SQL Where clause from a file on Oracle - sql

I have a requirement to construct an SQL that has a where clause which is expected to look into a file entries to be used in that clause.
SELECT DISTINCT '/',t_05.puid, ',', t_01.puid,'/', t_01.poriginal_file_name
WHERE t_03.pvalu_0 = t_01.puid AND t_02.puid = t_03.puid AND t_03.puid = t_04.puid AND t_04.puid = t_05.puid AND t_02.puid IN ( 'izeVNXjf44e$yB',
'gWYRvN9044e$yB' );
The above is the SQL query. As you can see the IN clause has two different strings ( puids ) that are to be considered. But in my case, this list is like 50k entries long and would come from splunk and will be in a text file.
Sample output of the text file looks as belows:
I am not an SQL guru, but a quick google on this gave me a reference to OPENROWSET construct, which is not available on Oracle.
Can you please suggest some pointers on what can be done to circumvent the problem.

Consider using an external table, SQL Loader or perhaps loading the file into a table in the application layer and querying it normally.

I would recommend creating a Global Temporary table, adding the rows to that table, and then joining to your temp table.
How to create a temporary table in Oracle
Other options:
You could also use pipelined functions:
Or use the with as... construct to fold the data into the SQL. But that would create a long SQL statement.


Drop tables using table names from a SELECT statement, in SQL (Impala)?

How do I drop a few tables (e.g. 1 - 3) using the output of a SELECT statement for the table names? This is probably standard SQL, but specifically I'm using Apache Impala SQL accessed via Apache Zeppelin.
So I have a table called tables_to_drop with a single column called "table_name". This will have one to a few entries in it, each with the name of another temporary table that was generated as the result of other processes. As part of my cleanup I need to drop these temporary tables whose names are listed in the "tables_to_drop" table.
Conceptually I was thinking of an SQL command like:
DROP TABLE (SELECT table_name FROM tables_to_drop);
WITH subquery1 AS (SELECT table_name FROM tables_to_drop) DROP TABLE * FROM subquery1;
Neither of these work (syntax errors). Any ideas please?
even in standard sql this is not possible to do it the way you showed.
in standard sql usually you can use dynamic sql which impala doesn't support.
however you can write an impala script and run it in impala shell but it's going to be complicated for such task, I would prepare the drop statement using select and run it manually if this is one-time thing:
select concat('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ',table_name) dropstatements
from tables_to_drop

MSSQL query with too many paramers in IN clause is very slow

I'm having a query with IN clause with 2000 parameters of varchar2 type. I have applied required index as per execution plan.
It is working very slowly. I'm looking for an alternative solution. One way I found is creating a temporary table with these value and fetch using join. Is there any way other than this? I'm using spring data JPA/Criteria for queries in Java. Thanks in advance.
Bulk Load the values into a temprary table, either using SqlServerBulkCopy directly or using the useBulkCopyForBatchInsert.
Use a Table-Valued Parameter
Or (SQL 2016+) send the values as a JSON array. Just create a long string of the form
and pass it as a parameter to a query like:
select *
from SomeTable
where SomeColumn in ( select value from openjson(#jsonValues) with (value varchar(200) '$') )
Or do the same thing with XML.
You can also use string_split, but that's also only available on SQL 2016+ and JSON is more robust.

understanding existing SQL query

I am trying to read some exiting SQL queries written for MS SQL server.
I don't have access to database, table names etc.. Just raw query format...And I need to do some analysis on the fields required..
I need some help in understanding what certain query statements are doing...such as in the following block...
select FIELD1, x2.FIELD2
into #temp
from #temp1 x1 join #temp2 x2
on x1.FIELD1 = x2.FIELD2
and x1.FIELD3 = x2.MAXOCCUR
I have basic SQL understanding.. But I need to understand couple of things....Why does 'into' and 'from' statements have a '#' infront of table names.....what are x1 and x2 in this case. Why not just say
temp1.FIELD1 = temp2.FIELD2 instead of
x1.FIELD1 = x2.FIELD2
.....Am I missing something or is this query formed weird to begin with....I understand joins etc...
Can someone help me out...
That is selecting from two already temp existing temp tables into a new temp table. The x1.FIELD1 is called aliasing. It's used so you don't have to type full table names when writing the query
As mentioned, the # signs indicate a TEMPORARY table.
x1 and x2 are used as "table alias" in this query. Yes, you could write
temp1.FIELD1 = temp2.FIELD2 instead of x1.FIELD1 = x2.FIELD2
but, consider if the tables had long names. Then using an alias makes the query easier to read (for humans. the computer doesn't really care).

SQL/JDBC : select query on variable tablenames

I'm using Oracle DB and I would like to write a SQL query that I could then call with JDBC. I'm not very familiar with SQL so if someone can help me, that could be great ! Here is the problem. I have a table MY_TABLE wich contains a list of another tables, and I would like to keep only the nonempty tables and those that their names start by a particular string.
The query I wrote is the following :
where TABLE_NAME like '%myString%'
and (select count(*) from TABLE_NAME where rownum=1)<>0
order by TABLE_NAME;`
The problem comes from the second SELECT, but I don't know how can I do to use the TABLE_NAME value.
Does someone have an idea ?
[Added from comments]
Actually, I need to test the V$ views contained in the ALL_CATALOG table. But if I can find another table where all these views are contained too and with a NUM_ROWS column too, it would be perfect !
Standard versions of SQL do not allow you to replace 'structural elements' of the query, such as table name or column name, with variable values or place-holders.
There are a few ways to approach this.
Generate a separate SQL statement for each table name listed in MY_TABLE, and execute each in turn. Brute force, but effective.
Interrogate the system catalog directly.
Investigate whether there are JDBC metadata operations that allow you to find out about the number of rows in a table without being tied to the system catalog of the specific DBMS you are using.
Can you use oracle view USER_TABLES? then query will be much easier
where TABLE_NAME like '%myString%'
and Num_ROWS > 0
order by TABLE_NAME;`

Copy Query Result to another mysql table

I am trying to import a large CSV file into a MySQL database. I have loaded the entire file into one flat table. i can select the data that needs to go into separate tables using select statements, my question is how do i copy the results of those select queries to different tables. i would prefer to do it completely in SQL and not have to worry about using a scripting language.
INTO new_table_1
FROM existing_table
WHERE condition_for_table_1;
INTO new_table_2
FROM existing_table
WHERE condition_for_table_2;
INSERT INTO anothertable (list, of , column, names, to, give, values, for)
SELECT list, of, column, names, of, compatible, column, types
FROM bigimportedtable
WHERE possibly you want a predicate or maybe not;
The answer from Quassnoi was the one I was looking for. Please observe that if new_table_1 doesn't exist yet the "INSERT INTO" statement has to be replaced with a "CREATE TABLE" statement.