Creating a view where PostgreSQL shows the first 100 rows of a specific field, then moves to the next one - sql

I'm still learning the tricks and trade of PostgreSQL. I need a way of taking data and giving me the first 100 rows of each dataset.
My problem:
I have a table on the server that has over 60 columns. One column has the country. I need a breakdown where I get the first 100 rows by each country alphabetically.
There are 70 countries in this table. So the total results should be 7,000. How do I break this down?

Use ROW_NUMBER analytic function:
SELECT col1, col2, col3, ...... col60
row_number() over (Partition by country ) as Rn
FROM table
) x
WHERE rn <= 100
ORDER BY country
Thie above will give 100 random records for each country. If you do not want such a randomness, then please use ORDER BY some_columnclause in that way:
row_number() over (Partition by country ORDER BY country) as Rn


How to query samples in relativity?

I have a large data set with about 100 million rows that I want to 'compress' the data set and get a 1% sample of the entire dataset while ensuring relativity.
How can such query be implemented?
Step 1: create the helper table
You can use aggregation to group records by visit_id, and CROSS JOIN with a query that computes the total number of records in the table to compute the distribution percent:
COUNT(*) visit_count,
SUM(t.purchase_id) sum_purchase,
COUNT(*)/total.cnt distribution
mytable t
CROSS JOIN (SELECT COUNT(*) cnt FROM mytable) total
GROUP BY t.visit_number
Step 2: sample the main table using the helper table
Within a subquery, you can use ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY visit_number ORDER BY RANDOM()) to assign a random rank to each record within groups of records sharing the same visit_id. Then, in the outer query, you can join on the helper table to select the corect amount of records for each visit_id:
FROM mytable t
) x
INNER JOIN my_helper h ON h.visit_number = x.visit_number
WHERE x.rn <= 1000000 * h.distribution
Side notes:
this only works if there are indeed more than 1 million record in the source table
the exact number of records in the output might be slightly below or above 1 million (depending on the distribution in the original table)
it should be possible to combine both queries into a single one, which would avoid the need to use a helper table
This is doable. A quick way is to take every nth record only.
1) order by a random column (probably ID)
2) apply a nownum() attribute
3) apply a mod(rownum) = 0 on whatever percent makes sense (e.g. 1% would be rownum mod 100)
You may need steps 1/2 in a sub query and step 3 on the outside.
Enjoy and good luck!

Get two most frequent data from SQL tbl?

i have a tbl call it tbl_test in which continously data are inserting and it has approx 10^6 records at a time it has colums
Acquire_Id (Value between 1 to 20 ),
Status_Msg(value between 'A' to 'Z'),
Status_Code(value between 1 to 26)
There is one to one mapping b/w Status_Msg and Status_Code
Now i want to get two most frequent status_msg and Staus_Code Count for each acquirer if they are present in table
Query should be Cost Saving
Most databases support the ANSI standard window functions. You can get what you want using row_number() (or rank() or dense_rank(), depending on how ties are returned) after aggregating the values.
The following returns exactly two rows for each acquirer (even if there are ties).
select t.*
from (select t.acquire_id, t.status_msg, t.status_code, count(*) as cnt,
row_number() over (partition by t.acquire_id order by count(*) desc) as seqnum
from tbl_test t
group by t.acquire_id, t.status_msg, t.status_code
) t
where seqnum <= 2;

