ReferenceManyField, ReferenceArrayField - one-to-many

I'm trying to build a admin app with admin-on-rest connected to I's working except the relational references. On we set up a related field to another "type" and the created fields are array of objects with a related id prop and the related type.
But admin-on-rest spect a single array of ids. I could change my schema but it will broke my database on
I tried some source="??" on the component but no lucky. Any ideias ? Thanks

That should be handled by the client. I'm afraid it's not implemented yet. You're welcome to give it a try if you like. Otherwise, you'll have to wait until I get some time for it


Include Sub-Entities from relations when loading an Entity in Groovy Service

What I'm trying to achieve here is to load some fields from sub-entities.
For instance, let's suppose i want to load some features for the product list. In xml it's pretty clear:
<entity-find-one entity-name="mantle.product.feature.ProductFeature" value-field="brandList">
<field-map field-name="productFeatureId" from="featureList.productFeatureId"/>
<field-map field-name="productFeatureTypeEnumId" from="featureList.productFeatureId" value="PftBrand"/>
Is there a way to do something similar in groovy, without iterating through the whole product list and add the desired fields manually?
Also, can somebody give me a short example with the concrete use of sqlFind( ?
I tried to solve the issue i'm asking about using a join query but I couldn't figure out how the SQL query is supposed to look like.
a. The element 'entity-find-one' queries on primary key and returns a single map. You need to use the 'entity-find' element .
b. Yes, you can always drop down to groovy using the script tag. e.g. Just use ec.entity.find("mantle.product.feature.ProductFeature") or whatever you need in your groovy script.
c. In moqui, joined tables are handled by the 'view-entity' element and you can predefine your own (place in your 'entities' folder) or use the many existing ones that are provided in the framework. You don't need SQL.
EDIT - Sorry, you can also do it on the fly by using the EntityFind.makeEntityDynamicView() method.
Hope that helps.

Storing geometries as SDO_POINT_TYPE with Hibernate 5 and Oracle

I am using Hibernate 5.1.0.Final in a Java application for database persistence. That will be handy for us as we expect to hit Oracle and Postgres instances, so we can have this ORM as an abstraction layer.
In a former issue when querying geometries using Hibernate-spatial I posted some of my configuration.
The problem now is when we persist some geometry fields in Oracle. In my POJO I have an import :
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry;
So that I define the following attribute in my class :
#Column(name = "geom")
protected Geometry geom;
It gets persisted and I can use predicates to query it. But looking inside the database I can see the content of the geom field is :
Instead of what I would like, which is faster to query and is recommended by Oracle :
What should I do in order to store this as a point (SDO_POINT_TYPE) and not as an array (SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY) ?
EDIT : I tried changing to Point as shown below, but it didn't make a difference, as far as I can tell.
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Point;
#Column(name = "geom")
protected Point geom;
It looks to me that currently there is no way to force Hibernate to store points as points instead of an array of coordinates. I went deeper into this and I came out with a tweak to the source code mostly for me, but also for those who need to do so.
I created a pull request to the original project. Even though it may or may not be considered for the master, anybody can potentially create their own customized version of taking it from here :
Update : This was merged into master. It should be ready for next release of geolate-geom. As per #maesenka 's comment :
You must set a system property GEOLATTE_USE_SDO_POINT_TYPE=true to enable this feature.

ndb ComputedProperty filtering

I have a User ndb.Model which has a username StringProperty that allows upper en lower case letters, at some point I wanted to fetch users by username but have the case forced to lowercase for the filtering. Therefor I added a ComputedProperty to User: username_lower which returns the lowercase version of the username as follows:
def username_lower(self):
return self.username.lower()
then I filter the query like so:
query = query.filter(User.username_lower==username_input.lower())
This works, however it only does for users created (put) after I added this to the model. Users created before don't get filtered by this query. I first thought the ComputedProperty wasn't working for the older users. However, tried this and calling .username_lower on an old user does work.
Finally, I found a solution to this is to fetch all users and just run a .put_multi(all_users)
So seems like a ComputedProperty added later to the model works when you invoke it straight but doesn't filter at first. Does it not get indexed automatically ? or could it be a caching thing.. ?
any insight to why it was behaving like this would be welcome
this is the expected behaviour. The value of a ComputedProperty (or any property for that matter I guess) is indexed when the object is "put". The datastore does not do automatic schema updates or anything like that. When you update your schema you need to either allow for different schema versions in your code or update your entities individually. In the case of changes to indexing you have no choice but to update your entities. The MapReduce API can be used for updating entities to avoid request limitations and the like.

Can I get NHibernate to enforce that a string property is non-empty?

I know about the not-null attribute. Is there one for enforcing the minimum length of a string property? I don't want empty strings in my database.
I don't know of anything in the mapping file that will let you do this (and I don't see anything in the schema). You could probably define a custom type using NHibernate.IUserType and build your logic into that type (if the string is empty save null). Here is an example of building an IUserType (it would be easy to change this example code to work for you)
The other option is to take advantage of NHibernate.Validations and to handle the validation logic before getting to the point where you are saving the entity to the database.
You are looking for NHibernate Validator! There's a blog post here showing some of its goodness.

NHibernate: Return A Constant In HQL

I need to return a constant from an HQL query in NHIbernate
SELECT new NDI.SomeQueryItem(user, account, " + someNumber + ")
FROM NDI.SomeObject object
I am trying for something like above. I've tried this:
SELECT new NDI.SomeQueryItem(user, account, :someNumber)
FROM NDI.SomeObject object
And then later:
.SetParameter("someNumber", 1).List<SomeQueryItem>();
But in the first case I get a 'Undefined alias or unknown mapping 1'. Which makes some sense since it probably thinks the 1 is an alias.
For the second I get a 'Undefined alias or unknown mapping :someNumber' which again makes some sense if it never set the parameter.
I have to believe there's some way to do this.
Please feel free to continue to believe there is some way to do this - but with HQL there isn't!
Why would you want to anyway? If you want to update the value this property to the value you specify, then do so after you've loaded the objects. Alternatively, if your result set doesn't quite match to your objects, you could alway use a SQL query (which you can still do via an NHibernate session). But the purpose of NHibernate is to map what's in your database onto objects, so specifying a manual override like this is quite rightly not allowed.
It sounds like there is a (small?) disconnect between your domain objects and your database model. What about creating a small "DTO" object to bridge this gap?
Have your query return a list of SomeQueryItemDTO (or whatever you want to call it) which, due to the naming, you know is not a true part of your domain. Then have some function to process the list and build a list of true SomeQueryItem objects by incorporating the data that is extraneous to the database.
If you're already using the Repository Pattern, this should be easier since all the ugly details are hidden inside of your repository.