DateTime as ordering key in oxyplot LineSeries - oxyplot

Is there a way to tell oxyplot to use the x value as the connect/draw order for a line plot instead of the order that the points are added?
Let's assume I have this huge amount of points (2Gb in RAM) of a time series. At a higher level I am only adding a small percentage of those points and as the user zooms into a more specific region I add more points to the series so he can see more detail. Almost like a texture mimap. I can add all the points at once but then oxy becomes really slow when I tries to render all those points in a single window in WPF Maybe there is another solution here?
The problem that I am facing is that oxy draws a line from the last point in the graph to the first one of the new batch because it uses the series points list as the draw order not the X value. Is there a way to change this?
Here is a tiny example based on the 'WPF Simple Example':
var plotModel = new PlotModel { Title = "Simple example", Subtitle = "using OxyPlot" };
var timeAxis = new DateTimeAxis
Position = AxisPosition.Bottom,
StringFormat = "hh:mm:ss",
var now = DateTime.UtcNow;
// Create two line series (markers are hidden by default)
var series1 = new LineSeries { Title = "Series 1", MarkerType = MarkerType.Circle };
series1.Points.Add(new DataPoint(DateTimeAxis.ToDouble(now), 5));
series1.Points.Add(new DataPoint(DateTimeAxis.ToDouble(now.AddMinutes(1)), 7));
series1.Points.Add(new DataPoint(DateTimeAxis.ToDouble(now.AddMinutes(2)), 8));
series1.Points.Add(new DataPoint(DateTimeAxis.ToDouble(now.AddMinutes(0.5)), 10));
// Add the series to the plot model
// Set the Model property, the INotifyPropertyChanged event will make the WPF Plot control update its content
this.Model = plotModel;
Here is the output, note that the line draws "back in time":
Is there a solution that does not involves me sorting the points list (not even sure if this works)?
Or maybe I am doing this extra points for details thing completely wrong :)


Script measurement tool in Photoshop to measure distance between two points

Can the measurement tool be scripted to measure a custom distance? Not an existing measurement, that is.
I would have thought it possible, but Abobe's documentation are sketchy
and there's not much info when it comes down to scripting the measurement tool. Or ruler, as it use to be known. More specifically a lack of examples using the ruler in a script.
Ideally I'd like to:
Script a measurement from x1,y1 to x2,y2
Determine its length, (preferably from a variable, not from a text file - see below)
Clear the ruler tool (so no ruler line appears)
Delete any measurements (so there are no recordings in the ruler window)
That's basic trig, right? But if you can't set the initial ruler then this is all for nothing.
The only thing on the list I've done is the last. :(
I stumble at the first hurdle not being able to set the ruler, which I thought would be app.activeDocument.recordMeasurements(); Only it gets returned as undefined or Unable to record measurements for selection.
As minimal working, this is pretty minimal:
// Let's stick to pixels as the units to make things easier.
// Switch off any dialog boxes
displayDialogs = DialogModes.ERROR; // OFF
// Get and set the units to pixels
var currentUnits = app.preferences.rulerUnits;
app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS;
// delete existing measurements
app.measurementLog.deleteMeasurements(); // THIS WORKS!!
// call the source document
var srcDoc = app.activeDocument;
// Set array to record measurements
var rulerArr = [];
// Set ruler measurement
measure_it(x1,y1,x2,y2); // this a fictional function
// not even the ScriptListener records the ruler tool in a useful form
// var d = app.activeDocument.recordMeasurements(MeasurementSource.MEASURESELECTION, rulerArr); // Unable to record measurements for selection
// var d = app.activeDocument.recordMeasurements(MeasurementSource.MEASURESELECTION); // Unable to record measurements for selection
var d = app.activeDocument.recordMeasurements(); // undefined
var ruler = app.measurementLog; // Is an object!
alert(ruler.length); // undefined
// There's an option to export to a text file
// Is that the only way to get the measurements?
// Can't this be don't internally?
var f = "D:\\temp\\ruler.txt";
ruler.exportMeasurements(f, MeasurementRange.ACTIVEMEASUREMENTS)
// put the units back to how it was
app.preferences.rulerUnits = currentUnits;
// Set Display Dialogs back to normal
displayDialogs = DialogModes.ALL; // NORMAL

mpandroidchart, don't draw the line when there is not data for a period of time

mpandroidchart, I am reading data from a tool every second and I am drawing that data well, but when I turn off the tool a couple of minutes and again I turn the tool on, the chart draws a consecutive line instead of leaving a space before to start again to draw the values, How can I do that using this library?
I would like to have something like the second image
I think you can't do that all you can do is when stop the data you can insert few entries with 0 value on y-axis and when resume chart will start plotting values again but you can see two lines from the last value to zero and from 0 to the next value obtained.
I finally got to draw the line Data Set as I needed,
this library is awesome, it has a bunch of functionalities.
I saw this video and then I realized
I can change the line color between two dots by using .setColor(List colors), so I used a map with key = data set Index and value = array of colors for that dataset, and then I just changed to transparent color where I needed
Map<Integer, List<Integer>> colorsByDataSet = new HashMap<>();
save the color every time you create an entry
addNewEntry(x,y,color,1); //1 = dataset1
if (colorsByDataSet.containsKey(1)) {
List<Integer> colors = colorsByDataSet.get(1);
colorsByDataSet.put(1, colors);
} else {
List<Integer> colors = new ArrayList<>();
colorsByDataSet.put(1, colors);
//identify the position where you need to change the color and then update the List<Integer>
List<Integer> colors = colorsByDataSet.get(1);
colors.set(colors.size() - 1, Color.TRANSPARENT);
colorsByDataSet.put(i, colors);
//set the new colors
((LineDataSet) set).setColors(colorsByDataSet.get(1));
this the final result
if you know about a better way I am open to hear

How to programmatically add an active graphics layer to a map?

