How to authenticate exist-db users in RESTXQ - authentication

(complete rephrase - since no answer):
I am developing an exist-db application with user authentication and RESTXQ. My users log in via the login:set-user function from the login module. Here a snippet from the controller:
import module namespace login="" at "resource:org/exist/xquery/modules/persistentlogin/login.xql";
declare variable $local:login_domain := "org.exist-db.superApp";
declare variable $local:user := $local:login_domain || '.user';
let $logout := request:get-parameter("logout", ())
let $set-user := login:set-user($local:login_domain, (), false())
this works perfectly fine. If I call e.g. xmldb:get-current-user() anywhere within an app:function() I get the currently logged in username.
I also have a RESTXQ module with a couple of functions to be dynamically called via URL by AJAX requests. Some of these actions (deleting xml-elements in the data, adding new collections...) are rather critical. I don't want guests (or users with the wrong rights) to be able to just call these RESTXQ URLs to manipulate the data - so RESTXQ must be secured and it should doublecheck: is the currently logged in user allowed to modify specific resources/collections?
If I call e.g. xmldb:get-current-user() in any RESTXQ function, I always get "guest", all the security manager (sm) functions also indicate that within RESTXQ there is no knowledge about the current user login. Only if I do something like xmldb:login("/db","username","password") in each RESTXQ function, RESTXQ seems to know someone is logged in, but usernames and passwords should not constantly be passed back and forth via URL - yet without passing this data in, RESTXQ functions don't seem to know about it (right?).
So how do I make sure, RESTXQ lets only authenticated users change data (without users having to authenticate multiple times and without having to pass the authentication data to RESTXQ on each request)?.
example use-case:
I want a RESTXQ function that gets a search-string ($text) and a collection-path ($path) as input, now it checks for all xml files in $path: If the currently logged-in-user (must be authenticated!) has writing-access to the file, delete all nodes that contain $text and return some JSON response to the user...
I have multiple such functions, (move, delete and add data, add new collections... ), they work nicely except for the bold part: I do not get this If in. Any ideas?
PS: this topic on the eXist mailing list asks the same question. Here #adamretter sugests to restrict the RESTXQ module file itself, so users get prompted to (re-)authenticate when a function is called - even if they already used the persistent log-in. This is what I don't like:
I don't want my users to have to log in multiple times (that's the idea of getting things as dynamic as possible - e.g. by using RESTXQ)
the prompted login (for executing RESTXQ) and the previous login (persitent) via the login-module can differ now!
even if the user logs out within the the application, RESTXQ is still granted access because that prompted authentication knows nothing about the logout. If a new user logs (not in the prompt, but via the login-module) she still has access to RESTXQ, because this is not re-prompted (and I don't know how to "logout" this prompted, seemingly parallel second login).
I can restrict the whole RESTXQ module this way, but I still don't know how to ask within a RESTXQ function: "what access rights does current user have on resource A, B, C...

Hoping that this will help others:
When making an AJAX-request, add a header:
headers: {'Authorization': 'Basic ' + btoa(username + ':' + password)},
This will log the user in with the given credentials (if correct). In your RESTXQ function you can then access the user's details via sm:id():
declare namespace sm = "";
let $username := xs:string(sm:id()//sm:real//sm:username)
You should use the info under sm:real as a setuid or setgid may mask the real values.
Note that the login information are not stored so you need to send them with every AJAX request you make.

The RESTXQ API is stateless. So you need to authenticate on each request. This intentionally the case and is done by design so that each RESTXQ call can work in isolation efficiently.
This isn't unusual as other APIs such as Amazon's S3 also require such authentication to be provided on each request.
How your users authenticate to RESTXQ and how you prompt them for the request credentials (and possibly reuse those) is outside the scope of the RESTXQ API, and instead is considered to be a client issue that you need to solve in your own application.


How is the access_type=online oauth mode (no refresh token) supposed to work?

This question is has a lot in common to the previous question Google OAuth: can't get refresh token with authorization code (and I won't be offended if it's considered a duplicate) but there are some differences: that question uses the Javascript and PHP libraries, and I'm using neither of those. That question wants to know how to get a refresh token, and I want to know if I should want a refresh token, or how the mode with no refresh tokens is intended to work.
I'm following this guide:
The goal is to allow users to upload files from Google Drive to my web application.
I'm not using one of Google's favored programming languages, so I don't have a library abstracting away all the interaction with Google. I need to know what the HTTP requests should actually should look like.
One of the parameters in the authorization request is access_type. The description says
Set the value to offline if your application needs to refresh access tokens when the user is not present at the browser.
I won't need to do that (I'll only want to retrieve a file on my server immediately after the user selects it) so in the spirit of not asking for more privileges than you really need, I used access_type=online. This gives me an access token and no refresh token. I've successfully used the access token to make some requests to Google Drive.
The user comes back the next day and tries to upload another file. While processing this request from the user, I make a request to Google Drive. The access token is expired, so I get a 401. What's supposed to happen next?
My guess is I should pretend this is a completely new user and send them through the full authorization process again. That would mean I have to abort whatever the user was trying to do, redirect them to with all the parameters (scope, client_id, etc.) and embed enough information in the state parameter that I can resume the original request when the user gets back from their detour.
This seems rather difficult (in particular the part about saving and resuming the state of my application at some arbitrary point). It's a big enough obstacle that it should be explained somewhere. But the description of the access_type parameter didn't say anything about needing to insert authorization redirects everywhere. It just said the user must be "present".
You are using the right implementation. You don't need offline access if you aren't going to make requests when the user is not using the application. The thing is that access tokens expire in 1 hour. So you need to generate new access tokens if a user leaves the application and come back later.
If users have authorized your application, calling this URL with your configuration should return a new valid access token:

