Update Specific Record Embedded In document - mongodb-query

This is my first time using MongoDB and Spring-data-mongo.
There is a Company object
public class Company {
private String id;
private String name;
private String registrationNumber;
private List<Vehicle> vehicles;
public class Vehicle {
private String vehicleOwner;
#Indexed(unique = true)
private String plateNumber;
private Double speedLimit;
private GeoJsonPoint currentLocation;
I would like to update currentLocation field for a vehicle with a given plateNumber
Obviousl, i'm stuck here
mongoTemplate.find(Query.query(Criteria.where("vehicles"))), how to go to `plateNumber` field? And how to update `currentLocation` field for that particular matching `Vehicle` for the `Company`

This should work, frame the query to fetch the required document and then create an Update object and populate values as shown below,
Query query = new Query(Criteria.where("name").is("company_name")
Update update = new Update();
update.set("vehicles.$.plateNumber", "NEW NUMBER");
//You can use findAndModify or updateMulti based on your need.
mongoTemplate.updateFirst(query, update, Company.class);
You can try the same for updating currentLocation.


CriteriaBuilder.size() and Hibernate's #Where annotation

I have the following setup:
public class Function {
private String name;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "function", cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true)
#Where(clause = "type = 'In'") // <=== seems to cause problems for CriteriaBuilder::size
private Set<Parameter> inParameters = new HashSet<>();
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "function", cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true)
#Where(clause = "type = 'Out'") // <=== seems to cause problems for CriteriaBuilder::size
private Set<Parameter> outParameters = new HashSet<>();
public class Parameter {
private String name;
private ParameterType type;
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, optional = false)
#JoinColumn(name = "function_id")
private Function function;
The overall problem I am trying to solve is find all functions that have outParameters with an exact dynamic set of names. E.g. find all function with outParameters whose names are exactly ('outParam1', 'outParam2')
This seems to be an "exact relational division" problem in SQL, so there might be better solutions out there, but the way I've gone about doing it is like this:
List<String> paramNames = ...
Root<Function> func = criteria.from(Function.class);
Path outParams = func.get("outParameters");
Path paramName = func.join("outParameters").get("name");
// CriteriaBuilder Code
builder.or(paramNames.stream().map(name -> builder.like(builder.lower(paramName), builder.literal(name))).toArray(Predicate[]::new)),
builder.equal(builder.size(outParams), paramNames.size()));
The problem I get is that the builder.size() does not seem to take into account the #Where annotation. Because the "CriteriaBuilder code" is nested in a generic Specification that should work for any type of Entity, I am not able to simply add a query.where() clause.
The code works when a function has 0 input parameters, but it does not work when it has more. I have taken a look at the SQL that is generated and I can see that it's missing:
function0_.id AS id1_37_,
function0_.name AS name4_37_,
functions function0_
LEFT OUTER JOIN parameters outparamet2_ ON function0_.id = outparamet2_.function_id
AND (outparamet2_.type = 'Out') -- <== where clause added here
WHERE (lower(outparamet2_.name)
LIKE lower(?)
OR lower(outparamet2_.name)
LIKE lower(?))
parameters outparamet4_
function0_.id = outparamet4_.function_id) = 2 -- <== where clause NOT added here
Any help appreciated (either with a different approach to the problem, or with a workaround to builder.size() not working).
The where annotation is in the function entity, in the subquery you have not used that entity so the operation is correct, try using the function entity as root of the subquery, or to implement the where manually.
For the next one, it would be recommended that you include the complete Criteria API code to be more precise in the answers.

