correct accessing of slices with duplicate index-values present - pandas

I have a dataframe with an index that sometimes contains rows with the same index-value. Now I want to slice that dataframe and set values based on row-indices.
Consider the following example:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'index':[1,2,2,3], 'values':[10,20,30,40]})
df.set_index(['index'], inplace=True)
df1 = df.copy()
df2 = df.copy()
#copy warning
df1.iloc[0:2]['values'] = 99
df2.loc[df.index[0:2], 'values'] = 99
df1 is the expected result, but gives me a SettingWithCopyWarning.
df2 seems to be the suggested way of accessing by the doc, but gives me the wrong result (because of the duplicate index)
Is there a "proper" way to set those values correctly with the duplicate index-values present?

.loc is not recommended when you have duplicate index. So you have to go for position based selection iloc. Since we need to pass the positions, we have to use get_loc for getting position of column:
print (df2.columns.get_loc('values'))
df1.iloc[0:2, df2.columns.get_loc('values')] = 99
1 99
2 99
2 30
3 40


new_df = df1[df2['pin'].isin(df1['vpin'])] UserWarning: Boolean Series key will be reindexed to match DataFrame index

I'm getting the following warning while executing this line
new_df = df1[df2['pin'].isin(df1['vpin'])]
UserWarning: Boolean Series key will be reindexed to match DataFrame index.
The df1 and df2 has only one similar column and they do not have same number of rows.
I want to filter df1 based on the column in df2. If is in df1.vpin I want those rows.
There are multiple rows in df1 for same and I want to retrieve them all.
Column B
Cell 2
Cell 4
The command is working. I'm trying to overcome the warning.
It doesn't really make sense to use df2['pin'].isin(df1['vpin']) as a boolean mask to index df1 as this mean will have the indices of df2, thus the reindexing performed by pandas.
Use instead:
new_df = df1[df1['vpin'].isin(df2['pin'])]

Why would an extra column (unnamed: 0) appear after saving the df and then reading it through pd.read_csv?

My code to save the df is:
To read the df into python is :
fdi_out_vdem = pd.read_csv("C:/Users/asus/Desktop/classen/fdi_out_vdem.csv")
The df:
Unnamed: 0
Your df has two columns, but also an index with "0" and "1". When writing it to csv it looks like this:
When importing it with pandas you it is considered as df with 3 columns (and the first has no name)
You have two possibilities here:
Save it without index column:
df.to_csv("fdi_out_vdem.csv", index=False)
df = pd.read_csv("C:/Users/asus/Desktop/classen/fdi_out_vdem.csv")
or save it with index column and define an index col when reading it with pd.read_csv
df = pd.read_csv("C:/Users/asus/Desktop/classen/fdi_out_vdem.csv", index_col=[0])
As recommended by #ouroboros1 in the comments you could also name your index before saving it to csv, so you can define the index column by using that name = "index"
df = pd.read_csv("C:/Users/asus/Desktop/classen/fdi_out_vdem.csv", index_col="index")
You can either pass the parameter index_col=[0] to pandas.read_csv :
fdi_out_vdem = pd.read_csv("C:/Users/asus/Desktop/classen/fdi_out_vdem.csv", index_col=[0])
Or even better, get rid of the index at the beginning when calling pandas.DataFrame.to_csv:
fdi_out_vdem.to_csv("fdi_out_vdem.csv", index=False)

How do I offset a dataframe with values in another dataframe?

I have two dataframes. One is the basevales (df) and the other is an offset (df2).
How do I create a third dataframe that is the first dataframe offset by matching values (the ID) in the second dataframe?
This post doesn't seem to do the offset... Update only some values in a dataframe using another dataframe
import pandas as pd
# initialize list of lists
data = [['1092', 10.02], ['18723754', 15.76], ['28635', 147.87]]
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = ['ID', 'Price'])
offsets = [['1092', 100.00], ['28635', 1000.00], ['88273', 10.]]
df2 = pd.DataFrame(offsets, columns = ['ID', 'Offset'])
print (df)
print (df2)
>>> print (df)
ID Price
0 1092 10.02
1 18723754 15.76 # no offset to affect it
2 28635 147.87
>>> print (df2)
ID Offset
0 1092 100.00
1 28635 1000.00
2 88273 10.00 # < no match
This is want I want to produce: The price has been offset by matching
ID Price
0 1092 110.02
1 18723754 15.76
2 28635 1147.87
I've also looked at Pandas Merging 101
I don't want to add columns to the dataframe, and I don;t want to just replace column values with values from another dataframe.
What I want is to add (sum) column values from the other dataframe to this dataframe, where the IDs match.
The closest I come is df_add=df.reindex_like(df2) + df2 but the problem is that it sums all columns - even the ID column.
Try this :
df['Price'] = pd.merge(df, df2, on=["ID"], how="left")[['Price','Offset']].sum(axis=1)