Grails Spring Security forcing user to a specific screen after successful authentication

Here is the scenario. I have two objects Users (with username/password) and UserInfo with rest of the data related to user. The Users is an old table with thousands of records and UserInfo is fairly new. I want to get as much UserInfo as I can when the user first logs in.
I'd like to force user to a custom screen after first login and ask for the UserInfo data. Once I get the "required" data in the new screen, I dont show it till the user voluntarily wants to fill in the data under "Profile".
Since there are multiple entry points to the application, I dont want to update all the controllers to check for this.
Is there a way I can use a Spring Security filter or something which is executed on successful login? I had a look at ApplicationListener<AuthenticationSuccessEvent> but it doesnt solve the problem as if I copy paste the link in the browser, it lets me go ahead to the destination without asking for "extra information".
In a nutshell, I want a check after each login which, if fails, user is not allowed to enter the application. No matter how he tries to get in.
In your Config.groovy, configure Spring Security's defaultTargetUrl and tell it to always redirect there:
grails.plugins.springsecurity.successHandler.alwaysUseDefault = true
grails.plugins.springsecurity.successHandler.defaultTargetUrl = '/userInfo/edit'
In your UserInfoController's edit action, you can check that the required fields are present (userInfo.validate() perhaps?) and if they are, redirect to wherever you like, perhaps '/', otherwise render the edit info view.
You can adopt what #doelleri proposed and enhance the rule by those steps:
run a batch task to assign a temporary ROLE_DISABLED role to each user who does not provide supplemental information yet. If the user already had some roles, save them in some property.
setup your authorization rule as that users with ROLE_DISABLED role only allowed to access /userInfo/edit.
in /userInfo/edit, if the user has a ROLE_DISABLED role, render the information input view, and resume user's role after it successfully updated its information. Otherwise redirect to '/' or the path it requested.

ExtJs:How to get Session variable

In my Java web application,when a user gets logged in,i store the user name and other details in session as follows,
I am using ExtJs4 for UI.How to get the session variables in extJs?
I can second #Geronimo approach. You need to get user Id and/or permissions when you authenticate the user. However...
You can't rely just on the username/permissions that you store somewhere in your JS code because it can't be easily spoofed. If you present user with some information that can be different for different levels of access you still need to do server side validation of the user identity.
You can't get session variables off the server web container using javascript only.
I do the same thing (storing userId as a session variable in java). I use Ext.Request to perform an Ajax request to a java servlet to get it (along with other data about the user like permission settings for the webapp to enable or disable features they wouldn't be able to use).
I second sha's answer also, the only reason I pass the authentication information back to the client is for cosmetic reasons - so that user doesn't think he can use a feature in javascript that would be denied by my server side authentication. If he were to spoof the userId or permissions and try to use the feature, the real authentication on the server side would stop him.
I understand that the question has been asked for a long time ago, but despite the large number of views and the absence of an plain answer, I decided to offer this answer:
Assume that the session variable is registered like /index.php?PHPSESSID=9ebca8bd62c830d3e79272b4f585ff8f
In this case, you can get the variable PHPSESSID through JS object "location" and transform it through Ext.Object.fromQueryString()
console.log( Ext.Object.fromQueryString( ) );
will prepare PHPSESSID variable for your needs.

