Dynamically fetching user credentials for authenticating with ADLS from a spark job - authentication

Is there a way I can fetch user credentials to authenticate with ADLS from within a spark job. I am trying to write a library that be used by users in their spark job to read data and want to hide implementation details. Also, what would be the best way to get credentials for a user from within spark job?

You can't fetch user credentials. You'll either need to save the user login session (tokens) somewhere securely, or...
If you want to have your solution authenticate without any interaction from an end user, then using a service principal + a certificate or key is the right way to go. This means your application will log in as the service principal, rather than as a user, and that service principal will need permissions on the resources and data upon which your solution should operate.
Azure Active Directory is what you'll authenticate with in either case, and their documentation for their authentication libraries is located here. They have a REST API, SDKs in many languages, and I'm sure there are third-party libraries are also available, if your language of choice isn't covered yet.
I hope this helps!


Login another salesforce org from salesforce record page

I was wondering if it was possible to login to different salesforce environments (Sandboxes, scratch orgs, production env, etc) using either Apex/LWC/Aura (or anything that I can make a quick action to). For example, I have a list of credential records, with the username and password, and I would like to have a login button that creates a separate tab that can automatically redirect to that specific instance and log in.
Currently, if a user wants to login to a particular instance, they have to either go to test.salesforce.com or login.salesforce.com (depending on if it's a sandbox or production) manually, then copy the password and username in. The ideal situation is to have a login button that can do this automatically from the record page where the username and password is located.
I think previously this could have been accomplished through the URL, but salesforce has recently patched this out due to security concerns. Is there another good way to do this?
It sounds like you're trying to solve two specific challenges:
Your users need to be able to manage very high volume of credentials.
You need authentication to survive password resets.
The clear solution, in my mind, is to use the OAuth Web Server flow to execute initial authentication and then store the refresh token that results from this flow. This token survives password resets, and may be used more or less indefinitely to create new access tokens - which users can then use to log in via a frontdoor link.
There's an out-of-the-box tool that does this already: the Salesforce CLI. You can authenticate orgs to its toolchain, name them, and subsequently access them with a single command (sfdx force:org:open). Users that prefer a GUI can access the exact same functions in Visual Studio Code.
If you're hellbent on doing custom development to handle this use case, you can, but you need to be very careful of the security implications. As one example, you could implement an LWC + Apex solution that executed the relevant OAuth flows against orgs and stored the resulting data in an sObject, then allowing users to click a button to generate a new access token and do a one-click login.
But... if you do this, you're storing highly sensitive credentials in an sObject, which can be accessed by your system administrators and potentially other users who have relevant permissions. That data could be exfiltrated from your Salesforce instance by an attacker and misused. There's all kinds of risks involved in storing that kind of credential, especially if any of them unlock orgs that contain PII or customer data.
One of the two best answers for that (the other one being 'pure Apex' and relatively more complex) is using Flow.
"You can use a login flow to customize the login experience and integrate business processes with Salesforce authentication. Common use cases include collecting and updating user data at login, configuring multi-factor authentication, or integrating third-party strong authentication methods.enter image description here"
"You can use login flows to interact with external third-party authentication providers by using an API.
For example, Yubico offers strong authentication using a physical security key called a YubiKey. Yubico also provides an example Apex library and login flow on GitHub. The library supplies Apex classes for validating YubiKey one-time passwords (OTPs). The classes allow Salesforce users to use a YubiKey as a second authentication factor at login. For more information, see yubikey-salesforce-client.
You can also implement a third-party SMS or voice delivery service, like Twilio or TeleSign, to implement an SMS-based multi-factor authentication and identity verification flow. For more information, see Deploy Third-Party SMS-Based Multi-Factor Authentication."
learn more here: enter link description here

