VBA: Offset based on column headers - vba

Is it possible to offset to the right of a cell based on column headers? I have some code that loops through a range, and if it finds a specific value it will offset 12 columns to the right. Instead of saying Offset(,12), is there a way I can say offset to the right in that same row to the column with the header I want?
For example if column B is named "host" and my range is
rng = ws.range("B1:B20")
and column N is named "country", I don't want to write:
offset(,12).value = ...
Instead if there is something like:
offset(to column: country).value =...
The reason I ask for this is to not specific an offset number to make the code more resilient to any changes that may happen to my excel worksheet.
I hope the explanation is clear. thanks!

Try the Function below, will return the number of columns you need to Offset from your Rng to the "Header" you are looking for.
Option Explicit
Function OffesttoHeader(CurrentCol As Long, FindRng As Range, HeaderStr As String) As Long
Dim HeaderRng As Range
Set HeaderRng = FindRng.Find(what:=HeaderStr)
If Not HeaderRng Is Nothing Then
OffesttoHeader = HeaderRng.Column - CurrentCol + 1
OffesttoHeader = -10000 ' raise to a large value >> as an error
End If
End Function
Test Sub Code (to test the function above):
Sub Test()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim Rng As Range
Dim NumberofCols As Long
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1") ' modify to your sheet's name
Set Rng = ws.Range("B1:B20")
' pass the following parameters:
' 1. Rng.column - in your case column B = 2
' 2. ws.Rows(1) - the Range to search for the Header, first row in ws worksheet
' 3. "Header" - the Header string you are searching for
NumberofCols = OffesttoHeader(Rng.Column, ws.Rows(1), "Header")
' raise an error message box
If NumberofCols = -10000 Then
MsgBox "Unable to find Header"
End If
End Sub

In order to obtain the solution you seek above, use the Range.Find Method.
'Column Number
Dim clmCountry as Integer
From here, we want to find the header by using the Range.Find Method
'to find the header
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SheetName")
'update the range if necessary
clmCountry = .Range("A1:Z1").Find("HeaderName").Column
End With
Once you've found the desired column, you may offset the following way:
... Offset(RowNum, clmCountry).Value = ...

I needed to get a column value out of a row defined as a Range.
Public Function ProcessOneLine(row As Range) As String
This works for me
row.Offset(0,2).Value2 ' returns the value in Column 3
row.Offset(1,Range("C1").Column).Value2 ' also returns the value in Column
So use something like this:
Dim srcColumn as String
Dim colPosn as Integer
srcColumn = "C"
colPosn = Range(srcColumn & "1").Column
cellValue = row.Offset(0,colPosn-1).Value2


