How to correctly large state updates in React Native? - react-native

I am writing a small ReactNative application that allows users to invite people to events.
The design includes a list of invitees, each of which is accompanied by a checkbox used to invite/uninvite said invitee. Another checkbox at the top of the list that performs a mass invite/uninvite on all invitees simultaneously. Finally a button will eventually be used to send out the invites.
Because the state of each of these elements depends changes made by the other I often need to re-render my entire UI whenever the user takes action on one of them. But while this works correctly it is causing me quite a few performance issues, as shown in this video
Here's the code I'm using:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Container, Header, Title,
Content, Footer, FooterTab,
Button, Left, Right,
Center, Body, Text, Spinner, Toast, Root , CheckBox, ListItem, Thumbnail} from 'native-base';
import { FlatList, View } from 'react-native';
export default class EventInviteComponent extends Component {
constructor(props) {
console.disableYellowBox = true;
this.state = {
eventName: "Cool Outing!",
for(i = 0; i < 50; i++){
this.state.invitees[i] = {
name: "Peter the " + i + "th",
isSelected: false,
thumbnailUrl: ''
this.toggelSelectAll = this.toggelSelectAll.bind(this)
let invitees = [...this.state.invitees].slice();
let shouldInviteAll = invitees.filter(invitee => !invitee.isSelected).length != 0
let newState = this.state;
newState ={
invitee.isSelected = shouldInviteAll;
return invitee;
render() {
let invitees = [...this.state.invitees];
return (
<View style={{flexDirection: 'row', height: 50, marginLeft:10, marginTop:20}}>
checked={this.state.invitees.filter(invitee => !invitee.isSelected).length == 0}
<Text style={{marginLeft:30 }}>Select/deselect all</Text>
keyExtractor={(invitee, index) =>}
<ListItem avatar style={{paddingTop: 20}}>
<Thumbnail source={{ uri: item.item.thumbnailUrl}} />
<Text note> </Text>
<Button full
active={invitees.filter(invitee => invitee.isSelected).length > 0}>

In your code, in class method toggelSelectAll() {...} you modify the state directly by using this.state = ..., which is something to be avoided. Only use this.state = ... in your class constructor() {...} to initialize the state, and you should only use this.setState({...}) to update the state anywhere else.
Not sure if this should help your performance issues, but try replacing toggelSelectAll() with the following:
toggelSelectAll() {
const {invitees} = this.state;
const areAllSelectedAlready = invitees.filter(({isSelected}) => !isSelected).length === 0;
invitees: => ({
isSelected: !areAllSelectedAlready
Good luck! And, let me know if you would like me to refactor your above code to remove the 2nd this.state = ... in your constructor (which, once again, should be avoided when writing React).

I suggest:
Dividing your code by creating multiple components, so you won't have a massive render()
Using Redux to store invitee / global state, so you can choose which components should re-render in case of modifications
That's a good way to learn React Native!


react-native-material-textfield Doesn't work as a controlled input

I'm using "react-native-material-textfield" for text inputs. I have a View to edit user details it fetch values from api when mounting and set it to state. But after upgrading "react-native-material-textfield" to "0.16.1" that original first name value is not shown in the text input after mounting. What I'm doing wrong here ?
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
firstName: '',
componentDidMount(props) {
firstName: data.firstName
label="First Name"
onChangeText={firstName => this.setState({firstName})}
I ran into this after upgrading. In version 0.13.0 of the library, it switched to being a fully uncontrolled component according to the release notes.
defaultValue prop becomes current value on focus
value prop provides only initial value
Based on the current usage docs, there is now a method exposed for setting & getting the value using a ref to the component:
let { current: field } = this.fieldRef;
(Personally, while I can maybe understand this improving performance because typing can often be fast for state updates, I'm not a fan of uncontrolled components since I want my state to drive the UI. I feel like this makes other live updates for validation very fiddly.)
In react-native-material-textfield, 'value' prop acts as default. To update the value you need to use ref. Get the ref using React.createRef(), then use setValue function
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { TextField } from 'react-native-material-textfield';
import { View, Button } from 'react-native';
export default class TestComponent extends Component {
textField = React.createRef<TextField>();
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
value: 'check',
onChangeText = () => {
// Send request via API to save the value in DB
updateText = () => {
if (this.textField && this.textField.current) {
render() {
return (
label="Test value"
<Button onPress={this.updateText} />
Touch area in TextView
labelTextStyle={{ position: 'absolute', left: '100%' }}
label: {
fontFamily: fonts.Muli_SemiBold,
fontSize: 14,
letterSpacing: 0.1,
color: colors.gray90,
position: 'absolute', left: '100%'
onChangeText={value => onTextChange(value)}

