Tensorboard: X axis values aren't shown - tensorflow

The x axis values (expected them to be the step value) aren't shown in my tensorboard for some unknown reason. Although, when I put my cursor over the graph the step value seems correct.
Added print screen below.
Anyone got any idea why does is happening?

This issue is discussed here: https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorboard/issues/905
Some people said that using a different browser caused tick marks to show up, another suggested decreasing label font size - however labels also appear to be missing in your case.

I have the same issue on my machine. I guess it is related to a new tensorboard release. However, if you change the horizontal axis type from Step to Wall, you get a label for the horizontal axis.


Why is Pandas inverting my x-axis order? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
x-axis inverted unexpectedly by pandas.plot(...)
(2 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
When I was plotting two series of data against eachother, the X axis was inverted unexpectedly. I know this question sounds pretty similar to this other: x-axis inverted unexpectedly by pandas.plot(...) and it actually is, but I want to know if this can be disabled or something, not a workaround. Let me explain myself.
I have a very simple DF that consists on a datetime index and two columns; one has humidity measurements and the other daily weights. Both of them are in descending order because when my sample loses water, it also loses weight and humidity. So my DF looks something like this, where my data is in descending order
But then, when I plot using X = "Peso" (weight), and Y = 'Humedad' (humidity), my X axis goes in ascending order insted of descending order.
My ploting code:
plt.xlabel('Peso (kg)',fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel("Raw Counts",fontsize=14)
Resulting in this kind of plot, where X axis is inverted
So, I could do two simple types of workaround:
Both of them have the same result, they print my data as I wanted, BUT my xticks are still inverted:
So what I did was creating a list with my weight values in order to insert it as it follows:
And then adding it to my plt.xticks like this
It "kind off" worked, overlaping some of the xticks as you can see in the image below:
I know I can solve this with [Locs] and general xticks information, but I really wanted to know if it's possible to just ask Pandas to follow the natural data descending order or anything similiar and avoiding all of this xticks stuff?
I've checked this too: https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/issues/10118
and I tried by doing the set_index suggestion:
plt.xlabel('Peso (kg)',fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel("Raw Counts",fontsize=14)
And it went almost perfect, except that I needed it in scatter...
So I tried some stuff to "scatter it"
1. Putting the marker type:
Got a marker + line graph:
2. Changing .plot for .scatter to the plot:
Got this error:
AttributeError: 'Series' object has no attribute 'scatter'
3. Using both
Got this one:
AttributeError: 'SeriesPlotMethods' object has no attribute 'scatter'
4. Making this giant question. Please help.
And that's all, sorry if I'm missing something or if my post is too long. I'm open to suggestions, corrections or anything you're willing to tell me.
Oh I just saw that the linked question actually does exactly what you need. Will leave this as here. But please refer to the linked question instead.
It's not a solution to change the ticks! The resultung plot may easily get completely wrong.
Instead google for "invert x axis" or so and find that you can invert the axis via
ax = df.plot(...)
This is not a workaround. It is the solution. (How much easier can it get?)

How can I get and set the position of a draggable legend in matplotlib

I'm trying to get and set the position of a draggable legend in matplotlib. My application consists of an interactive GUI, which has a redraw/plot function that should perform the follow steps:
save the position of the current legend.
clear the current axes and perform various plotting operations, which may or may add labels to their plots.
build a new draggable legend (ax.legend().draggable()) and restore the old position of the legend.
In between these steps the user is free to drag the legend around, and the goal is to persist the legend position when the plots are redrawn.
My first approach was to use oldpos = legend.get_bbox_to_anchor() and legend.set_bbox_to_anchor(oldpos) in steps 1 and 3. However this causes to move the legend completely off the visible area.
Note that I have to use ax.legend() and cannot use fig.legend(lines, labels), since step 2 is completely decoupled, i.e., I don't know anything about lines and labels in step 3. According to answers to the question How to position and align a matplotlib figure legend? there seems to be a difference between these two possibilities regarding axes or figure coordinates. Obviously my problem calls for figure coordinates, but I haven't fully understood how to convert the bbox to a "bbox in figure coordinates".
The even more severe problem I just realized is that apparently legend.get_bbox_to_anchor() always seems to return the same values irrespective of the drag position. So maybe the anchor can only be (ab-)used to manipulate the position of static legends? Is there another/proper way to save and restore the position of a draggable legend?
By looking at the implementation of Legend I found out that there is an undocumented property _loc, which exactly does what I want. My solution now looks astonishingly simple:
oldLegPos = ax.get_legend()._loc
# perform all plotting operations...
legend = ax.legend().draggable()
legend._loc = oldLegPos
It looks like _loc automatically stores figure coordinates, since I do not have to convert the coordinates in any way (eg. when the plotting operations completely change the axes ranges/coordinates).