VBA Range.Find method not finding a value that IS in the range

I have the following method which finds the largest and smallest values in a range. I am then using those values to locate the actual cell they are in as I need to grab the value from the header cell of that column. The Range.Find is always returning Nothing even though the range being searched HAS A CELL WITH THAT VALUE.
Sub GetTopAndBottomFiveCommodities()
Dim tempRange As Range, x As Integer, bestPnL As Double, worstPnL As Double
Dim strTopRangeName As String, strBottomRangeName As String
Dim cCell As Range, commodityName As String
Set tempRange = dataSourceSheet.Range("A:A").Find(What:="Year Totals")
Set tempRange = Range(tempRange.Offset(0, 1), tempRange.End(xlToRight).Offset(0, -1))
For x = 1 To 5
strTopRangeName = "TopCommodity" & CStr(x)
strBottomRangeName = "BottomCommodity" & CStr(x)
bestPnL = WorksheetFunction.Large(tempRange, x)
worstPnL = WorksheetFunction.Small(tempRange, x)
Debug.Print tempRange.Address
' get the top commodity name and PnL
**Set cCell = tempRange.Find(What:=bestPnL, LookIn:=xlValues)**
commodityName = dataSourceSheet.Cells(5, cCell.Column).Value
Range(strTopRangeName).Value = commodityName
Range(strTopRangeName).Offset(0, 1).Value = bestPnL
Next x
End Sub
The code line
Set cCell = tempRange.Find(What:=bestPnL, LookIn:=xlValues)
is always returning nothing but I have verified that there are cells with that value. One example, the cell value is 66,152.61 (displayed in cell as 66,153) and the bestPnL variable is 66,152.61 , so I tried rounding bestPnL to 66,153, but still didn't find it. The debug statement is showing tempRange has the right range, so its not searching in the wrong place.
The only thing I can think of is the cell with the value, gets its value from a very long formula, using over a dozen named ranges, can this be fouling the find method?
Just so we all know I'm not crazy, here is a snapshot of part of the range I'm searching where I'm testing.
Based on Tim Williams suggestion, I changed the number format of the range being searched prior to the Find call.
tempRange.NumberFormat = "0.00"
and then the Find call works as it should. I then just put the number format back the way I want it at the end of the routine.
tempRange.NumberFormat = "$#,##0;[Red]$#,##0"
Works as expected now.
Try removing the thousand separator from the number format on the cells. When I did that in a test range it worked fine, but with the separator it failed to find the value.
Set f = rng.Find(what:=bestPnL, LookIn:=xlFormulas)
will work even with the thousand separator (EDIT: only works with hard-coded values; fails with formulas).
EDIT2: this worked for me with a thousands separator and using formulas for the values (EDIT3!: does not work with currency formatting).
Sub Tester()
Dim f As Range, v, rng As Range
Set rng = Range("C3:C21")
v = Application.Large(rng, 3)
v = Format(v, rng.Cells(1).NumberFormat)
Set f = rng.Find(what:=v, LookIn:=xlValues)
Debug.Print f.Address ' >> C19
End Sub
This is an old question, but I found an alternative that can be effective and simple in some situations:
dim idx as long, rng as range
set rng = someRange
idx = application.WorksheetFunction.Match(1234,rng,0)
This will return the relative position of the FIRST 1234 valued cell in the provided range, independently of the formatting. The last 0 means you use an exact match.

Set a range to an entire column with index number

I'm building a function that takes a column number as an input to return the highest value in the column.
I need to work with an entire column with a column index number. The following code works but I need an index number instead of using "B:B" to reference the column.
Set rng = Range("B:B")
When I use the following code, everything seems to break down. It always returns a 0 even though the highest number is 44. Can you see what I am doing wrong? It worked perfectly when I used "B:B" as a range.
Set rng = Range(Columns(2),Columns(2))
It doesn't seem to recognize anything in the range. Any help would be awesome!
Try this
Sub Sample()
Dim Rng As Range
'~~> This will let you work with Col B
Set Rng = Columns(2)
'~~> This will give you the Max in that column
MsgBox Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(Rng)
End Sub
This is from a solution I found a while back:
Dim x, y As Int
Dim rng As Range
x = 1 ' For A
y = 4 ' For D
Set rng = Columns(Chr(64 + x) & ":" & Chr(64 + y))
Source: http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/114025-visual-basic-applications-select-multiple-columns-using-column-number.html

How to find the last cell in a column which is supposed to be blank but has spaces?

So I have data with around 20,000 records. I want to set the range such that only data from Row 2 to 20,000 is checked in column A. However, cell 20,001 isn't blank, it could contain spaces as well.
(This data is imported prior to validation, so I cannot alter it)
When I use .End(xlUp) it ends up checking till some 50,000th row.
Any Help?
Column A
(2 spaces inserted)
I want to check for cells only till B(including it)
Managed to return the last required cell to the main sub
Private Sub last()
Dim rngX As Range
Set rngX = ActiveSheet.Range("A1").EntireColumn.Find(" ", lookat:=xlPart)
If Not rngX Is Nothing Then
/* return value
End If
End Sub
GD pnuts,
If you want to use VBA, you could contemplate checking for [space] character ? assuming the cell contains only spaces (or only one for that matter)
Something like:
Dim r as range
set r = range("B")
For each c in r.rows
if instr(1, c.value,chr(32)) > 0 then
'do something
end if
You could function a check of all characters in cell.value string to validate that they are only spaces ?
Does that help ?
I believe you will have to test each cell individually. To make the number of cells to check smaller, and to speed things up, I would first read the column to check into a Variant array, and then check that from bottom to top. I the spaces are truly a space, the test below will work. If the space is a NBSP, or a combination, then you will have to revise the check to ensure that is the only thing present.
e.g: to check column A:
Option Explicit
Sub foo()
Dim R As Range
Dim WS As Worksheet
Dim V As Variant
Dim I As Long
Set WS = Worksheets("sheet2")
With WS
V = .Range("a1", .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp))
For I = UBound(V) To LBound(V) Step -1
'Revise this check line as needed
If Len(Trim(V(I, 1))) > 0 Then Exit For
Next I
Set R = .Cells(I, 1)
End With
Debug.Print R.Address
End Sub
You might want to add some error checking in case all of the cells are empty.

