Big O Sum should be accounted? - sum

I have an algorithm that the solutions are k sum of things there is a formula to show that? Or is simply the biggest one?
O(k^n + k^(n-1) + k^(n-2) ... + k^0) is O(k^n) or there is a way of representing this?
Thanks is advance


What does O(nm/8 * log(nm/8)) + O(nm/9 * log(nm/9)) + ... + O(nm/m * log(nm/m)) equal to?

I'm sorry for the question title but I can't find a simpler way to put it. Basically, my algorithm involves quicksort for O(nm/k) elements, where k ranges from 8 to m. I wonder what the total complexity for this is, and how to deduce it? Thank you!
Drop the division inside the logarithms and we get nmlog(mn) * (1/8 + ... + 1/m) = O(nmlog(mn)log(m)) = O(mnlog(m)^2 + mnlog(m)log(n)). [I used the fact that the harmonic series is asymptotically ln(m))
Note that the fact that we dropped the divisions inside the logarithms means that we got an upper bound rather than an exact bound (but a better one than the naive approach of taking the biggest term multiplied by m).

How to calculate the sum of all the odd numbers less than 1000 using a for loop in Xcode (Objective C)

I'm very new to programming and I have no idea where to start, just looking for some help with this, I know its very simple but I'm clueless, thanks for the help!
So this is the code I have:
NSInteger sum = 0;
for (int a = 1; a < 500; a++) {
sum += (a * 2 - 1); }
NSLog(#"The sum of all the odd numbers within the range = %ld",(long)sum);
but I'm getting a answer of 249,001, but it should be 250,000
Appreciate the help!
Your immediate problem is that you're missing a term in the sum: your output differs from the actual answer by 999. This ought to motivate you to write a <= 500 instead as the stopping condition in the for loop.
But, in reality, you would not use a for loop for this as there is an alternative that's much cheaper computationally speaking.
Note that this is an arithmetic progression and there is therefore a closed-form solution to this. That is, you can get the answer out in O(1) rather than by using a loop which would be O(n); i.e. the compute time grows linearly with the number of terms that you want.
Recognising that there are 500 odd numbers in your range, you can use
n * (2 * a + (n - 1) * d) / 2
to compute this. In your case, n is 500. d (the difference between the terms) is 2. a (the first term) is 1.

Solving the multiple-choice multidimensional knapsack

I am trying to solve some (relatively easy) instances of the multiple-choice multidimensional knapsack problem (where there are groups of items where only one item per group can be obtained and the weights of the items are multi-dimensional as well as the knapsack capacity). I have two questions regarding the formulation and solution:
If two groups have different number of items, is it possible to fill in the groups with smaller number of items with items having zero profit and weight=capacity to express the problem in a matrix form? Would this affect the solution? Specifically, assume I have optimization programs, where the first group (item-set) might have three candidate items and the second group has two items (different than three), i.e. these have the following form:
maximize (over x_ij) {v_11 x_11 + v_12 x_12 + v_13 x_13 +
v_21 x_21 + v_22 x_22}
subject to {w^i_11 x_11 + w^i_12 x_12 + w^i_13 x_13 + w^i_21 x_21 + w^i_22 x_22 <= W^i, i=1,2
x_11 + x_12 + x_13 = 1, x_21 + x_22 = 1, x_ij \in {0,1} for all i and j.
Is it OK in this scenario to add an artificial item x_23 with value v_23 = 0 and w^1_23 = W^1, w^2_23 = W^2 to have full products v_ij x_ij (i=1,2 j=1,2,3)?
Given that (1) is possible, has anyone tried to solve instances using some open-source optimization package such as cvx? I know about cplex but it is difficult to get for a non-academic and I am not sure that GLPK supports groups of variables.

programing ranging data

I have 2 inputs from 0-180 for x and y i need to add them together and stay in the range of 180 and 0 i am having some trouble since 90 is the mid point i cant seem to keep my data in that range im doing this in but i mainly need help with the logic
result = (x + y) / 2
Perhaps? At least that will stay in the 0-180 range. Are there any other constraints you're not telling us about, since right now this seems pretty obvious.
If you want to map the two values to the limited range in a linear fashion, just add them together and divide by two:
out = (in1 + in2) / 2
If you just want to limit the top end, add them together then use the minimimum of that and 180:
out = min (180, in1 + in2)
Are you wanting to find the average of the two or add them? If you're adding them, and you're dealing with angles which wrap around (which is what it sounds like) then, why not just add them and then modulo? Like this:
(in1 + in2) mod 180
Hopefully you're familiar with the modulo operator.

Asymptotic analysis question: sum[log(i)*i^3, {i, n}] is big-theta (log(n)*n^4)

I've got a homework question that's been puzzling me. It asks that you prove that the function Sum[log(i)*i^3, {i, n}) (ie. the sum of log(i)*i^3 from i=1 to n) is big-theta (log(n)*n^4).
I know that Sum[i^3, {i, n}] is ( (n(n+1))/2 )^2 and that Sum[log(i), {i, n}) is log(n!), but I'm not sure if 1) I can treat these two separately since they're part of the same product inside the sum, and 2) how to start getting this into a form that will help me with the proof.
Any help would be really appreciated. Thanks!
The series looks like this - log 1 + log 2 * 2^3 + log 3 * 3^3....(upto n terms)
the sum of which does not converge. So if we integrate it
Integral to (1 to infinity) [ logn * n^3] (integration by parts)
you will get 1/4*logn * n^4 - 1/16* (n^4)
It is clear that the dominating term there is logn*n^4, therefore it belongs to Big Theta(log n * n^4)
The other way you could look at it is -
The series looks like log 1 + log2 * 8 + log 3 * 27......+ log n * n^3.
You could think of log n as the term with the highest value, since all logarithmic functions grow at the same rate asymptotically,
You could treat the above series as log n (1 + 2^3 + 3^3...) which is
log n [n^2 ( n + 1)^2]/4
Assuming f(n) = log n * n^4
g(n) = log n [n^2 ( n + 1)^2]/4
You could show that lim (n tends to inf) for f(n)/g(n) will be a constant [applying L'Hopital's rule]
That's another way to prove that the function g(n) belongs to Big Theta (f(n)).
Hope that helps.
Hint for one part of your solution: how large is the sum of the last two summands of your left sum?
Hint for the second part: If you divide your left side (the sum) by the right side, how many summands to you get? How large is the largest one?
Hint for the first part again: Find a simple lower estimate for the sum from n/2 to n in your first expression.
Try BigO limit definition and use calculus.
For calculus you might like to use some Computer Algebra System.
In following answer, I've shown, how to do this with Maxima Opensource CAS :
Asymptotic Complexity of Logarithms and Powers