LinqPad 5 treating previous lazy loaded navigation properties as non-lazy loading. Why? - linqpad

My LinqPad 5 has recently started treating all my navigation properties that were configured to use lazy loading as not lazy loading. This behavior is shown by the fact that when there is a navigation link on a result set and I click on it the screen simply displays a blank page instead of expanding to show the sub record.
I tested this code that was previous working and it now no longer uses lazy loading.

It was the security settings for my internet connection of my browser. I had upped the level of security for intranet and trusted sites. This caused the hyperlinks in LP to not function correctly.


javascriptexecutor.executescript is not working on some applications

I am working on web application which is implemented with angular and react js. In this, I have a scenario to scroll and check whether element is displaying or not.
I have tried all ways like using x,y values, scrollIntoView and all possible ways what I have noticed on different blogs and technical related web pages. But, i an not succeeded in it.
Here, I need some suggestions like what are other approaches we have to scroll webpage other than javascriptexecutor as this is already applied and failed in my case.
As a side note, elements will be loaded dynamically when we scroll the webpage and will not be available in the DOM itself. To get these elements, we have to scroll manually and check it.
Thanks in Advance..
I found a root cause why javascriptexecutor is not working on my application. This script will work only on browser (I.e. if browser have scroll bar), but in my application browser does not have a scroll bar instead it has virtual table scroll bar (scroll bar inside application).
Even I found a solution for the same after 2 days of investigation using Keys.PAGE_DOWN/UP inside do while loop.
Thanks for your support.

wiki custom page layout freez the save,checkout, and page layout option?

I have developed the Custom Wiki page layout and deployed it successfully but once I changed the layout its freeze pagelayout, save, checkout options?
I have checked with admin/siteowner user
Run on IE, Chrome, etc browsers also.
This is usually caused by one of or a few different issues, all of which are nearly impossible to troubleshoot remotely.
You did not include certain required layout assets.
Improper markup
Invalid web part references.
Invalid system layout id references.
A couple of techniques that can be used to diagnose this further.
Start with the default template in sharepoint designer and keep changing slowly until you reach your final layout.
Wait for the page to timeout or view the console in developer tools to see if there is any details.

WinRT XAML Toolkit preloaded pages

I have a question to creator of WinRT XAML Toolkit that had helped me a lot.
What is the best mechanism for working with rich pages in WinRT?
These are the conditions:
There are about 2 pages that have a lot of elements and some high resolution images in the background. Obviously they consume time to load their content. That's why I use AlternativeFrame.Preload() method from the Toolkit.
Also these pages are the most frequently used.
That's why I stand before choosing to either constantly preload these pages (create, draw, fill) but when it is needed or creating my own page cache that would store them (maybe I am blind and the Toolkit already has this functionality?).
Can you advise what's the best practice in this problem and whether maybe there's a third way?
To add some more background - the WinRT XAML Toolkit library has two controls: AlternativeFrame and AlternativePage that are alternate implementations of the base Frame and Page classes that come out of the box in Windows 8 SDK for dealing with UI navigation - similar to how you navigate pages in a web browser. The API of these alternative controls is almost the same as in the base ones, but it adds some more support for asynchronous development model, page transition animations and preloading pages before they are requested.
Currently the Preload() method preloads a page of a given type in the background and puts it in a cache and when a Navigate() method is invoked to navigate to the page of that type - instead of instantiating a new page - the one in the cache is used, so it can immediately be shown, but also - the cache gets emptied and the next time you want to navigate to that same page - you need to preload it again. This works well if you don't return to the preloaded page often and the page uses a lot of memory, but if you want to keep that page in cache - there is not built-in support for that. The original Page class has a NavigationCacheMode property that allows to configure a page to be kept in cache once it is loaded the first time and it would be a good option for you, but AlternativePage doesn't have that support yet. I am thinking about adding it there today since I have some free time, so you might decide to wait for me to do it. Other options include
displaying your page on top of the navigation frame instead of navigating to it in the frame - then you could simply show/hide it when needed
or you can switch back to the standard Frame/Page controls and set NavigationCacheMode="Required" on your Page so it stays in memory forever, though you do lose the Preload() feature then.
or you can modify the Toolkit yourself
or you can cache the content of your page yourself - simply save the Content of your page in some sort of cache (e.g. a Dictionary<Type,UIElement> that maps page type to content) and remove it from the page (set Content to null) when you navigate away from the page and then add it back to the page when you navigate to it and the content is found in the cache. In that case you would probably want to make the Content be a separate UserControl and skip calling InitializeComponent() in the constructor if you retrieve the content from the cache since you can only have one Content and having it defined in a separate UserControl will allow you to get auto-generated code that gets executed in InitializeComponent() that grants you easy access to named elements, registers event handlers etc.

Loading cached pages with different content in WindowsRT Store App

I want to enable caching for a page that loads when an ListView item is clicked. So when the user clicks a second time on the same item, the app will navigate to the previous cached page.
(I'm using LayoutAwarePages and I suspect that this should be possible if in the OnNavigatedTo method the NavigationMode parameter is different from NavigationMode.New)
Any ideas?
You affect the page caching by setting the NavigationCacheMode property of the page in its constructor. By default it is disabled, but if you enable it, you'll get the existing page instance every time you navigate to it. This means that even if the user navigates to a different item in your ListView, the same instance of the page will be reused.
I've found a library reimplementing the navigation framework to make it more like the one in Windows Phone, i.e.:
When navigating back the cached page is used.
When navigating forward a new instance of the page is created.
If I understand your question correctly, you require a different caching behavior from both of the above. To achieve that you could either base your alternative navigation framework on the one in the library I linked to or simulate the behavior by persisting just the page state for each item instead of actually caching the pages.

Welcomepage is missing from Quicklauch

I'm using a publishing web. I have two pages. The navigation is set to show pages.
It shows two menu items, for each page one item.
The problem:
When setting publishing page 1 as the welcomepage, this page is removed from the quicklaunch navigation.
Probable cause:
The PortalSitemap providers filters the welcomepages from quicklaunch. Probably because the web has the same url as the welcomepage?
Any thoughts about this and how to fix this by configuring the provider?
At this moment I added a (external) node...
Try to add page to navigation directly.
Site Settings => Navigation
you can use a little trick.
This happens because sharepoint removes the welcome page from the quicklaunch. But if you set the welcomepage with a different URL its appears.
for Ex: if you want the page "XPTO.aspx" to be your welcomepage, set it as "XPTO.aspx?".
this way the page will be set as welcomepage, and it will appear on quick launch .
this happens beacul sharepoint thinks that "xpto.aspx" and "xpto.aspx?" ate 2 different pages, but they are not.