VBA - Auto check/uncheck microsoft script run time - vba

I had the following function that auto add Microsoft Script Runtime Reference to the Reference list. However, if the user already had included Microsoft script runtime, it will show error Name conflicts with existing module,project, object library.
How do I set an condition that auto adds Microsoft script runtime if it is not included in the reference and do nothing if it has already being added?
Private Function AddScriptingLibrary() As Boolean
Const GUID As String = "{420B2830-E718-11CF-893D-00A0C9054228}"
On Error GoTo errHandler
ThisWorkbook.VBProject.References.AddFromGuid GUID, 1, 0
AddScriptingLibrary = True
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Description
End Function

You'll need to enumerate the references of the project first, in order to check if the reference is already present.
I've added a reference to Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3
Option Explicit
Function AddScriptingLibrary()
Const GUID_Scripting = "{420B2830-E718-11CF-893D-00A0C9054228}"
Dim proj As VBIDE.VBProject
Dim ref As VBIDE.Reference
Dim ScriptingLibraryIsReferenced As Boolean
Set proj = ThisWorkbook.VBProject
For Each ref In proj.References
If ref.GUID = GUID_Scripting Then
ScriptingLibraryIsReferenced = True
AddScriptingLibrary = True
Exit Function
End If
Next ref
If Not ScriptingLibraryIsReferenced Then
On Error GoTo errHandler
proj.References.AddFromGuid GUID_Scripting, 1, 0
AddScriptingLibrary = True
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Description
End If
End Function
EDIT this does the same, but without the early-bound reference to Visual Basic For Applications Extensibility 5.3 reference:
Option Explicit
Function AddScriptingLibrary()
Const GUID_Scripting = "{420B2830-E718-11CF-893D-00A0C9054228}"
Dim proj As Object 'VBIDE.VBProject
Dim ref As Object 'VBIDE.Reference
Dim ScriptingLibraryIsReferenced As Boolean
Set proj = ThisWorkbook.VBProject
For Each ref In proj.References
If ref.GUID = GUID_Scripting Then
ScriptingLibraryIsReferenced = True
AddScriptingLibrary = True
Exit Function
End If
Next ref
If Not ScriptingLibraryIsReferenced Then
On Error GoTo errHandler
proj.References.AddFromGuid GUID_Scripting, 1, 0
AddScriptingLibrary = True
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Description
End If
End Function
But then, if you're happy with the down-sides of late-bound code, you don't even need the reference to Scripting.Runtime, because you can just use:
Option Explicit
Sub PrintDriveCount()
Dim FSO As Object
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Print the number of drives in the FileSystemObject
Debug.Print FSO.Drives.Count
End Function


Excel VBA On Error handling with User-Defined Type

this is an example sub to programatically install a type library for API. Why is the error handling routine failing? I attempted to follow the try...except...finally strategy I am familiar with from Python.
Sub CopyViewLayout():
On Error GoTo addReference
Dim App As femap.model
Dim App As femap.model
Set App = GetObject(, "femap.model")
Dim rc As Variant
Dim feView As femap.View
Set feView = App.feView
rc = feView.Get(0)
Exit Sub
Dim vbaEditor As VBIDE.VBE
Dim vbProj As VBIDE.VBProject
Dim checkRef As VBIDE.Reference
Dim filepath As String
Set vbaEditor = Application.VBE
Set vbProj = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject
filepath = "C:\apps\FEMAPv11\"
On Error GoTo Failure
vbProj.References.AddFromFile (filepath & "femap.tlb")
Set vbProj = Nothing
Set vbaEditor = Nothing
GoTo ResumeSub
MsgBox ("couldn't find type library, exiting sub")
End Sub
I broke out this section from main because Error handling is just ridiculous in VBA... A better approach for me was to implement a finite-state-machine using Booleans.
Sub refcheck()
Dim i As Long
Dim FEMAP_GUID As String
FEMAP_GUID = "{08F336B3-E668-11D4-9441-001083FFF11C}"
With ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.references
For i = 1 To .Count
If .Item(i).GUID = FEMAP_GUID Then
Exit For
'note: filepath is determined using Dir() elsewhere...
.AddFromFile (filepath & "femap.tlb")
Exit For
End If
End With
End Sub
Error handling only handles runtime errors; not compile time errors. Use
Dim App as Object
And make sure you only Dim App once in your code.
By using As Object, you can late bind any object to it. You lose Intellisense while youre coding thought.
Like Dick mentioned, use Late Binding but that alone is not enough. You will have to use it with proper Error Handling.
For example
Dim App As Object
On Error Resume Next
Set App = GetObject(, "femap.model")
On Error GoTo 0
If App Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Please check if femap is installed"
Exit Sub
End If
'~~> Rest of the code
If you are sure that it is installed then you are getting the error because the relevant library is not referenced. For that I would recommend having a look at How to add a reference programmatically
I would however still suggest that you take the Late Binding route.

