How to Unsubscribe Rawrabbit? - rawrabbit

I use this way to start subscribing to messages:
var client = BusClientFactory.CreateDefault();
client.SubscribeAsync<BasicMessage>(async (msg, context) =>
Console.WriteLine($"Recieved: {msg.Prop}.");
... but how do I "unsubscribe" and/or disconnect?
I have the code in a windows service and I want to be able to unsubscrite/disconnect when shuting down the Windows Service.


Can we use RabbitMQ and Mediatr together using masstransit?

I created a microservice application that microservices using MassTransit and RabbitMQ for communication.
Each microservice developed using clean architecture, so we have MediatR inside each microservice.
Is it possible to use MassTransit for inside communication as well? so I can use the same signature for all services and when I want to expose a service to be used inter-microservice, it will be doable with ease.
So MediatR used for intra-communication and RabbitMQ used for inter-communication, and whole universe is on MassTransit system.
[Update] My question is how we can configure consumers so some can be used for inside communication (via MediatR) and some can be used for external communication (via RabbitMQ) and easily change them from inside to outside.
[Update2] for example here is my MassTransit registration:
services.AddMassTransit(x =>
x.AddBus(provider =>
Bus.Factory.CreateUsingRabbitMq(cfg =>
cfg.Host(new Uri(config.RabbitMQ.Address), h =>
cfg.ReceiveEndpoint("my-queue", ep => { ep.ConfigureConsumers(provider); });
x.AddMediator((provider, cfg) => { cfg.ConfigureConsumers(provider); });
How can I differ in internal communication and external communication? in other words, how can I register some consumers to MediatR and some to RabbitMQ?
They can be used together, and MassTransit has its own Mediator implementation as well so you can write your handlers once and use them either via the mediator or via a durable transport such as RabbitMQ.
There are videos available that take you through the capabilities, starting with mediator and moving to RabbitMQ.
I found that I should create a separate bus for each. then external services inherit from an interface like IExternalConsumer, so I can separate them form internal ones and add them to related bus:
UPDATED for version 7
// find consumers
var types = AssemblyTypeCache.FindTypes(new[]{Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()},TypeMetadataCache.IsConsumerOrDefinition).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
var consumers = types.FindTypes(TypeClassification.Concrete | TypeClassification.Closed).ToArray();
var internals = new List<Type>();
var externals = new List<Type>();
foreach (Type type in consumers)
if (type.HasInterface<IExternalConsumer>())
services.AddMediator(x =>
x.ConfigureMediator((provider, cfg) => cfg.UseFluentValidation());
services.AddMassTransit<IExternalBus>(x =>
x.AddBus(provider =>
Bus.Factory.CreateUsingRabbitMq(cfg =>
cfg.Host(new Uri(config.RabbitMQ.Address), h =>
cfg.ReceiveEndpoint(apiProviderName, ep => { ep.ConfigureConsumers(provider); });

can't handle multiple request using rabbitmq and masstransist in .net core

I am currently working with micro service architecture and .net core.
Rabbit MQ + MassTransit are being used to send and receive data between the micro services.
I have a host application in IIS and from 2 separate browsers I send the same request to micro service and that microservice calls other service using RabbitMQ.
I expect to get 2 separate requests hitting the consumer but instead get an internal server error.
services.AddMassTransit(x =>
services.AddSingleton(provider => Bus.Factory.CreateUsingRabbitMq(cfg =>
var host = cfg.Host(new Uri(""),
"/", h =>
cfg.ReceiveEndpoint(host, "TestQUE", e =>
//Register Publish Endpoint of RabbitMQ bus service
services.AddSingleton<IPublishEndpoint>(provider => provider.GetRequiredService<IBusControl>());
//Register Send Endpoint of RabbitMQ bus service
services.AddSingleton<ISendEndpointProvider>(provider => provider.GetRequiredService<IBusControl>());
//Register Bus control for RabbitMQ
services.AddSingleton<IBus>(provider => provider.GetRequiredService<IBusControl>());
//Regster Bus Service hosting
services.AddSingleton<IHostedService, BusService>();
Request From One microservice:-
IRequestClient<IAddRequest<IOrder>, IAddResponse<IOrder>> orderClient =
new MessageRequestClient<IAddRequest<IOrder>, IAddResponse<IOrder>>(_bus,
EndpointAddress("orderQue"), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Convert.ToDouble("150")));
var addResponse = orderClient.Request(new
entity = order
await Task.WhenAll(addResponse);
public async Task Consume(ConsumeContext<IGetRequest<IOrder>> context)
// Operation and return result
await context.RespondAsync<IGetResposne<IOffice>>(new
// send result.
In the consumer the 2 separate requests from different browser arrive but both are unsuccessful. However if I do one request at a time then it will work, why is this?
Please give any idea, suggestion or hint.
Thank you,