VBA: Filter table data based on drop down selection

I would like to filter a table Column C, based on a drop down list selection.
I have more lines, where I can select Country code form the drop down list.
I would like to filter my table based on the country code selection.
For example:
First line: "54" country code selected
Second line "24" country code selected
And so on....
The table on the other tab will be filtered by the selected country code "54","24".
Can you please help me how can I manage it?
Thank you :)
Sub FilterRangeCriteria()
Dim vCrit As Variant
Dim wsFiltered As Worksheet
Dim wsSelection As Worksheet
Dim rngCrit As Range
Dim rngOrders As Range
Dim Lastrow As Integer
'you need more variables to save the range in an array
Dim valArr As Variant
Dim cl As Range
Dim i As Integer
Set wsFiltered = Worksheets("S") ' I want to filter this tab with "Centre Information" selection
Set wsSelection = Worksheets("Centre Information")
Set rngOrders = wsFiltered.Range("b:b") 'I want to filter this column
Lastrow = Worksheets("Centre Information").Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row
myrange = ("b3:b" & Lastrow) ' the value from B3 until last row: this will be the filter data
Set rngCrit = wsSelection.Range(myrange)
vCrit = rngCrit.Value
'I get error here: Autofilter method of range class failed
'Correction: Fill array
ReDim valArr(Lastrow - 3) 'define array size (first two rows are empty + considering the first array position starts with 0)
i = 0
For Each cl In rngCrit 'loop through range
valArr(i) = "=" & cl 'filter for each value + operator
i = i + 1
Next cl
'Correction: use array als range of numbers which shall be matched
rngOrders.AutoFilter _
Field:=1, _
Criteria1:=valArr, _
End Sub
Comment: If you want to filter for a range, using autofilter you have provide an array which contains all values in string format. Filtering numbers requires an operator: e.g. "=", "<=", etc. Best regards.

