VSTS Test Assemblies - No test assemblies found - selenium

I'm attempting to run some selenium tests in my solution that are in a project called SA.SEPA.Web.UI.Selenium as part of a build definition in VSTS, but it is failing to run the Visual Studio Test task with the error...
No test assemblies found matching the pattern: **\*Selenium*.dll.
Search folder is set to - $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)
Preceding tasks are a nuget restore and build solution
Can anyone help?

You are specifying $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) as the search folder. By default (unless overridden), this points to the Source folder on the Agent.
If you are instructing MSBuild (using the OutDir parameter) to output your assemblies in a specific location then you should use that location.
Edit: If this is an On-premises Agent, it should also be running in interactive mode (not service) if you want to execute any UI tests

I ran into this same error but it was a different cause, so I'm adding my solution here.
I was getting the "no test assemblies found" error when trying to run Selenium tests with VSTS as part of a build.
My problem turned out to be that the test assemblies were not checked into change control (git, through VS2017), and therefore were not part of the build. The folders that contain the test assemblies were ignored during my original check-in by default. Once I added those folders to my repository, the build could find the tests and run them.


Stop SSDT being published when MSBuild publish run

I have a ClickOnce project that I'm publishing on DevOps. I've set the MSBuild Arguments property for the WinForm solution's build stage in DevOps to /target:Publish in order to trigger the creation of all the ClickOnce files:
However, that solution also contains an SSDT project, and adding the /target:Publish setting appears to then cause the build process to try publish the SSDT too. That then fails with the error:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual
error MSB4044: The "SqlPublishTask" task was not given a value for the
required parameter "SqlPublishProfilePath"
Presumably it's failing because there's no publish profile specified in a build parameter for the SSDT to use.
I don't want MSBuild to publish the DacPac to a server, I just want it to create the DacPac. How can I stop the /target:Publish triggering the SSDT publish, is there another build argument I can add to stop that happening?
Notes on what I tried so far to solve this, none of which has worked:
Read about the -target switch in the MS Build official docs in the MSBuild command-line reference and in the MSBuild targets section.
Looked at the code in the .csproj file to try and identify the 'Publish' sections - think Publish must also call Build.
Unticking Deploy for the SSDTs in the solution configuration in VS
Adding entries for False in the Release and Deployment configurations in the SSDT's .csproj file, and also setting that to false for the Debug configuration (as per this question)
Setting MSBuild to only publish one project using the MS Build arguments on DevOps (as per this answer)
Considered pulling the ClickOnce publish out into an entirely separate stage using Mage.exe as per this Walkthrough: Manually deploy a ClickOnce application
Tried to create a publish profile that doesn't actually publish, so that the publish stage can complete (was looking at this question for ideas on that and also the official documentation for SqlPackage.exe)
Eventually I solved the issue above a completely different way. Instead of getting MSBuild to do what I wanted it to, I instead split the solution configuration in two, with one stage for the databases and one for the WinForms project without the databases.
I then used two separate VS Build stages on DevOps with only the WinForms stage still having /target:Publish set.
I've written that up here, but would still like to know the answer to whether it's possible to tell MSBuild not to build the SSDTs when the target is set to Publish?

Visual Studio Extension build failing with Error VSSDK1077: Unable to locate the extensions directory. "Value cannot be null

I have configured a TFS(2017) build pipeline to compile a VS extension with debug mode for a specific requirement which require .pdb files.
The build solution task fails for "debug" configuration with below error, however same pipeline works for the release configuration.
I have tried the approach mentioned in the following discussion as well, howewer it doesn't resolve my issue.
Appreciate if someone can help me to resolve this issue.
Following is the build configuration used for the Build Solution task:
Following build variables are used to configure build parameters.
Build Error message:
(633, 5)
Error VSSDK1077: Unable to locate the extensions directory. "Value
cannot be null. Parameter name: path1". Process 'msbuild.exe' exited
with code '1'.
Update your Microsoft.VSSDK.BuildTools NuGet package to latest version 15.9.3032, just in case it is a problem already solved.
Release configurations can also generate PDB files (Project properties, Build tab, Advanced...button, Output > Debugging information). So, if the Release configuration works for you, you can keep using it while also generating a pdb file with full debug information.
The error is happening when, once compiled correctly, the generated VSIX output file is going to be deployed to the folder for extensions of the experimental VS instance, which is a required step to debug the VSIX file. A possible explanation of the different behavior for Debug/Release configurations is that maybe your .csproj specifies <DeployExtension>False</DeployExtension> for the Release configuration. By default, if not set, that property is set to true in the Microsoft.VsSDK.targets file:
<DeployExtension Condition="'$(DeployExtension)' == ''">true</DeployExtension>
Since likely you don't need to deploy the VSIX to the VS experimental instance when building on a build server (because you are not going to debug it), you can set that property to False to skip the deployment. This can be done with a 3rd build configuration (ex: "DebugBuildServer"), for which you specify DeployExtension to False in the .csproj file, or sticking to two build configurations but passing the /p:DeployExtension=false in the MSBuild arguments of the Visual Studio Build task of your build pipeline.

