Since yesterday I have an issue with my Animate cc (HTML5 Canvas). My movieclips sometimes is not looping. Here the link on fla file with example:
Not Loop (Google Drive)
There is movieclip "arrows" that plays only once.
And here the same movieclip is looped:
Loop (Google Drive)
When i publish my project, in generated js file i got this lines adding my movieclip to the library:
(lib.arrows = function(mode,startPosition,loop) {
if (loop == null) { loop = false; } this.initialize(mode,startPosition,loop,{});
And i understand that this part don't let looping a movieclip:
if (loop == null) { loop = false; }
But what i dont understand, is why this part sometimes is added and sometimes not. It's so strange. It is added with no reason on my opinion, because i create my movieclips as usual.
Help me please to understand what's the problem.
I was find an answer. Maybe it's a bug. But when i inside a movieclip in my workspace and publish a project (with checkbox "Loop timeline" not checked), i got this movieclip is not looping. When i going next level up to the Scene and then publish a project (with checkbox "Loop timeline" not checked), it's ok, movieclip is looping.
When publishing the project you need to check 'Loop Timeline' in the 'Publish Settings' (Ctrl+Shift+F12), it's affects not only main timeline, but Movieclips too.
The post has been rewritten to better fit the current problem.
I have a button x:Name="selectVesselButton". On button click, it tries to establish a connection to a server, which takes a sec or two for to do. Originally, I wanted the button to be grayed out while it was downloading and deserializing the json file from the connection.
My old code (before async, and trying to update the button):
// disabling the button to prevent spam clicking.
string buttonText = selectVesselButton.Text;
selectVesselButton.IsEnabled = false;
selectVesselButton.Text = "loading...";
// retrieve data for speed page.
// redirect to next info block if build was successfull.
// enabling the button again.
selectVesselButton.Text = buttonText;
selectVesselButton.IsEnabled = true;
The issue with this code was that the button visuals did not update until the RetrieveData() was finished, defeating the purpose of doing that at all. This was because the code for updating the interface and the code for downloading and deserializing the object were both on the same thread.
However, following Ivan's advice, I made the downloading and deserializing Async, which fixed this issue (more like moved it).
This works fairly well, but I am still having some trouble updating the interface automatically. I have some labels that need to be updated based on the json file output. The value of the labels update on the background, but only update visually once I interact with the labels (I.E. scrolling the scrollview they are on). Check edit 3 for more detail on that.
When the second thread is finished, it should call the UpdateSpeedLabels() and update some labels. However, they update in codebehind, without instantly updating the interface. They only update if I interact with those labels.
The preferred way of doing this on Xamarin is with data binding. As you opted out of this it is still possible.
What you need is to ensure that your long task is not running in the UI thread as it blocks it and prevent its updates. You do this by using Task.Run(() => { your task code }); . However you can't update your user interface inside the Task.Run as it is not running on the UI thread and it would crash the app, so you need to use Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { your UI code }); inside Task.Run for that part.
I completed Unity's roll-a-ball tutorial and it works fine. I changed a couple of materials to make it look better. I also added a C# script that should restart the level when the player falls off of the ground (I disables the walls). I am using Unity 5.5.
It initially looks like this:
But when I go off the edge and the level restarts, it looks like this:
It sometimes looks like this for a few seconds after opening unity when the editor is loading.
Here is the script:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class DeathTrigger : MonoBehaviour {
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
void OnTriggerEnter (Collider other)
if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("Player"))
Any ideas on what's causing this?
The colors and materials are loaded. This is a lighting problem because lighliting is still calculating in the background. This will likely occur in the Editor only. This should not happen in the build.
Depending on your Unity version, you can fix this by going to Windows --> Lighting --> Settings then go to the Scene tab. Scroll down and disable Auto Generate checkbox then click the Generate Lightning button.
For older version of Unity with no Auto Generate checkbox, see here.
After play with Lighting tools, only one thing should be change on Lighting Setting for every scene.
Window > Rendering > Lighting (Unity 2020)
Click at Environment Tab
At Environment Lighting, change Source from Skybox to Color.
Select white color from Ambient Color.
Done. Try test it.
I found many solutions online but I was missing out a step, so I hope this helps.
Most solutions indicated to go to Windows->Lightning, then untick Auto and Click Generate Lighting. My problem was that while I was pressing the generate button I did not have all of my scenes loaded for preview (at least not the scene I had problems with), so it was only applying light generation to the loaded scenes. Make sure all scenes are loaded when generating the lights.