I'm writing a WPF applicating, in C#, using ArcObjects.
I have an ESRI.ArcGIS.Controls.AxMapControl on my form, and I'm trying to draw some graphics elements on top of it.
The map I'm developing with is a customer-provided mdf of the state of Georgia.
I'm trying an example I found here: How to interact with map elements.
public void AddTextElement(IMap map, double x, double y)
IGraphicsContainer graphicsContainer = map as IGraphicsContainer;
IElement element = new TextElementClass();
ITextElement textElement = element as ITextElement;
//Create a point as the shape of the element.
IPoint point = new PointClass();
point.X = x;
point.Y = y;
element.Geometry = point;
textElement.Text = "Hello World";
graphicsContainer.AddElement(element, 0);
//Flag the new text to invalidate.
IActiveView activeView = map as IActiveView;
activeView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, null, null);
It took while to figure out how to project the lat/long of Atlanta to the coordinate system of the map, but I'm pretty sure that I've got it right. The x/y values I'm passing into AddTextElement() are clearly within the Atlanta area, according to the Location data I see when I use the Identify tool on the map.
But I'm not seeing the text. Everything seems to be working correctly, but I'm not seeing the text.
I can see a number of possibilities:
The layer I'm adding the TextElement to isn't visible, or doesn't exist.
I need to apply a spatial reference system to the point I'm setting as the TextElement's geometry
The text is drawing fine, but there's something wrong with the font - it's invisibly small, or in a transparent color, etc.
Haven't a clue, which.
I was hoping there was something obvious I was missing.
As I've continued to play with this, since my original posting, I've discovered that the problem is the scaling - the text is showing up where it should, only unreadably small.
This is what Rich Wawrzonek had suggested.
If I set a TextSymbol class, with a specified Size, the size does apply, and I see me text larger or smaller. Unfortunately, the text still resizes as the map zooms in and out, and my trying to set ScaleText = false doesn't fix it.
My latest attempt:
public void AddTextElement(IMap map, double x, double y, string text)
var textElement = new TextElementClass
Geometry = new PointClass() { X = x, Y = y },
Text = text,
ScaleText = false,
Symbol = new TextSymbolClass {Size = 25000}
(map as IGraphicsContainer)?.AddElement(textElement, 0);
(map as IActiveView)?.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, null, null);
I recognize that the above is organized very differently than the way is usually done with ESRI sample code. I find the way ESRI does it to be every difficult to read, but switch from one to another is pretty mechanical.
This is the same function, organized in a more traditional manner. The behavior should be identical, and I'm seeing exactly the same behavior - the text is drawn to a specified size, but scales as the map zooms.
public void AddTextElement(IMap map, double x, double y, string text)
IPoint point = new PointClass();
point.X = x;
point.Y = y;
ITextSymbol textSymbol = new TextSymbolClass();
textSymbol.Size = 25000;
var textElement = new TextElementClass();
textElement.Geometry = point;
textElement.Text = text;
textElement.ScaleText = false;
textElement.Symbol = textSymbol;
var iGraphicsContainer = map as IGraphicsContainer;
Debug.Assert(iGraphicsContainer != null, "iGraphicsContainer != null");
iGraphicsContainer.AddElement(textElement, 0);
var iActiveView = (map as IActiveView);
Debug.Assert(iActiveView != null, "iActiveView != null");
iActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, null, null);
Any ideas as to why ScaleText is being ignored?
You are only setting the geometry and the text of the text element. You also need to set the Symbol and ScaleText properties. The ScaleText property boolean will determine whether or not it scales with the map. The Symbol property needs to be created and set via the ITextSymbol interface.
See here for an example by Esri.

