How to dynamically change code when sheet name is changed? - vba

I'm trying to write a macro that combine the defined sheets from different workbooks and saves them to a separate workbook. Each workbook contains a sheet with the same name MODEL. This sheet has a combobox, this combobox is associated with the worksheet name like in code below:
Sub ComboBox1_Change()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Select Case Sheets("MODEL").Range("code_plant")
Case 1
Sheets("MODEL").Range("price_zero").Copy _
End Select
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
The problem arises when all the worksheets are combined together in one workbook and renamed. I need to fix my combobox macro that should after renaming refer to the current (renamed) sheet name. I was trying to use the following function but can't figure out how it may be include in my code in right way.
Function MySheet()
MySheet = Application.Caller.Worksheet.CodeName
End Function

Your ComboBox1_Change event is declared in the worksheet module, so you should be using the Me keyword in your code, to refer to the sheet, instead of finding the sheet by name with Sheets("MODEL").
Change your event handlers, in each source sheet to look like this:
Sub ComboBox1_Change()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Select Case Me.Range("code_plant")
Case 1
Me.Range("price_zero").Copy _
End Select
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Since your combobox is in the same sheet, you do not need to specify the sheetname or use anything else to qualify it. The range will point to Activesheet (Where ComboBox1 resides) which is the Sheets("MODEL") or whatever it's new name is.
Sub ComboBox1_Change()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Select Case Range("code_plant")
Case 1: Range("price_zero").Copy Range("price_on_view")
End Select
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub


excel hide rows with error values based on dropdown change

I would like to hide rows in column B9-B40 when Index/Match formula returns "N/A" , now I managed to get it done in VBA when the table is static but I have a dynamic table based on drop-down selection which means the number of N/As returned can be different for each time drop-down selection changes.
Here is what I have right now which hides the rows with N/A based on current drop-down selection, my dropdowns are in C2,C3 and C4. But it doesn't takes any further change in the dropdown into consideration afterwards. I am not very competent with the VBA so any help would be great.
Option Explicit
Sub hide_if_error()
Dim MyCell As Range, Rng As Range
Set Rng = Range("B9:B40")
For Each MyCell In Rng
If IsError(MyCell) Then
MyCell.EntireRow.Hidden = True
End If
Next MyCell
End Sub
You can do
Range("B9:B40").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas, xlErrors).EntireRow.Hidden = True
You will need a test in advance that errors are present though.
That might look like:
Option Explicit
Public Sub hide_if_error()
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet4")
.Range("B9:B40").EntireRow.Hidden = False
If Evaluate("=SUM(IF(ISERROR(" & .Range("B9:B40").Address & "),1))") > 0 Then '<==check if any errors present
.Range("B9:B40").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas, xlErrors).EntireRow.Hidden = True
End If
End With
End Sub
If necessary, you could link the above to a worksheet change or dropdown change event so it is fired each time there is an update using the dropdown(s)
For example:
If you data validation was in C2:C4 you would put in the code pane for the sheet the following event code:
Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
On Error GoTo ErrHand
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("C2:C4")) Is Nothing Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
The worksheet event code goes in the code pane associate with sheet 4:
The other code goes in a standard module (module 1 here):
Example run:

VBA - Hide certain column in every worksheet of workbook when checkbox is not selected

I am trying to hide every "A" column in my workbook when a certain checkbox in my user form is not selected.
I have 6 worksheets in my one workbook.
I have 6 checkboxes.
When a checkbox is not selected, I'd like to hide the column that it's associated with.
Ex: When the "Advice" checkbox is not checked, I'd like to hide the "A" column in EVERY worksheet in my workbook.
Thank you!
I tried this:
shtFinancial.Range("D").EntireColumn.Hidden = Not cbAdvice.Value
And this:
If cbAdvice.Value = True Then
Checkboxes in VBA are really funky. Here is one method:
Sub cbAdvice_Click()
Dim CheckBox As Shape, ws As Worksheet
Set CheckBox = Sheet1.Shapes("cbAdvice")
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
If CheckBox.OLEFormat.Object.Value = 1 Then
ws.Columns("A:A").EntireColumn.Hidden = False
ws.Columns("A:A").EntireColumn.Hidden = True
End If
Next ws
End Sub
I created two active x control boxes "CheckboxColA" and "CheckboxColB" and gave them the following code for a change of state:
Sheet1("Worksheet Controls")
Private Sub CheckboxColA_Change()
Call changeColAVisiblity(CheckboxColA.Value, "A")
End Sub
Private Sub CheckBoxColB_Change()
Call changeColAVisiblity(CheckBoxColB.Value, "B")
End Sub
Then created the following code in "module1"
Sub changeColAVisiblity( _
cbState As Boolean, _
changeColumn As String)
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
'If statement Assumes sheet with contols should not change
If ws.Name <> "CheckBox Controls" Then
ws.Columns(changeColumn).Hidden = cbState
End If
End Sub

How to ignore a specific sheet name?

