I'm new to Shopify app developing and I'm using Node,Express for the back-end and react with polaris libaray.
My question is how to get the shop's domain the request is initiating throug h the app. When I searched I could only found one used in Ruby ShopifyAPI::Shop.current and I'm looking for the similar thing to use in node?
For examples check out https://github.com/BKnights/kotn-shopify-utils
Yes it uses a session.
The code is pretty idiosyncratic. I published it mostly as an easy way to share between my own projects but it's worked pretty well for those.
If you use this where you may scale your servers you'd need to replace the session engine with something more distributed. Cookie sessions work.
This expects to route the setup page of the app to /preferences. Look at that route with the validSession, session, middleware
For passing the domain to Polaris I put the shop info into a plain JS object on the containing page (it's a dustjs template):
<script type="text/javascript">
var KotN = {
apiKey: '{apiKey}',
shopOrigin: 'https://{shop}.myshopify.com',
locale:'{locale}' || (navigator.languages ? (navigator.language || navigator.languages[0]) : (navigator.userLanguage || navigator.browerLanguage))
and then the Polaris component looks like:
import * as React from 'react';
import {EmbeddedApp} from '#shopify/polaris/embedded';
import ShopProvider from './stores/ShopProvider';
import Status from './views/status';
const shop = KotN.shop;
const shopOrigin = KotN.shopOrigin;
const apiKey = KotN.apiKey;
console.log('shop: '+ shop +' and origin: '+ shopOrigin);
export default class MyApp extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<Status />
I know this is a old thread but i've stumbled here while i was searching for the answer and just wanted to share my solution with you guys that also have the same problem. This is how i'm getting shop domain.
let shopDomain = new URL(window.location).searchParams.get("shop");
I am developing a react-project with multilingual (en and fr). Everything is working fine and I am able to translate my app from en to fr and vice versa. The translations are working when refreshing the page too.
I have one React Component that is unable to translate and is showing a missing key error.
i18next::translator: missingKey fr translation CampaignDetails.description CampaignDetails.description
Instead of translating the text for description, it is showing me CampaignDetails.description exactly
Go to this URL http://donatenow-9cc92.web.app/
Try changing the language at the rightside of the header. It will work.
There is a search field at the leftside in the header. Search for "mervice" and wait until the
charity shows up
You can see a card for the searched charity, click on the card anywhere but not on follow
The URL now looks like this https://donatenow-9cc92.web.app/mervice
Try changing the language now and it will work too.
Refresh this page https://donatenow-9cc92.web.app/mervice and you will see the translations
are still working
Now scroll this page https://donatenow-9cc92.web.app/mervice and at the bottom, you will see
some campaigns like 'Sadqah', 'Zakat' and 'Dollar a Day for Sadaqa'. Click on any campaign,
lets say you have clicked 'Sadqah'
Now the URL is something like this https://donatenow-9cc92.web.app/mervice/sadqah
Try changing the language from this route and it will work fine
The problem is if you click on this link https://donatenow-9cc92.web.app/mervice/sadqah
directly or refresh the page. The translation will not work and the console will give you
missing keys error
1- I have a NotFound.js component in which I am checking if the URL has any charity name like mervice. For example, if the URL is like this domainName/mervice then I am extracting the mervice from the URL and doing a Axios call to fetch the charity and then navigating to the charity page
https://donatenow-9cc92.web.app/mervice (The translations are working no matter if the user has come directly to the page or He/She searched for the charity)
2- In the same function of NotFound.js in which I am fetching the charity, I am also fetching the campaign for the charity. I am checking if the URL is like this domaninName/mervice/campaign and then if the campaign is found for the charity (mervice in this case) then I am navigating to the campaign page.