React Native: Extra empty space on top of the screen

I have a bug where a user clicks on a survey and then opens up what is called supporting information that expands the UI further, then the user selects his or her answer and clicks on the NEXT QUESTION button, at that point the whole top part of the screen drops down exposing this huge gap. This is the code I believe governs all that behavior:
class BallotSurveyDetails extends PureComponent {
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
if (prevProps.currentWizardPage !== this.props.currentWizardPage) {
this.scroll.props.scrollToPosition(0, 0, true);
render() {
const {
} = this.props;
if (!saving && loading) {
return <Loading />;
const isWizard = selectedSurvey.Layout !== "Wizard";
const isList = selectedSurvey.Layout !== "List";
const displayNextQ = isWizard && currentWizardPage < wizardPages;
const displaySubmit =
isList || (isWizard && currentWizardPage === wizardPages);
const sortedGroups = (selectedSurvey.QuestionGroups || []).sort(
(a, b) => a.Order - b.Order
const wizardGroup = isWizard ? sortedGroups[currentWizardPage - 1] : null;
return (
<SafeAreaView style={styles.container}>
{isWizard && wizardPages.length > 1 && (
<Card style={styles.pagination}>
innerRef={ref => {
this.scroll = ref;
contentContainerStyle={{ paddingBottom: 90 }}
<View style={styles.headerContainer}>
<Text style={styles.ballotTitle}>{selectedSurvey.Name}</Text>
<Text style={styles.ballotSubtitle}>
{isList &&
What I tried to do to resolve this was add automaticallyAdjustContentInsets={false} inside the KeyboardAwareScrollView, did nothing to resolve the bug. Any ideas anyone?
I'm not sure what's causing this for you, but here are a few things that have corrected similar problems I've had in the past:
It can help to wrap every screen in a container with flex:1.
I had a similar case with conditionally rendering a search bar above a FlatList and I used this to fix it:
I added this to the top of my file.
import { Dimensions, other stuff you need} from 'react-native';
const deviceHieght = Dimensions.get('window').height;
and then I wrapped my FlatList in a view like this
<View style={this.state.showBar === false ? styles.containFlatlist : styles.containSearchFlatlist}>
and this is the styling it was referencing
containFlatlist: {
height: deviceHieght
containSearchFlatlist: {
height: deviceHieght-100
In a different similar case I had an issue like this with a screen that displayed photos on click within a scrollview. In that case I did this:
ref={component => this._scrollInput = component}
Then in componentDidMount I put
setTimeout(() => {
this._scrollInput.scrollTo({ x: 0, animated: false })
}, 100)
I was also using react navigation in this case so I also did
return(<View style={styles.mainFlex}>
onWillBlur={payload => this._scrollInput.scrollTo({x:0})}
Followed by the rest of my code.
I hope one of those helps. Given that you're also dealing with a scrollview, my best guess is that the third fix is most likely to work in your situation.
So the appear is with this code snippet here:
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
if (prevProps.currentWizardPage !== this.props.currentWizardPage) {
this.scroll.props.scrollToPosition(0, 0, true);
In particular, this.scroll.props.scrollToPosition(0, 0, true);. In removing the whole component lifecycle method, the bug went away.

I am unable to save the details when clicked Add button in EventForm page must display in EventList page in react native

