react native change color one item in FlatList after click item (instagram like) - react-native

react native change color one item in FlatList after click item
keyExtractor={(item, index) => index}
ListEmptyComponent={()=> <Spinner />}
after render list click on item and change color item:
return (
<Button transparent>
onPress={()=>this.likeSave( }
<Icon name="heart" size={30} style={{color:likeColor}} />
after click Icon heart change color Icon heart to red

The multi select example in Flatlist React Native documentation can explain how to solve your problem. Check it out here Flatlist React Native Component


Last item in React native flat list goes beyond screen

I have a flatlist with some styles on the outer containers as follows.
<View style={containerStyle}>
// more jsx components come here
<View style={resultContainerStyle}>
keyExtractor={(item) => ( &&}
renderItem={({ item, index }) => (
The issue is that the last values of the list go beyond the view of the screen and there is no way to view it unless a fixed height is put on the parent container. Is it possible to do this without a fixed height.
A SafeAreaView can be used to limit the view to the "safe" areas of the screen(avoiding the notch and curved bottom. Checkout the following example
<SafeAreaView style={containerStyle}>
// more jsx components come here
<View style={resultContainerStyle}>
keyExtractor={(item) => ( &&}
renderItem={({ item, index }) => (
more examples can be found at the react native docs.

how to resove the scroll conflict between scrollview and flatList in React Native

I have a flatList and some views in the scrollView, how to make when the flatList scroll to top, we start to scroll flatList not scrollView.
// some child views
.... // some child views
the scroll conflict is complex, you can try to move the header views into FlatLIst
ListHeaderComponent, and the footer views into the ListFooterComponent
ListHeaderComponent={"your header component"}
renderItem={({ item }) => <Item title={item.title} />}
keyExtractor={item =>}
ListFooterComponent={"your bottom views"}
you can also read my question, in the description I give some solution. I hope it can help you

How to go same screen with different data from React native flat List

I'm new in React Native and I've FlatList with some items I want to use code like when I click any item on the flat list a screen open and shows data of that item related.When I click on another item same screen open but with data related to that item.Means resuability.
You have to get the values in renderItem. renderItem is called for each and every item flatlist renders and simultaneously you will get the index also of each item.
keyExtractor={(item, index) => index.toString()}
renderItem={({ item, index }) => {
return (
<Button title = 'hello'
onPress = {() =>alert(item)}
renderItem={({item}) => (
<Button onPress={() => navigate('Details', {data: item})} />
For navigation purpose, You've to use react-navigation package. Then onPress you can simply call navigation.push method to navigate to a different or same stack(screen).

To save the value of flatlist in asyncstorage

i'm new in react native. i'm trying to save the item of flatlist. The flatlist item is Coming from autocomplete. i have diplay the autocomplete item in flatlist . i want to save the displayed item in asyncstorage.
I tried to save the data i have made one databaseHelper class.
keyExtractor={(item, index) => index}
renderItem={({item}) => <Text style={{padding:10,borderBottomWidth:1,borderBottomColor:"#000000"}}>{item}</Text>}
) : (
<Text style={styles.infoText}>Enter Location</Text>
This is my actual screen:

Flatlist covering the a element with absolute position

I was trying to make a view that I wanted to come over a flatlist so that on clicking it user can reach the top.But the flatlist was covering that element.
<View style={{backgroundColor:'#e6e6e6',flex:1,}>
<View style={{position:'absolute'}}>
<Text>Scroll To Reload</Text>
<FlatList refreshing={this.state.refresh} onRefresh={()=>this.refreshAllTweets()}
keyExtractor={(item, index) => index.toString()}
renderItem={({item}) =>
<TweetItem onPress={()=>this.goToDetail(} onImagePress={()=>this.toggleModal(}
onCommentPress={()=>this.showComments(} tweet={item}/>}
Each child in a view is rendered in order, and ultimately stacked on top of each other until all the children are rendered. As the view you want on the top is being rendered first it is going to be at the bottom. Change your code so that the view that you want on the top is rendered last. i.e. move it to the bottom of the view.
<View style={{backgroundColor:'#e6e6e6',flex:1}}>
keyExtractor={(item, index) => index.toString()}
renderItem={({item}) => <TweetItem onPress={()=>this.goToDetail(} onImagePress={()=>this.toggleModal(} onCommentPress={()=>this.showComments(} tweet={item}/>}
<View style={{position:'absolute', top: 0}}>
<Text>Scroll To Reload</Text>
As the view is now absolutely positioned you may wish to give it an actual position.
Update for comment
Flatlist covering the a element with absolute position
FlatLast has a prop called ListFooterComponent it takes a React Component Class, a render function, or a rendered element. So you could update your FlatList by adding the following prop.
<Text>Scroll To Reload</Text>
This will attach the view as a footer to the FlatList, so it will be visible when the bottom of your FlatList is reached.
Check out the docs for more information about FlatLists.