How to implement customized authentication in Spring Boot Application - authentication

I am building a web app with Spring Boot. Post requests can be made by a phone app to upload data in form of xml to the cloud. The phones that are allowed to push data are required to be registered company phones. The way to authenticate the APIs calls is to look up the android ID of the phone in a corporate database. It will accept the data only if the Android ID exists. The idea is to embed the android ID in the header of requests. Since it is not a typical way for authentication, how do I implement it with Spring Security? Or we don't even need Spring Security. Just extract the Android ID from the header and look it up in database. Reject the request if it is not a valid ID. Any advice would help.

Nothing prevents you from using Authorization header in a creative way, i.e., by embedding the Android ID into it. Then, in order to add authentication to your endpoints, you can use an AOP interceptor:
Protected operation marker interface:
public #interface ProtectedOperation {
public class SecurityAspect {
private CorporateService corpService; // this is your custom service to check Android IDs
public SecurityAspect(CorporateService corpService) {
this.corpService = corpService;
public Object protectedOperationPermissionCheck(final ProceedingJoinPoint pjp, final ProtectedOperation operation) throws Throwable {
ServletRequestAttributes requestAttributes = (ServletRequestAttributes) RequestContextHolder.currentRequestAttributes();
String header = requestAttributes.getRequest().getHeader("Authorization");
String androidId = // get the ID from header - try not to use existing authorization header formats like Bearer, Negotiate etc. to avoid collision with other authentication systems
if (corpService.isAuthorized(androidId)) {
return pjp.proceed();
return null;
Make sure to add the spring-boot-starter-aop dependency to your pom.xml, for #Aspect support
EDIT: to protect an endpoint, annotate the endpoint method in your controller with #ProtectedOperation, and add #EnableAspectJAutoProxy to your Spring Boot application


Register dependent services on every request

I am working in Multi-tenant solution primarily there are 2 type of applications
Console app to process message from queue
I have implemented dependency injection to inject all services. I have crated TenantContext class where I am resolving tenant information from HTTP header and it's working fine for API, but console application getting tenant information with every message (tenant info is part of queue message) so I am calling dependency injection register method on every incoming message which is not correct, do you have any suggestion/solution here?
The way I am resolving ITenantContext in API
services.AddScoped<ITenantContext>(serviceProvider =>
//Get Tenant from JWT token
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tenantId))
//1. Get HttpAccessor and processor settings
var httpContextAccessor =
//2. Get tenant information (temporary code, we will get token from JWT)
tenantId = httpContextAccessor?.HttpContext?.Request.Headers["tenant"]
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tenantId))
//throw bad request for api
throw new Exception($"Request header tenant is missing");
var tenantSettings =
return new TenantContext(tenantId, tenantSettings );
Create two different ITenantContext implementations. One for your Web API, and one for your Console application.
Your Web API implementation than might look as follows:
public class WebApiTenantContext : ITenantContext
private readonly IHttpContextAccessor accessor;
private readonly IOptionsMonitor<TenantSettings> settings;
public WebApiTenantContext(
IHttpContextAccessor accessor,
IOptionsMonitor<TenantSettings> settings)
// Notice how the dependencies are not used in this ctor; this is a best
// practice. For more information about this, see Mark's blog:
this.accessor = accessor;
this.settings = settings;
// This property searches for the header each time its called. If needed,
// it can be optimized by using some caching, e.g. using Lazy<string>.
public string TenantId =>
?? throw new Exception($"Request header tenant is missing");
Notice that this implementation might be a bit naive for your purposes, but hopefully you'll get the idea.
This class can be registered in the Composition Root of the Web API project as follows:
services.AddScoped<ITenantContext, WebApiTenantContext>();
Because the WebApiTenantContext has all its dependencies defined in the constructor, you can do a simple mapping between the ITenantContext abstraction and the WebApiTenantContext implementation.
For the Console application, however, you need a very different approach. The WebApiTenantContext, as shown above, is currently stateless. It is able to pull in the required data (i.e. TenantId) from its dependencies. This probably won't work for your Console application. In that case, you will likely need to manually wrap the execution of each message from the queue in a IServiceScope and initialize the ConsoleTenantContext at the beginning of that request. In that case, the ConsoleTenantContext would look merely as follows:
public class ConsoleTenantContext : ITentantContext
public string TenantId { get; set; }
Somewhere in the Console application's Composition Root, you will have to pull messages from the queue (logic that you likely already have), and that's the point where you do something as follows:
var envelope = PullInFromQueue();
using (var scope = this.serviceProvider.CreateScope())
// Initialize the tenant context
var context = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<ConsoleTenantContext>();
content.TenantId = envelope.TenantId;
// Forward the call to the message handler
var handler = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<IMessageHandler>();
The Console application's Composition Root will how have the following registrations:
c => c.GetRequiredServices<ConsoleTenantContext>());
With the registrations above, you register the ConsoleTenantContext as scoped. This is needed, because the previous message infrastructure needs to pull in ConsoleTenantContext explicitly to configure it. But the rest of the application will depend instead on ITenantContext, which is why it needs to be registered as well. That registration just forwards itself to the registered ConsoleTenantContext to ensure that both registrations lead to the same instance within a single scope. This wouldn't work when there would be two instances.
Note that you could use the same approach for Web API as demonstrated here for the Console application, but in practice it's harder to intervene in the request lifecycle of Web API compared to doing that with your Console application, where you are in full control. That's why using an ITenantContext implementation that is itself responsible of retrieving the right values is in this case an easier solution for a Web API, compared to the ITenantContext that is initialized from the outside.
What you saw here was a demonstration of different composition models that you can use while configuring your application. I wrote extensively about this in my series on DI Composition Models on my blog.

