Putting a "Game" into my Single View Application in Xcode - xcode8

I am completely new to Xcode and coding in general, so I've been wanting to create an app where I will have a UI (Start menu, options menu etc) then when the player presses the "start" button, it will bring them to a game.
When I was toying around with Xcode, I realized that if you choose the Game option instead of the single-view application, it will create Spritekit Scene and various tabs needed to create a basic game.
So I was wondering is it possible to add all those tabs needed into my SingleViewApplication or do I have to copy everything from my current game to a new project with the "Game" preset?
Any input would be appreciated!

Theoretically, you can just copy the appropriate files from a "Game" project to a "Single View Application" project, because the Game project template essentially adds a single view controller in the storyboard and put an SKView in the VC. I have never done this before though.
What you need to copy:
The view controller from the storyboard of the Game (You need to connect this VC to the existing VCs in your SingleViewApplication of course.)
The class of the VC (remember to set this as the class of the VC if it is not set)
The SKScene subclass(es)
The sks files
all the graphics in the assets catalog
However, I don't recommend you doing this because UIViews components feels very different from SKNodes. This might make your app's style inconsistent. I suggest doing all the menus and stuff in SpriteKit as well.


How do I add a new view to a single view application in Xcode

I started my app as a single view application. I have the view with various buttons and labels connected to code. I want to add a button that links to another view.
I found a tutorial that guided me to click on the project and add a UIView subclass. However there is no option for that ( I think because I started it as a single view application).
I'm pretty new to all this so if anyone can outline a simple way for me to do this that would be great! I am using Xcode version 4.3.2.
You need to add a new Objective C class. Please refer to this:
How to create new View Controllers in XCode 4.3
If you started the app as single view using xib file the to add a class just go to name of the project on the left pane and right click on it. Then choose add new file. The pop up will appear to allow you to choose what type of class you want to add. Depending to what the new view is you can choose uiview controller or uitableview controller and so on. Just make sure you check mark with xib for interface user. That should do it. Hope it helps.

What is the proper way to deal with changing a single UIView within a storyboard scene

Lets say I have a scene which includes a UIView container on the top half of the screen, and a UIView container on the bottom half of the screen and a few buttons at the very bottom of the screen.
Basically the bottom container will always display static text while the buttons across the bottom will change the content of the top container which may include an image, more buttons, or more text depending on what button is pressed on the bottom. Also each time a bottom button is pressed the top container is transitioned to the new view with a flip from bottom transition.
I have achieved this purely programmatically, but decided to convert my app to a storyboard file since it makes producing the rest of my app much faster and simpler, plus makes the code not look like a crazy mess.
My limited understanding of storyboards seems to deduce that I would need a separate story board scene for every UIView change, and Apple's coding conventions with storyboards seem to imply that we should use a new ViewController every time you create a new scene. All this adds up to an even bigger mess than I currently have.
Is there a better way of doing this? Am I misunderstanding something? If I am not confused, is there some way to make all these scene and view controller duplication cleaner?
The storyboard editor makes it difficult to do what you're describing, because it doesn't let you edit freestanding views associated with a scene.
I suggest you just create a separate nib (not storyboard) for each of the top-half views. These can exist separate from your storyboard. Your view controller (which is instantiated from the storyboard) can then load whichever nib it needs when a button is pressed, and put the view from the nib into its (the view controller's) top-level view.
There must be a way!
I accidentally opened one one day (see attached image). Although I have no idea how I did it and really really want to know, I cannot reproduce it, nor close it. The UIView opened when I was dragging my connection for the table header view from the Connections Inspector to the list of controls on the left side of the screen (not to the actual UIViewController).
I too am reworking a project with storyboards and have a similar problem with multiple views per UIViewController.
In this case it is a table header. I have other UIViewControllers in the project with the same configuration but I cannot get them to pop up either.

Working with storyboards in Xcode, how to handle massive Storyboard in iOS

I have been using the storyboard to make an application and currently there are many segues and several components. This is causing a ton of lag when I try to do anything inside the storyboard. Is there a way to hide components inside the storyboard? thanks.
+1, For the potentially features to improve Xcode. Now, there is no way you can hide those views (Not that I know). But I would suggest you to,
Hide the debug areas you don't need.
Hide the document outline while working with segues.
I think in this way whenever you are making changes, system does not have to repaint those unwanted views and long document outline. Probably this will be less laggy(I don't think there is a word like this)!
Work around
Divide your segue into different meta segues and then you can call those segues from your main segue. In that way you don't have to put each connection on one file but you condense it!
And here we go the documentation for it! Now you can get the story board by different file and then initiate with the UIViewController easily. Then you can just use old ways to segue between different ViewControllers.
Apple Documentation for UIStoryboard
Demo App.
In order to achieve this, I have made a quick demo application which will help any future visitors.
Visually something like this,
You can split one huge storyboard into multiple small storyboards.
Select the view controllers that you want to move to a smaller storyboard, then
In the top menu, click Editor -> Refactor to Storyboard
Save the new storyboard with the desired name. XCode will auto generate all the required storyboard links from your large storyboard to this newly created small one.

How to associate new class files to be a view controller for a specific scene?

Alright, I will try and make this short and sweet. I recently created my first iOS app, and in my app I decided to go the storyboard route by selecting the checkbox when creating the project. On a side note, I recently just started developing in Xcode, keep that in mind. So I started by designing the GUI elements of my app, and before I knew it, I had 8 scenes in my storyboard file and one view controller. Needless to say the view controller has been populated with code from different scenes thus making it difficult to understand what does what in the view controller. In the spirit OO design principles, I thought it would be a good idea to create a separate view controller for each scene. So I created some class files for the project. When I try to associate the newly created class file with the scene my computer just sounds a beep / donk sound. I am trying to associate the newly created class file to a scene by selecting the scene in the storyboard / Interface Builder view, then displaying the Utilities pane on the right, then selecting the Identity Inspector at the top of the Utilities pane, then setting the Custom Class to my newly created class file, but when I type the name of the class and press enter I just hear a beep.
If any one has any insight or knows of a tutorial explaining this process please post. Part of the reason I am trying to do this is for code readability, better code management, and a better code structure for the application. I came across this stack thread explaining some of what I am talking about.
Also here's a picture of what my project looks like if that helps shed any light.
You need to consider the parent class of your controllers, UIViewController for example.
To do so, you must check the .h file and your xib/nib file.
I. In your .h file, you will be seing:
#interface ViewControllerWelcome : NSObject
Change 'NSObject' to 'UIViewController' - this will mean that ViewControllerWelcome has a parent class UIViewController.
II. In your nib/xib file:
1. Click on the controller that you are going to set from the storyboard.
2. Go to interface builder and click the "Identity Inspector" (third item from the left) from the Utilities panel.
3. You need to specifically set each controller's name (eg. ViewControllerWelcome)
Do these to all controllers from your storyboard.
Here's something you can read about ViewControllers and Storyboards.

What's the MainWindow.xib nib file for?

I am new to iOS developement, and i am trying to understand the whole cycle of iOS application developement, and i feel there's a missing part i just don't get it..
if the MainWindow.xib that is generated automatically by Xcode has a view that loads another xib/nib view inside it, then why we use it ?
Your application needs a window so the system can display it to you on the device screen. In the window are various views which represent different areas of your application that users can interact with. Views can either be entire user interfaces, or individual UI controls.
The main window interacts with your application delegate to handle events that your application receives through the views.