Core Plot: Updating position of y axis

Im currently doing a real time plot where I generate data every second. The problem I'm running into is that after about 15 seconds or so, because of how I have my xRange set, my plot begins to move/scroll automatically, which is an intentional effect, however my y axis seems to be rooted at the origin and quickly falls off screen. How would I either set the position to be rooted at the center of the view constantly, or what property do I need to update in order for the Y axis to also move?
I've looked through them all but I don't see anything obvious, or anything that seems to apply based on the included definitions/help.
I happened to find the answer in an old google groups thread, so I will post it here as a confirmation of it working in Core Plot 1.0, and since this is a bit more organized/searchable place.
When you're initializing the plot, you want to set the axis constraint as follows.
axisSet.yAxis.axisConstraints = [CPTConstraints constraintWithLowerOffset:0.0];

Adding a second x axis to a TGraph in the CERN ROOT program

does anyone know the method or code to add a second x axis to a TGraph in CERN's ROOT program? Ive been searching the root website and its documentation almost always confuses me. What i need is just one plot of data, but a second X axis on top whose values are a function of the bottom x axis' values. Its basically so lazy people dont have to convert from the numbers of the bottom x axis to the top x axis.
For a simple example (if i wasnt clear)
Say you have a sine curve which is some function of theta. On the top x axis we could have degrees whereas on the bottom we could have radians with 360deg corresponding to 2pi rad...
Any help would be appreciated!
TGaxis is the class you are looking for to draw extra axes wherever you desire. Grabbing the world coordinate for your pad you can then superimpose like so. Replace low and high with the appropriate limits.
// your graph code here...
TGaxis *axis = new TGaxis(gPad->GetUxmin(),gPad->GetUymax(),gPad->GetUxmax(),gPad->GetUymax(),low,high,510,"+L");
Check out TGaxis documentation for more examples.
(A previous answer I had was deleted as it was just a link to the site listed as a reference below. I hope this is more in line with the community guidelines.)
I think this might do what you want.
void axis2() {
TH1F *h = new TH1F("h","test",30,-3,3);
TText t;
Double_t yt = - h->GetMaximum()/15.;
for (Int_t i=1;i<=30;i++) t.DrawText(h->GetBinCenter(i),yt,Form("%d",i%10));
It doesn't create another taxis but shows you how to draw text at the same location of the axis. The answer comes from Rene Brun himself (one of the main authors of root) so I don't think you can have two x axes.
Here is an example showing how to proceed.

Octave colorbar and units

In GNU Octave you can make a picture where different colors represent different values in a matrix. You can also add a colorbar, which shows what color corresponds to what value.
Is it possible to somehow add units to the values shown in the colorbar? Instead of saying “0.36” it would say “0.36 V/nm”? I know this is possible in Matlab, but I can’t figure out how to do it in Octave. Any good workarounds?
I assume someone here will mention that I should use matplotlib instead (that usually happens). How would you accomplish the same thing with that?
The matplotlib answer (using pylab) is
colorbar(format='%.2f V/nm')
In Octave it seems that the following works (but I'm no Octave expert so maybe there's a better way):
labels = {};
for v=get(c,'ytick'), labels{end+1} = sprintf('%.2f V/nm',v); end