3- https://donatenow-9cc92.web.app/mervice/sadqah (The translation will not work if you click on this link directly but translations will work if you do it manually like using the search field)
If the translation is working for this page https://donatenow-9cc92.web.app/mervice then why it is not working for this page https://donatenow-9cc92.web.app/mervice/sadqah
The component is the same, I am only navigating in this component based on the condition
import React, { Suspense } from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom/client";
import "./index.css";
import "./css/Auth.css";
import "./css/SearchOrganization.css";
import "./css/Profile.css";
import "./css/Donations.css";
import "./css/ReceiptModal.css";
import "./css/Recurring.css";
import { Provider } from "react-redux";
import i18n from "i18next";
import { initReactI18next } from "react-i18next";
import LanguageDetector from "i18next-browser-languagedetector";
import HttpApi from "i18next-http-backend";
import App from "./App";
import reportWebVitals from "./reportWebVitals";
import store from "./redux/store";
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById("root"));
debug: true,
supportedLngs: ["en", "fr"],
fallbackLng: "en",
detection: {
order: ["localStorage"],
caches: ["localStorage"],
backend: {
loadPath: "assets/locales/{{lng}}/translation.json",
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false,
<Suspense fallback={null}>
<Provider store={store}>
<App />
.then((res) => {
if (res.data.data.length > 0) {
// setting states
// local storage
localStorage.setItem("organization", JSON.stringify(res.data.data[0]));
// setting props
// setting organization path
const data = res.data.data[0];
const organizationName = data.shortName;
const cleanOrganizationName = organizationName.replace(
setOrganizationPath(cleanOrganizationName.toLowerCase()); // redirects to charity translation is working
// fetching campaign for the given organization
for (let i = 0; i < data.campaigns.length; i += 1) {
const word = data.campaigns[i].name.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, "");
const lowercase = word.toLowerCase();
if (secondString === lowercase) {
setCharityPath(lowercase); // redirects to campaign, translation not working
localStorage.setItem("campaign", JSON.stringify(data.campaigns[i]));
} else {
can you please give me a hand with Deep Linking. When I work in a development environment it works for me with the URL: exp://, however, when I publish it, I open it with the URL: exp://exp.host/#user/#nameApp/--/resetPassword/rzBsP3tJ?release-channel=testing, it just opens the app, but it doesn't redirect me to the screen I want. What I can do?
An assumption here: you talk about screens so assuming you are using react-navigation and making use of LinkingOptions.
The issue is caused by a mismatch between how Expo defines a linking URL and how react-navigation defines LinkingOptions. LinkingOptions is in terms of a path, not a URL that has any query params. In development there are no query params, but an app that is is published to a channel has the 'release-channel' query param so this will never match in react-navigation's LinkingOptions.
The solution is just to remove the release-channel query param from the URL returned by Linking.createURL:
import * as Linking from 'expo-linking';
import { URL } from 'react-native-url-polyfill';
const urlWithReleaseChannel = Linking.createURL('/')
const parsedUrl = new URL(urlWithReleaseChannel)
export const resetLinkingOptions = {
prefixes: [parsedUrl.toString()],
config: {
screens: {
ResetPassword: {
path: 'resetPassword/:id'
This works for both development and deployed apps: if present, release-channel then behaves as a regular query param. Note that react-native-url-polyfill is required as a project dependency as out of the box the RN URL is not fully featured and lacks in this case the ability to delete a query param.
I've been trying to build a react native app that requires users to authenticate with their Instagram account. The Instagram API has a authorisation link and perhaps the only way to display that in an app would be through 'WebView' and so I used that.
The authentication workflow runs smoothly and then my server even gets the access token and user-id. But the problem is how to send this access token back to the app? I've used express-js for the 'redirect-uri' and so the WebView makes request to app.get() handler. In order to send response to same client on which the connection is opened, we must use res.send(). This would send the response to WebView, let's say I capture that using 'injectedJavaScript' but this javascript runs within WebView and so its unable to access react-native variables. In the event of a correct access-token, how would I ever navigate away from the WebView?
Any solutions to the above problems would be greatly appreciated. I suspect that there might even be problems with this approach(in my choice of WebView for this purpose, etc.), so a change of approach even entirely would also be of help. All I want is to authenticate the app users with Instagram and get my project going. Thanks a lot.
If you are using Expo, you can use AuthSessions to accomplish this (https://docs.expo.io/versions/latest/sdk/auth-session). The exact way to do it depends on whether you are using a managed workflow or a bare workflow, etc., but for managed workflow you can do the following:
Go to the Facebook Developer's console, go to your app, and add the Instagram Basic Display product.
Under Instagram Basic Display, under Valid OAuth Redirect URIs, use https://auth.expo.io/#your-expo-username/your-project-slug (project slug is in your app.json file)
On the same FB Developer page, add an Instagram tester profile and then follow the steps to authenticate that user.