Unable to display the text entered in the Eventform and show it on the flatlist of EventList page.I am new to react native just need some help to solve the problem. Learning to develop a notes application.
EventForm js I am entering the text in it which has name location and notes field but when press add button does not showing it in the flatlist.
class EventForm extends Component {
state = {
title: null,
date: '',
handleAddPress = () => {
// console.log('saving events:', this.state);
.then(()=> this.props.navigation.goBack());
// handlePress() {
// this.props.onBtnPress()
// }
// }
handleChangeTitle = (text) => {
this.setState({ title: text });
handleChangeLocation =(text) => {
this.setState({location: text});
render() {
return (
flex: 1
<View style={styles.fieldContainer}>
placeholder="Enter your Location"
placeholder="Write your Notes here"
style={[styles.default, {height: Math.max(35, this.state.height)}]}
onPress ={() =>this.handleAddPress.bind(this)}
// onPress={this.handleAddPress}
<Text style={styles.buttonText}>Add</Text>
EventList js where I would like to display the dynamic text entered in EventForm should appear in flatlist. I am saving the flatlist content in db json file and calling it in the EventList.
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
list: {
flex: 1,
paddingTop: 20,
backgroundColor: '#A9A9A9'
class EventList extends Component {
state = {
events: [],
componentDidMount() {
//getEvents().then(events => this.setState({ events }));
const events = require('./db.json').events;
this.setState({ events });
render() {
return [
renderItem={({ item, seperators }) => (<EventCard events=
{item} />)}
keyExtractor={(item, index) => index.toString()}
My db json file is this which I have manually entered the details.Data that is dynamically entered have to save in db json file and should reflect in the flatlist.
"date":"15-06-2018 ",
"content":"How are you..?",
"date":"15-07-2018 ",
"content":"I bought bread..?",
I am expecting whatever the text that is entered in the form should save and show me on the Flatlist which is in EventList file. Please help if you get any solution for it.
I have added alert message when onPressed to show that whether it is pressed or not.
I am expecting whatever the text that is entered in the form should save and show me on the Flatlist which is in EventList file. Please help if you get any solution for it.
I have added alert message when onPressed to show that whether it is pressed or not.
Your EventForm and EventList are two separate component without any shared props.
Assuming you are updating db.json file (using file read/write methods) from EventsForm component, still in the EventsList the data is fetched only once on componentDidMount.
You will need to pass the data for EventList as props or keep in state. If you keep it in props, then you must update the value of state using some life cycle method such as getDerivedStateFromProps props or something similar.
I would suggest using global state management library like redux, for saving your data entered in the EventForm component, instead of read/write in a file.
You can save the data by dispatching an action in your EventForm component.
Later access that data in you EventList component using
You can save this data even on app kill using redux-persist
If you still want to continue with file read/write, you can look at this library react-native-fs

react-native scrollView - scrollToEnd - on Android

I'm trying to call a function that will fire upon onFoucs on TextInput that will scroll the scrollView all the way down (using scrollToEnd())
so this is my class component
class MyCMP extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.onInputFocus = this.onInputFocus.bind(this);
onInputFocus() {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log('done scrolling');
}, 1);
render() {
return (
<ScrollView ref="scroll">
{ /* items */ }
<TextInput onFocus={this.onInputFocus} />
export default MyCMP;
the component above works and it does scroll but it takes a lot of time ... I'm using setTimeout because without it its just going down the screen without calculating the keybaord's height so it not scrolling down enough, even when I keep typing (and triggering that focus on the input) it still doesn't scroll all the way down.
I'm dealing with it some good hours now, I did set the windowSoftInputMode to adjustResize and I did went through some modules like react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view or react-native-auto-scroll but none of them really does the work as I need it.
any direction how to make it done the right way would be really appreciated. thanks!
Rather than using a setTimeout you use Keyboard API of react-native. You add an event listener for keyboard show and then scroll the view to end. You might need to create some logic on which input is focused if you have more than one input in your component but if you only have one you can just do it like the example below.
Another good thing to do is changing your refs to functional ones since string refs are considered as legacy and will be removed in future releases of react. More info here.
class MyCMP extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.scroll = null;
this.keyboardDidShowListener = Keyboard.addListener('keyboardDidShow', this._keyboardDidShow.bind(this));
componentWillUnmount () {
_keyboardDidShow() {
render() {
return (
<ScrollView ref={(scroll) => {this.scroll = scroll;}}>
{ /* items */ }
<TextInput />
export default MyCMP;
If you have a large dataset React Native docs is telling you to go with FlatList.
To get it to scroll to bottom this is what worked for me
ref={ref => (this.scrollView = ref)}
onContentSizeChange={() => {
this.scrollView.scrollToEnd({ animated: true, index: -1 }, 200);

ReactNative / Switch Component: onValueChange

I've trying to set up a change event if someone modifies a switch component. The approach is to design a view that contains multiple switches and allows the user to set the state per each notification that will end up in a POST api-call. Futher, I'd like to load the initial values from a api-call.
How can I access the state (weather it's checked / unchecked) in my onChangeFunction? And how can I get an element using their ID or name? (same as in HTML/CSS with #mySwitch.setValue(true)?
Given code:
class Settings extends Component {
onChangeFunction(type, props) {
Alert.alert("changed", "==> " + props.state)
render() {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<Switch onValueChange={this.onChangeFunction.bind(this, "TASK_CREATED", this.props)} value={this.state} />
You have a mess there between the propsand the state concept. You can do:
class Settings extends Component {
state = {
taskCreated: false,
onChangeFunction(newState) {
this.setState(newState, () => Alert.alert("Changed", "==> " + this.state));
render() {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<Switch onValueChange={(value) => this.onChangeFunction({taskCreated: value})}
Notice that this.setState is asynchronous so you can safely read its value using the callback that the method provides.