Spring Data JPA: CriteriaQuery to get entities with max value for each unique foreign key

There's an Event class:
public class Event {
private Integer id;
#ManyToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
private Company company;
private Long time;
I want to have an EventFilter class (implementing Specification) which will produce CriteriaQuery to select entities the same way as the following SQL query:
FROM events e1
WHERE e1.time = (
FROM events e2
WHERE e1.company_id = c2.company_id
Filtered result will contain only events with unique Company and max time value per company.
This is the EventFilter class with what I ended up with:
public class EventFilter implements Specification<Event> {
public Predicate toPredicate(Root<Event> root, CriteriaQuery<?> q, CriteriaBuilder cb) {
Subquery<Long> subquery = q.subquery(Long.class);
Root<Event> subRoot = subquery.from(Event.class);
.where(cb.equal(root.get("company"), subRoot.get("company")));
return cb.equal(root.get("time"), subquery);
When EventRepository#findAll(EventFilter filter) is called, results are not filtered at all. Please help me to implement this logic correctly.
After inspecting SQL statement generated by Hibernate I've found an error: root was used instead of subRoot. The correct method body is:
Subquery<Long> sub = q.subquery(Long.class);
Root<Event> subRoot = sub.from(Event.class);
.where(cb.equal(root.get("company"), subRoot.get("company")));
return cb.equal(root.get("time"), sub);

SQLNative query returning empty results

I'm trying to execute a query which needs 4 tables :
#Query(value="SELECT e.* FROM erreur e, synop sy, synop_decode sd, station st WHERE e.id_synop = sd.id_synop_decode "
+ "and sd.id_synop_decode = sy.id_synop" + " and DATE(sy.date)= :date and "
+ "sy.id_station = st.id_station and st.id_station= :stationId", nativeQuery=true)
public List<Erreur> recherche(#Param("date") Date date, #Param("stationId") Long stationId);
This query works fine et native sql, i pass an existing stationId and a date like the following :
SELECT e.* FROM erreur e, synop sy, synop_decode sd, station st WHERE e.id_synop = sd.id_synop_decode and sd.id_synop_decode = sy.id_synop
and DATE(sy.date)= '2019-05-27' and sy.id_station = st.id_station and st.id_station= 60355;
This query works fine in Mysql Workbench.
Here's the actual controller i'm using for testing purpose :
public List<Erreur> getTodayErreurByStationId(#PathVariable Long stationId)
List<Erreur> erreurs = new ArrayList<Erreur>();
Optional<Station> stationOptional = stationRepository.findById(stationId);
return erreurRepository.recherche(new Date(), stationId);
return null;
The expected results are the actual "Ererur" objects in my array list, but RestClient just returns an empty array [], while the query works just fine in mysql like i described it above.
So my question is : How can i write this query into Hql language so that i can return the right entities. Or how can i map my sql results to my target custom calss "Erreur"?
#Getter #Setter #NoArgsConstructor
public class Erreur {
public Erreur(int section, int groupe, String info) {
this.section = section;
this.groupe = groupe;
this.info = info;
private Long id;
#ManyToOne(cascade= {CascadeType.DETACH,CascadeType.MERGE,CascadeType.PERSIST,CascadeType.REFRESH},
private SynopDecode synopDecode;
private Controle controle;
#ManyToOne(cascade= {CascadeType.DETACH,CascadeType.MERGE,CascadeType.PERSIST,CascadeType.REFRESH},
private Station station;
private int section;
private int groupe;
private String info;
If you want to use jpa convention directly then you will have to make associations between different entities i.e. how two entities are linked. When we define these associations then spring jpa knows how to convert method name or custom queries into SQL.
Your code will need to be something like
public class Erreur {
#JoinColumns//define how Erreur and SynopeDecone are linked
private SynopDecode synopDecode;
public class SynopDecode {
#ManyToOne // or #OneToOne its not mentioned in question how these two are linked
#JoinColumns//define how SynopDecode and Synop are linked
private Synop synop;
Then you can write your query like
#Query("select e from Erreur e LEFT JOIN e.synopDecode sy LEFT JOIN sy.synop sy WHERE DATE(sy.date) = :date AND sy.id_station = :stationId")
List<Erreur> getByDateAndStationId(#Param("date") Date date, #Param("stationId") Long stationId)
You can't use method name based query because you want to use SQL function to match only "date" part of your date and not the whole timestamp.
You can use jpa methods by conventions.
Assuming SynopDecode has property like:
//SynopDecode class
private Synop synop;
//repository interface
List<Erreur> findByStationIdAndSynopDecodeSynopDate(Long stationId, Date date);
//List<Erreur> findByStationIdAndSynopDecode_Synop_Date(Long stationId, Date date);
As Punit Tiwan (#punit-tiwan) note that, the above methods used for a specific datettime.
You can use methods below for just DATE.
//repository interface
List<Erreur> findByStationIdAndSynopDecodeSynopDateBetween(Long stationId, Date startOfDate, Date endOfDate);
//List<Erreur> findByStationIdAndSynopDecode_Synop_DateBetween(Long stationId, Date startOfDate, Date endOfDate);
I figured a way to get the same results as my SQL Query using the #Query annotation and accessing object properties like this :
#Query("from Erreur e where e.synopDecode.synop.station.id = :stationId and "
+ "DATE(e.synopDecode.synop.date) = :date")
public List<Erreur> recherche(#Param("date") Date date, #Param("stationId") Long stationId);
I think it solves my problem, thanks for the help

