How to host MassTransit and RabbitMq - rabbitmq

We are working towards an architecture like one below but we will have micro services on cloud and some on premises which will talk to each other using queue(s) and bus(es),
Now I am confused with where we should host MassTransit and RabbitMq, also should it be a ASP.NET Core project on its own ? if yes what I will be doing in it ? starting a bus ? creating queues ? I am not able to move forward with this

The simple MassTransit examples are just that, the absolute simplest examples of interacting with queues.
RabbitMQ is your message broker. It is hosted separately.
MassTransit is a development framework that makes it much easier to interact with RabbitMQ (or Azure Service Bus) by abstracting away the implementation-specific "plumbing."
You write any number of .NET services that either publish messages to a queue, or subscribe to queues.

We recently worked on something similar, the way we did it is:
RabbitMQ was hosted separately, and buses/queues creation and management were done from the services that use messaging.
For each service that receives messages you use Maastransit to create a queue because service will be receiving messages using this queue.
You will be using publish/subscribe way of messaging so as mentioned above, inside each service, create a queue with logical name and connect to RabbitMQ server address.
Services that represent senders will publish messages of a custom type you create, and services that represent receivers will subscribe to this type of messages by having a consumer for this type registered inside the bus created.
Hope it helps.


Configuring RabbitMQ consumer as windows service

I am looking in for the best way to implement the RabbitMQ consumer by using .Net Client which should be run as windows service.
I referred the RabbitMQ documentation and found the way to consume messages by using .Net client (
My current scenario is like, RabbitMQ is installed in AWS VM machine. I have to install dotnet client consumer service resides in On-premise network which should consume messages.
Which one is the best way, to always listen the Queue (AMQP protocol) or HTTP API which should get messages on demand (
Please advise.
I believe the answer is "neither." You should have your message queue as a back-end service behind the firewall, and expose your application functionality through a set of carefully-specified web services. The web services, which are exposed through the firewall but can communicate to services behind the firewall, would produce messages that would be transmitted to the server. Any services needing to produce or consume messages would need to do so via the web services, which would perform safety/security checking prior to forwarding the request on to the AMQP server.
If you need to expose AMQP directly to clients (i.e. that is the purpose of your app), then the recommendation is to do so via STOMP. I think a valid use case for exposing AMQP directly over the internet would be a rare thing to come across. The security implications of doing so would be immense.

NServiceBus Multicast Publish-Subscribe Channel with RabbitMQ Transport

Tech Stack:
.Net 4.6.1
Erlang 18.3
Language: C# 6
NServiceBus 6
RabbitMQ 3.6.3
Windows 7
We are trying to implement a dumb event publisher with smart subscription in NServiceBus on the RabbitMQ transport.
All interested receivers subscribe to an event.
A Publisher publishes the event to an event channel.
All subscribers receive a copy of the event.
Note that I did not say each TYPE of subscriber receives a copy of the message. If there are multiple instances of a service running, and they all have active subscriptions to an event, each INSTANCE of the subscribing service should get a copy of the message.
However, NServiceBus' notion of Publish-Subscribe delivers a published event to one and only one receiver on a given channel. In our case, one instance of a given subscribed service.
I hesitate to list messaging "patterns" because they don't seem to be named or described particularly consistently. However, I believe we are esentially trying to implement the "Multicast" version of the Publish-Subscribe Channel messaging pattern from the Enterprise Integration Patterns (Hohpe and Woolf) Book.
Problem Statement:
Our business case is this:
We have a configuration service that provides application configuration to all other services in our broader application.
Each service requests its configuration from the configuration service on startup by sending a ConfigurationRequest message.
The configuration services replies to the specific instance that made the ConfigurationRequest with a ConfigurationResponse. This is done using NServiceBus' Full-Duplex (commonly called Request-Response) feature.
There is a website that can modify configuration globally. When it does so, it notifies the configuration service with an UpdateConfiguration command.
The configuration service publishes a ConfigurationUpdated event that all other services are subscribed to.
Each service can have multiple instances running on more than one server. ALL instances of a service need to update their configuration, not just one instance.
Each service instance is calling NServiceBus' EndpointConfiguration.MakeInstanceUniquelyIdentifiable with a distinct discriminator.
Currently when we publish the ConfigurationUpdated event, only one instance of each service type gets the message. The events are distributed round-robin, instead of each instance getting a copy of the message.
We have worked around this problem by keeping a record of running services instances and sending the ConfigurationUpdated event (as a Command in NServiceBus) to each of them individually, but Pub-Sub implies that we should have dumb publishers and smart subscribers, and our workaround is the opposite... Our publisher looks up a listof each subscriber and sends to it implicitly. Is there some configuration I am missing on the subscriber side that would allow each instance of each service to get a copy of the published ConfigurationUpdated event? If not, where should I look in NServiceBus to start implementing such a feature? Routing topology, perhaps?
i'm not familiar enough with nservicebus to know how to do it with that toolset, but the RabbitMQ implementation would be a "fanout" exchange with a queue per consumer.
Every queue bound to a fanout exchange will get a copy of the message. If there is a single consumer for each of those queues, then you will be sending a copy of the message to each of the consumers.
It sounds like you have multiple consumers connected to the same queue. Maybe there's a way to tell nservicebus to create a queue for each consumer instance?
p.s. you're right about pub-sub pattern being multicast. i talk about this in my RMQ Patterns ebook ( and that's what the EIP book would say, as well.

