SQL getting name from userform - sql

I am having a little trouble with my SQL in access
CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO _tbl_Structure " & _
"SELECT * " & _
"FROM [MS Access;pwd=" & strPassword & ";database=" & DBpath & "\" & DBname & "].[" & tblStructure & "] " & _
"WHERE [user] = '" & [Forms!frm_Advisors_Stats-manager].[Position]
The issue appears to be with
Any help on what I am doing wrong here?
The position textbox shows if the person logged in is a manager or not. If they are a manager as stated on the userform is pulls all records the manager has on the team
The error shown is:
External name not defined

Or use correct bracketing:

Since you're using string concatenation, your object notation needs to be valid for VBA. Since your object name contains a hyphen, you need to properly refer to it using the forms collection and without the bang operator.
"WHERE [user] = '" & Forms("frm_Advisors_Stats-manager").Position.Value & "'"

Another way to reference a control on a form that I used a lot is:
CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO _tbl_Structure " & _
"SELECT * " & _
"FROM [MS Access;pwd=" & strPassword & ";database=" & DBpath & "\" & DBname & "].[" & tblStructure & "] " & _
"WHERE [user] = '" & Form_Advisors_Stats-manager.Position & "'"


When I write code inside textbox doesn't accept it

I have a textbox in a form. I use this textbox to write "Codes" and then I save it in the table in the database through the SQL insert statement, but the code doesn't accept to run and gives me an error message:
Run-Time error '3075'.
type of database: Access database
type of field data: LongText
What the problem and how to pass all same problems when I need to save codes inside the database field.
When I try to save the code without (') it's working!
I use this SQL Statement:
CurrentDb.Execute "Update Tbl_Codes Set [LP_ID]= " & Me.txtID & ",
[Code_Title]='" & Me.txtTitle & "'" _
& " ,[Code_Des]= '" & Me.txtDes & "',[Code_Key]= '" & Me.txtKey & "',
[Notes]= '" & Me.txtNotes & "'" _
& " Where [ID]= " & Me.txtID1 & ""
And I want to save this Code:
DSum("Field1";"Table";"Field2= '" & Value & "'")
Please change your code as follows. You need to escape single quotes by doubling them up. A simple replace will work for your.
CurrentDb.Execute "Update Tbl_Codes Set [LP_ID]= " & Replace(Me.txtID,"'","''") & ",
[Code_Title]='" & Replace(Me.txtTitle,"'","''") & "'" _
& " ,[Code_Des]= '" & Replace(Me.txtDes,"'","''") & "',[Code_Key]= '" & Replace(Me.txtKey,"'","''") & "',
[Notes]= '" & Replace(Me.txtNotes,"'","''") & "'" _
& " Where [ID]= " & Me.txtID1 & ""
DSum("Field1";"Table";"Field2= '" & Replace(Value,"'","''") & "'")

SQL UPDATE syntax error issue

I have some SQL where I am getting a syntax error, but cant work out why:
The Code:
CurrentDb.Execute "UPDATE [MS Access;pwd=" & strPassword & ";database=" & DBpath & "\" & DBnameVoice & "].[" & tblhistoric & "] " & _
"SET NudgeSent = '" & SendNudge & "' " & _
"WHERE [ID] = '" & UID & "'"
Why I am confused:
I have the exact same code but to update a different column and it works fine, what am I missing?
Error Received:
Syntax error in UPDATE Statement
Similar code I have the does work:
CurrentDb.Execute "UPDATE [MS Access;pwd=" & strPassword & ";database=" & DBpath & "\" & DBnameVoice & "].[" & tblhistoric & "] " & _
"SET AllocatedTo = '" & Allocateto & "' " & _
"WHERE [ID] = '" & UID & "'"

