How to use ssh for gitlab scheduled jobs - ssh

We recently changed our repo to use SSH and now our scheduled jobs wont run
This is the error we are seeing
Running with gitlab-runner 10.2.0 (0a75cdd1)
on ff (4b9268cd)
Using Shell executor...
Running on
Cloning repository...
Cloning into '/home/gitlab-runner/builds/4b9268cd/0/Graham/QA_TEST'...
fatal: repository '' not found
ERROR: Job failed: exit status 1
I would be grateful if someone could shed some light on this

It seems that I have misunderstood after being misled by various internet postings.
It not possible to have gitlab use ssh when cloning a project within a job


Connection to SSH from a pipeline in Azure DevOps is still not working

I saw few other posts (in particular this one) about it but there are from last year. I still have this issue right now. I opened the Preview features from the User settings but I can't turn off this feature.
My pipelines use SSH connection to run some commands on a virtual machine (basically, pull a Docker image).
All my pipelines are failing. How can I fix it or update the SSH connections?
I set up the Service connection
and I use it in my pipelines with this YAML code:
- task: SSH#0
displayName: 'SSH: stop shinyproxy'
sshEndpoint: $(server)
commands: |
echo $(pwd) | sudo -S docker stop shinyproxy
failOnStdErr: false
continueOnError: true
All pipelines, new and old, get the same error
##[error]Failed to connect to remote machine. Verify the SSH service connection details. Error: Error: All configured authentication methods failed
at doNextAuth (/home/vsts/work/_tasks/SSH_91443475-df55-4874-944b-39253b558790/0.213.0/node_modules/ssh2/lib/client.js:803:21)
at tryNextAuth (/home/vsts/work/_tasks/SSH_91443475-df55-4874-944b-39253b558790/0.213.0/node_modules/ssh2/lib/client.js:993:7)
at USERAUTH_FAILURE (/home/vsts/work/_tasks/SSH_91443475-df55-4874-944b-39253b558790/0.213.0/node_modules/ssh2/lib/client.js:373:11)
at 51 (/home/vsts/work/_tasks/SSH_91443475-df55-4874-944b-39253b558790/0.213.0/node_modules/ssh2/lib/protocol/handlers.misc.js:337:16)
at Protocol.onPayload (/home/vsts/work/_tasks/SSH_91443475-df55-4874-944b-39253b558790/0.213.0/node_modules/ssh2/lib/protocol/Protocol.js:2025:10)
at AESGCMDecipherNative.decrypt (/home/vsts/work/_tasks/SSH_91443475-df55-4874-944b-39253b558790/0.213.0/node_modules/ssh2/lib/protocol/crypto.js:987:26)
at Protocol.parsePacket [as _parse] (/home/vsts/work/_tasks/SSH_91443475-df55-4874-944b-39253b558790/0.213.0/node_modules/ssh2/lib/protocol/Protocol.js:1994:25)
at Protocol.parse (/home/vsts/work/_tasks/SSH_91443475-df55-4874-944b-39253b558790/0.213.0/node_modules/ssh2/lib/protocol/Protocol.js:293:16)
at Socket. (/home/vsts/work/_tasks/SSH_91443475-df55-4874-944b-39253b558790/0.213.0/node_modules/ssh2/lib/client.js:713:21)
at Socket.emit (node:events:527:28) {
level: 'client-authentication'
I have never had this issue before.
Based on the other post, highlighted by Antonia, the solution has to be applied on the Ubuntu machine.
To fix it, open Terminal and edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and, at the end of it, add this line
After that, restart. It is working for me.

why ssh connection timed out in vscode?

