Apply function for counting length of a DataFrame filter - pandas

What's the best way to create a new pandas column with the length of filtering of another df based on a value from the first df?
df_account has account numbers
df_retention has rows for each date an account numbers was active
I am trying to create a new column on df_account that has the total number of days the account was active. Using .apply seems extremely slow.
def retention_count(x):
return len(df_retention[df_retention['account'] == x])
df_account['retention_total'] = df_account['account'].apply(retention_count)
On a small number of rows, this works, but when my df_account has over 750k rows it is really slow. What can I do to make this faster? Thanks.

You could use groupby and count the rows in the df_retention dataframe. Assuming account is your index on df_account
df_account['retention_total'] = df_retention.groupby('account').count()


Selecting columns from a dataframe

I have a dataframe of monthly returns for 1,000 stocks with ids as column names.
monthly returns
I need to select only the columns that match the values in another dataframe which includes the ids I want.
permno list
I'm sure this is really quite simple, but I have been struggling for 2 days and if someone has an easy solution it would be so very much appreciated. Thank you.
You could convert the single-column permno list dataframe (osr_curr_permnos) into a list, and then use that list to select certain columns from your main dataframe (all_rets).
To convert the osr_curr_permnos column "0" into a list, you can use .to_list()
Then, you can use that list to slice all_rets and .copy() to make a fresh copy of it into a new dataframe.
The python code might look something like:
keep = osr_curr_permnos['0'].to_list()
selected_rets = all_rets[keep].copy()
"keep" would be a list, and "selected_rets" would be your new dataframe.
If there's a chance that osr_curr_permnos would have duplicates, you'll want to filter those out:
keep = osr_curr_permnos['0'].drop_duplicates().to_list()
selected_rets = all_rets[keep].copy()
As I expected, the answer was more simple than I was making it. Basically, I needed to take the integer values in my permnos list and recast those as strings.
osr_curr_permnos['0'] = osr_curr_permnos['0'].apply(str)
keep = osr_curr_permnos['0'].values
Then I can use that to select columns from my returns dataframe which had string values as column headers.
It was all just a mismatch of int vs. string.

Pandas groupby year filtering the dataframe by n largest values

I have a dataframe at hourly level with several columns. I want to extract the entire rows (containing all columns) of the 10 top values of a specific column for every year in my dataframe.
so far I ran the following code:
df = df.groupby([df.index.year])['totaldemand'].apply(lambda grp: grp.nlargest(10)))
The problem here is that I only get the top 10 values for each year of that specific column and I lose the other columns. How can I do this operation and having the corresponding values of the other columns that correspond to the top 10 values per year of my 'totaldemand' column?
We usually do head after sort_values
df = df.sort_values('totaldemand',ascending = False).groupby([df.index.year])['totaldemand'].head(10)
nlargest can be applied to each group, passing the column to look for
largest values.
So run:
df.groupby([df.index.year]).apply(lambda grp: grp.nlargest(3, 'totaldemand'))
Of course, in the final version replace 3 with your actual value.
Get the index of your query and use it as a mask on your original df:
idx = df.groupby([df.index.year])['totaldemand'].apply(lambda grp: grp.nlargest(10))).index.to_list()
(or something to that extend, I can't test now without any test data)

How to select different row in df as the column or delete the first few rows including the column?

I'm using read_csv to make a df, but the csv includes some garbage rows before the actual columns, the actual columns are located say in the 5th rows in the csv.
Here's the thing, I don't know how many garbage rows are there in advance and I can only read_csv once, so I can't use "head" or "skiprows" in read_csv.
So my question is how to select a different row as the columns in the df or just delete the first n rows including the columns? If I were to use "df.iloc[3:0]" the columns are still there.
Thanks for your help.
EDIT: Updated so that it also resets the index and does not include an index name:
df.columns = df.iloc[4].values
df = df.iloc[5:].reset_index(drop=True)
If you know your column names start in row 5 as in your example, you can do:
df.columns = df.iloc[4]
df = df.iloc[5:]
If the number of garbage rows is determined, then you can use 'iloc', example the number of garbage rows is 3 firs rows (index 0,1,2), then you can use the following code to get all remaining actual data rows:
If the number of garbage rows is not determined, then you must search the index of first actual data rows from the garbage rows. so you can find the first index of actual data rows and can be used to get all remaining data rows.
n=fisrt index of actual data

How to preallocate memory for a large pandas dataframe?

I need to create a large dataframe to save my data. It has 30001 columns, 1000 rows. For the data type, 30000 columns are int64, and the last columns is a hash values.
So I first create an empty dataframe:
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=columnNames, data=np.empty(shape=(1000, 30001)))
And then I create a Series based on dataframe's columns:
record = pd.Series(index=df.columns)
Then in a loop I'll populate the record and assign them to dataframe:
record[0:30000] = values #fill record with values
record['hash']= hash_value
df.loc[index] = record <==== this is slow
index += 1
When I debug on my code, I found the above step which assign record to a row is horribly slow.
My guess is that if I could create a dataframe with exact the size preallocated, then assigning the record to each row will be much faster.
So can I create the dataframe with full size preallocated?
(note: my original dataframe does not have the 'hash' column, it runs without any performance issue. Recently I found I need this additional hash column, which is a string value. And this performance issue occurred right after this new column added)

How do I preset the dimensions of my dataframe in pandas?

I am trying to preset the dimensions of my data frame in pandas so that I can have 500 rows by 300 columns. I want to set it before I enter data into the dataframe.
I am working on a project where I need to take a column of data, copy it, shift it one to the right and shift it down by one row.
I am having trouble with the last row being cut off when I shift it down by one row (eg: I started with 23 rows and it remains at 23 rows despite the fact that I shifted down by one and should have 24 rows).
Here is what I have done so far:
bolusCI = pd.DataFrame()
##set index to very high number to accommodate shifting row down by 1
bolusCI = bolus_raw[["Activity (mCi)"]].copy()
activity_copy = bolusCI.shift(1)
pd.concat([bolusCI, activity_copy], axis =1)
There might be a more efficient way to achieve what you are looking to do, but to directly answer your question you could do something like this to init the DataFrame with certain dimensions
You just need to define the index and columns in the constructor. The simplest way is to use pandas.RangeIndex. It mimics np.arange and range in syntax. You can also pass a name parameter to name it.
df = pd.DataFrame(
(500, 300)