MS ACCESS Lock a table during update, blocking - sql

How can I lock a table preventing other users querying it while I update its contents?
Currently my data is updated by wiping the table and re-populating it (i know, its not the best way to update data, but the source data has no unique key to do a record by record update and this is the only way). There exists the unlikely, but possible scenario where a user my access the table in the middle of the update and catch it while it is empty thus returning bad info.
Is there at the SQL (or code) level a way to create a blocking statement that will wait for a DB update to complete prior to querying?

Access has very little locking capabilities. Unless you're storing your data in a different backend, you only can set a database-wide lock or no lock at all.
There is some locking capability setting table locks when the table structure of a table is being changed, but as far as I can find, that's not available to the user (neither through the GUI nor through VBA)
Note that both ADO and DAO support locking (in ADO by setting the IsolationLevel, in DAO by setting dbDenyRead + dbDenyWrite when executing the query), but in my short testing, these options do absolutely nothing in Access.


DB2: Working with concurrent DDL operations

We are working on a data warehouse using IBM DB2 and we wanted to load data by partition exchange. That means we prepare a temporary table with the data we want to load into the target table and then use that entire table as a data partition in the target table. If there was previous data we just discard the old partition.
Basically you just do "ALTER TABLE target_table ATTACH PARTITION pname [starting and ending clauses] FROM temp_table".
It works wonderfully, but only for one operation at a time. If we do multiple loads in parallel or try to attach multiple partitions to the same table it's raining deadlock errors from the database.
From what I understand, the problem isn't necessarily with parallel access to the target table itself (locking it changes nothing), but accesses to system catalog tables in the background.
I have combed through the DB2 documentation but the only reference to the topic of concurrent DDL statements I found at all was to avoid doing them. The answer to this question, can't be to simply not attempt it?
Does anyone know a way to deal with this problem?
I tried to have a global, single synchronization table to lock if you want to attach any partitions, but it didn't help either. Either I'm missing something (implicit commits somewhere?) or some of the data catalog updates even happen asynchronously, which makes the whole problem much worse. If that is the case, is there are any chance at all to query if the attach is safe to perform at any given moment?

Creating view with nested 'no-lock' on SQL Server

Here is the scenario: I have some database model with about 500K new records everyday. The database is almost never updated (only insert statement and delete).
Many users would like to perform queries against database with tools such as PowerBI or so, but I haven't given any access to anybody to prevent deadlocking (I only allow specific IT managed resource to access the data).
I would like to open up data access, but I must prevent any one from blocking the new records insertions.
Could I create a view with nested no-lock inside it assuming no dirty read are created since no update are performed?
Would that be an acceptable design? I know it's is not a perfect solution and it's not mean for that.
It's a compromise to allow user with no SQL skills to perform ad-hoc queries and lookup.
Anything I might be missing?
I think that you can use 'WITH (NoLock) ' in front of table name in query, such as :
SELECT * FROM [table Name] WITH (NoLock)

How to lock a table in SQL Server

How to lock a table in SQL Server ? I found running queries with lock and also read transactions but
confused how to use these.
I have two processes which are reading a table first then updating data in it . I want only one to update and other get this update in its read . working of my processes is as follows:-
Lock table
read data
update data if it is not updated by other process.
release Lock.
You can use TABLOCKX hint to lock entire table, but locking entire table is usually a bad idea, you might want to reconsider if you really need it.
If you want to ensure you're updating latest data, you can use rowversion column, and double check before update instead of locking entire table for reading.
In your select statement you can provide a "select for update" table hint: with (updlock). Depending on what percentage of records you are updating and their physical distribution this might perform better than a table lock.
But as Fedor Hajdu pointed out, what you probably want is an optimistic locking scheme. Check out the documentation for the READ COMMITTED SNAPSHOT isolation level. You might also find this article useful as an introduction.

In Oracle can you create a table that only exists while the database is running?

Is there a way in Oracle to create a table that only exists while the database is running and is only stored in memory? So if the database is restarted I will have to recreate the table?
I want the data to persist across sessions. The reason being that the data is expensive to recreate but is also highly sensitive.
Using a temporary table would probably help performance compared to what happens today, but its still not a great solution.
You can create a 100% ephemeral table that is usable for the duration of a session (typically shorter than the duration than the database run time) called a TEMPORARY table. The entire purpose of a table in memory is to make it faster for reading from. You will have to re-populate the table for each session as the table will be forgotten (both structure and data) once the session completes.
No exactly, no.
Oracle has the concept of a "global temporary table". With a global temporary table, you create the table once, as with any other table. The table definition will persist permanently, as with any other table.
The contents of the table, however, will will not be permanent. Depending on how you define it, the contents will persist for either the life of the session (on commit perserve rows) or the life of the transaction (on commit delete rows).
See the documentation for all the details:
Hope that helps.
You can use Oracle's trigger mechanism to invoke a stored procedure when the database starts up or shuts down.
That way you could have the startup trigger create the table, and the shutdown trigger drop it.
You'd probably also want the startup trigger to handle cases where the table exists and truncate it just in case the server stopped suddenly and the shutdown trigger wasn't called.
Oracle trigger documentation
Using Oracle's Global Temporary Tables, you can create a table in memory and have it delete the data at the end of the transaction, or the end of the session.
If I understand correctly, you have some data that needs to be processed when the database is brought online and left available only as long as the database is online. The only use-case I can think of that would require this is if you're encrypting some data and you want to ensure that the unencrypted data is never written to disk.
If this is actually your use-case, I would recommend forgetting about trying to create your own solution for this and, instead, make use of Oracle's encrypted tablespaces or Transparent Data Encryption.

What's the best way to audit log DELETEs?

The user id on your connection string is not a variable and is different from the user id (can be GUID for example) of your program. How do you audit log deletes if your connection string's user id is static?
The best place to log insert/update/delete is through triggers. But with static connection string, it's hard to log who delete something. What's the alternative?
With SQL Server, you could use CONTEXT_INFO to pass info to the trigger.
I use this in code (called by web apps) where I have to use triggers (eg multiple write paths on the table). This is where can't put my logic into the stored procedures.
We have a similar situation. Our web application always runs as the same database user, but with different logical users that out application tracks and controls.
We generally pass in the logical user ID as a parameter into each stored procedure. To track the deletes, we generally don't delete the row, just mark the status as deleted, set the LastChgID and LastChgDate fields accordingly. For important tables, where we keep an audit log (a copy of every change state), we use the above method and a trigger copies the row to a audit table, the LastChgID is already set properly and the trigger doesn't need to worry about getting the ID.