Keep library class untouched by ProGuard - proguard

How to tell ProGuard to do not change in any way specific class/package?
Do not optimize it, do not shrink it, do not obfuscate, do not do anything at all with it, just look but don't touch?
-keep class com.example.** { *; } seems to shrink private/unused constructors/methods

I think you should try -dontoptimize & -dontshrink in your configuration file and then use allowshrinking and allowoptimization with your keep option wherever you want this to apply with your class/package.


How to move a function from one Kotlin class to another using IntelliJ?

I'm using IntelliJ IDEA to refactor some Kotlin code. I have two classes in the same file and I want to move a function from one class to another using Refactor -> Move (F6), but that doesn't work, and I get tooltip message that says: "Cannot perform refactoring. Move declaration is only supported for top-level declarations and nested classes".
Am I doing something wrong? Or that refactoring is simply not supported?
[edit1] I tried to do the same operation with Java classes and everything works perfectly; so why this is not allowed for Kotlin?
[edit2] I thought that the problem is only when to two classes are in the same file, but it turns out that is not possible to move a function between classes in separate files!
It's a well-known Kotlin-only problem.
in IDEA (both free and paid editions);
in Android Studio.
Official ticket
There is an easy, but slightly janky, work around.
You just need to wrap the function you want to move in a class:
class TopLevelClass {
fun functionToMove() {
wrap it in a new class
class TopLevelClass {
class TemporaryMoveClass{ /** you can now move this entire new class */
fun functionToMove() {
and after you do the refactor, delete the temporary wrapper class you created.
The janky part is that you need to replace all instances of functionToMove() with NewTopLevelClass.functionToMove() yourself.
One of the major benefits of doing it this way, rather than just cut and pasting it yourself, is that as soon as you wrap it in the TemporaryMoveClass it will tell you any parameters you need to introduce(Refactor>Extract>Parameter). And then you can do that inside the original TopLevelClass before you move it. (this preserves the types of any TopLevelClass properties you were using, and automatically introduces the new parameter(s) into the existing function calls)

Keep selected Annotations with proguard

Is it even possible to keep selected Annotations with Proguard?
For instance I would like to remove all annotations from
But keep all from from
I was trying to tell to Proguard to keep annotetion like below but does not work at all.
-keep #interface org.mycompany.annotations.MyAnnotation
Or should I keepattributes Annotation and then remove somehow rest of not needed annotations?
Not sure if I understood completely, generally we retain all annotations by using
-keepattributes *Annotation*,
If you remove this from -keepAttributes list you will lose other annotation too, and code might not work.
Ideally I will play with classes on which annotation is applied , not the annotation itself, for instance if you have annotation MyModelClass which is applied on MyService class
# MyModelClass
public class MyService {
and I want nothing to happen to MyService class, then I will use
-keep #MyModelClass class * {
As you mentioned you don't need some jaxb annotation, I assume they are compile time annotation.
In case you want to remove all compile time Annnotations and retain runtime annotation probably you should use -keepattributes RuntimeVisibleAnnotations

Twitter Bootstrap SASS Customise

I would like to customise Twitter Bootstrap using SASS. I have all my SASS files in my project. I was thinking that it would be a good idea to "override" all classes I use in html by using #extend of the really same class from Bootstrap.
This would give me the ability to upgrade the Bootstrap without warring if any class name has changed. All I can even change used classes quite easily later.
My custom Sass:
#import "bootstrap/buttons";
.btn {
#extend .btn;
The problem here is that the import put everything what is in that file to final css. I have the question if I should customise the class namespace like this way or if it is not a good idea and I should customise the framework just using the variables and further class customisation?
Overhead won't be too big and if you keep imports before your "dependency injection" it should be all ok. But i don't know how useful it is in a long run. If they change class name then the properties also change and JS works with the native classes. Also it might have some potential problems with the override priority.

How to dynamically auto-register C function so it could be available through the whole project without any imports/headers/externs/.pch-files?

In my project I have an doSomething.m and soSomething.h files with the only C function:
void doSomething() {
The first question: what should I do to make this function accessible from any place in my code without needing to import any headers?
Note: I guess that to solve this problem the doSomething.h file is not needed at all, but its presence/absence is not a restriction.
I have the following pieces of knowledge but I can't have the whole picture of what is needed:
I can use some another function with attribute((constructor)) that will be run at compilation runtime and it could do some manipulations to register doSomething;
_class_addMethod_ adds methods on "runtime". But I don't know how to resolve "the class of global namespace";
NSObject's + load method but it is not relevant here.
The second tricky question on top of the first: when I will have an answer to the first question, how can I then prevent "Implicit declaration of function 'doSomething' is invalid in C99" exactly for the function doSomething and not for the all others?
UPDATE: I forgot to exclude from the consideration the following options:
.pch file, global headers
The files where I want to use doSomething method should not contain any additional declarations like extern void doSomething()
Well you cant really make it so you dont have to import a header, what you can do however is add the include into your pre compile header
Look in the "Supporting Files" folder in your project.
you will see a file like thise
add your import at the bottom of this file. and every file will then have all the imports added here.
I use Xcode
I guess if your using another IDE such as for GnuStep you would likely have another place similar. I dont know how the other IDE's work.
In the file where you want to use it, import it:
extern void doSomething (void);

How do I remove icons from menu items in an Eclipse RCP-based application?

I am working on an Eclipse RCP-based application, and we have decided that we do not want any of the menu items to display icons next to the text. The problem we are seeing is that the standard actions like Undo, Redo, Cut, Copy, Paste, and so on all display the default icons for the corresponding actions.
Is there any way to tell the action management infrastructure to ignore the icons? My brute force solution to this was to rebuild the SWT so that MenuItem.setImage() was a no-op, and then include our own copy of the SWT in the final product, but it seems like there should be a lighter-weight solution.
This turned out to be easier than I had hoped.
Create a subclass of org.eclipse.ui.application.ActionBarAdvisor. Override the method register like this:
protected void register(IAction action) {
Then, create a subclass of org.eclipse.ui.application.WorkbenchWindowAdvisor that overrides createActionBarAdvisor:
public ActionBarAdvisor createActionBarAdvisor(IActionBarConfigurer configurer) {
return new MyActionBarAdvisor(configurer);
That's it. All actions will no longer have icons.
I believe you want to further examine going into the manifest and looking into
org.eclipse.ui.views and seeing if there is anything in there for removing icons
What is the reason for not including icons?
A lot of effort went into creating a standard interface, what would be the benefit of deviating from the standard? Do you think their omission increases usability?
Having said all that you could try contributing a fragment with some AspectJ around advice to intercept calls to setImage() and veto them.
You can do this by going to the extension tab in plugin.xml.add the extension (if not present).Right click create a new menu contribution.again right click and create a new u have the option to change the images with the ones saved in your icon folder in your class path