Gitlab-Runner Deploy to multiple servers - gitlab-ci

I got following environment and setup:
3 load balanced production servers and
one development server
a working auto deployment to my development server with
one gitlab-runner which connects by ssh to my dev-server and pulls the dev-branch and
a gitlab-ci.yml which is limited to my dev-branch
How can I achieve:
further auto-deploy to my development server if I push into my dev-branch
auto deploy to my 3 production servers if I push into my master-branch
The question is based on my current setup where following questions came up
can I let a gitlab-runner run just locally (also not in a docker container because I havn't installed one) so that its just up to the gitlab-ci.yml to differ on branches and deploy to the specific servers or
can I install multiple gitlab-runners which are taking aktion on just specific branches?
or is there another solution which lets me achieve my plans?

"Can I let a gitlab-runner run just locally (also not in a docker container because I havn't installed one) so that its just up to the
gitlab-ci.yml to differ on branches and deploy to the specific
Yes, register local runners as specific runners with Shell executors on the machines you want to deploy to so they can run local commands just like you use SSH now and only your specific projects can use them. Then take a look at the next sub-answer regarding tags.
"Can I install multiple gitlab-runners which are taking aktion on just specific branches?"
Use either tags to pin certain jobs to runners (e.g. your deploy job) or use only or except to pin jobs to branches or
tags. (e.g. your deploy_prod job only run on master branch)
Example .gitlab-ci.yml file (abstract):
- dev-runner
- dev-branch
- cd mydir
- git pull
- prod-runner
- master
- cd mydir
- git pull


Pipeline is stuck on "pending"

I'm using GitLab's shared CI runners for training. Since this morning I can't build
my project because the pipeline's status is "pending".
Is it because the number of shared runners is maxed out ? Too busy running other people's
code ?
Is there a setting I need to check ? I know I can pay for a dedicated runner but I'm not
in commercial setting at this point therefore I'm sticking with shared ones.
Thank you for assistance.
In such situations I would highly recommend to make the best use of tags. You can use tags to select a specific runner from the list of all runners that are available for the project.
In this example, the job is run by a runner that
has both ruby and postgres tags defined.
- ruby
- postgres
If you have your own runners setup then you can use tags to run different jobs on different platforms. For
example, if you have an OS X runner with tag osx and a Windows runner with tag
windows, you can run a job on each platform:
windows job:
- build
- windows
- echo Hello, %USERNAME%!
osx job:
- build
- osx
- echo "Hello, $USER!"
If this is still a problem then consider using your own private runner.

Gitlab run different deploment scripts on merge depending on Labels

How can I run different CI deployment scripts on merge to master depending on the labels attached to the merge request?
I have a repository from which I build different versions of my software. I keep it in one repository as the systems share 90% of the code but there are differences that defitively need code modifications. On merge requests all versions are buildt and a suite of tests is run. Usually I want to deploy on accepting the merge request.
As not always the changes are relevant for all systems I would like to attach labels to the merge request that decide which deployments scripts are run on accepting the merge request. I already tried to automatically decide on the changed code parts but this is not possible as often I expand a shared library but this is only relevant for one of the systems.
I am aware of variables but I don't know how to apply them on merge accept in YML like this
stage: deploy
- master
Update on strategy:
As CI_MERGE_REQUEST_LABELS is not available with only:master I will try to do a beta deployment depending on merge request labels in only:merge-request. In only:master I will deploy the betas that have changed. This most likely will fit my needs. I will add it as a solution once it works.
I finally solved it this way:
My YML script has three stages:
- buildtest
- createbeta
- deploy
stage: buildtest
- ... run unit tests
- ... build all systems
- ... run scripted tests on all systems
- merge_requests
stage: createbeta
- ... run setup and update package creation with parameter $CI_MERGE_REQUEST_LABELS
- ... run update package tests with parameter $CI_MERGE_REQUEST_LABELS
- ... run beta deployment scripts with parameter $CI_MERGE_REQUEST_LABELS (see text)
- merge_requests
stage: deploy
- ... run production deployment scripts (see text)
- master
The first stages are run on merge request creation.
As changes to shared libraries might affect all systems all builds and tests are run in stage "buildtest".
The scripts in stage "createbeta" check for existance of the merge request label for the corresponding system and are skipped if the system is not involved by the labels.
The script for beta deployment creates a signal file "deploy_me" in the beta folder (important) if it runs
When the request is merged the deployment script runs in stage "deploy". It checks for the existance of the "deploy_me" file and only deploys and informs via mail if the file exists.
This way I can easily decide which system I want to deploy by applying a labes to the merge request. I can thorowly test the new feature with the beta version and make sure that changes do not break the other systems as unittests and system tests are run for all systems.
As the GitLab runner runs in a Windows environment (yes, this makes sense as I work with Delphi) here is the way I find the system label in a Windows cmd file for those who are interested. I use %* as the labels are separated by spaces and treated as individual command line parameters.
echo %* | findstr /i /c:"MyCoolSystem" > nul
if %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 goto runit
rem If the label is not supplied with the merge request, do nothing
goto ok
... content
Perhaps this helps someone with a similar environment and similar workflow.