Authenticate client-side app with Google Cloud Platform

I am currently developing a client-side app where users login using e-mail/password against MongoDB Atlas. The backend runs completely serverless.
All logged in users should be able to upload and retrieve images from GCP - Storage bucket without a visible login, which means the application should authenticate for every user on the background.
I was thinking about using Google Service Accounts in combination with auth0, but I don't know where to start...
If someone could help me tell where to start, that would be great :)
The question is difficult to answer. However, here some insights.
The prefered way is to have a serverless backend, AppEngine standard, Cloud Run or Cloud Function for doing this. The user performs its authentication and then exchange security token between the frontend and the backend. When the user want to reach a GCP resource, it asks the backend, which request the request thanks to its own service account.
By the way, it's easy to trace the user request and to serve him only the resources related to it. And you have only 1 service account, for the backend
If you grant access to a bucket to a user, it could download all the files (But maybe there is one bucket per user?). If you chose to limit object access with ACL, the management is complex.
You don't need to have a service account per user (and in any case, you have a quota to 100 service accounts per project), you can use Cloud Identity Platform (CIP) instead of your MongoDB database for authentication (CIP don't perform authorization, you should use MongoDB for authorization and other stuffs related to authenticated user). CIP is Firebase Auth rebranded

Can GSuite be accessed by means of API key?

Suppose I have a simple node backend application which when ran needs to connect to a specific GSuite instance, query some things (users, groups, etc.) and then close and not run again until needed, which can mean either a very long time or a few seconds. From what I gathered from Google's documentation there may be multiple ways of doing this, including having an OAuth client and follow the whole flow in setting it up, managing token lifecycle, etc.
However I do NOT want to go with this option for now for various reasons and I am wondering if there is any way of getting access by means of an API Key / secret, like many other 3rd party services allow nowadays. Simply put I would like to generate a key pair somewhere on GSuite, no idea where, and use those keys for auth instead of OAuth, something Google suggests is possible, both on the GSuite Admin app (with a broken link that leads nowhere - not surprising) and on GCloud API and Credentials subpage where you setup credentials (however there it says that API Keys can only be used for very limited resources, none of them having anything to do with GSuite).
I think your best option is to see if what you want to do can be done by a service account. You can create a service account, grant administrator privileges to it in GSuite, enable some APIs, and then that account can do a lot of things without using OAuth directly. The credentials for the service account can then be provided to your application as a json key file, which it can use to authenticate to GSuite. You can also grant service accounts permissions to specific objects like files in Drive, but it doesn't sound like that would be sufficient to your needs.
A guide that may be helpful in the details of how to do this is https://m.fin.com/2017/10/04/navigating-the-google-suite-directory-api/

How can I send a request from a cumulocity application to a microservice without authorization

within Cumulocity (hosted) we have our own application with plugins written using AngularJS.
From this application we want to send a request to a microservice that we have running as well.
However, the microservice ask for authorization information when sending a get request. (How) Can we overcome this?
The reason we have decided to do it like this is so that we do not have to expose critical information.
All microservice invocations require authentication with a valid user in the tenant.
If you really want to expose something without authentication, you can create a dummy user with no other permissions in the tenant and hardcode the credentials of that user in your AngularJS code. However, this is a risk for you, as it makes it easy for malicious users to bombard your tenant with potentially charged API requests (depending on your service provider pricing model).
If the information that you want to expose is not dynamic (maybe tenant configuration or so), you could upload such information as part of a web application. E.g., you upload a "config" application with a single file "config.json" and load that from your AngularJS application using the URL /apps/config/config.json. Not sure if that is your case.
All requests to Cumulocity including those to microservices must be authenticated fully. There is no way to access a microservice without valid credentials.
The platform needs this information to determine if the user and tenant have sufficient access rights to perform the requested action. Even if your microservice does not require special permissions to access. Cumulocity will at least need to check if the originating tenant is allowed to use the microservice.

