Spacy says dependency parser not loaded - spacy

I installed spaCy v2.0.2 on Ubuntu 16.04. I then used
sudo python3 -m spacy download en
to download the English model.
After that I use Spacy as follows:
from spacy.lang.en import English
p = English(parser=True, tagger=True, entity=True)
d = p("This is a sentence. I am who I am.")
I get this error however:
File "doc.pyx", line 511, in __get__
ValueError: Sentence boundary detection requires the dependency parse, which requires a statistical model to be installed and loaded. For more info, see the documentation:
I really can't figure out what is going on. I have this version of the 'en' model installed:
which I think is the default. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

I think the problem here is quite simple – when you call this:
p = English(parser=True, tagger=True, entity=True)
... spaCy will load the English language class containing the language data and special-case rules, but no model data and weights, which enable the parser, tagger and entity recognizer to make predictions. This is by design, because spaCy has no way of knowing if you want to load in model data and if so, which package.
So if you want to load an English model, you'll have to use spacy.load(), which will take care of loading the data, and putting together the language and processing pipeline:
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm') # name of model, shortcut name or path
Under the hood, spacy.load() will look for an installed model package called en_core_web_sm, load it and check the model's meta data to determine which language the model needs (in this case, English) and which pipeline it supports (in this case, tagger, parser and NER). It then initialises an instance of English, creates the pipeline, loads in the binary data from the model package and returns the object so you can call it on your text. See this section for a more detailed explanation of this.


GluonCV inference with finetuned model - “Please make sure source and target networks have the same prefix” error

I used GluonCV to finetune an object detection model in order to recognize some custom classes, mostly following the related tutorial.
I tried using both “ssd_512_resnet50_v1_coco” and “ssd_512_mobilenet1.0_coco” as base models, and the training process ended successfully (the accuracy on the validation dataset is reasonably high).
The problem is, I tried running inference with the newly trained model, by using for example:
classes = ["CML_mug", "person"]
net = gcv.model_zoo.get_model('ssd_512_mobilenet1.0_custom',
net.load_params("saved_weights/-0070.params", ctx=ctx)
but I get the error:
AssertionError: Parameter 'mobilenet0_conv0_weight' is missing in file: saved_weights/CML_mobilenet_00/-0000.params, which contains parameters: 'ssd0_ssd0_mobilenet0_conv0_weight', 'ssd0_ssd0_mobilenet0_batchnorm0_gamma', 'ssd0_ssd0_mobilenet0_batchnorm0_beta', ..., 'ssd0_ssd0_ssdanchorgenerator2_anchor_2', 'ssd0_ssd0_ssdanchorgenerator3_anchor_3', 'ssd0_ssd0_ssdanchorgenerator4_anchor_4', 'ssd0_ssd0_ssdanchorgenerator5_anchor_5'. Please make sure source and target networks have the same prefix.
So, it seems the network parameters are named differently in the .params file and in the model I’m using for inference. Specifically, in the .params file, the name of the network weights is prefixed by the string “ssd0_ssd0_”, which lead to the error when invoking net.load_parameters.
I did this whole procedure a few times in the past without having problems, did anything change? I’m running it on Ubuntu 18.04, with mxnet-mkl (1.6.0) and gluoncv (0.7.0).
I tried loading the .params file by:
from mxnet import nd
model = nd.load(0070.param)
and I wanted to modify it and remove the “ssd0_ssd0_” string that is causing the problem.
I’m trying to navigate the dictionary, but between the keys I only found a:
so, slightly different than indicated in the error.
Anyway, this way of fixing the issue would be a little cumbersome, I’d prefer a more direct way.
Ok, fixed it. Basically, during training I was saving the .params file by using:
and, as I said, loading them during inference by:
However, it doesn’t work this way, but it does if instead of export I use:

Where do you put 'mixed_precision' policy in Keras models in a large library with many files?

Using Tensorflow 2.3, I have a keras model with function definitions that span over a dozen files. There is one master file that runs the whole thing and does the fitting, but of course each file has its own import statements. The model is built in, compiled in, and then run from the I know that if I want to train in mixed precision, I need to execute the following (or some longer/shorter variation) before compilation:
from tensorflow.keras.mixed_precision import experimental as mixed_precision
policy = mixed_precision.Policy('mixed_float16')
My question is, do I need to declare this in only the file, the file where the model is defined (, compiled (, or all files that have anything to do with defining the model?
You will want to set the mixed precision policy inside the file where the model is being built, which in this case is The reason being that the data type of a layer will be inferred from the global policy by default. Note that this happens when the layer is being constructed. If your contains a function which returns a model, then you can do as before or set the global policy in the file where you call the function to construct the model (

Incorrect Broadcast input array shape error when trying to use Pretraining

I am trying to use spacy's 'pre-train' feature for a NER task, so here is what I tried doing(I am still trying to use it),
Step 1: I started by initializing the model with 'en_core_web_lg' next I saved this model to disk and tested its NER capability on few lines to see if it recognizes the tags in those test lines. (Made a note of ignored tags)
Step 2: Next I created a .jsonl file with new data to train on (about 20 new lines, I wanted to see the model's capability given new data around an entity(ignored tags found earlier) will it be able to correctly identify tags after doing transfer learning). So using this .jsonl and the model I saved earlier file I used 'spacy pre-train' command to train, this created a token2vec .bin file for me (model999.bin).
Step 3: Next I created a function that takes the location of an earlier saved model(model saved in step 1) and location of token2vec (model999.bin file obtained in step 2). Inside the function it loads the model>creates/gets pipe>disables rest of the files>uses (pipe_name).model.tok2vec.from_bytes( to read from model999.bin and broadcast the learned vectors to base model.
But when I run this function, I get this error:
ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (96,3,384) into shape (96,3,480)
(I have uploaded the entire notebook here: [ ]).
In order to pre-train I used this function
python -m spacy pre-train ub.jsonl model_saves w2s
Here are the 20 lines I tried training on top of the base model
[ ]
What am I doing wrong here exactly? Please can you also point the fix, I am sure many would need insight on this.
Operating System: CentOS
Python Version Used: 3.7.3
spaCy Version Used: 2.1.3
Environment Information: Anaconda Jupyter Lab
So I was able to fix this, the developer(on github) answered my question.
Here is the answer:

How to use Hindi Model in RASA NLU?

