Yourkit cpu sampling - yourkit

sorry I can't paste the code here but I'm using yourkit to cpu sampling for my app and I see the following:
11.0.10 - 120.347: warning: NULL class name
11.0.10 - 120.348: java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm$MH
11.0.10 - 153.824: Snapshot captured: RealtimeApp-2017-12-22-1.snapshot
11.0.10 - 1728.006: java.util.ArrayList$1 SAME
How can I find out what this ArrayList is about?
Separately, when I loaded the snapshot in yourkit and I saw this
This grey region has no information whatsoever. How can I find out what it's doing.
In particular, in my log, I can see there's a 10 second window where there's simply no logging... (I used log4j2 and Discard strategy.. so I'm suspecting my log4j2 is getting overflowed but I haven't found a way to prove it)


Is there a way to get "Dominator Tree"-like functionality from a running JVM?

Recently, I've been digging in to JVM heap dumps using Eclipse MAT. I like it, but the one feature that I seem to use the most is the Dominator Tree. Eclipse's example screenshot:
Anyways, I find that a lot of the time, I usually get the most value out of just looking at that table and getting the first few entries. Since the turnaround time for getting this is:
Create Heap Dump (jcmd <pid> GC.heap_dump)
Download/Pull heapdump to a location (MAT isn't installed on our servers)
Run Eclipse MAT's tool to build the various trees
Open MAT, click Dominator Tree icon.
Is there a way to get this equivalent information off of a running JVM programmatically? I'd like to run some kind of <pid> script on a host and get the Top X Objects from a JVM, but I don't know where to start.
If by "running jvm" You meant - "getting the info without doing stop-world heap-dump" then the obvious answer is: in order to do such thing without "full-scan" - the data needs to be collected throughout system life-time by tapping creation/release of each object and by maintaining the statistics. You could achieve such things by instrumentation or by using a ready-made custom agents (jol/jamm/etc). Note that many GCs are already doing similar work to collect (and print) statistics. IIRC - newer JVMs even keep track of such info within the class-metadata area (so getting statistics is instant).
(google-allocation-instumenter) (with JAMM) (JAMM src)
In Java, what is the best way to determine the size of an object? (JOL/etc here) (short DYI guide)
(webCast on how GC traverses objects for similar purposes)
On other hand - if You're fine to grab a heap-dump (which should be fine on any production system with any proper node-redundancy in place, designed for handling unavoidable Sun-JVM stop-world GC pauses), then Jhat, MAT-api, YourKit and Jol are probably Your best friends:
Programmatically analyze java heap dump file
How to analyse the heap dump using jmap in java
It is important to note that currently-existing heap-dump format loses the info about actual sizes of objects, so all tools (MAT/etc) are just trying to GUESS it properly: (What Heap Dumps Are Lying To You About, by Aleksey Shipilёv)
HTH :)

Intellij IDEA 12 deadlock and lost changes

As you are working on the IDE, suddenly it has no reaction, the whole IDE become inactive and can not operate on it, but with high CPU usage, If you kill the process from Windows Task Manager, after it launched, all modified lost since your last edit. This problem occurs every now and then.
My environments:
Windows 7, Intel i7, 16GB RAM, IDEA 12.1.6 with auto save enabled.
Did anyone come across this problem before, it's to bad as my changes lost and i have to rewrite it after restarted.
You'll want to upgrade to v12.1.6 as 12.1.5 had a major bug in it that was fixed in 12.1.6. The bug prevented compiling of code in some circumstances. 12.1.6 was released only a few days after 12.1.5. That may not be the cause of your issue, but is still good advice.
Other than that, the 12.1.x line has been very stable. I think your issue is an isolated case as I have not seen any mention of it in the IntelliJ IDEA forums or here. Often times, such deadlocks are caused by third party plug-ins. Take a look in the logs (Help > Show Log) to see if it has any information that explains the hang. Also, if IDEA becomes non responsive, it automatically logs thread dumps in the log directory. Those may have some information.
If you experience the issue again, you may want to disable any third-party plug-ins to see if that resolves it. If it happens frequently, you can take a CPU Snapshot as described in this document and submit it to the JetBrains.
Lastly, I recommend you tweak the following setting: File > Settings > [IDE Settings] > General > Save files automatically if application is idle for x sec." Set it to 15 or 30 seconds. (You don't want to go too low). This will help reduce any loss of work in the event of a hang (which after 10 years of daily IDEA use I can attest to as being very rare.)

