How can I remove the npm registry from my machine? - npm

I published a module to npm. When I uninstall it and try to reinstall it, this is always done from a cache ( it is done even if I'm not connected to the internet, I just get a warning ). I would like to try if my module installs correctly from the remote npm repository on a fresh npm registry.
I tried to remove Node.js and reinstall it, but it does not help. There is no "npm" in the list of my applications that I could remove, only Node.js is listed. This is on a Windows 10 machine.
Where is the npm registry located and how can I remove it entirely?

You have to clean your NPM cache and then clear your registry using the below commands.
npm cache clean
npm config delete registry

npm config delete registry
This worked for me


Is there a way to install an npm package locally but not affect package.json or package-lock.json?

I have a project that I'm working on for a client where I have two private packages (which I can't get access to npm install) are inside the package.json.
I do however have access to clone the repos for those said packages. If I simply run an npm install I'll get a permission denied error. Same if I run npm link to the packages.
I've been working around this by removing the packages from the package.json then running npm install ../some-package. This works but isn't a great solution because if I wanted to add a new package I'd have to deal with a bit of a mess with the package.json.
Is there a better way than this?
I have tried running npm link ../some-package but I still get access denied. The only way I've managed to complete an install is by removing the packages then installing them from a local dir.
I don't know the details of your situation, but I see at least two potential solutions to explore.
Option 1: Install the package from the repo
I do however have access to clone the repos for those said packages.
You can install from a git repo and package.json will record that git repo as the source of the package rather than the npm registry.
From the docs at
npm install :
Installs the package from the hosted git provider, cloning it with git. For a full git remote url, only that URL will be attempted.
Option 2: Install from the local file system with --no-save
If that approach doesn't work for you, you can try npm install --no-save ../some-package as a build step. The --no-save makes it so it doesn't modify package.json.

npm doesn't uninstall packages

I've been trying to remove some packages that I installed with npm but it doesn't remove them. After running npm uninstall -g package the package is still executable in my terminal and it is still in the path where npm binaries are being installed.
Also, why is npm installing packages in ~/.local/share/npm/bin/ ? It's the first time that I've seem npm installing packages there. I had a problem a few weeks ago when installing some language servers but they weren't executable, turns out I had to add ~/.local/share/npm/bin to my $PATH because that's where npm was installing everything. And now npm doesn't remove any package installed there. I've already look into the npm config (npmrc) but I don't see any option changing the install path. The only environment variable related to npm that I have is to set the user config in ~/.config/npm instead of ~/.npmrc.
I have others machines with the exact same settings and npm it's not installing packages in ~/.local/share/npm/bin/ and I'm able to uninstall packages normally.
Does anyone knows whats wrong with npm ?
npm --version 7.8.0
my config:
Okay I noticed that if I reinstalled the packages that I couldn't remove they went into a different folder /user/bin/ with the node_modules being in /user/lib/node_modules. Before it was in ~/.local/share/npm/lib. Now with the packages were they belong I can't remove them without issues. No idea why those packages were originally installed in a different path.

How to fix timeout for packages on `npm install`?