Implementing OAuth 2 in a multi-tenant application using dynamic scopes

I'm currently trying to migrate a multi-tenant system from a "custom" authentication and authorization implementation to OAuth2.
The multi-tenancy model is very similar to GitHub's structure, so I'm going to use it as the main example. Let's assume that in the application we have users, repositories and organizations. Users have access to repositories directly, or through organizations they are members off. Depending on their access rights, users should have different permissions towards repositories and the sub-resources (like /repository/issues), or organizations and their sub-resources (/organization/members) for users who manage them. Unlike, GitHub's OAuth2 solution, this system should be able to provide different levels of permissions across repositories or organizations (GitHub does it at a different level with a custom implementation).
The goal is to keep the logic as simple as possible, encapsulate everything in an authorization service and piggyback on OAuth2 as much as possible.
My approach was to deploy a generic OAuth2 service, and handle the permissions using dynamic scopes:
This enables granular permissions for clients and users, such as a user being able to read + write issues in one of his repos, but only read in another.
While this seems to solve the problem, the main limitation is being able to request scopes. Since users would not know the ids for the repos and orgs they have access to, they are not able to request a correct list of scopes when contacting the authorization server.
In order to overcome this I considered 2 solutions:
Solution 1
Issue a token for repo:read and org:read
Retrieve list of repos and orgs the user has access to
Issue a second token with all necesarry scopes
On a deeper thought, this turns out not to be viable since it would not support grants like implicit for authorization_code unless the authorization server would deal with this "discovery" of resources.
Solution 2
The first 2 steps are common to the first solution, while for the 3'rd step, the users would only be able to issue tenant scoped tokens. By extending the OAuth2 with a parameter identifying the tenant (/authorize?...&repo=<repo_id>), clients using authorization_code grant would have to issue tokens for every tenant. The token issued on step 1 would have to persist the identity of the user on the authorization server and eliminate the need of re-authentication when a user would switch between tenants. The downside of this approach would be that it increases the complexity of client integrations and that it might defy the standard in some way.
I'm looking for a second opinion on this, which would possibly simplify the problem and make sure the solution adheres to the standard.
tldr; What about using self contained access tokens which convey user identity information and hold access policy defined at API endpoint ?
The problem you face right now is due to mismatch of what OAuth 2.0 scope is capable of. Scope value in OAuth 2.0 is defined to be used by the client application.
The authorization and token endpoints allow the client to specify the
scope of the access request using the "scope" request parameter.
But in your approach, you try to make it to be defined by end user (the human user).
A solution would be to make authorization server independent of permission details. That means, authorization server only issue tokens which are valid for your service/system. These token can be self-contained, holding user identifier and optionally organisation details (claims). It may contain other details that are required by your service (upto you to decide). Ideal format is to make it an JWT.
Once your client (the consumer of system, like GIT website) obtain this token, it can call the system backend. Once your system backed recieve the token, it can validate the token for integrity, required claims and use these claims to identify what resources are granted for this specific user. Permission levels you defined for scope now are stored with your service backend.
Advantage of this is the ability to let user identity to be reside anywhere. For example you can use Google or Auzure AD and as long as they can provide you a valid token, you can support such users to use your system. This is ideal as permissions are not stored in them. And super users will have ability to define and maintain these permissions.
Agree with everything mentioned by #Kavindu Dodanduwa but would like to add some additional details here.
This problem indeed stays beyond what standard OAuth 2.0 covers. If you want to manage permissions per-resource (e.g. per repo or organization) this should be handled in your service or a gateway in front of it. Typically you need some kind of access-control list (ACL) stored on your backend which you can then use to authorize users.
If you'd like to look at existing standards check out XACML and UMA (which is an extension of OAuth 2.0). However I find them rather complicated to implement and manage especially in distributed environment.
Instead I'd suggest an alternative solutions using a sidecar for performing authorization on your service. Check out related blog posts:
Building a fine-grained permission system in a distributed
environment: Architecture
Building a Fine-Grained Permissions
System in a Distributed Environment: Implementation
Open Policy Agent could be a good solution for such architecture.