Sum column total based on criteria sql - sql

I am not even sure if I am asking this question correctly. Algorithmically I know what I want to do, but don't know the appropriate syntax in SQL.
I have created a table that contains total online session times by customer number, IP, session start time, and total session length. Here is an example of what this table looks like(ip and CustNo is masked, also not sure how to make tables so excuse the weirdness):
CustNo minDate maxDate ClientIp timeDiff
123456 2017-11-14-02:39:27.093 2017-11-14-02:39:59.213 0.000372
I then create another table looking for a specific type of activity and want to know how long this specific user has used that IP for before this specific activity. The second table contains each activity as a separate row, customerID, IP and a timestamp.
Up to here no issue and the tables look fine.
I now need to write the part that will look into the first table based on customer ID and IP, then sum all usage of that IP for that customer as long as session min start time is less than the activity time but I have no idea how to do this. Here is the current function (not working obviously). I am doing a left join because it is possible this will be a new IP and it may not be in the first table.
##finalSessionSums ON ##allTransfersToDiffReceip.CustNo = ##finalSessionSums.CustNo
AND ##allTransfersToDiffReceip.ClientIp = ##finalSessionSums.ClientIp
AND ##allTransfersToDiffReceip.[DateTime] < ##finalSessionSums.minDate
I get an aggregate function error here but I don't know how to approach this at all.

You have a SELECT * (return all columns) and an aggregate function (In this case SUM). Whenever you combine specific columns for return alongside aggregate, summarised values you need to stipulate each column specified in the SELECT clause in the GROUP BY clause. For example
A, B, SUM(C) as CSum
A, B

In cause of the few information, I can't provide a perfect solution, but I'll give it a try:
First, like Alan mentioned, you have to select only columns that you need for your aggregate-function, which is CustomerNo and Ip. To get the sums of the query, you have to group it like this:
SELECT sum(s.timeDiff) as Sum, s.custNo, s.Ip
FROM ##finalSessionSums s
INNER JOIN ##allTransfersToDiffReceip a on a.CustNo = s.CustNo
AND a.ClientIp = s.ClientIp
AND a.[DateTime] < s.minDate
GROUP BY s.custNo, s.Ip;


Get account information based on last login time

I have this query
c.* ,concat ( s.FirstName,'',s.LastName) as FullName
FROM [dbo].[Monitor] c
left join acc.Staff s on s.Id = c.UserId where c.UserId=1
enter image description here
How to get account information based on last login time in SQL Server.
I don't know how to get account information based on last login time.
From what I understand you want to query the very last login.
SELECT TOP 1 * FROM Monitor m Join Staff s on s.Id = m.UserId
WHERE Object = 'Login' ORDER BY AccessDate Desc
Here is an explanation of the code.
SELECT TOP 1 * FROM Monitor m
The code above is going to query only 1 result (TOP 1) and show all the columns (*) from the table Monitor. If you wish to get only specific columns, you can change * to whatever columns needed. I've given the table Monitor the alias m, because the word starts with that letter, but you can name your alias however you please, for as long as you remember it, or it's easy to realize what column it refers to.
Join Staff s ON s.Id = m.UserID
I've used Join, because you haven't really specified what exact result you are expecting, your question is more about getting the last login, so whatever join is used depends on your expectations. The same goes with the columns I've joined the two tables on. I just copied yours, but they would depend on demanded result and obviously if you have a foreign key in any of the tables, then use that key to join them.
WHERE Object = 'Login' ORDER BY AccessDate DESC
This is the important part of the code for your question. By specifying that we only need rows WHERE the column Object has value of 'Login', we are making sure that only Logins, are shown and all the Logouts are excluded. With ORDER BY AccessDate DESC, we are making sure that the biggest date value is at the top. The way dates work in SQL Server, if you compare two dates, the later date is considered bigger, so the last login would be at the very top, and since we have SELECT TOP 1 at the beginning we are making sure that we are going to get only the very last row.

ORDER BY an aggregated column in Report Builder 3.0

On a report builder 3.0, i retreived some items and counted them using a Count aggregate. Now i want to order them from highest to lowest. How do i use the ORDER BY function on the aggregated column? The picture below show the a column that i want to ORDER BY it, it is ticked.
The code is vers simple as shown bellow:
Your picture indicates you also want a Total row at the bottom:
COALESCE(NameOfAct,'Total') NameOfAct,
CASE WHEN NameOfAct is null THEN 1 ELSE 0 END,
Result of example data:
NameOfAct count
-------------- -------
Act_B 3
Act_A 2
Act_Z 1
Total 6
Try it with example rows at:!18/dbd6c/2
I looked at the Pic. So you might have duplicate acts with the same name. And you want to know the number of acts that have the same unique name.
You might want to group the results by name:
And include the act names and their counts in the query results:
SELECT NameOfAct, COUNT(*) AS ActCount
(Since the act_id column is not included in the groups, you need to omit it in the SELECT. The DISTINCT is also not necessary anymore, since all groups are unique already.)
Finally, you can sort the data (probably descending to get the acts with the largest count on top):
Your complete query would become something like this:
SELECT NameOfAct, COUNT(*) AS ActCount
By the way, you use field "act_id" in your SELECT clause. That's somewhat confusing. If you want to know counts, you want to look at either the complete table data or group the table data into smaller groups (with the GROUP BY clause). Then you can use aggregate functions to get more information about those groups (or the whole table), like counts, average values, minima, maxima...
Single record information, like an act's ID in your case, is typically not important if you want to use statistic/aggregate methods on grouped data. Suppose your query returns an act name which is used 10 times. Then you have 10 records in your table, each with a unique act_id, but with the same name.
If you need just one act_id that represents each group / act name (and assuming act_id is an autonumbering field), you might include the latest / largest act_id value in the query using the MAX aggregate function:
SELECT NameOfAct, COUNT(*) AS ActCount, MAX(act_id) AS LatestActId
(The rest of the query remains the same.)

