Rendering Components runtime during the navigation in react-native - react-native

I want to display a component(say, a View or Text component) in my current screen only if I return back to this screen from some other screen.
For e.g, say I am at the Home.js where I am displaying the view components. The count of this view components depends upon the number of times one goes(or visits) the Break.js screen. Like If i have visited the Break.js screen thrice, then there should be 3 View components available at the Home.js screen.
I am a beginner in React-Native, so don't have any idea how to implement this....I have gone through the similar query like
Dynamically rendering components - React Native and
React Native View Render
but couldn't understand anything. Pls help as I have nothing to show what I have tried so far.....

Below is one way of updating your component, where you update the viewCount before navigating to the other screen. This works only if the previous screen exists in the memory after navigation like in the cases of stack navigators. This is a basic idea which u can modify for your use case.
class HomeScreen extends Component {
onNavigate() {
// ... navigate to BreakScreen
updateViewCount() {
this.setState({numOfViews: this.state.numOfViews + 1});
render() {
// Create an array and push your elements based on count
// this.state.numOfViews manages the count
let views = [];
for(let i = 0; i <= this.state.numOfViews; i++) {
views.push(<SomeComponent />);
// Render your custom views
<Button onPress={() => this.onNavigate()} />


Programmatically Closing React Native Swipe List View

I'm using react-native-swipe-list-view ( in my React Native app and I'm trying to close rows programmatically.
Once the user swipes to the right or left and clicks the button there, I call a function to make API calls and handle a few things. This is where I also try to close the row programmatically. This is working ONLY for the last item in the list. Anything above it, the row stays open.
I do hit my handleClickUpdateItemStatus() function and the API call works fine but as I said, only the last item in the list will close. Anything above that one stays open even though all the other code in the function work fine.
My code looks like this:
class MyComponent extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.handleClickUpdateItemStatus = this.handleClickUpdateItemStatus.bind(this);
handleClickUpdateItemStatus(itemId, value) {
// Call my API to update item status
render() {
ref={ref => this._swipeListView = ref}
... // Omitted for brevity />
Any idea what's causing this?

How to give two different Drawer items for two different components in react-native?

I have a scenario where there is an anonymous drawer which consists of All books and a logged in user Drawer which consists of My books & all books. I have a Drawer Route Navigation file which consists of the drawer navigation. how can I reuse the same navigation for both the scenarios? I also have to pass the user Id.
Have a generic function to which you will pass data of that drawer item like this:
drawerItem(drawerICon, drawerText, drawerItemNavigation){
return (
<View>Your drawer code here</View>
Call your function with logged in check from main render function like this:
this.drawerItem(iconsrc, "Home", "profile")
if you want to learn more about conditional rendering please have visit on this resource

SectionList re-renders everything unexpectedly

I'm new to React-Native, currently working a project that displays photos and its related information. The project uses the standard SectionList(RN 0.55).
The problem I have is that each time I add a photo, all the subcomponent in the list will be re-rendered. And I've noticed a significant slow down when the list grows to 50 something.
I have the following setup:
I have a redux store which contains Data(basically a wrapper around photo information), each time user does some action, the Data will be copied, modified, then reassigned back to redux store.
Then I have a class like following to render SectionList
class PhotoList extends PureComponent {
render() {
onRenderItem(item) {
return <View>
// two nested level components to hold information
driveData(data) {
// do a lot of data transformation and calculate derived value
return derivedData;
// data is redux connected
My primary confusing point is that, when SectionList takes in section in my case, the data(as a whole) is already a new copy and is modified(since a new photo is added), so it causes SectionList to re-renders everything?
I want SectionList to only additionally render the photo I just added, any suggestions?
Can you change the data ("data transformation and calculate derived value") at action and update that on redux 'data'. Then change like the following.
class PhotoList extends PureComponent {
render() {
sections={} // Directly call data
onRenderItem(item) {
return <View>
// two nested level components to hold information
If you use redux then you have to handle data updating on redux. Then only the result will get.

react-native: Memory when using conditional render

For example I have View and in this View we have another View2 which is rendered conditionally. So if I will show and hide this View2 1000 times will it affect memory?
{condtion && <View><Text>2<Text><View>
First react and react-native has a different concept of how classes react to each other. here is more details about that
Also, you can use redux or other statement manager library like mobix flux and another alternative solution you can use props you code in main render function you can create/write a component like this
<ChangeTextComponent condition={you_condition}/>
When change you condition only render ChangeTextComponent component render.
class AnotherPage_Test extends Component {
render() {
return (
<ChangeTextComponent condition={you_condition}/>

React native detect screen rotation

I'm using onLayout to detect screen orientation and it's working fine inside my root view, but when I implemented inside the drawer it didn't work, any reason why this happens ?
code :
import Drawer from 'react-native-drawer'
onLayout(e) {
<Drawer onLayout={this.onLayout}
It didn't log any thing when orientation changed!
This is because the Drawer component doesn't take onLayout as a prop. You can see in the source code that the rendered View does use onLayout, but it's not pulling from something like this.props.onLayout.
I'm not exactly sure what you're looking to do, but maybe this issue will help you. As it shows, you can pass a function into openDrawerOffset instead of an integer or a ratio in order to be a little more dynamic with how you set your offset:
openDrawerOffset={(viewport) => {
if (viewport.width < 400) {
return viewport.width * 0.1;
return viewport.width - 400;
You might also benefit from the Event handlers that react-native-drawer has to offer.