Redis PUB/SUB: how to ignore own messages?

The idea is:
I have N WCF services which connected and subscribed to the same Redis message channel. These services use this channel to exchange messages to sync some caches and other data.
How each service can ignore its own messages? I.e. how to publish to all but me?
It looks like Redis PUB/SUB doesn't support such filtration. So, the solution is to use set of individual channels for every publisher and common channel for subscription synchronization between them. Here is an golang example of no-echo chat application.

To get messages with NServiceBus do you have to have a message queue on the subscribing machine?

I am wondering if there is a way to setup NServiceBus so that the machine actually getting the message from a publisher does not have the InputQueue on it. Also, I would like to publish to a general queue (though this can be accomplished with a web service.)
I am thinking I may use this to allow client machines to post and receive events. But the client machines are fairly locked down. If I need to have queues created on them I can, but it would be easier to have the queues uniquely named and in a more central location.
I am new to NServiceBus and pub/sub in general. So if I am off base on what I want please say so.
This sounds like the perfect candidate for an alternate queuing infrastructure beyond MSMQ--such as Azure Queues or Amazon SQS. With those types of queues you have no infrastructure to install on the client machines and everything is much more centralized.
Before you go down that road though, you'll want to get the basics of publish/subscribe under you. Pub/sub using MSMQ and NServiceBus has a decent learning curve to it and if you aren't familiar with how things work at that level then moving to cloud queues may be even more tricky.

RabbitMQ subscriber notification in .NET

We are using MSMQ right now with WCF activation feature, it enables us not to pull queue to read messages. It like push message to application.
As we are looking at porting from MSMQ to RabbitMQ going through what we need from message queue.
I can't anything regarding RabbitMQ .net client support for receiving message notification from subscribed queue?
Is there anything in RabbitMQ with .net which can do push notification to subscriber like MSMQ?
Or we need service running which constantly checks for message?
In AMQP (and RabbitMQ), there are two ways to retrieve messages: basic.get and basic.consume.
Basic.get is used to poll the server for a message. If one exists, it is returned to the client. If not, a get-empty is returned (the .NET method returns null).
Basic.consume sets the consumer for the queue. The broker pushes messages to the consumer as they arrive. You can either derive DefaultBasicConsumer, which gives you your own custom consumer, or you can use the Subscription Message Pattern, which gives you a blocking nextDelivery().
For more information, check out the API guide linked above and the .NET Client Userguide. Also, a great place to ask RabbitMQ-related questions is the rabbitmq-discuss mailing list.
I think you are after something like the EventingBasicConsumer. See also this question/answer
That is a feature provided by WAS (Windows Activation Service). Right now WAS has listener adapters for net.pipe, net.msmq and net.tcp (and its port sharing service). I guess you would need a specific AMQP listener adapter.
This may help