Try Clearing Baked Data if you are using unity version around 5.5
Go to Windows->Lightning->Untick Auto->Now Click dropdown arrow of Build Button which is near Auto(Check Box) -> Select Clear Baked Data.
Now try Your code which looks fine although SceneManager.LoadScene (1); is enough.
Also unloading the previous scene and setting new scene as active scene is a good practice.
This worked for me.
File > Build settings > player Settings > (on the left) Graphics > (Top-Right) gear icon > Reset
I'm a newbie and none of the advice on web helped me. However when I went to Window > Rendering > Lightning > scene tab; If "lightning setting" says “none”, click on it and choose “demo”- setting. Press “generate”.
So it seems like it was missing settings all together which made the scene go dark when loaded.
I encountered the exact same problem. What worked for me was to set Directional Light > Light > Mode to Realtime. (it was Baked, for some reason)
I hope this can help someone in the future.
When manipulating doors modules, does anyone know how to navigate through open modules. If this seems confusing I can use this example. In my script I open 2 modules.
Module apple
Module grape
I do some work in module apple, and then open module grape to do some work. What I'm looking to do is this... switch back to module apple and do some more work. I realize I could use the edit() or read() functions, but I assume this would re-open the already open module meaning my work done previously would be erased. I pretty much would try and switch between the modules where each would be in focus 1 at a time at the position I previously left off.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
You can also assign them to variables and switch back and forth.
Module A = apple
Module G = grape
for object in A do
//something on the objects in A
for object in G do
//something on the objects in G
for object in A do
//back to A
Until you close the modules they remain open in the mode you started in. Also in response to your question about read() and edit(), those function do not open a new instance or refresh the work you have done. They will respect the current status of the module and give you a handle back to it (unless you change modes, edit to read would ask you if you want to save your changes). So either method works. Glad you figured out a solution though, good luck in the future.
To know which modules you have open up you can run this code.
Module m
for m in database do
print fullName(m) "\n"
Now can do whatever you wish with each module handler.
I've got the following code in a thread in my application:
while (true) {
if (ready) {
The ready variable is changed from a delegate method. This code works great when I open the application by clicking the "Run" button in Xcode's toolbar. However, if I open this application's .app (which I create by clicking Product > Archive and then following the steps) this code somehow doesn't work anymore.
progressIndicatorController.value is never incremented and this if-statement never evaluates to true. What could cause this problem?
This is probably caused by optimization from the compiler.
When you build with Archive, XCode enabled optimization in the compiler that could throw this kind of code away. I think setting the ready variable to volatile could fix your problem, altough if I were you I'd just try to rewrite it so it doesn't trigger this problem.
You can test with optimization turned on by choosing Edit Schemes in the scheme dropdown. Then set Build Configuration to Release in the Run Don't forget to set it back to Debug when you're done though, as the debugger gets somewhat confused when optimization are on (i.e. you can't see the value of most variables, some breakpoints may behave erratically, etc...)
I have a little piece of code that seems to be a textbook example of saving files from Silverlight 4.0, but it doesn't seem to work.
The following snippet comes from a button click handler:
var saveDialog = new SaveFileDialog() { Filter = "All Files(*.*)|*.*" };
if (saveDialog.ShowDialog() == true)
using (var stream = saveDialog.OpenFile())
using (var writer = new StreamWriter(stream))
writer.WriteLine("Hello, World!");
I've tried saving a file to many different locations, all with the same behavior:
The SaveFileDialog appears to behave normally.
The SaveFileStream appears (from the debugger) to behave normally.
After the call to writer.Flush(), the BaseStream advances to position 15.
No exception is thrown.
After the block executes, I cannot find the file using Windows Explorer.
It seems to me that the code is too simple to fail under normal circumstances. So that leads to my question: what is amiss with my circumstances? Why is it that the save appears to complete successfully, but the file is nowhere to be found? Security settings? The code itself? I'm at a loss.
I've tried a few more things, and still no luck. I ran the application out-of-browser with the same symptoms, promoted the SaveFileDialog to a class variable. The application behaves like there is no error, but no file appears in the save location (my Documents folder, in Vista).
The Plot Thickens
I was stepping through with the debugger and found additional strange behavior. After the call to saveDialog.OpenFile(), the file appears at the target location. It remains after each statement, but is removed after the call to writer.Close(). Why on earth would the file be automagically deleted when the stream closes?
Thanks in advance for your help!