My code below, it is a combo box on a userform which allows the user to select certain data from other worksheets. My problem is, it also shows my 'Summary' sheet as a selectable option. How do I get it to show all worksheets in list index excluding the 'summary' worksheet?
Private Sub cmb_copycontact_Change()
If cmb_copycontact.ListIndex <> -1 Then
With ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(cmb_copycontact.Value)
txt_MailAdd1.Value = .Range("B21").Value
txt_mailadd2.Value = .Range("B22").Value
txt_mailburb.Value = .Range("B23").Value
cmb_mailstate.Value = .Range("B24").Value
txt_pcode.Value = .Range("B25").Value
End With
End If
End Sub
As UGP stated, exclude the Summary Sheet while populating the ComboBox on UserForm.
Incorporate the following code into your UserForm Initialize Event code.
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In Worksheets
If ws.Name <> "Summary" Then
Me.cmb_copycontact.AddItem ws.Name
End If
Next ws
End Sub

Use cell value as range to hide columns

I have a spreadsheet that there is a checkbox the purpose of the checkbox is to hide the name of clients in two adjacent columns. Because the spreadsheet changes from time to time the position of the columns changes thus it is currently P:Q but a year ago it was H:I.
I want to store the 'range' in a cell and reference that from my vba and get that to hide the columns. The checkbox is a simple toggle. I have tried various incarnations without success and my latest effort tells me that I have not se up the range properly. The cel I am using for teh range is F4. The code is currently:
Private Sub CheckBox2_Click()
Dim c As Range
Dim Visy As Integer
Dim My_range As String
'My_range is the range of filled rows stored as a range in cell F4
'Visy stores the state of the checkbox
If CheckBox2.Value = True Then
Visy = 1
Visy = 0
End If
'Stop any use of the spread sheet and set variable initial states
Application.EnableEvents = False
My_range = Sheet9.Cells(4, 6).Value
'Hide the columns
Range(My_range).Hidden = Visy
'Sheet9.colums(My_range).Hidden = True
'Re enable application
On Error GoTo 0
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
This is within a single sheet:
Sub qwerty()
My_range = Cells(4, 6).Value
Range(My_range).EntireColumn.Hidden = True
End Sub
Your Private Sub CheckBox2_Click should be in a worksheet's code sheet. I believe this is the worksheet identified by the Sheet9 worksheet .CodeName property.
A Private Sub in a worksheet codesheet does not have to explicitly reference the .Parent worksheet property on any Range object or
Range.Cells object unless you want to reference another worksheet's cells. These are bound to the cells on the worksheet whose codesheet you are on regardless of the ActiveSheet property.
Private Sub CheckBox2_Click()
Range(Cells(4, "F").Text).EntireColumn.Hidden = CBool(Me.Value)
End Sub
Do not confuse a worksheet's Private Sub behavior with a Private Sub on a module code sheet. A module codesheet should always explicitly reference the parent worksheet (and often the parent workbook) regardless of whether the Sub is Public or Private.
You have to use code in context:
Private Sub CheckBox2_Click()
Dim wsh As Worksheet
Dim sRangeName As String
Set wsh = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("TypeNameHere")
sRangeName = wsh.Range("F4")
wsh.Range(sRangeName).EntireColumn.Hidden = CheckBox2.Value
Set wsh = Nothing
End Sub
Thanks to all who responded it helped a lot and put me on the right track. As several of you noted context is important and I was mixing private sub and sub and so had a scope problem when it came to ranges. I also from another source had the suggestion to use a named range rather than read a cell value since the columns were always adjacent. I have published the code below in case it is of value to anyone in the future.
Private Sub CheckBox2_Click()
'Requires ClientNameCol to be set to the range to be hidden
Dim Visy As Boolean
'Stop any use of the spread sheet and set variable initial states
Application.EnableEvents = False
'Check if sheet is to be hidden or not
If Worksheets("Client 16").CheckBox2.Value = True Then
Visy = True
Visy = False
End If
'Hide/unhide the columns
With ThisWorkbook
.Worksheets("Client 16").Range("ClientNameCol").EntireColumn.Hidden = Visy
End With
On Error GoTo 0
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

Showing hidden column in another sheet

I am having trouble finding how to "show" a hidden column in another sheet with VBA.I am currently studying VBA and I wanted to have a hide/unhide code for every case, but this one is missing. Any suggestions?
My (updated) code is here:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
'To Hide Sheet 2
Worksheets("Sheet2").Visible = False
'To Hide Rows 22 to 25
Rows("22:25").EntireRow.Hidden = True
'To Hide Columns E to G
Columns(":G").EntireColumn.Hidden = True
'More specific hidding (inside a different sheet)
Worksheets("Sheet3").Columns("A:G").EntireColumn.Hidden = True
End Sub
Public Sub UnHideAll()
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
ws.Visible = xlSheetVisible
Rows.Hidden = False
Columns.Hidden = False
Next ws
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
End Sub
Sub UnHideAll()
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
ws.Visible = xlSheetVisible
ws.Rows.Hidden = False
ws.Columns.Hidden = False
Next ws
End Sub
The point of the code is that you need to qualify Rows and Columns by the worksheet if you want them to refer to anything other than the active sheet. Prefixing them by ws. lets VBA know what sheet the rows and columns are on. Then in the code for the button just:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
End Sub
I've tested it a number of times using both manually columns, rows, and sheets, as well as when it was VBA doing the hiding, and it seems to work fine.