How to start on ServiceStack?

Can you help me point out how should I start on this:
I'm new to API , and I'm currently working on ASP.NET Core 3.1 MVC paired with Microsoft SQL Server. I have requirement that I should use API (ServiceStack) for a certain method.
My question are :
how or where do I start from my existing project solution?
If I use API should it be calling on SQL also? (I supposed the data will stay on db)
with regards to first question : they gave me a link where I can see this.
Where should I start , I'm just so confused.
I've looked up on youtube but there's no similar case to mine, they all use in-memory.
Suggestions and advice are welcome !
Go through ServiceStack's Getting Started Section starting with Create your first Web Service.
Configure OrmLite in your AppHost
To configure OrmLite, start with the OrmLite Installation tells you which package to download whilst the OrmLite Getting Started docs lists all the available SQL Server Dialects which you'd use to configure the OrmLiteConnectionFactory in your IOC.
E.g. for SQL Server 2012:
public class AppHost : AppHostBase
public AppHost() : base("MyApp", typeof(MyServices).Assembly) { }
// Configure your ServiceStack AppHost and App dependencies
public override void Configure(Container container)
new OrmLiteConnectionFactory(connectionString,
Using OrmLite in Services
Then inside your ServiceStack Services you can access your ADO .NET DB connection via base.Db which you can use with OrmLite's extension methods, e.g:
public class MyServices : Service
public object Any(GetAllItems request) => new GetAllItemsResponse {
Results = Db.Select<Item>()
Checkout the OrmLite APIs docs for different APIs to Select, Insert, Update & Delete Data.
Creating effortless RDBMS APIs using AutoQuery
As you're new I'd highly recommend using AutoQuery RDBMS since it lets you create RDBMS APIs with just Request DTOs.
You can enable it by adding the AutoQueryFeature plugin in the ServiceStack.Server" NuGet package:
public override void Configure(Container container)
Plugins.Add(new AutoQueryFeature { MaxLimit = 100 });
Then you can create an AutoQuery API for your Item table with just:
public class QueryItems : QueryDb<Item> {}
Which will now let you query each Item column using any of AutoQuery's implicit conventions, e.g by exact match:
Or by any of the query properties:
Creating Typed Request DTO
Once you know which Query APIs your client Apps needs I'd recommend formalizing them by adding them as strong typed properties in your Request DTO, e.g:
public class QueryItems : QueryDb<Item>
public int? Id { get; set; }
public string NameStartsWith { get; set; }
Calling from Service Clients
Which will enable an end-to-end Typed API using any of ServiceStack's Service Clients, e.g:
var client = new JsonServiceClient(BaseUrl);
var response = client.Get(new QueryItems { NameStartsWith = "foo" });
response.PrintDump(); // quickly view results in Console
There's also AutoQuery CRUD APIs that will let you create APIs that modify your RDBMS tables using just Request DTOs.