API using SignalR with IdentityServer4 hangs on 3+ connections

My scenario is I have an API that implements SignalR and IdentityServer4. My client is a Vuejs SPA served from a .net-core app. After the vue client has the access_token I initiate the signalr connection and save it inside vuex store.
This is how I setup my connection:
var connection = new signalR.HubConnectionBuilder()
.withUrl( + '/notifyHub',
accessTokenFactory: () => { return token }
.then(() => {
window.console.log("signalR connection successful")
.catch(function (err) {
return window.console.error(err.toString());
This is my API configuration of SignalR with IS4 Authentication
.AddIdentityServerAuthentication(options =>
options.Authority = $"{_config["Server"]}";
options.RequireHttpsMetadata = _env.IsProduction() ? true : false;
options.ApiName = "api";
options.ApiSecret = "secret";
options.TokenRetriever = new Func<HttpRequest, string>(req =>
var fromHeader = TokenRetrieval.FromAuthorizationHeader();
var fromQuery = TokenRetrieval.FromQueryString();
return fromHeader(req) ?? fromQuery(req);
//sub claim is used from the token for individual users
services.AddSingleton<IUserIdProvider, UserProvider>();
And application
app.UseSignalR(routes =>
The client always establishes a successful connection, and all the live notifications work as expected.
Now to test the functionality I launch 2 clients, 1 from Chrome and 1 from Firefox, while the two clients are connected everything works.
As soon as try to connect a 3rd client (using Chrome Incognito or IE Edge), the signalr connection is successful but the API hangs for all 3 clients. If I refresh any of the clients the other 2 will resume working, if close one of the clients the other two resume working fine.
There is no valuable info in the logs on the client or the api side to indicate to what is happening.
My question is what can cause this issue and how to do I investigate?
Is this an issue of launching multiple clients from the same host, and will this occurs in production will it just block the single host launching the clients or all of the hosts?
I changed from localhost to local IP 192...* to try connect from my mobile browser see if that changes anything, same thing happened, after 3rd client connects the API hangs, If I don't connect to the signalR hub by omitting connection.start() I can launch as many clients as I can without breaking.
I am hosting on local IIS at the moment and not IIS express.

RabbitMQ C# message based listener

I want to webapplication and in the backend I open a new thread and start a listener.What I want ,open connection one time and rabbitmq listener start and when new message is coming ,it is processed in background.
What is the best approach for this?
Why do you need to listen events in web application?
Instead of it, write a windows service using topshelf and masstransit as a rabbitmq client.
You can connect to rabbitmq and register listener consumers in Program.cs as below:
IBusControl busControl = Bus.Factory.CreateUsingRabbitMq(cfg =>
IRabbitMqHost host = cfg.Host(new Uri(RabbitMQConstants.RabbitMQUri),
hst =>
endPointConfigurator => { endPointConfigurator.Consumer<SomeConsumer>(); });
And start bus configurator :
Example consumer:
public class SomeConsumer :
public async Task Consume(ConsumeContext<YourMessageClass> context)
await Console.Out.WriteLineAsync($"Message consumed: {context.Message.YourValue}");
For more information and example take a look at offical masstransit documentation :

How Can I stop a WCF Service (with net.MSMQ binding) Hosted on IIS from another Windows Application

I have a WCF Service Using MSMQ hosted on IIS. I want to create a windows application which can stop WCF Service from picking MSMQ message. Once I have seen the MSMQ message in the queue I need to click a button and Start the WCF service to pick the message in MSMQ. Code sample would be apperciated.
IIS is not an appropriate container to host a MSMQ client in. This is because when the app pool unloads during times of low traffic the queue client also unloads. This behaviour is automatic and you don't have any control over it.
It would be far better to host your client in a windows service. However, the kind of "consume-on-demand" functionality you require is not easy to achieve and certainly is not supported by the standard bindings.
The best I can suggest is consume the message as soon as it's received and persist it somewhere until the user clicks the button, upon which you do whatever you want as the data in the message is already available.
I was able to solve this problem by applying a workaround. I created another queue in a different machine. Changed the address of the WCF client endpoint address to this queue in config. I created another external application which moved the message from the alternate queue to the actual queue. Thus the behavior of stopping IIS hosted WCF service with MSMQ binding was achieved
Stopping the "Net.Msmq Listener Adapter" Windows service and the "Windows Process Activation Service" will stop the messages from being pulled out of the queue. Starting the services back up will causes the messages to be pulled from the queue again. I'm doing this manually, rather than through another application, but I'd assume you could do it through another application as well. I haven't tested this completely, but something like this would probably work:
Dictionary<string,List<string>> runningDependentServices = new Dictionary<string,List<string>>();
private void StartMsmqBinding()
private void StopMsmqBinding()
private void StartService(string serviceName)
List<string> previouslyRunningServices = null;
var sc = new ServiceController();
sc.ServiceName = serviceName;
if (runningDependentServices.ContainsKey(serviceName))
previouslyRunningServices = runningDependentServices[serviceName];
if(previouslyRunningServices != null)
previouslyRunningServices.ForEach(a =>
var serviceController = new System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController() { ServiceName = a };
catch (InvalidOperationException)
private void StopService(string serviceName)
var sc = new System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController() { ServiceName = serviceName };
runningDependentServices[serviceName] = sc.DependentServices.Where(a => a.Status == System.ServiceProcess.ServiceControllerStatus.Running).Select(a => a.ServiceName).ToList();
if (sc.CanStop)
catch (InvalidOperationException)
I'd think a similar approach would work for Net.Tcp binding. You'd probably have to stop the "Net.Tcp Listener Adapter" Windows service (ServiceName: "NetTcpActivator") and the "Windows Process Activation Service" in that case.