Debugging interpreter in VM when changing vm primitives

As a university project we want to change the the pharo vm to use an object-table and see what happens.
We use a pharo-vm clone from github and VMMaker. Building the VM works fine.
To get started we added a primitive that returns an incremented Integer:
"increments an integer"
self pushInteger: self popInteger + 1 .
and modified StackInterpreter class>>initializePrimitiveTable accordingly
MaxPrimitiveIndex := 576.
"... and so on ..."
(575 primitiveFail)
(576 primitiveIntegerIncrement))
And it works.
When we make changes to the VM we want to test-run already in the SmalltalkImage so we do not need to compile and see it did not work.
Something like:
StackInterpreter test: '1 inc'
And then I can debug if the primitive is wrong or an error occurs. Of course there needs to be done much more but how can I achieve this?
What we tried
category VMMaker-InterpreterSimulation class StackInterpreterSimulator. Trying the code in the comments
^ (StackInterpreterSimulator new openOn: Smalltalk imageName) test
displayForm := 'Display has not yet been installed' asDisplayText form.
the ByteString does not understand asDisplayText
(CogVMSimulator new openOn: Smalltalk imageName) test
(InterpreterSimulator new openOn: Smalltalk imageName) test
PrimitiveFailed: primitive #basicNew: in Array class failed
I also found this screen cast but it only debugs the VM from outside using gbd:
Our project is hosted here:!/~kirstin/PharoObjectTable
Current Status
We started implementing an object table. The lookup of attributes can go throught the object table. Full object table support and no usage of direct pointes is very tricky since pointers are expected everywhere. So we use pointers into the object table to identify when a lookup should go through the OT. We also found all object creation primitives and add new objects to the table.
How long is your project and how many people are you ? To me what you try to do is quite some work. Do you have good knowledge about low level behavior ?
To answer your question, the main problem here is that the cog simulator is not maintained in the pharo vm fork. This is because no one in the pharo crew use the simulator. We only use external debugging from gdb. In fact the pharo folks work mostly on VM plugins, the core of the VM is mainly maintained and developed by Eliot Miranda which works on Squeak. Therefore we report to him when there's a bug in the VM core.
For your project you would have to split it in at least 2 steps:
step 1: make the object table work with the stack VM
step 2: make the JIT work with your object table
Note that for step 2 I would recommend not to change the way an object access its header, therefore having a VW-like object table where you have the fixed size header on the one in the the object table, and the fields of the objects (and maybe header extensions) in the heap.
So use the StackVMSimulator and build the StackVM first. When everything will work (including context), you can think about hacking the JIT. Recently Guillermo Polito ported the Stack VM to the build process (see PharoSVMBuilder instead of PharoVMBuilder), a guy reported problems with this builder but you could hack it a bit to make it work.
Now to make the simulator work on Pharo 2.0 (which is the Pharo version of the generator image you have), you have to open the monticello browser and merge from Eliot's branch the Cog package (repo MCHttpRepository location: 'http: //source. squeak. org/VMMaker'), but not the latest Cog, the one at around the same date as the current VMMaker package of pharo-vm because the latest Cog and VMMaker of Eliot's branch are not stable.
The alternative being to start from Eliot's build image and merge things from the pharo branch. Here are infos about how to build the squeak development image (
Then Eliot gave me this script once:
| cos |
cos := CogVMSimulator newWithOptions: #(Cogit SistaStackToRegisterMappingCogit).
cos desiredNumStackPages: 8.
cos openOn: 'my/favourite.image'.
cos openAsMorph; toggleTranscript; halt; run
You don't need the SistaStackToRegisterMappingCogit option. I guess some similar script with the StackVMSimulator should work.
Lastly there are some documentation about the simulator but it is only for the CogSimulator (these documentations expects you already knows how the StackSimulator works, and just give you hints about how to use it with the JIT):
and in one of the video named "Cog VM (part x)", x being from 1 to 6, Eliot shows how he uses the simulator to disassemble x86, print the stack and inspect the heap.
Another tip, ask your questions on the pharo mailing list (pharo users or pharo dev), because here no one may notice your question (fortunately someone pointed me out your question this time).
And tell on the pharo mailing list if you managed to run the simulator in Pharo 2.0, some people (as me) are very interested in it. I was planning to do it at some point.
Good luck ! Nice project anyway.
The last time I tried to use the simulator is roughly a year ago, and I did not make it work.
However, there are a few patches, which I assume never got integrated that might be of help:
Issue 107 includes a patch for your asDisplayText issue.

How to get crash/hangs reports for applications, daemons and OSX programatically?

I know there is a way to get crashes and hangs for all applications. These files are placed in "/Users/user/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports". So I could get version, time and name of the app.
But how to get daemon/process crashes and hangs? I need to know which exactly daemon was crashed/hanged and time when it happened.
Also is there is a way to get some system(OSX) crash with the same info?
Also would be great to get some resource failures/warnings: out of memory or out of disk space.
I need to get it programatically.
On Windows we can do this using NotifyChangeEventLog () API. All these info we can gather using such method. Also it notifies if something happened.
For the daemons crash/hang report see the "/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports" directory. According to this document you can also find there kernel panic reports (i.e. system crash).
Don't know about NotifyChangeEventLog-like API, but in situations like "out of memory" there will be an exception, so you just need to catch it. See Error Handling Programming Guide for details. Also take a look at Exception Programming Topics
Edit: for the information about Crash Reporter take a look at Chapter 5 of Levin's book "Mac OS X and iOS Internals: To the Apple's Core"
in 10.9 the activity monitor offers you two tools when you have a hang but no crash hence no crash report:
spindump - memory dump like crash report and
sys digs which produces a bundle of files

In LabVIEW, get callees without loading a VI

Here's an obscure Friday Morning question:
Is it possible in LabVIEW to get the callees of a VI without loading the entire VI into memory? For instance, by reading static information from the binary?
Well there is the private/scriptig method App.Read Linker Info From File, I don't think this will load the VI into memory, for more info have a look at the LabVIEW wiki (currently off-line , here is a Google cached page) page on the linker method.
The linker method will return all the info on the VI and it's external needs (VIs, DLLs, CHMs etc).
No, I don't believe so. When you open a reference to the top-level VI, it will be loaded into memory. That's even before you have the opportunity to query it for its callees.
Ton's answer is correct. The mentioned method is an application instance method not a VI reference method. You supply the path to the VI in question to that method and it will then parse the VI structure and extract all the relevant linker information without loading the VI as such into memory (Obviously it will read in the information from the file into memory to parse it but it will not load/instantiate the VI itself).
The problem with that node is however that it is private, because it has changed its interface in the past and may do so in the future again without warning. There even was a case between 7.0 and 7.1 or so, where the interface changed without any warning in the form of a broken arrow, but when executing it with the old data structure it would simply crash. As a private node that is fully valid, as no warranties are made about the functionality of private nodes.