Webflux access log header

How to customize the reactor access log in Spring webflux?
I am able to turn on reactor netty access log by setting
I would like to customize the format, eg: I need a few request headers to be logged and remove the IP address.
Any hints to achieve this in Spring Webflux application would be helpful.
You can do it programmatically like this
public class MyNettyWebServerCustomizer
implements WebServerFactoryCustomizer<NettyReactiveWebServerFactory> {
public void customize(NettyReactiveWebServerFactory factory) {
factory.addServerCustomizers(httpServer -> httpServer.accessLog(true, x -> AccessLog.create("method={}, uri={}", x.method(), x.uri())));
More about custom access logging you can find in the documentation

Can I add a service info / health check endpoint to my Identity Server 3-based service?

I have a set of AspNet WebApi-based web services and an IdentityServer3-based authentication service. All of the web services support a simple service info endpoint that we use for monitoring and diagnosis. It reports the service version and the server name. The only service that currently does not support the service info endpoint is the IdentityServer3-based authentication service.
Is there a way to add a simple endpoint to an IdentityServer3-based service? In GitHub issue 812 Brock Allen says "We have a way to add custom controllers, but it's undocumented, current unsupported, and not really done." I'd rather not take that indocumented, unsupported route.
Is there a way to modify/extend the discovery endpoint to include additional information?
Here's how I ended up coding this up. At a high level, basically I added a Controllers folder, created a AuthenticationServiceInfoController class with a single GET action method and then registered that controller during Startup. As noted in comment above, my solution had some extra complexity because my AuthenticationServiceInfoController inherited from a base ServiceInfoController defined elsewhere, but I've tried to eliminate that from this sample. So, the controller code looks like this:
public class AuthencticationServiceInfoController : IServiceInfoController
public IHttpActionResult Get()
ServiceInformation serviceInfo = new ServiceInformation();
serviceInfo.ServiceVersion = Global.serviceVersion;
return Ok(serviceInfo);
catch (Exception ex)
return InternalServerError(ex);
It implements a simple interface:
public interface IServiceInfoController
IHttpActionResult Get();
And in my Startup.Configuration method where I configure Identity Server, I've got:
var idSrvFactory = new IdentityServerServiceFactory();
idSrvFactory.Register(new Registration<IServiceInfoController, Controllers.AuthencticationServiceInfoController>());
I think that's all that it took. It's in place and working in my Identity Server 3-based service.

RESTful framework alternatives to WCF

Looking for alternatives to the WCF REST start kit, ideally OSS frameworks.
Anyone got a list?
OpenRASTA is the most mature
ASP.NET MVC is a good alternative when it comes to generating REST XML and JSON feeds.
To build a rest architecture in .net you can use GenericHandlers. You can create a GenericHandler that will receive a HTTP message (POST, GET or..) and return a message of the content-type you specify.
For example I create a generic handler on the url:
And call it with the parmeter gender=female, as above the handler will return the following
And the content type would be text/xml.
This is the simplest way to implement REST web services in .NET
I also provide ServiceStack, a modern, code-first, DTO-driven, WCF replacement web services framework encouraging code and remote best-practices for creating DRY, high-perfomance, scalable REST web services.
There's no XML config, or code-gen and your one clean C# web service is enabled on all JSON, XML, SOAP, JSV, CSV, HTML endpoints out-of-the-box, automatically. It includes generic sync/async service clients providing a fast, typed, client/server communication gateway end-to-end.
It also includes generic sync/async service clients providing a fast, typed, client/server communication gateway end-to-end.
This is the complete example of all the code needed to create a simple web service, that is automatically without any config, registered and made available on all the web data formats on pre-defined and custom REST-ful routes:
public class Hello {
public string Name { get; set; }
public class HelloResponse {
public string Result { get; set; }
public class HelloService : IService<Hello> {
public object Execute(Hello request) {
return new HelloResponse { Result = "Hello, " + request.Name };
Above service can be called (without any build-steps/code-gen) in C# with the line below:
var response = client.Send<HelloResponse>(new Hello { Name = "World!" });
Console.WriteLine(response.Result); // => Hello, World
And in jQuery with:
$.getJSON('hello/World!', function(r){