Where can I download SSMS 2016? - ssms

Currently I use SSMS 17, however Gearhost, the website I am trying to deploy my database to, currently only use SQL Server version 13, which I believe to be SSMS 16.
The exact error is;
Error restoring database The database was backed up on a server
running version 14.00.1000. That version is incompatible with this
server, which is running version 13.00.4451. Either restore the
database on a server that supports the backup, or use a backup that is
compatible with this server.
Is there a place I can download this older version?

from docs:
The SSMS 17.x installation does not upgrade or replace SSMS versions 16.x or earlier. SSMS 17.x installs side by side with previous versions so both versions are available for use. If a computer contains side by side installations of SSMS, verify you start the correct version for your specific needs. The latest version is labeled
You can download it here

MSFT currently (May 2020) provides versions of SSMS back to 16.5.3.
Please use this link for the overview. The download of version SSMS 2016 can be found here.

To download older versions of SSMS you need to go here and select the version at the top of the left nav bar, otherwise it defaults to the latest version.

The error being encountered is due to an attempt to restore a SQL Server 2017 database to a SQL 2016 instance. It's not an issue with SSMS versions. SQL databases are not backwards compatible. You can restore a backup from an older version instance to a newer version instance (2016 to 2017), the restore will perform the upgrade, but you cannot restore a backup from a newer version instance to an older version instance (2017 to 2016 for example).

here, click on the version!
Microsoft docs


I need the ODBC SQL driver 17.2.01 MSI

I need to upgrade Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 17 (AKA ssms) or perhaps just the ODBC SQL driver because when I try to open a DB from copied datafiles (mdf and ldf) that came from another machine it cannot be opened because it is version 869. And my machine apparently supports version 852 and earlier.
If I want to sideload the latest ssms 18.4, I can't upgrade because it needs to remove that version. There's a pop-up that it needs 'Microsoft ODBC Driver 17 for SQL server' (that needs a msodbcsql.msi file).
So I need the msi of that specific version, could anyone provide this for me because I can't find it anywhere online. :-(
I even ran the FixMissingMSI tool that scans your system for missing msi's:
I ran into similar problem today. Performed uninstall of ODBC 17 driver using following tool from Microsoft,
After doing this SSMS setup was successful.

Sql Server 2005 Not Compatible with Windows 10

I had SQL Server 2005 working when I upgraded to Windows 10. Now it won't work. I read that it is not compatible with Windows 8, according to Microsoft. Windows 10 is but the matured version of Windows 8, to me. Is there any way I can get SQL Server 2005 to work with Windows 10?
Have you tried to apply / re-apply SP4? I'm not saying it will work but it works in Windows 8. Not sure what you upgraded from.
This may help .. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cj859zcWhEM
uninstall inFlow before upgrading to Windows 10 and then re-install (because of compatibility issues with SQL Server 2005). This is pretty easy and can be done from the START menu by searching “Programs and Features” and once open, choosing to uninstall inFlow Inventory.
Not sure which version of SQL you’re using? You can check the version of SQL Server through the START menu by searching “Programs and Features.” In that window, look for “Microsoft SQL Server” and check the version (it will either be 2005 or 2008 R2). If you’re in 2008 R2 or 2012 you’re golden, no extra steps required).
So bottom line: if you’re planning to take advantage of the upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10 that’s great, but take a few minutes to double check your SQL Server version (as noted above) before you upgrade. Most of us won’t be affected but if you don’t, the upgrade could break inFlow and that’s no fun at all!

Robocopy: ERROR : Invalid Parameter #4 : "/MT"

I have a server that I am working on that is using Windows 2008 SP2 Enterprise and I have found that the installed version of Robocopy is missing the MT (multithread) switch.
Since I'm working with enterprise hardware, having multiple threads can really help my performance so I'd prefer not to have to remove the switch from the copy operation that I am attempting.
What I don't understand is why the installed version is missing this switch since this is a 2008 windows instance. Was the MT switch introduced in 2008R2?
Is there any way I can safely update this version of robocopy (such as copying the executable from one of my other environments)?
To provide just a little background for contextual purposes this command is being issued as part of an automated backup process developed in SSIS. This process executes normally in other environments, so I'm trying to establish a means of upgrading all the older versions with a more recent version of robocopy to maintain functionality. Otherwise I will have to contextually disable the inclusion of the switch which is a pain.
According to the documentation on Technet, the /MT parameter applies to Server 2008 R2 but not Server 2008. I'm not sure if this is due to just the version of the robocopy executable or some other restriction.
What is the File Version of your robocopy.exe, as shown in the file properties?
You might try to pull the newest version of Robocopy (6.1.7601) out of KB2639043 and see if that works for you. Though, information I found on this thread suggests that newer versions of Robocopy don't work at all on Server 2008.

Handling the current version of Data-tier Application in SQL Server 2012

I have some problems with tracking versions of my DACs. I was unable to see the current version of database. Luckily I found this post:
How do I find the current version of a SQL Server data-tier application?
The second answer did the trick, now I can see the current version using SQL statement:
select instance_name,type_version from msdb.dbo.sysdac_instances
Now I am able to see current version and version of new dacpac but in very ugly way. I still have some questions/uncertainties.
For some reason, I don't see Data-tier Applications under Management in SSMS. I was only founding discussions about this for SQL 2008 R2 so I'm not sure is that abandoned in SQL 2012 or I did something wrong.
When upgrading Data-tier Application in SSMS, I can only see dacpac version when reaching Summary step in upgrade wizard. When I select new dacpac in Select Package step, I expect to see the version and description of selected dacpac in the wizard below (as stated on numerous tutorials) but nothing appears. Even in summary step I can't see the version of the current DAC database which was the case in 2008 R2 according to the images I found in those tutorials.
Is there any way to handle version comparing a bit better than this, like showing the current version and new version on the same place? Is there a way to display warning if you are trying to upgrade using dacpac with same or lower version number?

Where to download SQL Server Management Studio 2008 (not express version)?

Where can I download that? All I can find is the express version. I bought the SQL Server Developer 2008, but the Studio wasnt installed along with it...
SSMS is ALWAYS part of any non-express edition including DEV edition (I mean you dont need to download it seperately).
When you install SQL Server Dev. (or any other non-express edition), during setup process you will come across a screen where you can select which components to install (e.g. SSIS, SSRS, SSAS, BIDS, BOL etc). In that step you will need to select SSMS to get it installed.
For some reason if you have skipped that step you can run setup again and just install SSMS only.
But I dont think there is any seperate download available for "normal" SSMS.
This is an annoyance because access to SQL Server from a workstation is necessary and the only way (as previous posters mentioned) is to use the full SQL Server licensed installation package.
You'll run the setup to install as though you're installing the full database. In some cases, setup will detect that you'll need to first install some dependencies. When you come to the Feature Selection, you can select the Management Tools only.
You can download eval version from this link -
The express edition are the free versions.
The express version is the free version. If you want another version you need to buy it. My best guess is that it is included in one of those packages on in the microsoft store.
According to a forum:
I`m not sure what you mean - you ask
for Management Studio and there is a
download link for SQL Server
Management Studio Express.
Or will you buy a SQL Server Standard,
Enterprise or Datacenter Edition -
then you have the "normal" SQL Server
Management Studio.