Docusign change recipient for notification events - notifications

If this has already been posted, I apologize, I couldn't find an answer.
I am using the c# API.
We would like to specify, on a document by document base, who will receive the notification events.
As a for example:
We have our business segmented into regions.
Documents signed in any given region should send their notifications to the regional rep. Currently, all notifications go to one person, and they have to forward the notifications. It would be nice if I could set this up when I create the envelope, so the notification events go to the regional rep right away.

Whoever is the sender of an envelope will receive the notifications, you cannot explicitly tell DocuSign to whom to send the notifications. If you want PersonA of RegionA to get notification then you need to send envelope on behalf of PersonA, then that user will become the owner of the envelope. Also it depends which type of notifications you are interested in, if you want to have notification like, Completed, Void, Expired then you can add your Regional Rep as CC recipient type as 1st in routing order then if any activity will happen on that envelope then CC recipient will get Completed, Void, Expired types of notification. The notification they will not get is, if someone has viewed an envelope.


How the mail notifications are working in Odoo14 for the Leave application, approval/rejection?

While applying, approving/rejecting the leave sometimes the emails are sent from the odoo14 system, but there is no mail template or mail sending functionality found in the leave module. Does anyone know how it's working? Images of the mail are below.
You can find the post message for leave acceptance here and for leave refusing here
The message_post method respect the user's preference. If the user changes the notification option from the user preferences in user form to Handle by Odoo rather than Handle by Emails,the user will not receive emails; instead, they will receive notifications in Odoo's UI.

Viber REST API, how to find Unique Viber user id?

Resource URL
General send message parameters
I am trying to send message to viber from Postman. I don't know how to find Unique Viber user id, that parameter is required.
I am getting this error:
{"status":999,"status_message":"Bad receiver ID","message_token":5126721184521938239}
Danny Dainton mentioned the docs on how you can get data including unique ID about your own account not about somebody else!
You'll receive callbacks containing user unique ID to your webhook if a user subscribes to your public account, and ONLY THEN you'll be able to send message to that user.
As per viber docs:
The send_message API allows accounts to send messages to Viber users who subscribe to the account. Sending a message to a user will be possible only after the user has subscribed to the Public Account by pressing the subscribe button or by sending a message, or by sending a message to a bot (see subscribed callback for additional information).
Before an account can send messages to a user, the user will need to
subscribe to the account. Subscribing can take place in one of two
User sends message to the account (both Public Accounts and bots)
when a user sends its first message to a account the user will be
automatically subscribed to the account. Sending the first message
will not trigger a subscribe callback, only a message callback (see
receive message from user section). Subscribed event is sent to the
Public Account (Public Accounts only)
user clicks a subscribe button
which triggers the subscribe callback as described below.
Simple, just call the Get Account Info API, whose resource URL is
You will find the a list of all subscribers in the response along with their user IDs. Please note that these user IDs are unique per user per public account.
Correction: It seems like the Get Account Info API does not return all subscribers, it just returned for me my user ID (the admin of the public account). Based on this, there is no way to get the user IDs of your subscribers other than from the callbacks for new subscribers, messages, ...etc.
Normally you should collect Viber IDs from all callbacks and store in DB for future use. But if you missed that step you can collect Viber IDs of online subscribed users by periodic call to get_online endpoint and then use get_user_details endpoint to get more info about unknown ones.

BlueSnap Subscription Fail simulation

Is there any way to simulate bluesnap. what happens when a recurring payment fails, for example, if the user doesn't have money on the card in that moment?
Thank in advance :)
BlueSnap offers IPN (Instant Payment Notification) alerts for events such as declined CC charge for a subscription. This type of IPN is defined as "on demand" - which means you will need to register to receive it in the BlueSnap control panel.
Since the IPNs are messages sent over HTTP, you can choose to send them to your server, and configure a receiver for it there. Once the IPN reached your server it can be parsed by your receiver and you can choose what to do with it, for example:
send an automated email to your customer support or accounting department
send an email to the shopper
log the event in your system for later analysis.
IPNs can also be sent manually, thus simulating this event. For you specific case, the IPN for CC_CHARGE_FAILED can by opening a browser with a connection that can access your server, and putting the IPN in the address line. Your receiver will get the information and respond accordingly.
If you already received an IPN for an actual CC charge failure - use that IPN message as is. If you have not yet received such an IPN and in fact you're just starting out and building your own receiver, you should contact BlueSnap merchant support at and they'll send you a sample.

REST API design for endpoint with notification

I am creating an API endpoint which takes a customer order, create the order and send email notification. At our current design once we successfully create the order, we send a success notification 201 to client and then make a call for our internal email api. Upon getting success notification from us the client app shows users a message to check his/her email.
I don't feel comfortable with this design because if for some reason the email sending method failed there are no way for client to understand this. On the other hand if we wait for to successfully the send the email and then send client app success notification it takes longer times.
So what is the right approach for overcoming this problem?
I think your design works. Why would the client care if the mail service is not working? If the order passes all validations on the server and is persisted I would treat that as a successful state and return 201 Created.
When the client gets 201 Created, then do what you say; give the user a message about checking their mail, but tell them that they should have some patience. Something like:
Your order was submitted. Please check your mail. If you haven't got a mail in 24 hours please contact us, "or whatever other solution here".
You have no control on what time the mail will arrive at the users mail box anyway since mail sending is not a synchronous process.
Remember: Seperate your conserns.
202 Accepted would usually be the most appropriate response for a request which requires further processing. In your case, however, this might not be right because the email is not fundamental to the resource creation.
201 Created is perfectly acceptable for you because the order has actually been created. However, as the spec says, you should return a Location header with the URI of the created resource and an entity describing how to access the resource. That should get around your issue with a mail service failure - the client can still access their order and, to be honest, e-mail is not guaranteed delivery so I'm hoping that the email isn't an absolutely required part of your business process.

MailChimp/Mandrill webhook for message created/scheduled

Is it possible to get MailChimp or Mandrill to notify a webhook URL whenever a message is either created for a list, or scheduled to be sent, along with the list and message IDs?
I have a client that wants to intercept messages from his campaign, add special data from his server, then send the resulting template through his connected Mandrill account. I'm trying to figure out how to implement the first step in this process.
Although I know this is old someone may stumble into this thread, have you checked out the webhook information?
It has an easy way to implement it inside the account. You just setup a URL to intercept and parse the incoming data. I recommend first saving the data then using a scheduled task to parse the job separately so you don't lose data (although mandrill will try 100x).
If the unique id is not enough for you with your events, and you are concerned about specific campaigns you can tag the emails upon send and they will have the tagged information with the incoming event.