TensorFlow shape checker - tensorflow

Unlike most programming languages, TensorFlow does not regard the shape of an array as part of the type. The downside of this is that, if you make a mistake and accidentally provide data of the wrong shape, it may silently give a wrong answer e.g. Slightly different shape converges to wrong number - why? which makes debugging difficult.
Does there exist a shape checker for TF? That is, a function or program that can analyze a graph (with sample feed_dict if need be) and raise the alarm if there is a shape mismatch?

Tensorflow does offer a shape checker mechanism which is technically the shape argument you should specify while declaring Tensorflow place holders. By default, tensorflow takes [None,None] for shape. But , for example if you do specify the shape while declaring your place holders, then it will raise shape error whenever user enters data of incorrect/conflicting shape. For example
lets say I declared a place holder named X and did specify its shape argument too:
X=tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None,256])
Now, this means that number of rows of X can vary but number of features will always be 256. And now , if I mistakenly feed data of shape lets say 1000 rows and 20 features, shape error will be raised.
Also, check this link :https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/placeholder

print(str(tf.Shape(test_tensor))) # where test_tensor is
whatever your tensor's name is
Documentation available here: https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/shape


tf.reshape with the tensor size raises mismatched number of values

I have the following code:
shape = tf.shape(tensor, out_type=tf.int64, name='sparse_shape')
nelems = tf.size(tensor, out_type=tf.int64, name='num_elements')
indices = tf.transpose(
tf.unravel_index(tf.range(nelems, dtype=tf.int64), shape),
values = tf.reshape(tensor, [nelems], name='sparse_values')
This code snippet is simply transforming a dense tensor into a sparse tensor. However I found that the reshape op sometimes raises an error in runtime:
tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.InvalidArgumentError: Input to reshape is a tensor with 906 values, but the requested shape has 1024
It's hard to write a simple demo to reproduce this bad case. So please understand that I cannot provide a reproducible demo.
But notice that my code is very simple. The reshape op is simply reshaping the tensor into a 1D tensor with the dimension size as the tensor's size, which is the number of elements of the tensor (illustrated in TensorFlow's doc). And in my mind, the number of elements here simply means the number of of values in the error message. Thus the above error should never appear.
I tried to use production of the shape as the target dimension size instead of tf.size but it was no use:
shape = tf.shape(tensor, out_type=tf.int64, name='sparse_shape')
# use production as the number of elements
nelems = tf.reduce_prod(shape, name='num_elements')
values = tf.reshape(tensor, [nelems], name='sparse_values')
So my question is, why is there a possibility that, for a certain tensor tensor, tf.size(tensor) or tf.shape(tensor) does not tell the actual number of elements of tensor? Can anyone remind if I have missed anything? Thanks.
I have figured out the problem on myself.
In my project, the problem is that, tensor is produced by a third-party library. The library called tensor.set_shape([1024]) before returning tensor. While it can't ensure that there must be 1024 elements in tensor.
According to these codes, in TensorFlow's python frontend implementation, when the shape is fully determined, tf.shape and tf.size can go a fast way to get the result without really running the ShapeOp or SizeOp, and returning a constant tensor of the determined shape dimensions as the result.
As a result, in my case, the shape is obviously fully determined as [1024], so the code goes in the fast way and returned tf.constant([1024]). However the real shape of the Tensor object in the backend is [906].
According to the previously mentioned codes, we can see that tf.shape and tf.size actually calls shape_internal and size_internal defined in tensorflow.python.ops.array_ops. The latter functions takes one more argument optimize with default value True. And if optimize is false, the fast way will be ignored.
So the solution is to replace the tf.shape or tf.size with shape_internal or size_internal, and pass optimize=False.
# internal functions are not exposed by `tensorflow` root package
# so we have to import the `array_ops` package manualy
from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops
shape = tf.shape(tensor, out_type=tf.int64, name='sparse_shape')
#nelems = tf.size(tensor, out_type=tf.int64, name='num_elements')
nelems = array_ops.size_internal(tensor, optimize=False, out_type=tf.int64, name='num_elements')
values = tf.reshape(tensor, [nelems], name='sparse_values')

Tensorflow boolean_mask with dynamic mask

The documentation of boolean_mask says that the shape of the mask must be known statically. But if you do
tf.boolean_mask(tensor, mask)
it seems to work fine. Is there any reason to not do this?
Looking at the documentation closely reveals that it concerns the dimensionality of the mask, not its whole shape:
mask: K-D boolean tensor, K <= N and K must be known statically.
Your mask now has size None, meaning its static shape is completely unknown, including the dimension. Your options are to either to ensure that the dimensionality of the mask is statically known (e.g., make sure its produced by an operation whose output dimensions are known, or feed a placeholder with known dimensions), or to enforce information about the size that you know, but that cannot be inferred at time of the construction of the computational graph. The latter you can do by set_shape.
When you run mask.set_shape([None]), you are enforcing an assumption that the dimensionality of the mask will always be 1 (since None is in brackets), although the number of elements is unknown. If you are certain that your mask will always be 1-dimensional, this is fine to do.