SQL random sample with groups

I have a university graduate database and would like to extract a random sample of data of around 1000 records.
I want to ensure the sample is representative of the population so would like to include the same proportions of courses eg
I could do this using the following:
select top 500 id from degree where coursecode = 1 order by newid()
select top 300 id from degree where coursecode = 2 order by newid()
select top 200 id from degree where coursecode = 3 order by newid()
but we have hundreds of courses codes so this would be time consuming and I would like to be able to reuse this code for different sample sizes and don't particularly want to go through the query and hard code the sample sizes.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
You want a stratified sample. I would recommend doing this by sorting the data by course code and doing an nth sample. Here is one method that works best if you have a large population size:
select d.*
from (select d.*,
row_number() over (order by coursecode, newid) as seqnum,
count(*) over () as cnt
from degree d
) d
where seqnum % (cnt / 500) = 1;
You can also calculate the population size for each group "on the fly":
select d.*
from (select d.*,
row_number() over (partition by coursecode order by newid) as seqnum,
count(*) over () as cnt,
count(*) over (partition by coursecode) as cc_cnt
from degree d
) d
where seqnum < 500 * (cc_cnt * 1.0 / cnt)
Add a table for storing population.
I think it should be like this:
SELECT id, coursecode, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY coursecode ORDER BY NEWID()) AS rn
FROM degree) t
population p ON t.coursecode = p.coursecode
rn <= p.SampleSize
It is not necessary to partition the population at all.
If you are taking a sample of 1000 from a population among hundreds of course codes, it stands to reason that many of those course codes will not be selected at all in any one sampling.
If the population is uniform (say, a continuous sequence of student IDs), a uniformly-distributed sample will automatically be representative of population weighting by course code. Since newid() is a uniform random sampler, you're good to go out of the box.
The only wrinkle that you might encounter is if a student ID is a associated with multiple course codes. In this case make a unique list (temporary table or subquery) containing a sequential id, student id and course code, sample the sequential id from it, grouping by student id to remove duplicates.
I've done similar queries (but not on MS SQL) using a ROW_NUMBER approach:
select ...
( select ...
,row_number() over (partition by coursecode order by newid()) as rn
from degree
) as d
join sample size as s
on d.coursecode = s.coursecode
and d.rn <= s.samplesize

I need the Top 10 results from table

I need to get the Top 10 results for each Region, Market and Name along with those with highest counts (Gaps). There are 4 Regions with 1 to N Markets. I can get the Top 10 but cannot figure out how to do this without using a Union for every Market. Any ideas on how do this?
Region, Market, Name, Gaps
Region, Market, Gaps DESC
One approach would be to use a CTE (Common Table Expression) if you're on SQL Server 2005 and newer (you aren't specific enough in that regard).
With this CTE, you can partition your data by some criteria - i.e. your Region, Market, Name - and have SQL Server number all your rows starting at 1 for each of those "partitions", ordered by some criteria.
So try something like this:
;WITH RegionsMarkets AS
Region, Market, Name, Gaps,
Region, Market, Name, Gaps
RN <= 10
Here, I am selecting only the "first" entry for each "partition" (i.e. for each Region, Market, Name tuple) - ordered by Gaps in a descending fashion.
With this, you get the top 10 rows for each (Region, Market, Name) tuple - does that approach what you're looking for??
I think you want row_number():
select t.*
from (select t.*,
row_number() over (partition by region, market order by gaps desc) as seqnum
from tablename t
) t
where seqnum <= 10;
I am not sure if you want name in the partition by clause. If you have more than one name within a market, that may be what you are looking for. (Hint: Sample data and desired results can really help clarify a question.)

Oracle - Selecting the n-1 record from a table

I have a table of data and want to retrieve the penultimate record.
How is this done?
TABLE: results
I need to get 31.
I've been trying with rownum but it doesn't seem to work.
Assuming you want the second highest number and there are no ties
SELECT results
FROM (SELECT results,
rank() over (order by results desc) rnk
FROM your_table_name)
WHERE rnk = 2
Depending on how you want to handle ties, you may want either the rank, dense_rank, or row_number analytic function. If there are two 35's for example, would you want 35 returned? Or 31? If there are two 31's, would you want a single row returned? Or would you want both 31's returned.
This can use for n th rank ##
select Total_amount from (select Total_amount, rank() over (order by Total_amount desc) Rank from tbl_booking)tbl_booking where Rank=3