jqwidgets grid grouping with aggregate and editable - jqwidget

When grid is grouping and column has aggregate and
when user change column data sum in grouping section does not update but sum in total row does update...
fiddle demo
I want when user change column data sum row in grouping section and sum in total row will be update...

$("#grid").on('cellvaluechanged', function (event)
With this code aggregate data update after finish change column value


Summing to columns into a third column in SSRS

I have two columns in.column1, ou.column2. I would like to place a third column next to them that totals the number from both columns. I have tried an expression=sum(Fields!in.coulmn1.value,"new_dataset") +(Fields!in.coulmn2.value,"new_dataset")this does not give me the correct answer. Any help appreciated!
When trying the above expression I get a total that does not equal the total of the two columns.
Your code is summing all records in the dataset. If you just want totals per row, try removing the Sum call. Something like...
= Fields!in.column1.value + Fields!in.column2.value

Sum fields by invoicenumber

I need to do an update of fields in a table - but only if the sum of a field differs from the sum of fields in another table.
Something along these lines:
if sum (KundFaktura.FakturaBeloppUtl) <> SUM (KundFakturaHandelser.BeloppUtl) **then update**
The summation need these conditions:

Display proportion of data based on sum of a field

I have a problem with Tableau. In my worksheet I want to be able to use Sum(Field 1) to filter data I see on my sheet. So for example, If sum(sales)<20 only show the sales information which their sum is less than 20. When I try to create a calculated field to with the expression above Tableau converts it to a boolean filter instead of sliding my data to meet the filter criteria.
Is there any solution for the problem?
you could filter the result using an having clause
select my_key, sum(field1)
from my_table
group by my_key
having sum(field1)<20

Talend - Count row on tOracleInput

May I ask how to count the row of tOracleInput and place it to the tOracleOutput. At the same time, can I add the values of that column SUM(tOracleOutput.OS_BALANCE)?
You could use the tAggregateRow component like this:
You should leave group by paramaters empty and create an output schema that will hold the sum and count. The row generated will then be fed to tOracleOutput.

How to add a rdlc group's totals row for an outer group's totals row

I have a 2-level group report (rdlc). The inner group (GroupA) has in its totals row, totals of all record values, except one value which is the same for all records and for which that is the value I need to show(let's call that X). So the totals row looks like
To do this I use Sum(Fields!,"GroupA") for all cells except this one, which is Fields!X.Value;
The outer group (Group B) must add all these values and display their sums in its totals row. The desired output should be:
So for all other fields, I use Sum(Fields!,"Group2").
What must I use for the X field? If I use Sum(Fields!X.Value,"Group2") it will add X as many numbers as there are records, where I want to add X for each group.
I really would appreciate a quick answer on this as I have to fix this problem yesterday :)