How to enable -fcxx-modules flag in Xcode? - objective-c

According to discussion here, I used .mm in my Xcode project and I need to enable -fcxx-modules flag.
I have Xcode8.3 and how to enable -fcxx-modules flag.

There are a number of possibles methods:
In the Target->Build Phases -> Compile Sources add
-fcxx-modules to the Compiler Flags column of the source files where modules are used
If it is always required, consider adding it to the Target->BuildSettings->Other C++ Flags


Difference between Build Phases -> Link Binary with Libraries or Build Settings -> Linker Flags

What's the difference between Build Phases -> Link Binary with Libraries or Build Settings -> Linker Flags?
The former does not seem to allow you to specify between Debug vs Release, and the frameworks specified within it also don't seem to match up with the latter.
Note: I have checked existing posts on SO, haven't found one that answers this accurately.
Xcode translates libraries in Build Phases – Link Binary With Libraries into linker flags: -lsome or -framework Some.
Build Phases is a somewhat abstract view on build process. You have this linker step listed here, but it is one-way – it doesn't reveal what is already there for linker in Linker Flags, it only adds new flags to linker.
"Optional" libraries translate to weak linking: -weak-lsome and -weak_framework Some

Build Objective-C Library with CMake with ARC enabled

I am trying to build an Objective-C ARC enabled library using CMake. When using the "Unix Makefiles" generator I run into a warning:
method possibly missing a [super dealloc] call
I don't run into this warning when using the XCode generator. Is there a flag I can pass to CMake to make sure that the command line build also recognizes this to be an ARC build and not have that warning generated?
You need to let CMake know that you want to build the project with ARC. Otherwise, it will show the warning.
Option 1
However, CTSetObjCArcEnabled is only available only if we have cmake-toolkit installed. If it is not installed, you can use the following:
set_property (TARGET target_name APPEND_STRING PROPERTY
COMPILE_FLAGS "-fobjc-arc")
Option 2 (deprecated since 3.0)
Use CTSetObjCARCEnabled. Reference is available here:
Enables or disables Objective-C Automatic Reference Counting on a per-directory, per-target or per-source basis.
<DIRECTORY | TARGETS targets... | SOURCES sources... >)
Useful Tip
Also, as recommended from this answer, it is helpful to use the following to make sure the project is compiled with ARC enabled:
#if ! __has_feature(objc_arc)
#error "ARC is off"
An alternative approach is to specify per-target compiler flags. This could be considered more inline with modern CMake:
target_compile_options(target_name PUBLIC "-fobjc-arc")
Note: using PUBLIC will transitively forward this compiler flag to other targets depending on this one. Replacing by PRIVATE will prevent this propagation.
Another option if you want all Objective-C(++) files to be built with ARC:
set(CMAKE_OBJC_FLAGS "-fobjc-arc")
set(CMAKE_OBJCXX_FLAGS "-fobjc-arc")

Objective-C ARC was enabled in PCH file but is currently disabled - Error

I am trying to convert my Objective-C Project to ARC. Once I add the -fno-objc-arc compiler flag to one or more individual files in Build Phases, my MyProject-Prefix.pch file shows the following error:
Objective-C automated reference counting was enabled in PCH file but is currently disabled.
You have to make sure that :
Compiler is set to Apple LLVM compiler 4.x
Project property : CLANG_ENABLE_OBJC_ARC is enabled (change it to YES)
You have cleaned your project (Product -> clean)
Following the steps above you will ensure that you have switched to ARC using the LLVM/clang compiler, if none of the above will solve the problem you can try disabling precompiled prefix unchecking Precompile Prefix Header (GCC_PRECOMPILE_PREFIX_HEADER) in XCode Build phases. The use of the PCH is not mandatory since is used to increase compilation time.

Compile openCV with CMake: set architecture and optimization flags

I need to compile OpenCV for i486 architecture. I would like to set optimization flags to O3. The problem is that can't find a way to set compiler flags in cmake file or with configuration script.
CMake allows you to set your compiler flags on a configuration basis. By default, if you choose the Release configuration, the optimization flags will probably be enabled. If you want to turn them on yourself, use:
and choose the Release configuration (you could also do this using the Cache or the GUI):
Relevant doc:
NB: replace C by CXX if you use C++
I believe you can either set the CFLAGS or CXXFLAGS as environment variables before you run cmake. Alternatively, have a look at using the CMAKE_C_FLAGS inside the relevant CMakeLists.txt files.
Hope that helps!
Line 29:
Note the overrides at the top though.

How to compile specific files in objective-c++ and the rest of the project in objective-c

I'm currently busy on a project where I need to use an external accessory to read Mifare 1k tags.
The accessory was provided with an SDK, written in (Objective ?)C++ and I followed the instructions provided to set XCode to "Compile sources as: Objective-C++" and added "-Obj-C++" in "Other linkers flags.
The SDK compiles fine then, but trouble is I am already using several libraries in the project (such as ASIHTTPRequest, JSONKit, ...) and I get compilation problems because of those new settings in those libraries. If I switch back to the previous settings, I get compilation problems in the reader's SDK
The question is: is there a way to compile only the class from the SDK as C++ and the rest of the project as objective-c ?
Edit: the SDK files consists only of .h (and a linked library)
thanks for your help,
Select the file you want to compile as Objective C++ from the file navigator, and then select the File Type in the file inspector view. This is in Xcode 4, but there is a similar mechanism in Xcode 3.
Try renaming the files where you are including the library headers to myClass.h for interface and for implementation files. This forces the files to be compiled as objective-c++.
I have resolved this problem:
You should set "According to file type" to "Complile Sources As",
Set "-ObjC++" to the "Other Linker Flags"
The last,you should modify the files's suffix to .mm that reference
the library method
well, in Build phases tab, there is a section Compile sources. For file you want to use Objective-C++ compiler add flag: -xobjective-c++
tested in Xcode 12.5