Test whether a property name exists

I'm getting this error:
Run-time error '424' object required
when I try to run this code:
Sub SuperSaveAs()
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim pathName As String
Dim myFileName As String
If (ActiveDocument.CustomDocumentProperties("_CheckOutSrcUrl").Value = True) Then
pathName = ActiveDocument.CustomDocumentProperties("_CheckOutSrcUrl").Value
myFileName = pathName + ActiveWorkbook.Name
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= _
myFileName _
, FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled, CreateBackup:=False
MsgBox "_CheckOutSrcUrl is missing"
End If
End Sub
This macro is connected with a button in Excel. The macro checks if the custom document property exists. If the custom document property exists the macro should save the file to the Value of _CheckOutSrcUrl (SharePoint Directory).
How can I fix the error?
You cannot use the above method to test whether a property name exists or not. There are two apparent approaches, and these are not my own personal answers:
Use a loop to examine all the property names and see if "_CheckOutSrcUrl" gets found. See https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/office/forum/office_2007-word/using-customdocumentproperties-with-vba/91ef15eb-b089-4c9b-a8a7-1685d073fb9f
Use VBA error detection to see if the property "_CheckOutSrcUrl" exists. See http://www.vbaexpress.com/forum/showthread.php?15366-Solved-CustomDocumentProperties-Problem
A snippet example of #1 adapted to your code - would be best in a function:
Dim propertyExists As Boolean
Dim prop As DocumentProperty
propertyExists = False
For Each prop In ActiveDocument.CustomDocumentProperties
If prop.Name = "_CheckOutSrcUrl" Then
propertyExists = True
Exit For
End If
Next prop
A snippet example of #2 adapted to your code:
Dim propertyExists As Boolean
Dim tempObj
On Error Resume Next
Set tempObj = ActiveDocument.CustomDocumentProperties.Item("_CheckOutSrcUrl")
propertyExists = (Err = 0)
On Error Goto 0
Based on #Cybermike:
Function propertyExists(propName) As Boolean
Dim tempObj
On Error Resume Next
Set tempObj = ActiveDocument.CustomDocumentProperties.Item(propName)
propertyExists = (Err = 0)
On Error GoTo 0
End Function

Adding a created excel add-in

I have created a VB add-in for excel with the below code. However, when I open a new excel workbook and attempt to add the reference to the newly created dll, I get an error: "Can't add a reference to the specified path." I am using Excel 2010 on a 32 bit machine. The add-in was created with Visual Studio 2010.
Public Class Utils
'!Deletes old reference and adds new reference. Must be used when switching to new machine.
Function addReference() As Boolean
If Dir("C:\refname.dll") <> "" Then
Dim ref
For Each ref In Application.ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.VBE.ActiveVBProject.References
If ref.name = "refname" Then
End If
addReference = True
addReference = False
End If
End Function
End Class
You can try this:
Option Explicit
Sub AddReference()
Dim vbProj As VBIDE.VBProject
Dim chkRef As Reference
Dim BoolExists As Boolean
Set VBAEditor = Application.VBE
Set vbProj = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject
'~~> Check if reference is already added
For Each ref In vbProj.References
If ref.Name = "refname" Then
BoolExists = True
GoTo CleanUp
End If
vbProj.References.AddFromFile "C:\WINDOWS\system32\refname.dll\3"
If BoolExists = True Then
MsgBox "Reference already exists"
MsgBox "Reference Added Successfully"
End If
Set vbProj = Nothing
Set VBAEditor = Nothing
End Sub
I got this code from: How to add a reference programmatically

How can I use the FileSystemObject to "Copy and rename"

