Injecting test classes created by Platform Launcher - junit5

I'm running JUnit 5 tests programmatically (Kotlin):
Is there any way to hook into the Launcher's lifecycle to inject test classes with something before the tests are run?
I'm trying to use #ExtendWith, but then my TestInstancePostProcessor is still created by JUnit, whereas I need a link to my original scope, from where I execute the Launcher.


Tests retrieved from collection variable - test failures stop subsequent tests from running

I have tests that I want to use in multiple API calls.
Using JavaScript from external files has been an open issue for 6 years now but isn't officially supported (yet). I'm storing tests in collection variables so they can be retrieved in each APIs Tests.
The issue is tests that fail stop execution like a general JS failure.
Tests being stored in collection variables via an API’s Pre-req
In a setup API call I store the shared library of tests via a Pre-request Script. This is working fine.
A "normal" test failure
When a test is coded in an API's Test area, failures don't stop subsequent tests from running.
A failure for a test pulled in from a collection variable
I can pull tests from the collection variable and run them just fine. However when a Chai expectation fails it seems to be treated like a JavaScript failure instead of an test/expectation failure.
The test run fails, subsequent tests for this API don't run nor do other APIs in the collection run.
How can I have tests retrieved from a collection variable run/fail like hard coded tests?
Problem I guess is how you call function from utils
Just utils.payloadIs204, not utils.payloadIs204()
And it works for me
Update reuse with passing parametes.
Tab pre-request
pm.environment.set("abc", function print(text1, text2){
} + "");
Tab Test
let script = pm.environment.get("abc");
eval((script + "print('name', 'age')"))
The problem was in how I was calling the library function. It works as desired if the library function (with the expectations) is invoked in the anonymous function passed to pm.test(), not be the passed function.

I want to run each .feature file as single TestNG test using Karate?

I want to run each .feature file as single TestNG test using Karate, how can I do it?
We are using karate to automate REST API's. We have custom listener which will record status of each TestNG test and other information to postgress DB.
One more way running by tags:
#CucumberOptions(tags = { "#getVersion" })
public class GetVersionTest extends KarateRunner {
Feature File:
Feature: Testing Rest API with Karate and Java
Given url 'https://......'
When method get
Then status 200
And match response contains '{version= x.xx.x}'
Did you try using the Karate TestNG support ? The documentation has details on how to use:
As the developer of Karate I actually strongly recommend that teams don't use TestNG. My suggestion is that you use the new 'hooks' feature to call your custom Java code from Karate directly and you won't depend on TestNG or even JUnit.
If you still need a custom way of running, the TestNG support is actually a single class: I really don't know if it runs each feature as a TestNG test or not since I am not a TestNG expert. But you should be able to create your own version of this Java code that does what you want and maybe contribute it back to the project.

Cannot spy on Titanium.Network methods with Jasmine

I'm using Jasmine to write tests for a Titanium project. I have a custom util js to provide me information about the network availability.
In this util there is a helper method calling Titanium.Network.getNetworkType() to retrieve the current active network type. The action I do depends on the network type retrieved by this call. To ensure test coverage on this, I'm writing Jasmine tests. But unfortunately I'm having issues with spying on Titanium.Network.getNetworkType()
Code snippet:
console.log(Titanium.Network.getNetworkType()); // returns 1
spyOn(Titanium.Network, 'getNetworkType').andReturn(666);
console.log(Titanium.Network.getNetworkType()); // returns 1
Spying on a method of Titanium (e.g. getApiName()) does work. Any ideas on this?

Mocha Custom Reporter - Pass in values

I have written a custom reporter for mocha. I would like to be able to pass in variables to it, is there a way to pass in variables?
For example, I would like to pass in a Project and a suite. My custom reporter then is able to report these results to a 3rd party application, but I need to be able to report the suite and project in the test pass or test fail methods.

How to integrate Galen reports in Jenkins

I've started to use Galen framework to test the layout of my website pages and I also have my other test, written in Selenium, integrated into Jenkins.
I'm using Java+JUnit+Maven and I would like to know if anyone has managed to integrate the Galen reporting into Jenkins and how.
Because for the moment I am using something like:
assertThat(layoutReport.errors(), is(0));
which tells me if there were errors in the tests but not where.
P.S. If someone with reputation could make the tag galen-framework so that we can group these type of questions, it would be great :D
In your case you could use Galen for generating HTML reports as it normally does when you run tests with it. Though you will have to manage the creation of GalenTestInfo objects.
Here is how the HTML report generation works. Imagine you have somewhere obtainAllTests method defined which returns a list of all executed tests.
List<GalenTestInfo> tests = obtainAllTests();
new HtmlReportBuilder().build(tests, "target/galen-html-reports");
Somewhere in your code you could create a GalenTestInfo and add it to some collection:
GalenTestInfo testInfo = GalenTestInfo.fromString("Here goes the name of your test");
Once you have done the layout checking and obtained LayoutReport object you could add this report to the report of the test. Here is how you can do it:
LayoutReport layoutReport = Galen.checkLayout(driver,
specPath, includedTags, null,
new Properties(), null);
testInfo.getReport().layout(layoutReport, "A title for your layout check");
You can find more insights in this project It has a basic setup for Galen tests in Java + TestNG + Maven. The reports in it are collected in a singleton GalenReportsContainer. There is also a reporter implemented in GalenReportingListener which takes all those tests from GalenReportsContainer and generates HTML reports.
You can see a full example for Java (TestNG and JUnit) and JavaScript here:
I use the HTML Plugin together with Jenkins, see example here