I have build my model for Hindi language using FastText with spacy backend.
I followed this tutorial to to build my model using FastText.
This URL
I have also linked my model with spacy by following command
python -m spacy link nl_model hi
Model is linked successfully you can check in the image below
Now I am not finding any help for using hindi language, Like what kind of config files do I need to use, where to import hindi model and how to proceed now?
I also have question like how our data.json file look like for the hindi and how we will use entities and intents, name of the entities and intents should also be in Hindi or in English?
Can some one help to process further? I am stuck here.
I have to build a ChatBot in hindi using RASA Stack only.
Thanks in advance....
It seems that you have successfully learned hi model using spaCy. The next step is to write a config file like:
language: "hi"
- name: "tokenizer_whitespace"
- name: "ner_crf"
- name: "ner_synonyms"
- name: "intent_featurizer_count_vectors"
- name: "intent_classifier_tensorflow_embedding"
If your hi model which you just learned also have tokenizer, you can replace tokenizer_whitespace with tokenizer_spacy.
I should mention that the new intent classifier of rasa which is based on tensorflow does not need wordvectors of your hi model, it extract the wordevectors from scratch, see here. For the entity extraction you also don't need the hi model, just tokenizer do the stuffs for you!
So, in overall, you can have your bot even without hi model!
The training data file should can be json or markdown as fully explained in doc. I think the name of your intents and entities should be in English but it is clear that the sample queries can be in any utf-8 language like hindi.
Then you can learn your model using different methods which explained in doc.
for example:
python3 -m rasa_nlu.train \
--config YOUR_CONFIG_FILE.yml \
--data YOUR_TRAIN_DATA.json \
You can find a good quick start in doc.

Training custom dataset with translate model

Running the model out of the box generates these files in the data dir :
dev-v2.tgz newstest2013.en
giga-fren.release2.fixed.en newstest2013.en.ids40000
giga-fren.release2.fixed.en.ids40000 training-giga-fren.tar vocab40000.from
Reading the src of :"from_train_data", None, "Training data.")"to_train_data", None, "Training data.")
To utilize my own training data I created dirs my-from-train-data & to-from-train-data and add my own training data to each of these dirs, training data is contained in the files mydata.from &
my-to-train-data contains mydata.from
my-from-train-data contains
I could not find documentation as to using own training data or what format it should take so I inferred this from the src and contents of data dir created when executing translate model out of the box.
Contents of mydata.from :
Is this a question
Contents of :
I then attempt to train the model using :
python --from_train_data my-from-train-data --to_train_data my-to-train-data
This returns with an error :
tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.NotFoundError: my-from-train-data.ids40000
Appears I need to create file my-from-train-data.ids40000 , what should it's contents be ? Is there an example of how to train this model using custom data ?
Great question, training a model on your own data is way more fun than using the standard data. An example of what you could put in the terminal is:
python --from_train_data mydatadir/ --to_train_data mydatadir/to_translate.out --from_dev_data mydatadir/ --to_dev_data mydatadir/test_to_translate.out --train_dir train_dir_model --data_dir mydatadir
What goes wrong in your example is that you are not pointing to a file, but to a folder. from_train_data should always point to a plaintext file, whose rows should be aligned with those in the to_train_data file.
Also: as soon as you run this script with sensible data (more than one line ;) ), will generate your ids (40.000 if from_vocab_size and to_vocab_size are not set). Important to know is that this file is created in the folder specified by data_dir... if you do not specify one this means they are generated in /tmp (I prefer them at the same place as my data).
Hope this helps!
Quick answer to :
Appears I need to create file my-from-train-data.ids40000 , what should it's contents be ? Is there an example of how to train this model using custom data ?
Yes, that's the vocab/ word-id file missing, which is generated when preparing to create the data.
Here is a tutorial from the Tesnorflow documentation.
quick over-view of the files and why you might be confused by the files outputted vs what to use:
python/ops/ >> Library for building sequence-to-sequence models.
models/rnn/translate/ >> Neural translation sequence-to-sequence model.
models/rnn/translate/ >> Helper functions for preparing translation data.
models/rnn/translate/ >> Binary that trains and runs the translation model.
The Tensorflow file requires several files to be generated when using your own corpus to translate.
It needs to be aligned, meaning: language line 1 in file 1. <> language line 1 file 2. This
allows the model to do encoding and decoding.
You want to make sure the Vocabulary have been generated from the dataset using this file:
Check these steps:
--data_dir [your_data_directory] --train_dir [checkpoints_directory]
--en_vocab_size=40000 --fr_vocab_size=40000
Note! If the Vocab-size is lower, then change that value.
There is a longer discussion here tensorflow/issues/600
If all else fails, check out this ByteNet implementation in Tensorflow which does translation task as well.