DataFrame Index Created From Columns

I have a dataframe that I am using TIA to populate data from Bloomberg. When I look at df.index I see that the data that I intended to be columns is presented to me as what appears to be a multi-index. The output for df.columns is like this:
I have tried various iterations of reset_index but have not been able to remedy this situation.
1) what about the TIA manager causes the dataframe columns to be read in as an index?
2) How can I properly identify these columns as columns instead of a multi-index?
The ultimate problem that I'm trying to fix is that when I try to add this column to df2, the values for that column in df2 come out as NaT. Like below:
df2['column3'] = df1['column1']
column1 column2 column3
1135 32 NaT
1351 43 NaT
35 13 NaT
135 13 NaT
From the comments it appears df1 and df2 have completely different indexes
In [396]: df1.index
Out[400]: Index(['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May'], dtype='object')
In [401]: df2.index
Out[401]: Index(['One', 'Two', 'Three', 'Four', 'Five'], dtype='object')
but we wish to assign values from df1 to df2, preserving order.
Usually, Pandas operations try to automatically align values based on index (and/or column) labels.
In this case, we wish to ignore the labels. To do that, use
df2['columns3'] = df1['column1'].values
df1['column1'].values is a NumPy array. Since it doesn't have a Index, Pandas simply assigns the values in the array into df2['columns3'] in order.
The assignment would behave the same way if the right-hand side were a list or a tuple.
Note that this also relies on len(df1) equaling len(df2).
For example,
import pandas as pd
df1 = pd.DataFrame(
{"column1": [1135, 1351, 35, 135, 0], "column2": [32, 43, 13, 13, 0]},
index=[u"Jan", u"Feb", u"Mar", u"Apr", u"May"],
df2 = pd.DataFrame(
{"column1": range(len(df1))}, index=[u"One", u"Two", u"Three", u"Four", u"Five"]
df2["columns3"] = df1["column1"].values
column1 columns3
One 0 1135
Two 1 1351
Three 2 35
Four 3 135
Five 4 0
Alternatively, you could make the two Indexs the same, and then df2["columns3"] = df1["column1"] would produce the same result (but now because the index labels are being aligned):
df1.index = df2.index
df2["columns3"] = df1["column1"]
Another way to make the Indexs match, is to reset the index on both DataFrames:
df1 = df1.reset_index()
df2 = df2.reset_index()
df2["columns3"] = df1["column1"]
reset_index moves the old index into a column named index by default (if was None). Integers (starting with 0) are assigned as the new index labels:
In [402]: df1.reset_index()
index column1 column2
0 Jan 1135 32
1 Feb 1351 43
2 Mar 35 13
3 Apr 135 13
4 May 0 0

Vectorized method to sync two arrays

I have two Pandas TimeSeries: x, and y, which I would like to sync "as of". I would like to find for every element in x the latest (by index) element in y that preceeds it (by index value). For example, I would like to compute this new_x:
x new_x
---- -----
13:01 13:00
14:02 14:00
I am looking for a vectorized solution, not a Python loop. The time values are based on Numpy datetime64. The y array's length is in the order of millions, so O(n^2) solutions are probably not practical.
In some circles this operation is known as the "asof" join. Here is an implementation:
def diffCols(df1, df2):
""" Find columns in df1 not present in df2
Return df1.columns - df2.columns maintaining the order which the resulting
columns appears in df1.
df1 : pandas dataframe object
df2 : pandas dataframe objct
Pandas already offers df1.columns - df2.columns, but unfortunately
the original order of the resulting columns is not maintained.
return [i for i in df1.columns if i not in df2.columns]
def aj(df1, df2, overwriteColumns=True, inplace=False):
""" KDB+ like asof join.
Finds prevailing values of df2 asof df1's index. The resulting dataframe
will have same number of rows as df1.
df1 : Pandas dataframe
df2 : Pandas dataframe
overwriteColumns : boolean, default True
The columns of df2 will overwrite the columns of df1 if they have the same
name unless overwriteColumns is set to False. In that case, this function
will only join columns of df2 which are not present in df1.
inplace : boolean, default False.
If True, adds columns of df2 to df1. Otherwise, create a new dataframe with
columns of both df1 and df2.
*Assumes both df1 and df2 have datetime64 index. """
joiner = lambda x : x.asof(df1.index)
if not overwriteColumns:
# Get columns of df2 not present in df1
cols = diffCols(df2, df1)
if len(cols) > 0:
df2 = df2.ix[:,cols]
result = df2.apply(joiner)
if inplace:
for i in result.columns:
df1[i] = result[i]
return df1
return result
Internally, this uses pandas.Series.asof().
What about using Series.searchsorted() to return the index of y where you would insert x. You could then subtract one from that value and use it to index y.
In [1]: x
0 1301
1 1402
In [2]: y
0 1300
1 1301
2 1330
3 1400
In [3]: y[y.searchsorted(x)-1]
0 1300
3 1400
note: the above example uses int64 Series