GWT: Authentication for some part of application using GWT login page

My application has some features that are accessible to all users, and some other features to which access should be restricted to authenticated users only. All these restricted features exists within some set of GWT Places, thus, all Places available in application can be divided into two groups: "accessible for all", and "restricted". In my opinion, places with restricted access, could implement some interface (let's say it would be RestrictedAccess), and if user proceeds to one of them, and it has not been authenticated yet, it will be redirected to the login screen - it's more OO-approach than applying filters basis on URL.
What I'm trying to achieve is:
Information about if user has been
authenticated or not should be
stored on server (it's not something
that could be stored in a cookie...)
Login page is a standard GWT place+view+activity (!)
User name & password validation is done on the server side.
So far, I've introduced RestrictedAccess interface, which is implemented by some set of places. My FilteredActivityMapper.Filter implementation, which is passed to the FilteredActivityMapper wrapping application activity mapper has the following logic:
Place filter(Place place) {
if (place instanceof RestrictedAccess && !userHasBeenAuthenticated()) {
return new LoginPlace();
// return the original place - user has been already authenticated or
// place is accesible for all users
return place;
private boolean userHasBeenAuthenticated() {
// remote call - how to do ???
The problem is with userHasBeenAuthenticated() method (user should not be redirected to the LoginPlace, if it has been already authenticated). If I want to store this information on the server-side, I have to do GWT RPC/request factory call here, but both are asynchronous, so I cannot work on its result in the filter method.
I know that I can use web.xml filters or some external framework (e.g. spring security), but none of this approach allows me to have login page as a standard GWT - based form, or indicating in the more OO way that access to some place should be restricted.
Thanks in advance for any hints
EDIT: I've started to wondering if places filtering (restricted/not restricted) should take place on the client side at all. If, as it was suggested, there is a possibility to hack code indicating if user has been authenticated or not, there is also possibility to hack places filtering code, so that it will be possible to access restricted places without signing in.
I think there is a security issue with calling userHasBeenAuthenticated() - it would be possible to hack the client side code to return true every time this function is called.
The solution I've implemented is to simply return SC_UNAUTHORIZED if an unauthenticated user attempts to access any remote service. I've overridden the RequestFactory onResponseReceived function which redirects to a login page if the response is SC_UNAUTHORIZED. Idea taken from:
This works for our situation where the Activities and Places are all data-centric - each place change retrieves data from the server. If a user isn't authenticated they simply don't get the data and get redirected to a login page.
I realize your situation is slightly different in that some places are accessible to everyone, in which case you could configure only the restricted services to return SC_UNAUTHORIZED.
I have a similar application with the same requirements. As yet I have not got round to to the implementation but I was thinking along the same lines.
What I was planning on doing is storing the authentication state client side in an AuthenticationManager class. When the app starts I was going to request the login info from the server (I was thinking of running on app engine so I would get the authentication state and also get the open id login/logout URLs) and store this in the AuthenticationManager. Acegi/Spring Security works in a simlar way so this info is available server side if you use those too.
When the user logs in/out they will be redirected by the server and the new state will be retrieved. This should keep the client authentication state in line with the server. Each RPC request on the server has to be checked for authentication too. I was using the gwt-dispacth library and this has some rudimentary authentication checking and cross site script protection in in too (although I think latest GWT has this for generic RPC).
One issue is session timeouts. Again the gwt-dispath library has some code that detects this and returns session expired exceptions to the client which can be intercepted and the auth manager updated.
Hope that makes some sense.

Redirecting back to a page after authentication through OpenID, Oauth, or Facebook Connect

I'm allowing users to login to my site with either OpenID, Twitter OAuth or FBConnect. If the user attempts to go to a page that requires them to be logged in, after that user logs in I want to send them BACK to that page. Is there an easy way to accomplish this with all of these or should I simply just write the redirect page to a cookie and upon a successful login send them to that page? I'm using Django so if there are any nice tips or tricks involving that specifically that would be great.
Thanks for the input in advance!
You could thread that parameter (the page they were at) through as a parameter to your return_to. As noted in the spec:
Note: The return_to URL MAY be used as a mechanism for the Relying Party to attach context about the authentication request to the authentication response. This document does not define a mechanism by which the RP can ensure that query parameters are not modified by outside parties; such a mechanism can be defined by the RP itself.
For example:
def sendOpenIDCheck(...):
# after getting an AuthRequest from Consumer.begin
return_to = oidutil.appendArgs(return_to,
{'destination_url': that_place_they_tried_to_go})
return redirect(auth_request.redirectURL, realm, return_to))
def handleReturnTo(request):
# after doing Consumer.complete and receiving a SuccessResponse:
return redirect(request.GET['destination_url'])
If there's some other state you need to track (like POST data), or you have an extraordinarily long URL that you can't fit in as a query parameter, or you need to have the destination_url tampered with by the user, you store that information server-side, send the key as a query parameter instead of a URL, and look it up when they get back.
Not very different from storing it in the session, unless the user's got several simultaneous tabs in one session that run in to this, and then having it in the query helps.
Sadly OAuth and OpenID aren't really aware of your app states (while OAuth WRAP can be). So you have to take the following assumption:
The user will complete the sign-in WITHOUT switching tabs/windows or doing other requests on your site.
Then you can do the following:
Once you detect the access of a protected site, store the full query in the session. This won't work at all if it's a POST request, you have to prepare for this problem (show them a warning site with a lik that they must login first).
Store a timestamp of when this request happend.
On your OpenID callback check whether the session variables are set and redirect the user to the stored query. Check the timestamp (don't redirect if the timestamp is older than 5 minutes or so). After that clear both variables from the session.
This will lead to odd behaviour if the user violates against the assumption, but I don't think there is any way you can circumvent that.