Configuring IntelliJ IDEA (Community) for Java like scripting language? - intellij-idea

I tried to use the community version of IntelliJ IDEA for a proprietary scripting language similar to Java (and I don't do actual Java development for now) which generally works quite well regarding simple refactoring and type hinting.
Because of mainly two differences in the language (boolean is bool and the API calls don't expect java.lang.String types but API specific ones) each class file is contaminated with several errors, which make it useless to quickly find actual errors in that scripting language using IDEA's inspections.
Examples (shown error by IDEA in the comment):
bool boolTypeVariable = true; //cannot resolve symbol bool
if(boolTypeVariable) //Incompatibles types: required boolean, found bool
nlvm.lang.String str = "a String"; //Incompatibles types: required nlvm.lang.String, found java.lang.String
(Other errors arise when using !bool, bool && bool and so on)
Is it possible to ignore just these specific kind of inspections or preferably make IDEA to inspect these as desired with small modifications?
I'm aware that it's possible to define own languages for IntelliJ but I'm mostly targeting for some quick solution (which can be dirty, if it works for that case)
I would also accept a suggestion for another IDE that does supports type hinting, inspections and some basic refactoring when it's easily possible to achieve this there (I just choose IDEA community for that since I'm familiar with PyCharm).

If disable inspection intention action is not available it means the error is reported either by the parser (such syntax is not supported) or a validation that can not be disabled (e.g. the class bool that must be present in the classpath (i.e. in JDK or module libraries or the javac would report the error). To completely remove validation errors you can disable highlighting for the file.


Intellij IDEA reports 'Cannot assign' every time def is used in Groovy

I am struggling to prevent IDEA from complaining about assignment to variable declared by def keyword.
The assignment is absolutely safe as far as I can tell (I observe the same for literals of other types assigned to defed variables). I do not see why assigning Integer into Object would be a problem in the first place.
There does not seem to be any explanation in inspections settings (Groovy > Assignment issues > Incompatible type assignments) nor any fine grained configuration to tune this. When turned off completely, it stops reporting real problems like Integer a = "" as well.
How do I get it to report real problems without highlighting safe assignments?
IntelliJ IDEA can not relay grok the groovy code unless there are both Groovy and Java SDKs configured. By importing the project Groovy got configured automatically, but Java did not.

Rust IDE not detecting Result from error_chain, thinks I'm using the std::result::Result

I have an file with error_chain! {}, which exports Result, ResultExt, Error and ErrorKind.
If I use self::errors::*, IntelliJ thinks that I'm using the default Result (std::result::Result, I think). However, if I explicitly import the types using use self::errors::{Result, ...}, everything works out hunky dory.
I can tell because the standard result has two type params, but the error_chain one has only one.
In either case, it still compiles.
I'm using the standard Rust IntelliJ plugin, version
Help! Does anyone know how to get the plugin to understand what the macro is doing?
The IntelliJ-Rust plugin uses its own code parser. It allows to leverage all the IntelliJ platform capabilities (like code navigation, formatting, refactoring, inspections, quick documentation, markers and many others) but requires implementing all the language features, which is not a simple task for Rust (you can find a more in-depth discussion of the Rust compiler parser versus IDE parser in this reddit post).
Macros expansion is probably the biggest language feature that is not supported by the plugin parser at the moment. That is, the plugin sees this error_chain! call, can resolve it to its definition, but doesn't expand it to the actual code and hence doesn't know about the new Result struct that shadows the one from stdlib. Unfortunately, in some cases it leads to such false positive error messages.
I've converted this error annotation into an inspection, so in the next plugin version you'll be able to switch it off entirely or for the particular code block. The work on macros expansion is also in progress.

Incompatible Types Reported by Intellij When Using Gradle

I have a new Java project started that is using Gradle (version 3.4.1) and IntelliJ. I used gradle init at the command line and then imported the project into IntelliJ, using the default wrapper (which is recommended, according the the IDE).
I have the following in the build.gradle file:
jar {
manifest {
attributes 'Main-Class': "com.testerstories.textadv.Voxam"
The attributes line, however, provides a consistent warning that says:
'attributes' cannot be applied to '(['Main-Class':groovy.lang.GString])'
The issue appears to be "incompatible types." But it's unclear what "attributes" is being "applied to". I would presume the manifest block. But then ... what does it want me to do exactly?
I realize this is a warning and I could just ignore it. I also realize I can block inspections. But in all the discussions about this, and I realize there are a few (although most of those seem to deal with 'groovy.lang.Closure'), I have yet to find anything that unambiguously states quite simply what the actual issue is and how to resolve it. I say "resolve it" in contrast to (1) just cover it up or (2) pretend it doesn't exist.
It concerns me that something that appears to be very basic Gradle usage is not recognized or is indicating a problem in one of the core IDEs that supports Java.
Finally, I'll note that before adding to the StackOverflow space, I had asked JetBrains support and their answer was to make sure my .iml file was indicating a "JAVA_MODULE" rather than a "WEB_MODULE", which I did verify. Their next answer was that I needed to provide (quoting directly) a "namespace to resolve the ambiguity, which should resolve erroneous type errors." Ironically, perhaps, that reply needed some ambiguity resolution of its own, but I have gotten no further responses.
If I use something like this in my Gradle:
I'm told that getProperties() is an ambiguous method call. Originally I thought that was unrelated to my original issue, but the IntelliJ inspector reports that this is also an issue with incompatible types.
The conclusion I'm reaching -- and what will probably be the "answer" -- is that Gradle and IntelliJ just don't play nice with each other in a variety of contexts.