One Gitlab CI runner per project?

We upgraded from Gitlab 7.11.4 to 9 in one fell swoop (by accident). Now we are trying to get CI set up the way it use to run for us before. I understand that CI is an integrated thing now.
One of my coworkers got a multi-runner thing going. The running command looks like so:
/usr/bin/gitlab-ci-multi-runner run --working-directory /home/gitlab-runner --config /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml --service gitlab-runner --syslog --user gitlab-runner
But previously we had 1 runner for each project and we had a user associated for each project. So, if we have 2 projects called "portal" and "engine", we would have users created thusly:
And being users, they would have home folders like:
In the older version of CI, you'd have a config.yml with the url of CI and the runners token. Now you have config.toml.
I want to "divorce" the engine runner from this multi setup which runs under user "gitlab-runner" and have its own runner that runs under "gitlab-runner-fps-engine".
Easy to do? Right now since all of this docker business is new to us, we're continuing on to use "shell" as our executor in gitlab, if that information is useful.
There are at least two ways you can do it:
Register a specific runner in each of the projects and disable the shared runners.
Use tags to specify the job must be run on a specific runner. This way you can have some CI jobs run on your defined environment while others (like lint for example) can be run on tagged shared runners.

Running Jenkins tests in Docker containers build from dockerfile in codebase

I want to deploy a continuous integration platform based on Jenkins. As I have various kinds of projects (PHP / Symfony, node, angular, …) and as I want these tests to run both locally and on Jenkins, I was thinking about using Dockers containers.
The process I’m aiming for is :
A merge request is opened on Github / Gitlab
A webhook notifies Jenkins of the merge request
Jenkins pulls the repo, builds the containers and runs a shell script to execute the tests
Once the tests are finished, Jenkins retrieves the results from one of the containers (through a shared volume) and process the results.
I do not want Jenkins to be in a container.
With this kind of process, I’m hoping to be able to run very easily the tests on each developer machine with something like a docker-composer up and then in one of the container ./tests all.
I’m not very familiar with Jenkins. I’ve read a lot of documentation, but most of them suggested to define Jenkins slaves for each kind of projects beforehand. I would like everything to be as dynamic as possible and require as less configuration on Jenkins as possible.
I would appreciate a description of your test process if you have ever implemented something similar. If you think what I’m aiming for is impossible, I would also appreciate if you could explain to me why.
A setup I suggest is Docker in Docker.
The base is a derived Docker image, which extends the jenkins:2.x image by adding a Docker commandline client.
The Jenkins is started as a container with its home folder (a folder e.g. /var/jenkins_home mounted from the Docker host) and the Docker socket file to be able to start Docker containers from Jenkins build jobs.
docker run -d --name jenkins -v /var/jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock ... <yourDerivedJenkinsImage>
To check, if this setup is working just execute following command after starting the Jenkins container:
docker exec jenkins docker version
If the "docker version" output does NOT show:
Is the docker daemon running on this host?
Everythin is fine.
In your build jobs, you could configure the process you mentioned above. Let Jenkins simply check out the repository. The repository should contain your build and test scripts.
Use a freestyle build job with a shell execution. A shell execution could look like this:
docker run --rm --volumes-from jenkins <yourImageToBuildAndTestTheProject> bash $WORKSPACE/<pathToYourProjectWithinTheGitRepository>/
This command simply starts a new container (to build and/or test your project) with the volumes from jenkins. Which means that the cloned repository will be available under $WORKSPACE. So if you run "bash $WORKSPACE/<pathToYourProjectWithinTheGitRepository>/" your project will be built within a container of "yourImageToBuildAndTestTheProject". After running this, you could start other containers for integration tests or combine this with "docker-compose" by installing it on the derived Jenkins image.
Advantages are the minimal configuration affort you have within Jenkins - only the SCM configuration for cloning the GIT repository is required. Since each Jenkins job uses the Docker client directly you could use for each project one or Docker image to build and/or test, WITHOUT further Jenkins configuration.
If you need additional configuration e.g. SSH keys or Maven settings, just put them on the Docker host and start the Jenkins container with the additional volumes, which contain those configuration files.
Using this Docker option within the shell execution of your build jobs:
--volumes-from jenkins
Automatically adds workspace and configuration files to each of your build jobs.

How to disable simultaneous build on drone io?

I use drone as CI and want to know how I can disable simultaneous build. What's happening is that when I submit two commits to git repo, drone will trigger two build on each of the submit. How can I let the second build wait until the first one finish?
Regarding the open source version of Drone: set the DOCKER_MAX_PROCS environment variable of your drone agent to 1, i.e. docker run -e DOCKER_MAX_PROCS=1 [...] drone/drone:0.5 agent. The agent will run one build concurrently, other builds will queue up.
See the Installation Reference section in the readme for more info.