Getting "Server unexpectedly closed network connection" after executing a remote command with Plink - ssh

I am using Plink to execute remote command:
When using remote command (text file) error occurs:
FATAL ERROR: Server unexpectedly closed network connection
"C:\Program Files (x86)\PuTTY\plink.exe" XX.XX.XX.XX -l userID -pw password -m "D:\FindingLog\test.txt"
cd log
When I remove -m "D:\FindingLog\test.txt" in batch file, it works (successful login)
What's the problem?

The SSH session closes (and Plink with it) as soon as the command finishes. Normally the "command" is shell. As you have overridden this default "command" and yet you seem to want to run the shell nevertheless, you have to explicitly execute the shell yourself:
cd log
Also as use of -m switch implies a non-interactive terminal, you probably want to force an interactive terminal back using -t switch.
See also How to prevent PuTTY shell from auto-exit after executing command from batch file in Windows?

Upgrading to plink 0.74 fixed this issue for me (from much older version 0.60).


Execute commands on remote server behind another server (jumphost) using Plink

I am trying to make an automation using Power Automate Desktop for PuTTY. I have come across a solution to use cmd to run commands using plink.
I used the following steps:
I added PuTTY to system variables
I used the command (in cmd):
plink -ssh hostname#ipaddress -pw password -no-antispoof -m C:\commands.txt
I edited command.txt:
ssh anotherIP -pw passwordForAnotherIP
cd /tmp
cat filename
When I run the command in cmd, I can not input password for the other server that needs to be accessed inside the first one. The error shown is
Bad Port 'w'
The server runs bash 4.2. How can I input password inside the txt file commands so that command line plink command takes it?
Better solution is using Plink's -proxycmd:
plink -ssh anotherIP -pw passwordForAnotherIP -no-antispoof -proxycmd "plink -ssh hostname#ipaddress -pw password -nc anotherIP:22" -m C:\commands.txt
With the commands.txt containing only the:
cd /tmp
cat filename
To answer your literal question:
The OpenSSH ssh has no -pw switch. See Automatically enter SSH password with script.
Additionally, your command.txt won't do what you think anyway. It won't run the cd and cat within the ssh. It would run them after the ssh. So on the ipaddress. How to do this properly is discussed in: Entering password to remote ssh through Plink after establishing a connection.

Error when opening tmux directly from ssh connection

I try to open tmux automatically when I connect to my office Computer (Mac with macOS Catalina).
I found the following solution outlined in a few Answers and a few blog posts:
ssh <hostname> -t "tmux"
When I use this I get following error:
bash: tmux: command not found
I'm confused because I can open tmux once the ssh-connection is established but not directly.
It looks like that tmux installation path is not present in your PATH variable when you ssh.
Check what is the path for tmux installation on remote machine using which tmux. And verify if you can see that path in the output of following command.
ssh <hostname> "echo $PATH"
You can either use the full path
ssh <hostname> -t "/usr/bin/tmux"
or update the PATH settings for non-interactive shell.

Retrieving the output of SSH when launched via LSF

I'm using to open tunnels, so I want to launch
ssh -R 80:localhost:8080
The only problem is that I launch it via LSF as part of a bash script.
I get the error
Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
that I solve by using the option
-T Disable pseudo-tty allocation.
My current command is
ssh -T -R 80:localhost:8080
and it is the last command of my bash script.
I have also tried using -tt with the same result (
When I launch my script from my tty, I get the expected output (a message like Connect to or
When I launch it through LSF (using bsub), I don't get any output from SSH (but get the output from the other commands).
I have also tried redirecting the output of ssh to a file: it works fine when launched from the command line but not when launched from LSF.

In command line, putty remote shell doesn't work, but in GUI, it does work

Using the GUI putty.exe, I can connect to my windows server and once it is connected, i can type any command like rename file or mkdir folder and they all work
However, using command line such as
putty -load test -m C:\users\test.txt
or using the GUI putty, but add 1 command to remote command in SSH under Connection, then the command doesn't get executed.
Can anyone explain to me why this is happening or how can i fix this? I am using FreeSSHd on windows 2008 server.
Not sure if this helps, but try adding the /bin/bash directly after your command in the text file. It will keep the window open and you can see what the output of the shell would be if you ran it from the gui.
; /bin/bash
For example if test.txt is running a script
bash; /bin/bash
This is assuming bash.

Passing shell script file

I have a linux shell script file which collects various data from linux server. (Services, Process, FreeSpace etc.).
From windows to collect the data we are using Plink to connect to linux Boxes and run the shell script
plink root#servername -pw Password -noagent -m Batch-File.
and using pscp to copy the file to windows location.
Now when I try to do the same for Esxi the plink command fails with the error below.
FATAL ERROR: Server unexpectedly closed network connection
though If i give a direct command as below.
plink root#servername -pw Password -noagent ls /etc
works out.
Let me know how to use the plink for esxi .. if possible.
After seeing the messages log it looks like that the issue is with esxi's limitation to read long character string. The message log fails in the session with String Too Long and then post a message of closing the connection.
Thus the approach was to copy the shell script as a pscp connection, run the file with executable permission and collect the data gathered and delete the file from system.