Hibernate search boolean filter

I have book entry:
public class Book extends BaseEntity {
private String subtitle;
#DateBridge(resolution = Resolution.DAY)
private Date publicationDate;
private int score;
#ManyToMany(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
#Cascade(value = {CascadeType.ALL})
private List<Author> authors = new ArrayList<Author>();
#FieldBridge(impl = BooleanBridge.class)
private boolean prohibited;
And filter by boolean field "phohibited"
public class BFilter extends Filter {
public DocIdSet getDocIdSet(IndexReader indexReader) throws IOException {
OpenBitSet bitSet = new OpenBitSet(indexReader.maxDoc());
TermDocs termDocs = indexReader.termDocs(new Term("prohibited","false"));
while (termDocs.next()) {
return bitSet;
Search method
public List<T> findByQuery(Class c, String q) throws InterruptedException {
FullTextSession fullTextSession = Search.getFullTextSession(session);
QueryBuilder qb = fullTextSession.getSearchFactory().buildQueryBuilder().forEntity(c).get();
Query luceneQuery = qb
.onFields("title", "subtitle", "authors.name", "prohibited", "score")
FullTextQuery createFullTextQuery = fullTextSession.createFullTextQuery(luceneQuery, Book.class, BaseEntity.class);
createFullTextQuery.setFilter(new BFilter());
return createFullTextQuery.list();
if I apply that filter - search result is empty. Entries in the database 100% there. What am I doing wrong? If you replace the filter field to "score" that all works, and the result is not empty. Do not search it on a Boolean field
The basic approach looks ok. A couple of comments. You are calling the indexer for each findByQuery call. Not sure whether this is just some test code, but you should index before you search and only once or when things change (you can also use automatic index updates). It might also be that depending on your transaction setup, your search cannot see the indexed data. However, you seem to say that all works if you don't use a filter at all. In this case I would add some debug to the filter or debug it to see what's going on and if it gets called at all. Last but not least, you don't need to explicitly set explicitly #FieldBridge(impl = BooleanBridge.class).

Join query in hibernate search

I want to write a lucene query like
" from activity where metaentityByEntity.id in(select metaentityByEntity.id from userentity where user.id=1)"
My domain classes are:
public class Activity implements java.io.Serializable {
private Long id;
private Date timeStamp;
private User user;
private Metaentity metaentityByEntity;
public class Userentitydetail implements java.io.Serializable {
private Long id;
private Date timeStamp;
private Metaentity metaentityByEntity;
private User user;
private Metaentity metaentityByProjectId;
private byte unfollow;
private Byte isAssociated;
But how to write lucene query which will search from multiple indexes? basically I am doing hibernate search.
Lucene is not a relational database, so the short answer is you shouldn't try doing joins; your specific use case happens to be implementable because your query can be greatly simplified.
Just create a query on the field which is following the link:
QueryBuilder queryBuilder = fullTextSession.getSearchFactory()
.forEntity( Activity.class )
Query query = queryBuilder.keyword()
.onField( "metaentityByEntity.user.id" )
.matching( 1 )
You'll have to adjust some details as you omitted some mapping details; for example it might need to be
.matching( "1" )