9 + h)), "" & cellSupplierListed, , , "Link"
End If
Next csl
For Office 2013 and later, you can use the Hyperlinks.Add method
.Add(Anchor, Address, SubAddress, ScreenTip, TextToDisplay)
Example (from the above linked documentation):
With Worksheets(1)
.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=.Range("a5"), _
Address:="", _
ScreenTip:="Microsoft Web Site", _
End With
The following was tested in Office 2007:
Range("a5").Hyperlinks.Add Range("a5"), ""
For the OP's actual question:
Change the following line
Cells(7, 9 + h) = Hyperlink("" & cellSupplierListed, "Link")
Range("F"&(9+h)).Hyperlinks.Add Range("F"&(9+h)), "" & cellSupplierListed,,,"Link"
You can copy the values and paste them back as html:
Set o = CreateObject("New:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}") ' New MSForms.DataObject
o.GetFromClipboard: s = o.GetText
Application.CutCopyMode = False
before = "<a href='": after = "'>Link</a><br>"
s = Replace(s, vbNewLine, after & vbNewLine & before)
s = "<html>" & before & s & after
s = Replace(s, before & after, "<br>") ' replace the blank values
o.SetText s: o.PutInClipboard
[g1].PasteSpecial "Text"

How do I stop Word from selecting each FormField as I read their values in VBA?

I have a template document in Word 2013 that has the user fill in a large number of Legacy Text FormFields. At the end of the document, I've included a button which compiles the answers into a string devoid of formatting, then copies it to the clipboard.
It works, but as each FormField is read, the Word document skips back and forth between each text field and the end of the document. It's visually alarming. Is there a way to gather the values of each FormField without Word moving the cursor/focus to each field as it is read?
Here's a sample of the code:
Private Sub cmdCreateNote_Click()
Call cmdClearNote_Click
Dim ff As FormFields
Set ff = ActiveDocument.FormFields
Dim Output As String
Output = ff("ddReviewType").Result & vbCrLf
If ff("chFacInfo").Result Then
Dim FacInfo
FacInfo = Array("Field1: ", _
"Field2: ", _
"Field3: ", _
"Field4: ", _
"Field5: ")
Output = Output & "FIRST SECTION" & vbCrLf
For Index = 1 To 5
If ff("chFacInfo" & Index).Result Then
Output = Output & FacInfo(Index - 1) & ff("txFacInfo" & Index).Result & vbCrLf
End If
Output = Output & vbCrLf
End If
Dim FORange As Range
Set FORange = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("FinalOutput").Range
FORange.Text = Output
ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.Add "FinalOutput", FORange
Selection.GoTo What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:="FinalOutput"
End Sub
It appears that every time I access ActiveDocument.FormFields( x ).Result, the document focus goes to that element, then drops back to the end of the document again.
Any pointers?
Use the Bookmark object instead of the FormField. This will allow you to access the properties without changing the screen focus. See answer on Suppress unwanted jumping/scrolling on Word 2013 VBA Script for specifics on how to do this.
Posting comment as answer, since it worked!
Try Application.ScreenUpdating = False before going through the FormFields and then setting it to True after, in order to minimize screen updating.

How do you remove hyperlinks from a Microsoft Word document?

I'm writing a VB Macro to do some processing of documents for my work.
The lines of text are searched and the bracketed text is put in a list(box).
The problem comes when I want to remove all hyperlinks in the document and then generate new ones (not necessarily in the location of the original hyperlinks)
So the problem is How do I remove the existing hyperlinks?
My current issue is that every time a link gets added, the hyperlinks count goes up one, but when you delete it, the count does NOT reduce. (as a result I now have a document with 32 links - all empty except for 3 I put in myself - they do not show up in the document)
At the end of the code are my attempts at removing the hyperlinks.
Private Sub FindLinksV3_Click()
ListOfLinks.AddItem Now
ListOfLinks.AddItem ("Test String 1")
ListOfLinks.AddItem ActiveDocument.FullName
SentenceCount = ActiveDocument.Sentences.Count
ListOfLinks.AddItem ("Sentence Count:" & SentenceCount)
counter = 0
For Each myobject In ActiveDocument.Sentences ' Iterate through each element.
ListOfLinks.AddItem myobject
counter = counter + 1
BracketStart = (InStr(1, myobject, "("))
If BracketStart > 0 Then
BracketStop = (InStr(1, myobject, ")"))
If BracketStop > 0 Then
ListOfLinks.AddItem Mid$(myobject, BracketStart + 1, BracketStop - BracketStart - 1)
ActiveDocument.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection.Range, Address:= _
"http://testnolink/" & counter, ScreenTip:="" 'TextToDisplay:=""
End If
End If
Debug.Print ActiveDocument.Hyperlinks.Count
End Sub
This is an old post, so am adding this VBA code in case it is useful to someone.
Hyperlinks (Collections) need to be deleted in reverse order:
Sub RemoveHyperlinksInDoc()
' You need to delete collection members starting from the end going backwards
With ActiveDocument
For i = .Hyperlinks.Count To 1 Step -1
End With
End Sub
Sub RemoveHyperlinksInRange()
' You need to delete collection members starting from the end going backwards
With Selection.Range
For i = .Hyperlinks.Count To 1 Step -1
End With
End Sub
The line removing the hyperlink is commented out. The following line will remove the first hyperlink within the selected range:
This will also decrement Selection.Range.Hyperlinks.Count by 1.
To see how the count of links is changing you can run the following method on a document:
Sub AddAndRemoveHyperlink()
Dim oRange As Range
Set oRange = ActiveDocument.Range
oRange.Collapse wdCollapseStart
oRange.MoveEnd wdCharacter
Debug.Print ActiveDocument.Range.Hyperlinks.Count
ActiveDocument.Hyperlinks.Add oRange, ""
Debug.Print ActiveDocument.Range.Hyperlinks.Count
Debug.Print ActiveDocument.Range.Hyperlinks.Count
End Sub