taking the gradient in Tensorflow, tf.gradient

I am using this function of tensorflow to get my function jacobian. Came across two problems:
The tensorflow documentation is contradicted to itself in the following two paragraph if I am not mistaken:
gradients() adds ops to the graph to output the partial derivatives of ys with respect to xs. It returns a list of Tensor of length len(xs) where each tensor is the sum(dy/dx) for y in ys.
A list of sum(dy/dx) for each x in xs.
According to my test, it is, in fact, return a vector of len(ys) which is the sum(dy/dx) for each x in xs.
I do not understand why they designed it in a way that the return is the sum of the columns(or row, depending on how you define your Jacobian).
How can I really get the Jacobian?
4.In the loss, I need the partial derivative of my function with respect to input (x), but when I am optimizing with respect to the network weights, I define x as a placeholder whose value is fed later, and weights are variable, in this case, can I still define the symbolic derivative of function with respect to input (x)? and put it in the loss? ( which later when we optimize with respect to weights will bring second order derivative of the function.)
I think you are right and there is a typo there, it was probably meant to be "of length len(ys)".
For efficiency. I can't explain exactly the reasoning, but this seems to be a pretty fundamental characteristic of how TensorFlow handles automatic differentiation. See issue #675.
There is no straightforward way to get the Jacobian matrix in TensorFlow. Take a look at this answer and again issue #675. Basically, you need one call to tf.gradients per column/row.
Yes, of course. You can compute whatever gradients you want, there is no real difference between a placeholder and any other operation really. There are a few operations that do not have a gradient because it is not well defined or not implemented (in which case it will generally return 0), but that's all.

in TensorFlow runtime, how tensors are copied?

I am reading the whole Tensorflow source code, and has been puzzled by one thing. In an Op, we can get the underlying data buffer of an input tensor and change its value, but this change will not reflected outside this op (the input is not a Ref type).
For example,
y = op1(x)
z = op2(x)
in op1, suppose we get the underlying buffer of x and change its value, but when I run y_val, z_val = sess.run([y, z]), it seems that this does not affect the value of z (it x really changes, z should change).
here since x tensor is consumed by two ops, I initially think maybe tensorflow split x into two tensors, one as the input of op1, and the other as input of op2. However, I checked the code, it seems not.
Another possibility is that tensor is copy-on-write, but it also seems not after I checked the code.
Anyone know what really happen here? Thanks a lot.

Clarification on tf.Tensor.set_shape()

I have an image that is 478 x 717 x 3 = 1028178 pixels, with a rank of 1. I verified it by calling tf.shape and tf.rank.
When I call image.set_shape([478, 717, 3]), it throws the following error.
"Shapes %s and %s must have the same rank" % (self, other))
ValueError: Shapes (?,) and (478, 717, 3) must have the same rank
I tested again by first casting to 1028178, but the error still exists.
ValueError: Shapes (1028178,) and (478, 717, 3) must have the same rank
Well, that does make sense because one is of rank 1 and the other is of rank 3. However, why is it necessary to throw an error, as the total number of pixels still match.
I could of course use tf.reshape and it works, but I think that's not optimal.
As stated on the TensorFlow FAQ
What is the difference between x.set_shape() and x = tf.reshape(x)?
The tf.Tensor.set_shape() method updates the static shape of a Tensor
object, and it is typically used to provide additional shape
information when this cannot be inferred directly. It does not change
the dynamic shape of the tensor.
The tf.reshape() operation creates a new tensor with a different dynamic shape.
Creating a new tensor involves memory allocation and that could potentially be more costly when more training examples are involved. Is this by design, or am I missing something here?
As far as I know (and I wrote that code), there isn't a bug in Tensor.set_shape(). I think the misunderstanding stems from the confusing name of that method.
To elaborate on the FAQ entry you quoted, Tensor.set_shape() is a pure-Python function that improves the shape information for a given tf.Tensor object. By "improves", I mean "makes more specific".
Therefore, when you have a Tensor object t with shape (?,), that is a one-dimensional tensor of unknown length. You can call t.set_shape((1028178,)), and then t will have shape (1028178,) when you call t.get_shape(). This doesn't affect the underlying storage, or indeed anything on the backend: it merely means that subsequent shape inference using t can rely on the assertion that it is a vector of length 1028178.
If t has shape (?,), a call to t.set_shape((478, 717, 3)) will fail, because TensorFlow already knows that t is a vector, so it cannot have shape (478, 717, 3). If you want to make a new Tensor with that shape from the contents of t, you can use reshaped_t = tf.reshape(t, (478, 717, 3)). This creates a new tf.Tensor object in Python; the actual implementation of tf.reshape() does this using a shallow copy of the tensor buffer, so it is inexpensive in practice.
One analogy is that Tensor.set_shape() is like a run-time cast in an object-oriented language like Java. For example, if you have a pointer to an Object but know that, in fact, it is a String, you might do the cast (String) obj in order to pass obj to a method that expects a String argument. However, if you have a String s and try to cast it to a java.util.Vector, the compiler will give you an error, because these two types are unrelated.