ios-charts How to invalidate/redraw after setting data

See Updates At Bottom (4/30/2015)
I'm implementing a Pie Chart in Swift for iOS using ios-charts, and have chosen to customize the legend. Of note, the chart is displayed within a cell of a UICollectionView. The problem is that on first display, the custom legend content is not being displayed. Instead, I get legend content generated from the data.
If I scroll the view off-screen, and then scroll it back onto the screen, the proper custom legend is displayed. So, I'm guessing that I need to force a redraw/relayout/re-something after setting my custom legend. I haven't figured out how to do that. Does anyone have an idea? Am I completely missing something? Thanks!
Chart on initial display - data-generated (wrong) legend
Chart after scrolling off and back onto the screen - (proper legend)
Here's my code for drawing this chart:
func initChart(pieChart: PieChartView) {
numFormatter.maximumFractionDigits = 0
pieChart.backgroundColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
pieChart.usePercentValuesEnabled = false
pieChart.drawHoleEnabled = true
pieChart.holeTransparent = true
pieChart.descriptionText = ""
pieChart.centerText = "30%\nComplete" = getMyData()
// Setting custom legend info, called AFTER setting data
pieChart.legend.position = ChartLegend.ChartLegendPosition.LeftOfChartCenter
pieChart.legend.colors = [clrGreenDk, clrGold, clrBlue]
pieChart.legend.labels = ["Complete","Enrolled","Future"]
pieChart.legend.enabled = true
func getMyData() -> ChartData {
var xVals = ["Q201","R202","S203","T204","U205", "V206"]
var courses: [ChartDataEntry] = []
courses.append(ChartDataEntry(value: 3, xIndex: 0))
courses.append(ChartDataEntry(value: 3, xIndex: 1))
courses.append(ChartDataEntry(value: 4, xIndex: 2))
courses.append(ChartDataEntry(value: 4, xIndex: 3))
courses.append(ChartDataEntry(value: 3, xIndex: 4))
courses.append(ChartDataEntry(value: 3, xIndex: 5))
let dsColors = [clrGreenDk, clrGreenDk, clrBlue, clrBlue, clrGold, clrGold]
let pcds = PieChartDataSet(yVals: courses, label: "")
pcds.sliceSpace = CGFloat(4)
pcds.colors = dsColors
pcds.valueFont = labelFont!
pcds.valueFormatter = numFormatter
pcds.valueTextColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
return ChartData(xVals: xVals, dataSet: pcds)
Update 4/30/2015
Based on discussion with author of MPAndroidChart (on which ios-charts is based), it appears there is not a point in the chart display lifecycle where one can override the legend on "first draw". Basically, the chart is rendered when it is created, no matter what. If you set data on the chart, the chart uses that data to create the legend and then renders. It isn't possible to change the legend between the point of setting data, and the point of chart rendering.
Potentially, one can wait for the chart to render, update the legend, and then call chart.setNeedsDisplay() to signal the chart to redraw. Sadly, there's a timing problem with this. If you call this method immediately after rendering the chart, it either doesn't fire or (more likely) it fires too soon and is effectively ignored. In my code, placing this call within viewDidLoad or viewDidAppear had no effect. However...
Building the same chart in Java for Android (using MPAndroidChart) results in the same issue. After messing around for a bit, I noted that if I called the chart.invalidate() after a delay (using Handler.postDelayed()), it would fire properly. It turns out a similar approach works for ios-charts on iOS.
If one uses GCD to delay the call to setNeedsDisplay(), for even a few milliseconds after the rendering, it seems to do the trick. I've added the following code immediately after initializing the chart's view in my ViewController ("cell" is the UICollectionViewCell containing the chart view):
delay(0.05) {
cell.pieChartView.legend.colors = [self.clrGreenDk, self.clrGold, self.clrBlue]
cell.pieChartView.legend.labels = ["Complete","Enrolled","Future"]
// Re-calc legend dimensions for proper position (Added 5/2/2015)
Using the awesome "delay" method from this SO post:
Obviously, this is a nasty hack, but it seems to do the trick. I'm not sure I like the idea of using this hack in production, though.
For any Android folk who stumble on this post:
The following code achieves the same effect using MPAndroidChart:
// Inside onCreate()
pie = (PieChart) findViewById(;
new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
String[] legLabels = new String[]{"Complete","Enrolled","Future"};
ArrayList<Integer> legColors = new ArrayList<Integer>();
}, 20);
I am the author of ios-charts, and we're working on features for customizing the legend data, without those "hacks".
In the latest commits to ios-charts, you can already see extraLabels and extraColors properties that add extra lines to the legend, and a setLegend function that allows you to set a custom data entirely.
This will soon be added to the Android version as well.
Enjoy :-)

Fix series order

I am producing a graph using the following code:
var svg = dimple.newSvg("#p_m", 1200, 200+(data.f_c_c*20));
var chrt_participants = new dimple.chart(svg, data.result);
chrt_participants.setBounds(200, 50, 900, 100+(data.f_c_c*20));
var y = chrt_participants.addCategoryAxis("y", ["title", "name"]);
var x = chrt_participants.addLogAxis("x", "Activity");
var s = chrt_participants.addSeries(["cid_id","cid","action"],;
chrt_participants.addLegend(800, 0, 400, 40, "left");
It draws the following graph:
Everything is as expected, except that the series (the coloured chunks of the bars) don't seem to be put in any particular order. As you can see, for two bars, for some reason unbeknownst to me, the red value is placed before the blue.
Is there a way to fix the order of the series?
The default order is descending by value but you can easily override using series.addOrderRule(). The documentation explains how:
On a side issue, be careful using a log axis for a stacked bar, it's very misleading. It's not immediately apparent that red and blue have about a 50/50 split of bars. You might be better using a grouped bar instead so that both categories receive comparable scaling.