VueJS slot in v-for - vue.js

I want to make a grid component which accepts as slot additional column cell.
<td slot="additional-column">...</td>
In the actual component:
<div v-for="item in items">
<slot name="additional-column"></slot>
Unfortunately the slot starts repeating itself and this is something vuejs doesn't like.
Duplicate presence of slot "additional-column" found in the same render tree - this will likely cause render errors.
Does anybody know how can I deal with this issue?
Thanks in advance!

This definitely seems to be your issue. You could do it this way too (as described here). See last paragraph before the subheading Destructuring.
<td :slot="['additional-column', item].join('-')" v-for="item in items">
<div v-for="item in items">
<slot :name="['additional-column', item].join('-')"></slot>
PS: I have NOT tried this out. If you have difficulties I could create a fiddle and share.

Make the item a nested component (which you'll be repeating using v-for) and render the additional-column slot in that particular component.
That's the proper way to overcome this issue. The idea is that you need to have one single slot with a particular name per component.
That is, you could do it that way, which is a very rough version of it but nicely outlines the idea:
<!-- Grid Template -->
<GridItem :item="item" v-for="item in items">
<!-- Maybe even pass that column conditionally, based on the item data -->
<div slot="additional-column">
Content of column
<!-- GridItem Template -->
<div>Column 1</div>
<div>Column 2</div>
<slot name="additional-column" />


How do I retrieve the value of my key button and row in v-for using Vue.js?

I am new to Vue.js and I trying to learn now to use it. I have 3X3 structure of buttons
I have the following sample code:
<template v-for="row in 3">
<div class="row" :key="row">
<button #click="nextPlayer(button, row)" v-for="button in 3" :key="indexByrow(button, row)" :value="squares[indexByrow(button, row)]" class="square" style="width:40px;height:40px;"></button>
When I click, I want to pass the button and row to nextPlayer(button, row), and the indexByrow(button, row) to use those values in the methods, but I don't seem to have any values. My main goal is to change the value name when I click on it.
You need to make the below changes
<template v-for="(row, indx) in 3">
<div class="row" :key="indx">
<button #click="nextPlayer(button, row)" v-for="(button, indexer) in 3" :key="indexer" :value="squares[indexByrow(button, row)]" class="square" style="width:40px;height:40px;"></button>
Not sure if indexByrow is a computed property or method.
You need to modify the logic in indexByrow as well based on the above changes

Using a component inside another component in VueJS

While I was reviewing headlessui's menu component, I saw the use of 2 components that are nested like the following: (see:
<MenuItem v-slot="{ active }">
// some content
So as you may see, there is a MenuItem component inside of the MenuItems component. And I need something similar to that so I can use a template and put another component's result into that template.
Here the example of what I am trying to do:
<!-- HeadingComponent.vue -->
<div class="group">
<div class="head">
{{ title }} <button>Create New</button>
<div class="content">
<!-- I want to put some component's rendered content here -->
And this is, let's say, a page where I want to use the common component.
<!-- Blog.vue -->
<HeadingComponent :title="Posts">
<BlogPostsComponent :post="someArray"/> <!-- Some other component which may vary -->
The question
What kind of changes do I need to do in the component HeadingComponent.vue so it works as I expected?
Slots are a good way to add a component to another or even simple html
docs :
<h1>Vue JS Slots Application</h1>
<div id="app">
<template slot="slotA"><pre>Slot A Content from parent.</pre></template>
<template><i>Parent Component Content.</i></template>
<template slot="slotB">Replace Slot B Default Content</template>
<template><b>Replace Default Slot Content.</b></template>
<template id="aside">
<h3>My Slots App</h3>
<slot>Default Slot Content</slot><br>
<slot name="slotA"></slot><br>
<slot name="slotB"></slot><br>
Example of codepen :
Just in a short time, I found something like slots in VueJS which is definitely what I was looking for.
Here is the guide page:
What I did in my problem is that I put <slot></slot> tags inside div whose class is content, and then the last sample I gave (Blog.vue) has worked.
<!-- HeadingComponent.vue -->
<div class="group">
<div class="head">
{{ title }} <button>Create New</button>
<div class="content">
<!-- I want to put some component's rendered content here -->

How to show value dynamically in vue js wth div

showing values from url dynamically, already showing in table correctly, but i want show with div.
<vs-table ref="table" multiple v-model="selected" pagination :max-items="itemsPerPage" :data="products">
<template slot-scope="{data}">
<vs-tr :data="row" :key="index" v-for="(row, index) in data">
now checking with this div
<template slot-scope="{data}">
<div v-for="(row1, index1) in data" v-bind:key="">
this div code not working
If you are running these both on the same page it might have something to do with your :keys being on the same ID. e.g. set the keys with a prefix
<div v-for="(row, index) in data" v-bind:key="'div-'">

mat-accordion with-in component - angular 5

I have a question component with mat-accordion to display question. I'm calling my question component to question-list component.
Everything works great until this point, the issue arises when I'm clicking on question component it is getting open and remain in that state if I'm opening another one also. As per requirement, only one should open at a time.
I see an issue is with the accordion is reside in question component and from question-list, we are looping it with *ngFor so every accordion is having one expension-pannel in it.
My code was working until I had break mine code to two-component from one question-list(parent) and question(chile)
Sample Code:-
<ng-template ngFor let-data [ngForOf]="questionList" let-i="index" >
<app-question [data]="data"></app-question>
<mat-panel-description style="float:left;">
<div class="row text-left options">
<div class="col-md-6" *ngFor="let option of data.options;">
A question is represented by a single expansion panel. A list of questions is represented by an accordion. So your question component should be an expansion panel only, not an accordion. Then you make the accordion part of the question list with the for loop inside the accordion.
Question List:
<ng-container *ngFor="let data of questionList; let i = index">
<app-question [data]="data"></app-question>
<mat-panel-description style="float:left;">
<div class="row text-left options">
<div class="col-md-6" *ngFor="let option of data.options;">
#G. Tranter thanks, for your answer, actually this(your suggestion) I already tried and did not got any success, after that I tried the traditional way of doing collapse and expand with self-declared property in to every question object "expanded" by default this will be false to every question and we have used it as ngModel in expansion control, on change the state of one we handle other "expanded" property.
sample here which is working now,
<mat-expansion-panel [(ngModel)]="data.expanded"
name="fieldName" ngDefaultControl (opened)="panelOpenState(data._id)"
<mat-panel-description style="float:left;">
<div class="row text-left options">
<div class="col-md-6" *ngFor="let option of data.options;">

In Aurelia, can a slot be used in a repeat.for binding?

I'd like to create a custom element that loops through an array and applies the to each item in the array. For example, the view template of the custom element would contain something like:
<div repeat.for="i of items">
<div with.bind="i">
When I remove the repeat.for and with.bind attributes, the slot displays a single time. Is there a way to make it repeat for each item in the list?
No, you cannot use slots with repeat.for or bind today. To do this you have to use replaceable parts. For example:
<div repeat.for="i of items">
<div with.bind="i">
<template replaceable part="content"></template>
<template replace-part="content">Some Content - ${somePropertyOfI}</template>
Runnable example: