Losing Aria/accessibility when converting from HTML to PDF - pdf

I am using ABCpdf to generate a collection of PDFs from HTML markup, and am struggling with making it fully accessible.
The HTML pages include several graphs which are created by CSS, and which are completely ignored by the screenreader.
I have tried using aria-label to give a written explanation of the graphs, but it is lost in the conversion. I have tried configuring the Gecko engine within ABCpdf in numerous ways, including scaling back security options, altering markup options, and adding special tags to explicitly include an element. The PDF is tagged and is rated as fully accessible by our evaluation program.
I haven't been able to find a way to include "hidden" text in the PDF for the purpose of screenreaders. Any help is appreciated!
EDIT: Due to security concerns, I am unable to display the actual data behind the graphs. Manual steps are also not an option due to the sheer number of generated PDFs, and a short timeline.

HTML-to-PDF conversion utilities are usually pretty basic and typically don't handle complex CSS very well at all. You may be better off taking a screen capture and then using alt-text to describe the intent of the graph. Sometimes the simplest approach is the most reliable.
Another way of approaching the issue would be to present the complete data set to users via a data table. That way, they can "see" everything contained in the graph, and it won't matter if the graph itself is inaccessible. If placing a giant data table in the middle of your document doesn't fit with your formatting, you can also include the data set in an appendix with a note or hyperlink in the text directing readers where they can go to access the entirety of information.


If identifying text structure in PDF documents is so difficult, how do PDF readers do it so well?

I have been trying to write a simple console application or PowerShell script to extract the text from a large number of PDF documents. There are several libraries and CLI tools that offer to do this, but it turns out that none are able to reliably identify document structure. In particular I am concerned with the recognition of text columns. Even the very expensive PDFLib TET tool frequently jumbles the content of two adjacent columns of text.
It is frequently noted that the PDF format does not have any concept of columns, or even words. Several answers to similar questions on SO mention this. The problem is so great that it even warrants academic research. This journal article notes:
All data objects in a PDF file are represented in a
visually-oriented way, as a sequence of operators which...generally
do not convey information about higher level text units such as
tokens, lines, or columns—information about boundaries between such
units is only available implicitly through whitespace
Hence, all extraction tools I have tried (iTextSharp, PDFLib TET, and Python PDFMiner) have failed to recognize text column boundaries. Of these tools, PDFLib TET performs best.
However, SumatraPDF, the very lightweight and open source PDF Reader, and many others like it can identify columns and text areas perfectly. If I open a document in one of these applications, select all the text on a page (or even the entire document with CTRL+A) copy and paste it into a text file, the text is rendered in the correct order almost flawlessly. It occasionally mixes the footer and header text into one of the columns.
So my question is, how can these applications do what is seemingly so difficult (even for the expensive tools like PDFLib)?
EDIT 31 March 2014: For what it's worth I have found that PDFBox is much better at text extraction than iTextSharp (notwithstanding a bespoke Strategy implementation) and PDFLib TET is slightly better than PDFBox, but it's quite expensive. Python PDFMiner is hopeless. The best results I have seen come from Google. One can upload PDFs (2GB at a time) to Google Drive and then download them as text. This is what I am doing. I have written a small utility that splits my PDFs into 10 page files (Google will only convert the first 10 pages) and then stitches them back together once downloaded.
EDIT 7 April 2014. Cancel my last. The best extraction is achieved by MS Word. And this can be automated in Acrobat Pro (Tools > Action Wizard > Create New Action). Word to text can be automated using the .NET OpenXml library. Here is a class that will do the extraction (docx to txt) very neatly. My initial testing finds that the MS Word conversion is considerably more accurate with regard to document structure, but this is not so important once converted to plain text.
I once wrote an algorithm that did exactly what you mentioned for a PDF editor product that is still the number one PDF editor used today. There are a couple of reasons for what you mention (I think) but the important one is focus.
You are correct that PDF (usually) doesn't contain any structure information. PDF is interested in the visual representation of a page, not necessarily in what the page "means". This means in its purest form it doesn't need information about lines, paragraphs, columns or anything like that. Actually, it doesn't even need information about the text itself and there are plenty of PDF files where you can't even copy and paste the text without ending up with gibberish.
So if you want to be able to extract formatted text, you have to indeed look at all of the pieces of text on the page, perhaps taking some of the line-art information into account as well, and you have to piece them back together. Usually that happens by writing an engine that looks at white-space and then decides first what are lines, what are paragraphs and so on. Tables are notoriously difficult for example because they are so diverse.
Alternative strategies could be to:
Look at some of the structure information that is available in some PDF files. Some PDF/A files and all PDF/UA files (PDF for archival and PDF for Universal Accessibility) must have structure information that can very well be used to retrieve structure. Other PDF files may have that information as well.
Look at the creator of the PDF document and have specific algorithms to handle those PDFs well. If you know you're only interested in Word or if you know that 99% of the PDFs you will ever handle will come out of Word 2011, it might be worth using that knowledge.
So why are some products better at this than others? Focus I guess. The PDF specification is very broad, and some tools focus more on lower-level PDF tasks, some more on higher-level PDF tasks. Some are oriented towards "office" use - some towards "graphic arts" use. Depending on your focus you may decide that a certain feature is worth a lot of attention or not.
Additionally, and that may seem like a lousy answer, but I believe it's actually true, this is an algorithmically difficult problem and it takes only one genius developer to implement an algorithm that is much better than the average product on the market. It's one of those areas where - if you are clever and you have enough focus to put some of your attention on it, and especially if you have a good idea what the target market is you are writing this for - you'll get it right, while everybody else will get it mediocre.
(And no, I didn't get it right back then when I was writing that code - we never had enough focus to follow-through and make something that was really good)
To properly extract formatted text a library/utility should:
Retrieve correct information about properties of the fonts used in the PDF (glyph sizes, hinting information etc.)
Maintain graphics state (i.e. non-font parameters like text and page scaling etc.)
Implement some algorithm to decide which symbols on a page should be treated like words, lines or columns.
I am not really an expert in products you mentioned in your question, so the following conclusions should be taken with a grain of salt.
The tools that do not draw PDFs tend to have less expertise in the first two requirements. They have not have to deal with font details on a deeper level and they might not be that well tested in maintaining graphics state.
Any decent tool that translates PDFs to images will probably become aware of its shortcomings in text positioning sooner or later. And fixing those will help to excel in text extraction.

PDFBOX - Unknown number of pages

I am investigating a replacement for iText and have been looking at the API and example code for PdfBox. I am slightly confused by its useage though, it seems I need to manually create the page objects which implies I need to know the number of pages beforehand or at least work out when its time to create a new page.
I generally use PDF generation for reports based on user configurable parameters which call stored procedures which can return varying amounts of data.
My question is quite simple, is it down to me to try and work out how much data will fit onto a page and create the pages programmatically?
The API seems to state that each page object represents a single page. From my experience of iText I do not need to worry about this, I simply write my data to the document and the pages are created for me based on the content I am placing into it.
I recently made the switch from iText to PDFBox and ran into a similar issue. I asked this question and eventually worked out what I needed to do to generate reports with an unknown number of pages.
This model works well for generating reports containing lines of data generated from a ResultSet...though that's the only way I've been using it thus far. I may run into limitations, but for now, it's getting the job done.
And I guess I should state that I am still laying out each page manually, but this method does at least generate my pages dynamically depending on the number of results that return.

embed serial number to PDF file?

To prevent the casual distribution of pdf document, is there any way such as embedding the serial number to the file?
My idea is to embed the id bound to user and enable to find who distribute the file.
I know it's not preventing the distribution but may discourage the casual distribution by the certain level.
Any other solution is also welcome.
Common way is placing of meta data, but you can easily remove them.
Let's search hideouts (most of them low-level)!
Non-mark text
Text under overlapping objects
Objects of older versions (doesn't noticed by reader, but there with redundant information)
Marks in streams between BX-EX (with weird information from readers point of view)
Information before %PDF-X
Information above %%EOF
Substitution of names for some elements (like font name)
Manipulation from used fonts
Images with setganograpy
My favorite are steganography and BX-EX block within stream, with proper compression and/or encryption it is hard to find (if do not know, where it is). To make search harder wrap some normal blocks with BX-EX.
Some of ways are easy to remove, some harder, but decided attacker will be able to find and sanitize them all. Think about copy-paste of text or print trough PDF-printer.
You can render transparent text. You can write text outside the media box of a page. You can add custom document property. There are plenty of ways to do this.
Why not create a digital id on the documents?

Populating PDF fields from a database

I have a PDF file (not created by me - I have no control over the design etc.) which allows users to fill in some form fields in Adobe Reader and save the result. I want to automate the process of populating the fields, using the following steps:
Fetch data from database.
Open PDF template.
Populate form fields with data.
Save modified file to a separate location on disk.
Lock modified file so that the form fields can no longer be edited.
Send file to user.
I'm happy to use PHP, Perl, Python or Java to do steps 2-5 (in descending order of preference), but whatever I use has to work under Linux (i.e. it mustn't rely on libraries which are only available on Windows for example).
The end result should be a PDF which the average user can open and print, but not modify (I'm sure advanced users could find a way to do so, but I accept that I can't guarantee complete security against modification). I don't want to change the structure of the PDF, merely populate the form fields.
Is there a standard piece of software for doing this? I've seen mentions of FDF Toolkit, but I'm not entirely sure if that's what I want and whether it will allow me to lock the file afterwards, and whether what I want to do fits in with the EULA.
Edit: Final answer is to use iText (as suggested by Mark Storer) but to implement it as a web service which allows you to pass in an array of form field names and values and the PDF file 'template'. The web service will be open source (and available on GitHub once I've written it), as per the AGPL, but anything connecting to it won't have to be.
Any number of different libraries can fill in field values. I'm partial to iText (java) or iTextSharp (c#). I wrote one in Java a number of years ago. It's not that hard). There are lots. Search SO, you'll find 'em.
There are a couple different levels of "lock the fields".
Each field has a "read only" flag. This is pretty much a courtesy as far as other libraries capable of setting field values are concerned. In fact, it's generally considered to mean "the ui cannot make changes". Form script can, regardless.
Form flattening: Draw the fields directly into the page and removing all the interactivity.
Each one has pros and cons.
Flag: None too secure. Form data still easily accessible. Scrolling fields still scroll.
Flattening: Pretty much the exact opposite. It's harder to modify (though far from impossile). The form data can only be extracted via text extraction (which is hard, but becoming increasingly common). List & text fields that contain more stuff than is visible will no longer scroll.
The ability to flatten forms is relatively rare. Again, iText can do it (as can iTextSharp), but I'm not aware of any other third party libraries that can... I'm sure they exist, I just can't name them off the top of my head.

Is there a way to extracting semantic informations from PDF? (converting PDF to pure XHTML)

I'm finding a way to extract semantic structural informations (like title, heading, paragraph or lists) from PDF. Because I want to get a pure structural data from PDF.
Finally, I want to create an pure XHTML from the PDF. With only structural informations. No design or layout.
I know, PDF can be created without any structural information. I don't consider those PDFs. Only regularly well-structured PDFs are considered.
I'm new to PDF. So I don't know it offers regular semantic structure or not. If it exists, it's library will offer it. So I want to know whether PDF spec has those information, and best way to get those information if exists.
I would highly recommend reading through the PDF spec:
There isn't a "semantic structure" to the document like you might find in an HTML file; it's much more complicated.
The file format is largely based on a COS Object Tree, which is essentially a set of objects referencing each other in various manners, but not in any particular order (with some exceptions).
Some of these objects contain what you are likely after (document tages, etc). Moreover, these objects can be encoded in various ways.
Very complicated.
I would recommend looking at some of the well developed PDF libraries out there like iText:
What do you mean by 'well-structured'?
If the PDFs contain marked content you can get an almost perfect extraction of semantic data. Otherwise it simply does not exist but might be 'guessed' in some cases.