I installed git instead of openssl to use Remote-SSH in VSCode.However,after I completed the config document and tried to connect to the remote host.I failed. The error info is showed in the below pic.error info
error info:
[11:27:12.631] remote-ssh#0.48.0
[11:27:12.632] win32 x64
[11:27:12.656] SSH Resolver called for "ssh-remote+23321", attempt 1
[11:27:12.659] SSH Resolver called for host: 23321
[11:27:12.659] Setting up SSH remote "23321"
[11:27:12.790] Using commit id "26076a4de974ead31f97692a0d32f90d735645c0" and quality "stable" for server
[11:27:12.798] Testing ssh with ssh -V
[11:27:13.099] ssh exited with code: 0
[11:27:13.100] Got stderr from ssh: OpenSSH_8.1p1, OpenSSL 1.1.1d 10 Sep 2019
[11:27:13.128] Running script with connection command: ssh -T -D 49485 23321 bash
[11:27:13.132] Install and start server if needed
[11:27:13.151] Terminal shell path: C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe
[11:27:30.151] Resolver error: Connecting with SSH timed out
[11:27:30.178] ------
I had the same problem but the above solutions didn't work with my setup,
but the following setting did work:
"remote.SSH.useLocalServer": false
I got this solution from github reported issues and fix
In my case, the problem was caused by a too long authentication process on the server-side.
Solved it by extending the Connect Timeout from 15 to 30 seconds.
open your vscode Command Palette (via keyboard shortcut or from the
View menu).
search for the Remote-SSH: Settings.
scroll till you find the Connect Timeout.
change it to a longer duration than 15 secs.
key F1
Remote-SSH: Settings
Connect Timeout: from 15 seconds to 60 seconds solve my connection issue
You can try the following approaches:
ssh to your remote server. Then run the following commands to clean data folder and bin folder under .vscode-server folder on the server:
cd ~/.vscode-server
rm data/* -rf
rm bin/* -rf
If step 1 does not work, ssh to your remote server and delete the entire .vscode-server folder with the following command:
rm -rf ~/.vscode-server
Please note that this will also remove the extensions that you installed on the server.
Downgrade the version of the remote-SSH extension in vscode. Look up the extension in the vscode interface, right click on that, and you will find the option "Install Another Version ...". Install the previous version of the current one. If it does not work keep downgrading the version.
I had the same problem before, I solved this by deleting "terminal.integrated.inheritEnv": false inside ~/.config/Code/User/setting.json
I found the solution here in this thread from user oreilm49:
in vscode settings :
search conpty and uncheck it
I had same issue, my problem was solved after changing settings in the json file:
I removed "terminal.integrated.inheritEnv": false inside ~/.config/Code/User/setting.json
I added "remote.SSH.useLocalServer": true inside ~/.config/Code/User/setting.json
It worked for me after so many different trials
This might be a very foolish solution but it actually works for me, so I will write it down in case any other people get into the same problem.
I made modifications to the config file for SSH, then all the trials for connection ran into the error of 'Connecting SSH timed out'. I tried many possible solutions but none of them solved my problem.
Then I just closed the VScode and restarted it. Then everything works.
I had a case of this. I my client (local computer) is a Mac, and I was connecting to Linux host. I just went to the setting "Remote Platform" under Remote.SSH settings, and explicitly told it that I am connecting to a Linux remote. After this, it started to work.
I had this issue because of version missmatch of client and server. After updating both to the same version, it worked for me.
The issue with me was timeout at first. I tried increasing the timeout in settings but then later found the issue was with "tar".
The vscode-server.tar.gz (probably a little change in the file name) was not able to install due to tar not being present in my host.
So I installed tar in the host as "yum install tar"
And then tried reconnecting to the server and it worked

How to add an SSH key to a local CircleCI build?

I'm trying to run a CircleCI test job locally by running
circleci local execute --job test
However, I'm getting this error message:
go: git fetch -f origin refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* refs/tags/*:refs/tags/* in /go/pkg/mod/cache/vcs/52f8e69c46f5a1cc77e6bf: exit status 128:
fatal: could not read Username for '': terminal prompts disabled
I would basically like to do the equivalent of for the local CircleCI environment, but there is no way to go to Project Settings -> Checkout SSH Keys as described in that documentation. I've read the documentation at but wasn't able to find a way to do this.
Any idea how I can check out code from private Github repos in the local CircleCI environment?
Have you tried adding the key to your SSH keychain?
ssh-add (location of ssh key)
This should add it to the keychain and CircleCI local should pick it up.
You can use --checkout-key argument
circleci local execute build --checkout-key id_rsa
Note: id_rsa should be in the same folder

Is it possible to debug a Gitlab CI build interactively?

I have a build in Gitlab CI that takes a long time (10mins+) to run, and it's very annoying to wait for the entire process every time I need to experiment / make changes. It seems like surely there's a way to access some sort of shell during the build process and run commands interactively instead of placing them all in a deploy script.
I know it's possible to run Gitlab CI tests locally, but I can't seem to find a way to access the deploy running in process, even after scouring the docs.
Am I out of luck or is there a way to manually control this lengthy build?
I have not found a clean way for now, but here is how I do it
I start building locally gitlab-runner exec docker your_build_name
I kill gitlab-runner using control + c right after the docker image to be built. You can still add the command sleep 1m as the first script line just to have time enough to kill gitlab-runner
Note: gitlab-runner will create a docker and then delete it once the job is done… killing it will ensure the docker is still there - no other alternative I know for now….
Manually log into the container docker exec -i -t <instance-id/tag-name> bash
Run your script commands manually…

Jenkins workspace error on ssh&Mercurial plugin

I met this problem when I was trying to config Jenkins to fetch the repository on the server of a fellow(university course).
Started by user anonymous
Building in workspace /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/TEST1/workspace
$ hg clone --rev default --noupdate ssh:// /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/TEST1/workspace
remote: Host key verification failed.
abort: no suitable response from remote hg!
ERROR: Failed to clone ssh://
ERROR: Failed to clone ssh://
Finished: FAILURE
Then I tried to do the same command in terminal, with the different error
abort: Permission denied: /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/TEST1/workspace
I tried to change the location for the command:
hg clone --rev default --noupdate ssh:// /home/administrator/TEST
And it works
According to all these, and the fact that this is no workspace(Error: no workspace)--I know it's because of no successful build ever.
Is it a problem with the workspace configuration of Jenkins? but don't know what to do.
Thank you very much if anyone gives me some advice!
Your error doesn't mention anything about a workspace. There error clearly states that it comes from remote hg and it is an authentication failure.
Also, are you using the Mercurial Plugin to perform the SCM checkout or trying to replicate it with a Build Shell build step?