VSTS Build and Selenium

I am attempting to use Selenium to do some UI testing for a .net web app i am working on.
Every build fails with ether no Tests to run in the new configuration or #[warning]DistributedTests: Error : Test run directory 'C:\temp\' does not contain any assemblies that match the specified criteria: '***test*.dll'. Verify that the test run directory contains the target assemblies and the source filter is correct. in the deprecated version.
the test runs correctly when run from Visual Studio
Based on the error message, the test location is wrong, you need to specify the correct test location that contains the test assembly files (the path need to be accessible from test machine you specified).
Check Test Drop Location value if you are using Run Functional Tests task.

Unable to get Visual Studio Online to execute my nUnit tests

I have a solution with a number of nUnit tests that do not appear to run on Visual Studio Online servers. Here's what I've done so far:
Created a separate folder (outside of my branch structure) that has nUnit test adapter DLLs
Build controller is configured with a path to custom assemblies to point to nUnit folder that has adapter DLLs
Build's test Source is configured as:
" - Run tests in test sources matching *test*.dll;*test*.appx,Target platform: 'X64'"
Build controller reports during the build
Run optional script after MSBuild
Run optional script before Test
Runner Run VS Test Runner
Run Continuous Deployment
No test results afterwards.
No test results
No code coverage results
What am I doing wrong? Do nUnit tests require special attributes to run properly on VSO? Am I missing any other configuration settings?
I've followed this link when configuring: http://www.visualstudio.com/get-started/hosted-build-controller-vs#supplemental_binaries
Test settings expanded as requested
Appreciate any help!
Well, I never setup a TFS build before, let alone an online one, until now (TeamCity fan), so I copied every single property from the screenshots and the only way I could get it to pseudo-"pass" (fully green, with no No test found. Make sure that installed test discoverers & executors warnings under Other Errors and Warnings) is when it didn't find any *test*.dll assemblies to load to begin with, rather than no [Test] methods to execute. Did you check your MSBuild log to make sure your test project assemblies are copied and match the pattern?
Copying file from "C:\a\src\Alertera-Scheduler\packages\NUnit.2.6.3\lib\nunit.framework.dll" to "C:\a\bin\nunit.framework.dll".
Copying file from "C:\a\src\Alertera-Scheduler\packages\NUnit.2.6.3\lib\nunit.framework.xml" to "C:\a\bin\nunit.framework.xml".
Copying file from "obj\Debug\Alertera-Scheduler.Tests.dll" to "C:\a\bin\Alertera-Scheduler.Tests.dll".
Alertera-Scheduler.Tests -> C:\a\bin\Alertera-Scheduler.Tests.dll
Copying file from "obj\Debug\Alertera-Scheduler.Tests.pdb" to "C:\a\bin\Alertera-Scheduler.Tests.pdb".
Done Building Project "C:\a\src\Alertera-Scheduler\Alertera-Scheduler.Tests\Alertera-Scheduler.Tests.csproj" (default targets).
Done Building Project "C:\a\src\Alertera-Scheduler\Alertera-Scheduler.sln" (default targets).
Could you expand your Test source settings as well?
If you click Open Drop Folder (Build details in VS) > Diagnostics (tab in VSO) what does it say under Run VS Test Runner?
Run VS Test Runner 00:00:00
There were no matches for the search pattern C:\a\bin\*test2*.dll
There were no matches for the search pattern C:\a\bin\*test*.appx

MSBuild and MSTest in non-TFS Build tool with MSBuild Outdir

I've been charged with coming up with a workflow in a non-TFS build tool that will build a solution, run unit test projects in the solution, then package the final output of the build for deployment. I originally had constructed a workflow that used MSBuild with the Outdir parameter to get the publishable application for later storage. When I added unit test projects to the solution they work fine in Visual Studio (2010) but when I run my solution through MSBuild the MSTest step can't find the tests because the VSMDI file points to the BIN folders in the test projects, but the Outdir parameter is applied a the Solution level so the test DLLs are constructed in the Outdir directory instead of the BIN folder. If I remove Outdir from MSBuild the tests run, but I don't get a publishable application. This is a problem for web applications where we don't want to publish the code files and other artifacts that Visual Studio Publish would exclude.
Any ideas how to get MSTest to run the tests correctly based on the VSMDI file when MSBuild is run with Outdir? I thought about scripting an XML transform to change the paths in VSMDI to the Publish folder, but that seems like a hack.
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
You could abandon the vsmdi file all together and pass the dlls in a list to the commandline tool?
Otherwise id plum for the transform. The transform is not as bad hack as you think because at least you know the devs are running the same tests as your build and you'd have this problem as it occurs when you try to build, test and package the release version.