how to customise notifications/popup for leaves in odoo 11.0 - notifications

how to get/send notification to user (HR Manager) if an employees applies for leave in systray where we have chat notifications and activity notifications.
i have uploaded image Please check image


react native background geolocation

I have a requirement to save user's geolocation when react-native app is running in background. I know react-native-background-geolocation is available for this but I don't want to use any third party tool for this. Is there a way I can fetch users current location even if the app is running in the background?
With the last Expo SDK 32 you should be able to to it.
We’re excited to announce that this release includes initial support for background location, a highly requested feature from many Expo users. You can now define simple JavaScript tasks in your app and register them to receive location updates in the background. Additionally, you can set up geofencing tasks that are triggered when the device enters or leaves specific geographic regions

how to get notification status of our android app dynamically

We implemented a chat application in android ,when user don't want to get any notifications,
he will turn off the notification in settings of the app ,
but how to get the "status of the notification"(on/off) in android programming in order to prevent sending notifications to those users who turned off ,in order to save the charges which will apply to send notifications to users....
after I had searched a lot.... I found solution to get the Notification status of our app here:
Use NotificationManagerCompat.from(Context).areNotificationsEnabled(), from support library, to check if notifications are blocked on API 19+. The versions below API 19 will return true (notifications are enabled).
For more details go through this link :get NotificationStatus based on version

Facebook Notification Handler with iPhone application

I have little Confusion regarding my iPhone application. So I hope I got solution from here.
Now My Question is:
Currently I am developing an iPhone application with Facebook user integration. User can send application request to his/her friend as a Facebook notification. If receiver accept that request or click on that request then how should I detect that through my iPhone application? Or is there any way to show that notification in my iPhone application?(Functionality is like get Life by Friends in Candy Crush Game)
Some Points
I have created canvas for application integration with Facebook but there is no any kind of functionality on my application's canvas page. It is totally blank. I just want application on iPhone not on Facebook.
On every click on app invitation notification by receiver I want to give some points to notification sender.
If you have any king of link or document related to this topic then please send me.

How to find out user is at desktop instead of start screen or another store app UI at Windows 8

As we know, at windows 8 if user is at start screen or another store app (metro app) UI, the dialog at the desktop won't be visible to user. We are adding some toast notification capability at our application by following Sending toast notifications from desktop apps sample. I am able to get it working. However if user is already at the desktop, we don't want to send out the toast notification. So it would mean that we need to be able to detect if user is current at desktop or not. Somehow I didn't find any API by searching on internet. Could someone let me know how to do so? Thanks very much.
A toast notification can't know in what context the user is located, so this is not possible.

iOS 5 remote notification when launching app from dashboard

since iOS 5, notifications are no more intrusive as previous. This is nice, but it seems that users prefer to tap directly on app icon from the Dashboard instead of the (small) banner area or notification center.
In such case, my app cannot get payload from notifications.. Even the 'application didReceiveRemoteNotification' method is not able to get the notification.
Has anyone got the same issue? Do you have any advice?
The intention of the push payload is just to display something useful/informative to the user in the alert. Not to actually send data to your app.
So you will need your own web service to provide the data your app needs. Your app should refresh/sync to that service when it launches to get the data.
Example: Instagram. It can push notify you that someone commented on your photo. But it's not actually sending the comment data in the push to display in the app. The comment data is downloaded when you launch Instagram and attempt to view the comment.