SQL syntax error on vba

I made a SQL statement in the add/update button in the query wizard I changed it back to SQL view to see how the program made me the code and when I copy and paste the same error on the If statement of the btnAdd it throws me a syntax error, but how?
here is the entire code:
Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
'In the button add we have two options
'1. Insert
'2. Update
If Me.txtID.Tag & "" = "" Then
CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO tblClients ( ClientID, ClientName, Gender, " & _
"City, [Address (Fisical)], [Cellphone/Telephone] ) " & _
"SELECT " & Me.txtID & ",'" & Me.txtName & "','" & Me.cboGender & "', '" & Me.cboCity & "','" & Me.txtAddress & "','" & Me.txtCellphone & "'"
'Otherwise the data will be updated
CurrentDb.Execute "UPDATE tblClients SET tblClients.ClientName = [me]. [txtName], tblClients.Gender = [me].[cboGender], tblClients.City = [me].[cboCity], tblClients.[Address (Fisical)] = [me].[txtAddress], tblClients.[Cellphone/Telephone] = [me].[txtCellphone] "
WHERE (([ClientID]=[Me].[txtID].[Tag]));
End If
End Sub
it highlights me this row in red:
WHERE (([ClientID]=[Me].[txtID].[Tag]));
It appears that the following code is not on the same line
CurrentDb.Execute "UPDATE tblClients SET tblClients.ClientName = [me]. [txtName], tblClients.Gender = [me].[cboGender], tblClients.City = [me].[cboCity], tblClients.[Address (Fisical)] = [me].[txtAddress], tblClients.[Cellphone/Telephone] = [me].[txtCellphone] "
WHERE (([ClientID]=[Me].[txtID].[Tag]))
So you may want to change it to
CurrentDb.Execute "UPDATE tblClients SET tblClients.ClientName = [me]. [txtName], tblClients.Gender = [me].[cboGender], tblClients.City = [me].[cboCity], tblClients.[Address (Fisical)] = [me].[txtAddress], tblClients.[Cellphone/Telephone] = [me].[txtCellphone] " & _
"WHERE (([ClientID]=[Me].[txtID].[Tag]))"
In addition to Cableload's correct answer where the WHERE statement that was on a new code line was not connected to the previous line by the use of an underscore at the end of the first one, there is still a referncing issue.
You are referencing values in a UserForm like that were columns in a table so it is not finding the value you are looking for. To get the value into the SQL statement you need to come out of the literal string, reference the value, and then continue writing the string (not forgetting to enclose the value with '): -
CurrentDb.Execute "UPDATE tblClients SET " & _
"[ClientName] = '" & Me.txtName & "', " & _
"[Gender] = '" & Me.cboGender & "', " & _
"[City] = '" & Me.cboCity & "', " & _
"[Address (Fisical)] = '" & Me.txtAddress & "', " & _
"[Cellphone/Telephone] = '" & Me.txtCellphone & "' " & _
"WHERE [ClientID]=" & Me.txtID.Tag
I have spread it across multiple lines for ease of reading but obviously you can adjust your actual code however needed.
I would also question [ClientID]=" & Me.txtID.Tag, is the ClientID in the in the txtID.value or the txtID.Tag, they are different places. The value property is the value in the text box, the Tag property is more like a area for metadata that you can populate if needed but is not automatically populated by default.
Finally I'd like to refer you back to an answer to a previous question you had, at the bottom of the answer there was a tip about placing the resultant query into a Access Query in SQL view to get better information on the error, that would have helped you here too. To give further assistance on the 'resultant query'.
In debug mode before the while the CurrentDb.Execute is highlighted but before it is run (using F8 to step through each line until you get there, or placing a breakpoint on that line
Open the the Immediate Window if it is not already open (either Ctrl+G to from the menu bar 'View' > 'Immediate Window')
Copy all related code from the line after the CurrentDb.Execute statement, in this case it would be UPDATE ... .Tag
In the immediate window type a question mark and then paste in the rleated code and press enter
The immediate window will return the resultant string for you to try in a Query in SQL view.
Change the SELECT keyword to VALUES in your INSERT statement.
CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO tblClients ( ClientID, ClientName, Gender, " & _
"City, [Address (Fisical)], [Cellphone/Telephone] ) " & _
"VALUES (" & Me.txtID & ",'" & Me.txtName & "','" & Me.cboGender & "', '" & Me.cboCity & "','" & Me.txtAddress & "','" & Me.txtCellphone & "')"
And the UPDATE should be this. The issue here was that you were trying to use Form controls in the SQL, but you needed to evaluate the controls first then concatenate their values to your literal string.
I'm wondering if you really need Me.txtID instead of Me.txtID.Tag
So sway that out if it doesn't work.
CurrentDb.Execute "UPDATE tblClients SET tblClients.ClientName = '" & me.txtName & "', tblClients.Gender = '" & me.cboGender & "', tblClients.City = '" & me.cboCity & "', tblClients.[Address (Fisical)] = '" & me.txtAddress & "', tblClients.[Cellphone/Telephone] = '" & me.txtCellphone & "' WHERE (([ClientID]=" & Me.txtID.Tag & "));"

