Error in Expo XDE 2.22.1 - react-native

Based on the suggestion in the question, I upgraded Expo to 2.22.1. But on opening my project in this version of expo I am getting below error.
Any leads here is really appreciated.
Error running xcrun simctl openurl booted exp://localhost:19000: An error was encountered processing the command (domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain, code=60):
The operation couldn’t be completed. Operation timed out
Operation timed out.

Try resetting the cache of your iOS simulator, close Expo XDE and run it all again.
For resetting, go Hardware -> Erase all content and settings.
Error code: 60 can usually be solved with the simulator's reset, although your case may be different.


How can I solve the error with "Run Gradlew" in Expo 46?

Hello to the whole community.
I am having a problem building my apk using the eas build -p android command, by the way, I'm using Expo SDK 46.
When the Run Gradlew process is executed, it gives me an error that does not allow the process to terminate correctly.
Attached screenshot of the process.
Run Gradlew Error
The error always appears in the expo-web-browser module.
I hope someone can help me, I already have two days with this error.
I have tried to modify the build.gradle file in node_modules/expo-react-native-adapter/android/build.gradle but it still doesn't work.

Understanding "Application has not been registered" error

I've been given a new React Native app to maintain and whenever I build it or run it in the simulator, I get the "Application has not been registered" error. There are no other errors in the console before this message (although there are some warnings). I can't find any code issues as if the error message is dismissed in the simulator, the app runs fine so the bundler is running correctly, although on an actual device, this registers as a crash on open.
I'm running in the simulator using react-native run-ios from the project root. Builds for running on actual devices is managed by Fastlane.
My app doesn't make an explicit call AppRegistry.registerComponent due (I think) to the way react-native-navigation is set up, so most of the info online about this error doesn't apply.
Where should I go next to figure this out?


I'm trying to run the following command to test the release version of my RN app locally:
react-native run-android --variant=release
Unfortunately, this fails to load the release version of the app into the emulator b/c it's failing with the following exception:
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':app:installRelease'.
INSTALL_FAILED_UPDATE_INCOMPATIBLE: Package com.socialmerge signatures
do not match previously installed version; ignoring!
Based on some googling I found the following thread:
Package signatures do not match the previously installed version
Some recommend uninstalling the previously installed version like this:
adb uninstall "com.MyDomain.MyApp"
I tried that as well as this:
adb uninstall com.MyDomain.MyApp
But both of these adb uninstall attempts return [DELETE_FAILED_INTERNAL_ERROR]. The following thread discusses the [DELETE_FAILED_INTERNAL_ERROR] error and some suggest disabling "Instant Run" in Android Studio. I have AS 3.5.2 and the closest match I can find to that are the following options which are unchecked by default:
"Automatically perform "Run" when Apply Changes fails
"Automatically perform "Run" when Apply Code Changes fails"
I'm assuming that these ^^^ options replace the previous "Instant Run" option but both of these options are unselected by default so it appears that disabling "Instant Run" is no longer relevant to debugging this issue. Any recommendations on next steps for debugging this issue?
I figured out this issue:
adb uninstall is case sensitive
uninstall app in your device first then try
react-native run-android --variant=release
I run into the same issue and I got it solved by wiping the data of the simulator.

React Native App crashes if signed and released. Works fine in debug mode

React Native App crashes if signed and released. Works fine in debug mode. It doesn't throw any error in the screen. It simply crashes. When I looked at cat log. no error.
I also tried build apk with --info, but no additional info while crashing. I also tried building APK by setting minifyEnabled false.
When run the app in debug mode by connecting my phone via USB, it works.
I'm tried creating apk with --debug but I'm unable to install it my phone, it says parsing error when I try to install using app installer.
I got the following logcat errors. What does it mean?
09-03 11:03:07.968 W/ActivityManager(1344): Force finishing activity com.myapp/.MainActivity
09-03 11:03:08.012 W/BroadcastQueue(1344): Skipping deliver [background] BroadcastRecord{cb72147 u-1} to ReceiverList{7bf2161 22421 com.myapp/10100/u0 remote:b9cdcc8}: process crashing
09-03 11:03:08.035 W/ActivityManager(1344): Dismiss app error dialog : com.myapp
09-03 11:03:13.095 I/WindowState(1344): WIN DEATH: Window{3f22c22 u0 /com.myapp.MainActivity}
I finally found the cause. There is module called react-native-material-design-searchbar which was causing the issue. The weird part is, if directly copy the SearchBar.js from that module and use it all works fine even in release, but if use module as direct import it's not working only in release mode. So weird. The SearchBar is good, so now I'm using directly by copying the file to my project.
I fixed this error by uninstalling uglifyjs and reinstalled the latest (using NPM).

React Native Server: packager/ line 11: node: command not found

I often get this exception trying to start a debugging session on Nuclide.
React Native Server: [...]/packager/ line 11: node: command not found
Where [...] will represent the correct path to the packager
The server will indicate it's running, but it isn't. Running react-native run-ios from the command line will start its own packager session (successfully).
I also sometimes don't get this error message, but in either case, when I run react-native run-ios, a new packager will be started and the Simulator will indicate "Runtime is not ready for debugging" etc. And the error message always shows up when I restart the packager in Nuclide.
On Chrome, debugging works (although with extremely shaky support for debugger stops stopping at the right line, which why I'm trying Nuclide).
I did get it to work a few times. But it seems unreliable.
Any suggestions?
Uninstalling and reinstalling Nuclide did the trick