In your project, install expo install expo-auth-session and import it into your Component
Also install expo-web-browser
Code your component like so:
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
import { Button, Platform, Text, TouchableOpacity, View } from 'react-native';
import * as WebBrowser from 'expo-web-browser';
import { useAuthRequest, makeRedirectUri } from 'expo-auth-session';
WebBrowser.maybeCompleteAuthSession(); // <-- will close web window after authentication
const useProxy = Platform.select({ web: false, default: true });
const client_id = 9999999999999;
const redirect_uri = "https://auth.expo.io/#your-expo-username/your-project-slug";
const scope = "user_profile,user_media";
const site = "https://api.instagram.com/oauth/authorize?client_id=" + client_id + "&redirect_uri=" + redirect_uri + "&scope=" + scope + "&response_type=code&state=1";
const discovery = { authorizationEndpoint: site }
const GetInstagram = () => {
const [request, response, promptAsync] = useAuthRequest({
redirectUri: makeRedirectUri({
native: redirect_uri
scopes: [scope],
clientId: client_id
}, discovery);
useEffect(() => {
if (response?.type === 'success') {
const { code } = response.params; <--- the IG code will be returned here
console.log("code : ", code);
}, [response]);
return (
<TouchableOpacity onPress={ () => promptAsync({useProxy,windowFeatures: { width: 700, height: 600 }}) }>
<Text>Connect Your Instagram</Text>
export default GetInstagram;
One way to accomplish this is via using deeplink. I don't think it's the best practice though.
The response from the WebView will be sent to the redirect URL you've previously setup after successful authentication. Please set the redirect URL to your app. For example, on iOS if you have URL Scheme as "myapp123" then, anytime you open your browser and type myapp123://.. it will open your app and your app should be able to get response sent from the instagram.
react-navigation web support is done. follow this:
I try to share my code between react-native and web.
when I try react-native-web, it works well.
but there is only one question, how to access the specific screen from URL?
I read the react-navigation docs, there nothing about that.
and react-router-native can catch the web URL,
but it has navigator likes StackNavigator/DrawerNavigator.
and idea about that?
I'm not sure what the case was at the time you posted this question, but you definitely can use react-navigation with web now adays.
Now with Linking we can Handle deep links in React Native apps on Android and iOS, plus
Enable URL integration in browser when using on web.
The NavigationContainer component takes in a linking prop which allows you to map out your routes.
const linking = {
prefixes: ['https://mychat.com', 'mychat://'],
config: {
screens: {
Chat: 'feed/:sort',
Profile: 'user',
function App() {
return (
<NavigationContainer linking={linking} fallback={<Text>Loading...</Text>}>
{/* content */}
Once we establish what all of the routes or "links" are in our app we can start using Link components to navigate just like in a normal react web application if you used react-router-dom.
import { Link } from '#react-navigation/native';
// ...
function Home() {
return <Link to="/profile/jane">Go to Jane's profile</Link>;
These link components should work on both mobile, and web versions.
I don't think it's possible as ReactNavigation is using an internal state object. Remember, it's mobile framework, it has no concept of URL routing.
I also wanted to point out that even though RN claims web support you will need to be careful with component selection as not all the behaviours are identical (from memory, FlatList does not support touch scroll)
I currently have express set up to serve a static html page where my react components mount to. I'm also using react router because I have nested routes. For example:
I have an App component (green outline). Within that component, I'm rendering a Header component (orange outline) and a Footer component (red outline) and passing in a Review component (blue outline) through this.props.children.
My server.js file (express):
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const PORT = process.env.PORT || 3000;
app.listen(PORT, function() {
console.log(`Listening on port ${PORT}...`);
My routes.js file (react-router):
import React from 'react';
import ReactRouter, {
} from 'react-router';
import App from '../components/App';
import Home from '../components/Home';
import Review from '../components/Review';
import Game from '../components/Game';
const routes = (
<Router history={browserHistory}>
<Route path="/" component={App} >
<IndexRoute component={Home} />
<Route path="/game/:id" component={Game} />
<Route path="/game/:id/review" component={Review} />
<Route path="*" component={Home} />
export default routes;
My question is, I want to be able to make GET/POST requests (GET from the Game component to display all reviews from a db and POST to create a new review from the Review component), but where should that happen? I can't tell if it has to happen in my express routes because it seems to me that all express is doing is rendering the static html page and then react-router is taking over after that with handling which components to display.
Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
For the GET request, you can load initial data in a separate function, than load that data in after the component has mounted using componentDidMount like so:
class Game extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = { data: [] }
loadCommentsFromServer() {
componentDidMount() {
setInterval(this.loadCommentsFromServer, this.props.pollInterval);
You can do simply have another function for the POST.
I just wanna share my experience, hope it helps. I'm never doing a request on React Route although it can. So, I prefer to perform this action inside component itself on componentDidMount() method, in your case it will be on Game component.
My consideration is to make component reusable, especially if the the component is depends on the request. The benefit when you're implementing request inside the component is your component will automatically call for the request when it mount, wherever you're mounting the component on the route path.
Refers to my experience, you can also make a request on express as server side request, because there are particular condition that need to perform a request handling from server side. Such as handling Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) issue when request to public API from client side, authentication request handling like using OAuth, and more.
If you're request is quite simple, I think request inside the component is sufficient.
Hope it helps. Thank you