Select latest and earliest times within a time group and a pivot statement

I have attandance data that contains a username, time, and status (IN or OUT). I want to show attendance data that contains a name, and the check in/out times. I expect a person to check in and out no more than twice a day. The data looks like this:
As you can see, my problem is that one person can have multiple data entries in different seconds for the same login attempt. This is because I get data from a fingerprint attendace scanner, and the machine in some cases makes multiple entries, sometimes just within 5-10 seconds. I want to select the data to be like this:
How can I identify the proper time for the login attempt, and then select the data with a pivot?
First, you need to normalize your data by removing the duplicate entries. In your situation, that's a challenge because the duplicated data isn't easily identified as a duplicate. You can make some assumptions though. Below, I assume that no one will make multiple login attempts in a two minute window. You can do this by first using a Common Table Expression (CTE, using the WITH clause).
Within the CTE, you can use the LAG function. Essentially what this code is saying is "for each partition of user and entry type, if the previous value was within 2 minutes of this value, then put a number, otherwise put null." I chose null as the flag that will keep the value because LAG of the first entry is going to be null. So, your CTE will just return a table of entry events (ID) that were distinct attempts.
Now, you prepare another CTE that a PIVOT will pull from that has everything from your table, but only for the entry IDs you cared about. The PIVOT is going to look over the MIN/MAX of your IN/OUT times.
+ (2/60/24) < TIME THEN NULL ELSE 1 END IS NULL ), -- Times within 2 minutes
From there, if you need to rearrange or rename your columns, then you can just put that last SELECT into yet another CTE and then select your values from it. There is some more about PIVOT here: Rotate/pivot table with aggregation in Oracle

SQL SUM function with added

total novice here with SQL SUM function question. So, SUM function itself works as I expected it to:
select ID, sum(amount)
from table1
group by ID
There are several records for each ID and my goal is to summarize each ID on one row where the next column would give me the summarized amount of column AMOUNT.
This works fine, however I also need to filter out based on certain criteria in the summarized amount field. I.e. only look for results where the summarized amount is either bigger, smaller or between certain number.
This is the part I'm struggling with, as I can't seem to use column AMOUNT, as this messes up summarizing results.
Column name for summarized results is shown as "00002", however using this in the between or > / < clause does not work either. Tried this:
select ID, sum(amount)
from table1
where 00002 > 1000
group by ID
No error message, just blank result, however plenty of summarized results with values over 1000.
Unfortunately not sure on the engine the database runs on, however it should be some IBM-based product.
The WHERE clause will filter individual rows that don't match the condition before aggregating them.
If you want to do post aggregation filtering you need to use the HAVING Clause.
HAVING will apply the filter to the results after being grouped.
select ID, sum(amount)
from table1
group by ID
having sum(amount) > 1000

SQL Sum with Sub Query?

Thanks for any help in advance, I can't wrap my SQL skills around this one...
I have two tables like this:
Customerid ViewerLimit
1 50
2 50
Customerid ServerIP
1 stream3
1 stream4
2 stream3
I want to calculate the load on each server. A customer divides the load if they have more than one server, so here customer 1 puts a load of 25 on each server. The result I'm trying to get is this:
ServerIP Load
stream3 75
stream4 25
I tried to do a sum function similar to this:
sum(viewerlimit/(count # of servers)) as load group by serverip
But I can't do a sub query within a sum function. There are many customers and possibly many servers per customer so it will become too complex to do manually. I appreciate any input.
Here is uninspired version with count in derived table:
select serverip, sum (viewerlimit/cast (ServerCount as float)) Load
select customerid, count(*) ServerCount from distribution group by customerid
) a
inner join settings
on a.customerid = settings.customerid
inner join distribution
on settings.customerid = distribution.customerid
group by serverip
Sql Fiddle to play around
UPDATE - an attempt at explanation
Derived tables are used to produce ad-hoc result sets that can be joined to main body of a query. It is placed in from clause and enclosed in parenthesis. You can use anything an ordinary select can use, top, order by, aggregate functions etc. The only thing you cannot use is correlation to a table in main body. Oh, and CTE. Derived table must be aliased.
In previous sample derived table 'a' selects counts of servers by customerid. Main body sees it as a table with CustomerId and ServerCount columns, ready to be used as any column from all listed tables. A join on customerid is performed between settings and 'a'. As this is 1:1 relation (both tables produce single row given a customerid), no duplication occurs.
How about doing a count of servers in a sub query and assign that to a query variable and then use that query variable inside the sum function?
select d.serverip, sum(s.viewerlimit/d.devider)
from (
select customerid, serverip, COUNT(serverip) over (partition by customerid) servercount
from distribution
) d
join settings s
on s.customerid=d.customerid
group by d.serverip