When I run npm install it seems to work fine until part way installing packages. It seems to have no problem with the first half, but then after a while it will fail to be able to reach other packages. I just get the repeating errors, eg:
npm http request GET
npm info attempt registry request try #3 at 6:43:34 AM
npm http request GET
npm info attempt registry request try #3 at 6:43:34 AM
npm http request GET
It will continue to do this for an hour and and then the install will fail.
The install breaks at a different package each time so I don't think it's a problem with a particular file.
I can access these files fine with my browser and curl.
My work has a firewall but this domain is whitelisted.
Would anyone know what I could do to get this to work or what could be causing it?
If it's about the timing problem you should find a speed solutions for npm install.
So you can try these faster command than npm install :
pnpm install %70 faster
npm install --no-audit 15% faster
npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit 15% faster
check this article for details : speeding up npm install
You can override the max and min timeout in ~/.npmrc.
// npm config ls -l
// add these 2 lines in ~/.npmrc
fetch-retry-maxtimeout = 6000000
fetch-retry-mintimeout = 1000000
If your internet connection is the problem, try increasing the timeout:
npm config set timeout 6000000
The value is a 32-bit int.
If it's still relevant or maybe for other people of interest: For me it helped, deleting the package.lock file and running npm cache clean --force.
It might not be your case, but I had issues with a package being hosted at github with the repo url being only with git protocol (port 9418 not usually open on firewall).
Once added that to the firewall I could npm install without issues.
You can view the repository url with:
$ npm view zone.js repository.url
I saw an answer earlier that can resolve your problem by overriding the max and min timeout in ~/.npmrc file, but some didn't understand how to do it.
First go to the nodejs folder - for me it's located at ( Y:\Program Files\nodejs )
Open the node_modules folder.
Then npm folder.
Select (.npmrc) file + right click and open it with any text editor you want.
Finally add these 2 lines and click Ctrl+S
fetch-retry-maxtimeout = 6000000
fetch-retry-mintimeout = 1000000
.npmrc file after modification
npm cache clean --force
npm install --force
It works fine.
If you are on windows, try running vscode as administrator, it worked for me, I tried npm config delete https-proxy , npm config delete proxy and , tried deleting node_modules, and package.lock.json and ran npm cache clean --force but at last ran vscode as adminitrator before deleting node_modules and package.lock.json, it worked
I solved the timeout issue by executing these commands:
rm package-lock.json
npm i

How to reset the npm registry in global npm config

Is there any way to change or reset the global npm registry.
Appreciate your assistance.
Run the following command in your terminal to revert back to the default regsitry
npm config set registry
npm config delete registry
If you are on windows, other than setting the registry, you can also delete the .npmrc file to reset the registry.
You can find this file at C:\Users\<Your User Name>\.npmrc
Sets a configuration key to a value
npm config set <key> <value> [-g|--global]
Gets the value of an existing configuration key
npm config get <key>
Deletes the key from all configuration files.
npm config delete <key>
Lists all the config settings,could be used to check for existing config entries
npm config list
Opens the config file in an editor.
npm config edit
All that would help make changes to the npm registry
Hope that helps!
You can use this
$(npm config get globalconfig)
npm config --global edit
In my experience, I had to use a private NPM registry for security reasons and while switching projects I had to change my registry and found that I was unable to! A requirement of the private registry was to be on a VPN network so to be able to connect to the private registry.
Command I was trying to run
npx sb init --builder webpack5
I was trying to install storybook in an existing project.
I tried and failed by:
npm config set registry commands even with --location= set to project, user, global
setting .npmrc with npm_config_registry= value in multiple locations
even yarn wouldn't change the registry and I also tried to use the yarn specific commands as well yarn config set ...
restarting my system multiple times and re-trying all of the above in different ways
Information about my environment:
OSX, NVM (Node Version Manager), using npm not yarn
What ended up fixing my problem
2. I ended up reconnecting to the VPN so that when I ran my npx ... command from above it would still download the packages through my private registry
3. rm -rf node_modules package-lock.json I removed the installed files and lockfile
4. I disconnected from my VPN and re-installed packages with the same npx ... command
5. I see now that the packages are properly pulling from
For some reason NPM wanted to resolve something from the private registry I had before finally using the newly configured public registry.
Might be a bug with NPM that I do not have the experience nor time to troubleshoot though I wanted to share my experience here in hopes it will help someone with a similar experience.

npm not defaulting local installs to ./node_modules

When I try to do a local install (eg. npm install, it's putting the module in the ~/src/node_modules/ folder. npm root reports this folder as well. I must have screwed up npm's settings during some bleary eyed late night session, but I can't figure out how to get it set back to ./node_modules as the default. Anyone know what I screwed up, and how to set it back to the default?
I have tried npm config set root ./node_modules but npm root still reports ~/src/node_modules as the root. I also checked .bash_profile and no node related settings are being made in it.
A quick npm uninstall npm -g and then another install from the npm website should get your defaults back.
Normally reinstalling is a pain but with your package.json files you can get everything set back up with a quick npm link