Missing comma error error inserting sql through access 2010 vba

Having the weirdest problem ever. I do have an sql insert statement, that properly works in sql. When i put that sql into vba it works very good from my pc. However, it does not work and shows sql error: missing comma. Where can be the problem??? I use Access 2010 plus, others use same Access version and having same ODB connections (DSN servers) . Some code example:
sql = "Driver={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle}; " & _
"(HOST= ODB)(PORT=1520))" & _
Set con = New ADODB.Connection
Set rec = New ADODB.Recordset
Set cmd = New ADODB.Command
con.Open sql
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
Do While Not rst.EOF
insetSQL = con.Execute(" INSERT INTO STOCK (PNM_AUTO_KEY, PN, DESCRIPTION, HISTORICAL_FLAG, qty_oh, qty_adj, qty_available, CTRL_NUMBER, CTRL_ID, receiver_number, rec_date, serial_number,pcc_auto_key, cnc_auto_key, loc_auto_key, whs_auto_key, unit_cost, adj_cost, stc_auto_key, visible_mkt, remarks, ifc_auto_key, exp_date, unit_price, tagged_by, tag_date, owner, PART_CERT_NUMBER,ORIGINAL_PO_NUMBER, SHELF_LIFE, CTS_AUTO_KEY, MFG_LOT_NUM, AIRWAY_BILL )" & _
" VALUES ( " & rst![minimumas] & ", '" & rst![pn] & "', '" & "FROM_SCRIPT" & "', '" & "F" & "'," & rst![qty_oh] & "," & rst![qty_oh] & "," & rst![qty_oh] & "," & "G_STM_CTRL_NUMBER.nextval" & "," & "1" & ", '" & rst![receiver_number] & "', " & " TO_DATE('" & rst![rec_date] & "','YYYY-MM-DD'), '" & rst![serial_number] & "'," & rst![pcc_auto_key] & "," & rst![cnc_auto_key] & "," & rst![loc_auto_key] & "," & rst![whs_auto_key] & "," & rst![unit_cost] & "," & rst![unit_cost] & "," & "1" & ",'" & "T" & "', '" & rst![remarks] & "'," & _
"1" & ", " & " TO_DATE('" & rst![exp_date] & "','YYYY-MM-DD'), " & "0" & ",'" & rst![TAGGED_BY] & "', " & " TO_DATE('" & rst![tag_date] & "','YYYY-MM-DD'), '" & "" & "', '" & rst![PART_CERT_NUMBER] & "', '" & rst![ORIGINAL_PO_NUMBER] & "', '" & rst![SHELF_LIFE] & "', " & rst![CERT_SOURCE] & ", '" & rst![MFG_LOT_NUM] & "', '" & rst![AIRWAY_BILL] & "'" & " )")
It might be that one of the rescordset fields that is a string data type, has a value that contains a comma but you have not treated it as string.
VALUES ( " & rst![minimumas] & ",
For the above code to work minimumas CANNOT contain any commas.
Are you certain that all the string fields int he recordset have been appended to the SQL string with a ' around them.
We need to see the sql string is created which then causes the error. Please provide this as requested.
PART 2 Viewing the SQL causing the error
insetSQL = con.Execute(
on error resume next
strMySQl = the string currently used in the execute statement
insetSQL = con.Execute(strMySQl)
if err.number <> 0 then
debug.print err.number, err.description
debug.print strMySQl
end if
then post the sql string that is printed in the immediate window to this site.
I would also suggest that you compare the SQL string generated on your machine with the other machines - just in case something weird is happening.

VB SQL Error 3061: Too few Parameters

I have the following code:
CurrentDb.Execute "UPDATE Employees SET Login =" & Me.LoginTxt & ",FirstName ='" & Me.FNameTxt & "'" & ",LastName ='" & Me.LNameTxt & "'" & _
",HourlyRate ='" & Me.HRateTxt & "'" & ",ShopID ='" & Me.ShopIDCmbo & "'" & ",HomePhone ='" & Me.HomePhoneTxt & "'" & _
" WHERE ID =" & Me.IDtxt.Value
I get a Runtime Error 3061: Too few parameters. Expected 1.
It tells me the error is in the last part, ie. " WHERE ID =" & Me.IDtxt.Value
I can't for the life of me figure out how to fix this
Please construct the SQL Statement in a string, make the program output it, and add it in your post.
This will help us understanding what's wrong.
If I have to guess, I would add quotes around Me.LoginTxt parameter.