Using the FileSystemObject in VB/VBA (or native VBA calls, I guess) how can I:
Copy folder
Rename folder
So, something like:
mFSO.CopyAndRename(targetFolder, copyDirectory, copyFolderName)
I have basically done this myself but I would much prefer a more clean method call such as the above (and the CopyFolder method). This seems like a lot of code and a lot of potential failure points...
''requires reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime
Public Function CopyDirectory(ByVal p_copyDirectory As String, p_targetDirectory As String, Optional p_newName As String = "") As Boolean
CopyDirectory = False
Dim m_fso
Set m_fso = New FileSystemObject
Dim mFolder, mNewFolder
If Not Me.DoesPathExist(p_copyDirectory) Then
Exit Function
On Error GoTo errHandler
Set mFolder = m_fso.GetFolder(p_copyDirectory)
mFolder.Copy p_targetDirectory, False
'rename if a "rename" arg is passed
If p_newName <> "" Then
If DoesPathExist(p_targetDirectory & mFolder.Name) Then
Set mNewFolder = m_fso.GetFolder(p_targetDirectory & mFolder.Name)
mNewFolder.Name = "test" & CStr(Rnd(9999))
End If
End If
CopyDirectory = True
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Function
End If
Exit Function
End Function
There is actually a method on Scripting.FileSystemObject called CopyFolder. It can be used to do both the copy and rename in one step, as follows:
Dim objFSO As Object
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
objFSO.copyFolder "C:\Path\to\source\folder", "C:\Path\to\destination\folder" true
I found the code here: http://vba-tutorial.com/copy-a-folder-and-all-of-its-contents/
Hope this answers your question.
My Fav: SHFileOperation API
This also gives you the visual presentation of Folders being moved.
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function SHFileOperation Lib "shell32.dll" _
Alias "SHFileOperationA" (lpFileOp As SHFILEOPSTRUCT) As Long
Const FO_COPY = &H2 '~~> Copy File/Folder
Const FOF_SILENT = &H4 '~~> Silent Copy
hwnd As Long
wFunc As Long
pFrom As String
pTo As String
fFlags As Integer
fAborted As Boolean
hNameMaps As Long
sProgress As String
End Type
Private Sub Sample()
Dim lresult As Long, lFlags As Long
With SHFileOp
'~~> For Copy
.wFunc = FO_COPY
.pFrom = "C:\Temp"
.pTo = "C:\Temp2\"
'~~> For Silent Copy
'.fFlags = FOF_SILENT
End With
lresult = SHFileOperation(SHFileOp)
'~~> SHFileOp.fAborted will be true if user presses cancel during operation
If lresult <> 0 Or SHFileOp.fAborted Then Exit Sub
MsgBox "Operation Complete", vbInformation, "File Operations"
End Sub
For renaming a folder, here is a one liner
Sub Sample()
Name "C:\Temp2" As "C:\Temp3"
End Sub
Posting this for reference in the future. Using syntax from this answer I fleshed out a class I'd been writing.
I've created a directory manager class in VBA which may be relevant to anyone coming here in the future.
Private m_fso As New FileSystemObject
''requires reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime
Public Function CopyAndRenameDirectory(ByVal p_copyDirectory As String, p_targetDirectory As String, p_newName As String) As Boolean
'p_copyDirectory = "C:\temp\myGoingToBeCopiedDir
'p_targetDirectory = "C:\Temp2"
'p_newName = "AwesomeDir"
'myGoingToBeCopiedDir --> C:\Temp2\AwesomeDir
CopyAndRenameDirectory = False
p_targetDirectory = p_targetDirectory & "\"
If Not Me.DoesPathExist(p_copyDirectory) Or Not Me.DoesPathExist(p_targetDirectory) Then
Exit Function
End If
On Error GoTo errHandler
m_fso.CopyFolder p_copyDirectory, p_targetDirectory & p_newName, True
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Function
If PRINT_DEBUG Then Debug.Print "Error in CopyAndRenameDirectory: " & Err.Description
Exit Function
End Function
Public Function CopyDirectory(ByVal p_copyDirectory As String, p_targetDirectory As String) As Boolean
'p_copyDirectory = "C:\temp\myGoingToBeCopiedDir
'p_targetDirectory = "C:\Temp2"
'p_newName = ""
'myGoingToBeCopiedDir --> C:\Temp2\myGoingToBeCopiedDir
CopyDirectory = False
If Not Me.DoesPathExist(p_copyDirectory) Or Not Me.DoesPathExist(p_targetDirectory) Then
Exit Function
End If
p_targetDirectory = p_targetDirectory & "\"
On Error GoTo errHandler
m_fso.CopyFolder p_copyDirectory, p_targetDirectory, True
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Function
If PRINT_DEBUG Then Debug.Print "Error in CopyDirectory: " & Err.Description
Exit Function
End Function
Public Function CreateFolder(ByVal p_path As String) As Boolean
CreateFolder = True
If Me.DoesPathExist(p_path) Then
Exit Function
On Error GoTo errHandler
m_fso.CreateFolder p_path ' could there be any error with this, like if the path is really screwed up?
Exit Function
End If
'MsgBox "A folder could not be created for the following path: " & path & ". Check the path name and try again."
CreateFolder = False
Exit Function
End Function
Public Function DoesPathExist(ByVal p_path As String) As Boolean
DoesPathExist = False
If m_fso.FolderExists(p_path) Then DoesPathExist = True
End Function

Upgrading VBA 6->7 causes error: If Exists in Collection

VBA6 code (Excel) worked great. Upgrade to Office 2010/VBA7, code breaks.
Using code from SO:
Determining whether an object is a member of a collection in VBA
Public Function Contains(col As Collection, key As Variant) As Boolean
Dim obj As Variant
On Error GoTo err
Contains = True
obj = col(key)
Exit Function
Contains = False
End Function
I get run-time error 5: Invalid procedure call or argument.
It doesn't make sense to me though because the error occurs on the obj = col(key) line which should be covered by the On Error GoTo err statement, but it stops.
Other If X exists in collection type solutions have the same problem.
Instead of fixing the broken code, what I really need is to be able to see if a record is already set for a collection, if that can be done some other (new) way in VBA7, that would solve the problem as well (I can dream).
I find that if I change specify an object, e.g., a worsheet, it works:
Public Function Contains(col As Collection, key As Variant) As Boolean
Dim ws As Excel.Worksheet
On Error GoTo err
Contains = True
Set ws = col(key)
Exit Function
Contains = False
End Function
I call it like this:
Sub test()
Dim ws As Excel.Worksheet
Dim coll As Collection
Set coll = New Collection
For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
coll.Add ws, ws.Name
Next ws
Debug.Print Contains(coll, ActiveSheet.Name)
Debug.Print Contains(coll, "not a worksheet name")
End Sub
I get True for the first call and False for the second.