Type Mismatch Error after MsgBox

my data is as below .
Updated Question
Sub Solution()
Dim shData As Worksheet
Set shData = Sheets("Sheet1") 'or other reference to data sheet
Dim coll As Collection, r As Range, j As Long
Dim myArr As Variant
Dim shNew As Worksheet
'get unique values based on Excel features
Set coll = New Collection
On Error Resume Next
For Each r In Range("A1:A10")
coll.Add r.Value, r.Value
Next r
On Error GoTo 0
'Debug.Print coll.Count
For j = 1 To coll.Count
MsgBox coll(j)
myArr = coll(j)
Next j
Dim i As Long
For i = 0 To UBound(myArr)
shData.Range("$A$1").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=myArr(i), _
On Error Resume Next
If Err.Number = 0 Then
Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Copy Sheets(myArr(i)).Range("A1")
Set shNew = Sheets.Add(After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count))
shData.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Copy shNew.Range("A1")
shNew.Name = myArr(i)
End If
Next i
'removing filter in master sheet
End Sub
When I run above macro I don't know why it is giving Type Mismatch Error after MsgBox coll(j) , simply I want to store data in Array and I'm passing that data , Here I am using For Each r In Range("A1:A10") Where A10 length is static how can I find last written column?
When you add something to collection the key needs to be a string so use:
coll.Add r.Value, CStr(r.Value)
instead of:
coll.Add r.Value, r.Value
You are still assigning coll(j) to a Variant which is not an array.
You need to:
ReDim myArr(1 to coll.Count)
Before your for loop and then in the loop:
myArr(j) = coll(j)
Before attempting to respond to this question, I would like to write what I believe you are trying to accomplish; when you confirm this is what you are trying to do, I will try to help you get working code to achieve it. This would normally be done with comments, but the threads of comments so far are a bit disjointed, and the code is quite complex...
You have data in a sheet (called "sheet1" - it might be something else though)
The first column contains certain values that might be repeated
You don't know how many columns there might be... you would like to know that though
You attempt to find each unique value in column A (call it the "key value"), and display it (one at a time) in a message box. This looks more like a debug step than actual functionality for the final program.
You then turn on the autofilter on column A; selecting only rows that match a certain value
Using that same value as the name of a sheet, you see if such a sheet exists: if it does, you clear its contents; if it does not, then you create it at the end of the workbook (and give it the name of the key)
You select all rows with the same (key) value in column A on sheet1, and copy them to the sheet whose name is equal to the value in column A that you filtered on
You want to repeat step 5-8 for each of the unique (key) values in column A
When all is done, I believe you have (at least) one more sheet than you had key values in column A (you also have the initial data sheet); however you do not delete any "superfluous" sheets (with other names). Each sheet will have only rows of data corresponding to the current contents of sheet1 (any earlier data was deleted).
During the operation you turn autofiltering on and off; you want to end up with auto filter disabled.
Please confirm that this is indeed what you are attempting to do. If you could give an idea of the format of the values in column A, that would be helpful. I suspect that some things could be done rather more efficiently than you are currently doing them. Finally I do wonder whether the whole purpose of organizing your data in this way might be to organize the data in a specific way, and maybe do further calculations / graphs etc. There are all kinds of functions built in to excel (VBA) to make the job of data extraction easier - it's rare that this kind of data rearranging is necessary to get a particular job done. If you would care to comment on that...
The following code does all the above. Note the use for For Each, and functions / subroutines to take care of certain tasks (unique, createOrClear, and worksheetExists). This makes the top level code much easier to read and understand. Also note that the error trapping is confined to just a small section where we check if a worksheet exists - for me it ran without problems; if any errors occur, just let me know what was in the worksheet since that might affect what happens (for example, if a cell in column A contains a character not allowed in a sheet name, like /\! etc. Also note that your code was deleting "CurrentRegion". Depending on what you are trying to achieve, "UsedRange" might be better...
Option Explicit
Sub Solution()
Dim shData As Worksheet
Dim nameRange As Range
Dim r As Range, c As Range, A1c As Range, s As String
Dim uniqueNames As Variant, v As Variant
Set shData = Sheets("Sheet1") ' sheet with source data
Set A1c = shData.[A1] ' first cell of data range - referred to a lot...
Set nameRange = Range(A1c, A1c.End(xlDown)) ' find all the contiguous cells in the range
' find the unique values: using custom function
' omit second parameter to suppress dialog
uniqueNames = unique(nameRange, True)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False ' no need for flashing screen...
' check if sheet with each name exists, or create it:
createOrClear uniqueNames
' filter on each value in turn, and copy to corresponding sheet:
For Each v In uniqueNames
A1c.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=v, _
A1c.CurrentRegion.Copy Sheets(v).[A1]
Next v
' turn auto filter off
' and screen updating on
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Function unique(r As Range, Optional show)
' return a variant array containing unique values in range
' optionally present dialog with values found
' inspired by http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3017852/vba-get-unique-values-from-array
Dim d As Object
Dim c As Range
Dim s As String
Dim v As Variant
If IsMissing(show) Then show = False
Set d = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
' dictionary object will create unique keys
' have to make it case-insensitive
' as sheet names and autofilter are case insensitive
For Each c In r
d(LCase("" & c.Value)) = c.Value
Next c
' the Keys() contain unique values:
unique = d.Keys()
' optionally, show results:
If show Then
' for debug, show the list of unique elements:
s = ""
For Each v In d.Keys
s = s & vbNewLine & v
Next v
MsgBox "unique elements: " & s
End If
End Function
Sub createOrClear(names)
Dim n As Variant
Dim s As String
Dim NewSheet As Worksheet
' loop through list: add new sheets, or delete content
For Each n In names
s = "" & n ' convert to string
If worksheetExists(s) Then
Sheets(s).[A1].CurrentRegion.Clear ' UsedRange might be better...?
With ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
Set NewSheet = .Add(after:=Sheets(.Count))
NewSheet.Name = s
End With
End If
Next n
End Sub
Function worksheetExists(wsName)
' adapted from http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/3228-visual-basic-applications-check-if-worksheet-exists.html
worksheetExists = False
On Error Resume Next
worksheetExists = (Sheets(wsName).Name <> "")
On Error GoTo 0
End Function