C++14 supporting editor/IDE

I'm looking for some powerful programming environment for C/C++. In fact the only think i need is powerful source navigating + creating tool. Doesn't matter if its free or commercial. I prefer some linux tool, but it doesn't have to be necessary linux app.
What i need is some kind of editor with following capabilities:
more open files + tabs/buffers switching
highlighting (+ bracket matching, folding, etc...)
save sessions
preview window(when the cursors stops on some symbol, i have also an preview window, that shows me the definition of that symbol)
searching for uses of the symbol through code
intelligent completion (must support c++ 14!)
What would be nice:
code beautifizier or something similar
utf-8 support
editor templates(for example automatic comment header for modules, functions...)
other editor scripting
a terminal/console accessible from program || compiling debugging capabilities(just for to be able to compile the whole project without switching extensively to command line)
program flow visualization
Please do anyone around the whole world knows anything, that knows all of that?
I've tried several editors/IDEs, but all of them misses something. I've decided to emphasise missing support for new c++14 - it's now probably the biggest problem:
Amazing scripting capabilities
4 and 6: i've tried to use vim+ctags+cscope and vim+gtags + omnicomplete. But its not that usable. This doesn't work properly. Vim doesn't know c++ and it does not know the symbol context. Though i've been able to achieve basically the desired behaviour after hours of learning vim scripting, i'm not able to use it in even a little more complicated manner.(Lets say i have global variable and local variable with same names and different types - vim ofc does not recognize if im seeing now global or local only variable. And i'm not even talking about namespaces, etc....). Actually VIM now support c++14 with the help of clang(libclang) and there is awesome plugin called YouCompleteMe, that can use libclang, and its auto-complete really workds with c++14 code! And it makes the vim the only editor supporting c++14.. This plugin is now more or less usable in more editors(vim, emacs, sublime). It adds autocomplete, jump to definition and error messages.
c++14 supported
Source Insight
Amazing highlighting capabilities(different font for highlighting is amazing(especially for function names in function defintion header for example), also there is possibility to assign keyboard shortcut to cancel font differences, and leave only color highlighting(when you are bothered with different code alignment(due to different fonts)
Problems with 1) (though a hacked library for this called TabsSiPlus exists)
no terminal/console
Software is not maintained anymore, its not open source(and even not free) :(((
c++14 support missing
Amazing customizing possibilities, can emulate vim editing style(WOW!)
no terminal/console(actually there is one, but not that good, however it has builtin compiling capabilities
it has strange GUI - a lot of space is occupied by scrollbars, different window captions, etc..
its kinda expensive(comparing to others)
c++14 support missing
Very pleasant GUI, nice console, very fast, can emulate vi editing style(not too well though)
miss force rescan/retag project (sometimes there are wrong symbol references, especially in bigger projects - this bugs me a lot)
its preview window doesn't show definition, only reference to definition, the definition then is showed in main editing window.. - cannot see actual code and the symbol definition at once :((
c++14 support missing
nice environment with lots of functionality.
don't have ad4), however it has some sort of preview bubble. When you hover mouse cursor upon symbol, it will show a bubble with symbol definition. Its nice functionality, but unfortunately you need to use mouse, and its noway that user friendly as separate preview window.
also its a little slow, but i think its due to realtime syntax checking, and it probably will be disablable.
c++14 support missing
Support c++14 by similar plugins as vim(YouCompleteMe)(see in Vim section).
Please can some proficient Emacs user fill in this section?
c++14 supported
Sublime Text 3
Not free
Support c++14 by similar plugins as vim(YouCompleteMe)(see in Vim section). Though i had some problems with it. Plugin was more unstable than in Vim for me.
Through different plugins it support more or less the same functionality(from user view) as vim.
c++14 supported
Do any of you use some different editor, that can do anything from the list above, or maybe some plugins/scripts that can achieve the demanded functionality?
Regarding VIm and your point 6, I have heard that clang_complete, which is leveraging clang from LLVM compiler was quite accurate but I have not yet tested myself.
Try Eclipse, can handle almost everything (from Java to C with GNU Tools)
Eclipse supports c++14, all you need to do is to add -std=c++1y in your prefrences->C/C++->Build->Settings->Discovery
for "CDT Cross GCC Built-in Compiler Setting" add "-std=c++1y" at the end of compiler specs.
You also set the dialects in your project setting to support c++14,
Go to your project setting->C/C++ Build->Settings->GCC C++ Compiler->Dialect and select -std=c++1y

Pointcut for usage of operator "==" with specific types

is it possible to write an AspectJ pointcut that matches the usage of a specific operator with a specific type?
Some background information: I'm working on a project where we have to use a legacy Java library (pre 5.0, before the enum keyword) which comes with several "pseudo-enum" types, i.e. normal Java classes that define static constants of its own type. Those "feel" very much like enums, but using them like enums can result in an error. Therefore I'd like AspectJ to mark uses of == with objects of one of these types as an error, if that is possible. I have googled this and consulted the normally very helpful book AspectJ in action, but so far without success. Any help is appreciated.
== is not the same as equals(), and is implemented by the JVM, and as far as I can tell cannot be modified by aspectj. Also, I don't think that AspectJ is the correct tool for this job.
A better approach would be to implement a Checkstyle rule or similar for your project to allow you indicate these points. You could have them as errors or warnings. See Writing Checks for Checkstyle for more information.
This would require some coding, but so would the aspectJ solution.
Checkstyle has an eclipse plugin as well as a maven plugin, so you could have these errors appearing as you work in the IDE.